190 resultados para Lindstedt, Laura: Sakset
Salmonella spp. causes diseases in fowls, when species-specific serovars (Salmonella Pullorum and S.Gallinarum) are present in flocks, and public health problems, when non-typhoid serovars are isolated, as well as possible bacterial resistance induced by the preventive and therapeutic use of antimicrobials in animal production. This study describes the serovars and bacterial resistance of 280Salmonella spp. strains isolated from turkey and broiler carcasses in Southern Brazil between 2004 and 2006. SalmonellaEnteritidis was the most prevalent serovar (55.7%), followed by Heidelberg (5.0%), Agona (4.3%), Bredeney (3.9%), Hadar (3.2%), and Typhimurium (2.9%). Tennessee and S. Enterica subspecies enterica(O: 4.5) were isolated only in turkeys, and Hadar (18.6%) was the most prevalent serovar in this species. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests were performed in 178 isolates (43 from turkeys and 135 from broilers). All isolates were sensitive to amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, polymyxin B, ciprofloxacin, and norfloxacin, and were resistant to bacitracin and penicillin. Broiler carcass isolates showed resistance to nalidixic acid (48.9%), nitrofurantoin (34.3%), neomycin (9.6%), tetracycline (5.2%), and kanamycin (8.9%); and turkey carcass isolates were resistant to nalidixic acid (62.8%), tetracycline (34.9%), and neomycin (30.2%), with a significant difference in turkeys when compared to broiler carcass isolates. These results indicate the need for judicious use of antimicrobials in livestock production, given that the serovars identified are potential causes of food poisoning.
Arcobacter spp. are emerging enteropathogens and potential zoonotic agents that can be transmitted by food and water, being considered a public health risk. The high isolation rate of these bacteria from poultry products suggests that it may be a major source of human infections. One hallmark for differentiating the genus Arcobacter fromCampylobacter includes their growing capacity at low temperatures (15-30 °C) under aerobic conditions. However, little is known about the population density variation of these bacteria at different refrigeration temperatures. The aim of this study was to determine the survival behavior of two different Arcobacter butzleri concentrations (104 CFU/mL and 107 CFU/mL) inoculated on chicken legs and held at two different refrigeration temperatures (4 and 10 °C) throughout storage time. Results have shown that A. butzleri had growing capacity both at 4 and 10 °C. No statistical difference between the survival trends was found for both bacterial concentrations and temperatures tested. This study shows that A. butzleri is a robust species with regard to storage temperature, and represents a potential health risk for poultry meat consumers.
Studies were made on the biochemical behavior of 100 strains of P.pestis isolated in Northeastern Brazil with regard to production of nitrous acid, reduction of nitrates to nitrltes, and aciáification of glycerol. Results showed that 98 strains can be classified as "orientalis variety", while the remaining two could not be included in any of the existing "varieties".
Com o objetivo de verificarmos a prevalência de enteroparasitoses, colhemos o conteúdo do tubo digestivo, em três porções distintas, durante a realização de 135 necrópsias completas. As fezes foram conservadas em MIF (mistura de formol, iodo e merthiolate), e analisadas pelo exame protoparasitológico direto. Encontramos enteroparasitas em 40 casos (29,6%), sendo que em 11 deles (27,5%) havia poliparasitismo e em 29 casos (72,5%) monoparasitismo. As enteroparasitoses mais freqüentes foram o S. stercoralis (31,9%), E. histolytica (23,4%), Ancilostomídeos (19,1%) e A. lumbricoides (17%). Os resultados estão de acordo com levantamentos epidemiològicos na região. Além disso, mostram que o exame protoparasitológico de fezes colhidas concomitantemente ao exame necroscópico fornece mais um subsídio ao diagnóstico anatomopatológico.
De janeiro de 1986 a fevereiro de 1994foram aplicados 563 xenodiagnósticos (XD) em igual número de pacientes chagásicos crônicos de diferentes áreas do Brasil; 292 mulheres e 271 homens com idades entre 6 e 89 anos (média = 41,4 ± 14, 7 anos). Em cada XD foram empregadas 40 ninfas no 4S estádio: 20 de Panstrongylus megistus (Pm) e 20 de Triatoma infestans (Ti) em jejum de pelo menos 14 dias. O exame de cada ninfa foi realizado 45 dias depois de aplicada no paciente, através da observação por microscopia óptica das fezes e/ou do triturado do tubo digestivo. Foram observados os seguintes resultados: a) XD positivos em 205 (36,4%) pacientes, sendo 85 (15,1%) devido exclusivamente às ninfas de Pm, 44 (7,8%) devido às de Ti e 76 (13,5%) devido a ambas Pm e Ti; b) positividade em 4,9% das ninfas de Pm e em 3,0% das ninfas de Ti. A análise destes resultados mostrou que as ninfas de Pm foram mais sensíveis do que as de Ti à infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi, aumentando significativamente a xenopositividade, independentemente da área de origem, sexo e faixa etária dos pacientes. Estes resultados indicam que, para aumentar o rendimento do XD na doença de Chagas crônica, este exame deve conter mais de uma espécie de triatomíneo com diferentes sensibilidades à infecção pelo T. cruzi e, no caso de uso de apenas uma espécie, as ninfas IV de Pm devem substituir as ninfas IV de Ti.
O estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a eventual utilidade de raios gama na profilaxia da malária transmissível por transfusão de sangue, tendo sido, para isso, usados camundongos infectados pelo Plasmodium berghei. Na primeira fase, quando submetemos sangue deles retirado a 2.500 e 5.000rad, com associação ou não de metronidazol, não obtivemos sucesso, já que todos os animais antes sem a parasitose apresentaram parasitemia e morreram após inoculação do sangue irradiado. Porém, ocorreu êxito parcial na segunda fase, ao serem empregados 10.000 e 15.000rad, porquanto 20% e 40% dos roedores, respectivamente, embora tenham ficado infectados, sobreviveram, com posterior negativação quanto à presença do P. berghei.
We studied the serum levels of IL-2, IFN-g and TNF in different clinical forms of Chagas' disease and in patients clinically compensated and decompensated. Cytokines measured in 91 patients with the chronic form of the disease did not differ from those of 13 normal individuals, suggesting the absence of activation of the TH1 pattern of lymphocyte response. There were no statistical differences among the 17 patients in the indeterminate form of the disease, the patients presenting either early (n = 4) or well-developed signs of cardiomyopathy (n = 62), the digestive (n = 4) or the mixed (n = 4) forms of the disease. Serum TNF was undetectable and IFN-g levels did not differ between clinical forms and severities of Chagas' disease. However, we found IL-2 higher levels in the 25 non-controlled patients than in the 66 controlled individuals (p < 0,001). We suggest that IL-2 dosage may be useful as an indicator of the need for more aggressive procedures.
Fluids in which Mycobacterium tuberculosis are seldom found, such as pleural and cerebrospinal liquids, are good candidates to be studied using PCR techniques. We detail our experience with a PCR assay applied to pleural and cerebrospinal fluids using the primer MPB64. Seventy three specimens were analyzed: 30 pleural fluids (PF), 26 pleural biopsies (PB) and 17 cerebrospinal fluids (CSF). The gold standard for the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis was the positive culture for M. tuberculosis in CSF. Tuberculous pleural effusion was diagnosed when cultures of PF and/or PB were positive for M. tuberculosis, or the PB histology showed granulomas. Our results, compared to the gold standards employed, showed a sensitivity of 70%, specificity of 88%, positive predictive value of 82% and negative predictive value of 80%. The high specificity of the MPB64 fragment while still retaining a good sensitivity makes it very well suited for pleural and cerebrospinal tuberculosis diagnosis.
Com o objetivo de medir a prevalência de anticorpos IgG contra o parvovírus B19 em gestantes com até 24 semanas de idade gestacional e detectar a ocorrência de casos de hidropisia fetal não-imune atribuídos a esse vírus, coletamos 249 amostras de soro em uma maternidade de referência na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, entre junho de 2003 e março de 2005. As gestantes foram acompanhadas até o termo da gestação, sendo detectados 17 casos de hidropisia fetal. Quatro casos foram atribuídos ao parvovírus B19 e dois destes ocorreram em gestantes residentes na zona oeste da cidade, em fevereiro de 2005. Resultados positivos para anticorpos IgG antiparvovírus B19 foram encontrados em 172 (71,6%) gestantes (IC 95% 65,5-77,7%), sendo esta prevalência de anticorpos comparável à encontrada em outras cidades brasileiras. A única variável associada com aquisição prévia de anticorpos IgG foi número de gestações anteriores maior que um(p= 0,02, IC 95% 0,36-0,94).
Impact of the vector control program was evaluated eight years after implantation of epidemiological surveillance for Chagas disease in Berilo, a municipality in the Jequitinhonha Valley of the Brazilian State of Minas Gerais. In all 5,242 domiciliary units (96% of the total) were inspected and 10 found to be infested by the triatomine bug Triatoma pseudomaculata. Triatomines were found associated with bats inside one house and in the peridomiciles of the other nine. None of the 111 Triatoma pseudomaculata captured was infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. Noireau et al16 traps were installed in (n=8) and around (n=100) the infested house but no Trypanpsoma cruzi-infected triatomines were found. None bat, opossums (Didelphis albiventris) and rat captured in the peridomicile were infected with Trypanosoma cruzi although 24% of the inhabitants of the house infested by Triatoma pseudomaculata were seropositive for the parasite, based on ELISA, IHA and IIF.
The objective of the present study was to investigate the frequency and risk factors for developing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Cabo de Santo Agostinho, PE. This was a prospective study conducted from 2000 to 2003, in which suspected cases were investigated using bacilloscopy and culturing. Out of 232 confirmed cases of tuberculosis, culturing and antibiotic susceptibility tests were performed on 174. Thirty-five of the 174 cultures showed resistance to all drugs. The frequencies of primary and acquired resistance to any drug were 14% and 50% respectively, while the frequencies of primary and acquired multidrug resistance were 8.3% and 40%. Previous tuberculosis treatment and abandonment of treatment were risk factors for drug resistance. The high levels of primary and acquired resistance to the combination of isoniazid and rifampicin contributed towards the difficulties in controlling tuberculosis transmission in the city.
Este estudo avaliou as características de 125 chagásicos, > 25 anos, atendidos no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP, considerando-se: pressão arterial, idade, gênero, cor, cardiopatia, índice de massa corporal, perfil lipídico, glicemia, etilismo, tabagismo, dislipidemia, diabetes, distúrbio de ansiedade e obesidade. Apresentavam hipertensão arterial 69 (55,2%) pacientes. Verificou-se que os chagásicos hipertensos eram mais idosos que os não hipertensos (p = 0,028). Entre os hipertensos havia: mais mulheres (p = 0,015); níveis mais elevados de glicemia, LDL-colesterol e colesterol total (p = 0,005; p = 0,024; p = 0,017); mais diabéticos (p = 0,006), dano cardíaco (p = 0,04) e sobrecarga ventricular esquerda (p = 0,003). Apenas a idade mostrou-se mais elevada nos pacientes com dano cardíaco (p = 0,003). Os chagásicos hipertensos apresentaram características clínico-laboratoriais semelhantes à população hipertensa, em geral. Dessa associação pode haver somatória de efeitos deletérios para o aparelho cardiovascular.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo estimar a prevalência da infecção pelo HTLV-1 em remanescentes de comunidades de população negra, os quilombos no Brasil Central. 1.837 indivíduos foram avaliados, sendo nove soropositivos para HTLV-1/2 por ELISA. Todos esses foram positivos para HTLV-1 por Western blot e/ou PCR, resultando em uma prevalência de 0,5% (IC 95%: 0,2-1,0). A idade dos indivíduos infectados variou de 11 a 82 anos, sendo a maioria do sexo feminino. Quanto às características de risco, história de aleitamento materno, transfusão de sangue, múltiplos parceiros sexuais e doenças sexualmente transmissíveis foram relatadas por esses indivíduos. Os achados deste estudo evidenciam a importância da identificação dos indivíduos infectados pelo HTLV-1 na estratégia de controle e prevenção dessa infecção em remanescentes de quilombos.
INTRODUCTION: Triatoma pseudomaculata and T. wygodzinskyi (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) are two Brazilian vectors of Chagas disease. The first is an arboricolous species in sylvatic environment and considered a vector of T. cruzi in peridomestic structures; the second, a rupicolous species in the wild environment of no epidemiological importance. In order to test the assumption that sister species share biological traits, comparative studies of their development cycle and blood ingestion were conducted. METHODS: Eggs laid by five field females of each species were randomly selected. The nymphs were observed daily and fed on mice weekly. The time required to pass through the different stages to adulthood was recorded in days. The triatomines were weighed individually before and after feeding. The mortality rate according to each nymphal stage was calculated. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of the results shows that they display only minor biological differences even though they exhibit a distinct ecology. This suggests that the biological traits are important criteria to determine the relationship between species.