123 resultados para Laminar flow.


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For design of vertical silos walls involving the storage of bulk solids to be safe and reliable, it is important knowing the largest possible number of variables such as: flow properties, silo geometry and pattern of flow desired. In order to validate the theories of flow prediction and design of conical hoppers, the flow properties of two bulk solids were determined, the theories of Jenike's flowability and Enstad and Walker for hopper design were analyzed and the results were compared with those experimentally obtained in a reduced model of a semicircular-section silo. Results show that Enstad theory for the hopper design is adequate to occur mass flow inside the silo, and for the sizing of the discharge outlet, the Walker's theory was closer to the appropriate than Jenike's theory, which was higher around 100% than the experimental hopper outlet.


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The air-assisted ground spray is fairly widespread. However, due to the unpredictable weather conditions, the operational efficiency is impaired by stops on grounds of low humidity and high temperatures. The aim of this work was to assess an air humidification method and evaluate its impact on temperature and air humidity for the air curtain of the air-assisted sprayer. With respect to relative air humidity, it has increased in 6.59%, being the maximum change when inserting 1.92 L min-1. So, it is concluded that the pipeline humidification might significantly reduce temperature and enhance air humidity. The treatments performed in this study consisted of a varied flow of a humidity device, related to weather conditions. Temperature and relative air humidity were measured at 1.0 m height from right to left of middle point of the machine, corresponding to the end of the spray boom, in the middle and end of right spray boom. The readings were also performed at three different distances from the end of the pipeline and at 0.25 and 0.50 m from that to the soil. The results show that 0.48 L min-1 in the humidification system has promoted a better efficiency in reducing air-temperature, on average 2.52 ºC when compared to the non-humidified one.


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ABSTRACT Knowledge of natural water availability, which is characterized by low flows, is essential for planning and management of water resources. One of the most widely used hydrological techniques to determine streamflow is regionalization, but the extrapolation of regionalization equations beyond the limits of sample data is not recommended. This paper proposes a new method for reducing overestimation errors associated with the extrapolation of regionalization equations for low flows. The method is based on the use of a threshold value for the maximum specific low flow discharge estimated at the gauging sites that are used in the regionalization. When a specific low flow, which has been estimated using the regionalization equation, exceeds the threshold value, the low flow can be obtained by multiplying the drainage area by the threshold value. This restriction imposes a physical limit to the low flow, which reduces the error of overestimating flows in regions of extrapolation. A case study was done in the Urucuia river basin, in Brazil, and the results showed the regionalization equation to perform positively in reducing the risk of extrapolation.


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ABSTRACT A portable flow board system was developed in the present study with the aim to facilitate lab-scale experiments of controlled atmosphere (CA) with fruits and vegetables. This sturdy flow board combines ease fabrication, low cost and gas economy. Its functionality is provided by manifolds and gas mixers. Each gaseous component is supplied by a gas cylinder through a differential valve of adjusted pressure control, generally at 6 kPa, and forced through 13 standardized restrictors coupled to each manifold output. Controlled atmospheres are then formed with one, two or three gases in 13 gas mixers affixed to the flow board base, which are further conducted through flexible tubes to storage mini-chambers that can also be used to study metabolic consumption and production of gaseous components. The restrictors used in the flow gaseous components were manufactured from microhematocrit test-type capillary glass tubes following the hot forming method under continuous air flow. The portable flow board showed to be low cost and simple post-harvest equipment that allows preparing controlled atmospheres in open systems with stable composition and flow, in a manner similar to traditional flow boards with control of gas escape by barostats.


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ABSTRACT Microsprinkler non-pressure compensating nozzles usually show water flow variation along the lateral line. This study aimed at adapting microtubes into non-compensating system of microsprinklers previous installed in the field, as a self-compensated nozzle, to improve the flow uniformity along the lateral line. Microtubes were adapted to three types of commercial microsprinklers. Tests were conducted, both in the laboratory and in field, to evaluate the microsprinkler performance at four different flows (40, 50, 60 and 70 L h-1) under pressure head range from 75 to 245 kPa. Nozzles presented coefficient of flow-rate variation (CVq) lower than 5.5% and distribution uniformity (DU) greater than 95%, which are classified as excellent. The original spatial water distribution of the microsprinkler did not change by using microtube as a nozzle. This device adapted to non-pressure compensating microsprinklers are functional and operate effectively with flows ranging up to 70 L h-1. Small variations at microsprinkler flows along the lateral line can occur, however, at random manner, which is common for pressure-compensating nozzles. Therefore, the microtube technique is able to control pressure variation in microsprinklers.


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ABSTRACT For drip irrigation design and management, it is necessary to know the relation between flow and pressure acting on emitters. In the case of subsurface drip irrigation, the backpressure phenomenon may change the hydraulic characteristics of emitters. Thus, this study aimed at determining such relationship between flow and pressure of different driplines in surface and subsurface conditions; aiming to find possible differences in hydraulic behavior. We tested four emitter types; two pressure compensating (D5000 and Hydro PCND) and two non-pressure compensating (TalDrip and Jardiline). Emitter flow rates were attained in atmospheric conditions and submerged in water, in which submergence levels represented backpressure. Assays were performed using inlet pressures of 80, 100, 120, and 150 kPa for the Hydro PCND dripline and 25, 50, 100, and 150 kPa for the other ones; the backpressures were of 0.49, 1.47, 2.45, 4.41 and 6.37 kPa with four replications. The emitters had their proportionality constants and discharge exponents changed in submerged applications, representing backpressure effect. Non-pressure compensating emitters had their discharge exponent decreased, while in pressure compensating ones, it was increased. Backpressure reduced emitter flow rates at all evaluated pressures.


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PURPOSE: To compare salivary and serum cortisol levels, salivary alpha-amylase (sAA), and unstimulated whole saliva (UWS) flow rate in pregnant and non-pregnant women. METHOD: A longitudinal study was conducted at a health promotion center of a university hospital. Nine pregnant and 12 non-pregnant women participated in the study. Serum and UWS were collected and analyzed every trimester and twice a month during the menstrual cycle. The salivary and serum cortisol levels were determined by chemiluminescence assay and the sAA was processed in an automated biochemistry analyzer. RESULTS: Significant differences between the pregnant and non-pregnant groups were found in median [interquartile range] levels of serum cortisol (23.8 µL/dL [19.4-29.4] versus 12.3 [9.6-16.8], p<0.001) and sAA (56.7 U/L [30.9-82.2] versus 31.8 [18.1-53.2], p<0.001). Differences in salivary and serum cortisol (µL/dL) and sAA levels in the follicular versus luteal phase were observed (p<0.001). Median UWS flow rates were similar in pregnant (0.26 [0.15-0.30] mL/min) and non-pregnant subjects (0.23 [0.20-0.32] mL/min). Significant correlations were found between salivary and serum cortisol (p=0.02) and between salivary cortisol and sAA (p=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Serum cortisol and sAA levels are increased during pregnancy. During the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle, salivary cortisol levels increase, whereas serum cortisol and sAA levels decline.


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As afecções gastrintestinais dos cavalos são agravadas por complicações como a laminite, cuja etiopatogenia está relacionada à degradação da membrana basal do tecido laminar por metaloproteinases (MMPs). A ativação das MMPs pode ocorrer devido à liberação local de citocinas inflamatórias ou enzimas provenientes de leucócitos infiltrados no tecido laminar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações morfológicas do tecido laminar de equinos com síndrome cólica letal e sua provável associação com parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais. Observou-se intensa destruição da arquitetura laminar, principalmente nos animais com alterações físicas e laboratoriais mais acentuadas, como tempo de preenchimento capilar prolongado (TPC), membranas mucosas congestas, taquicardia, hemoconcentração e redução nas contagens de plaquetas e leucócitos. Os resultados sinalizam o provável momento do desenvolvimento de lesões do tecido laminar em equinos com síndrome cólica, no qual é possível adotar medidas preventivas contra a laminite.


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A laminite é uma doença podal grave que acomete os equídeos, sendo responsável por intenso sofrimento. Neste estudo foram pesquisadas a presença de calprotectina por meio da imunoistoquímica, e de lipocalina associada à gelatinase de neutrófilos (NGAL), por zimografia, no tecido laminar do casco de equinos após obstrução intestinal. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: Grupo controle (Gc), contendo sete animais normais, sem procedimento cirúrgico; Grupo Instrumentado (Gi), contendo cinco animais, os quais passaram por todo o procedimento cirúrgico sem sofrerem obstrução intestinal; Grupo Não Tratado (Gnt), contendo quatro equinos submetidos a obstrução intestinal do jejuno por distensão de balão intraluminal, sem tratamento; e Grupo Tratado (Gt), contendo quatro equinos submetidos a obstrução intestinal, e tratados preventivamente com hidrocortisona. Houve imunomarcação de calprotectina em todos os grupos experimentais, com aumento nos equinos do grupo distendido em relação ao Gc. Com relação ao NGAL, houve aumento também do Gnt e do Gi em relação ao Gc. O Gt não diferiu dos demais. Conclui-se que a distensão do intestino delgado pode promover acúmulos de leucócitos nos cascos de equinos e que o NGAL é um método viável para se detectar infiltração neutrofílica em equinos. Novos estudos deverão ser realizados para se verificar possível benefício anti-inflamatório da hidrocortisona no casco de equinos com obstrução intestinal.


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An unstructured grid Euler solver for reactive compressible flow applications is presented. The method is implemented in a cell centered, finite volume context for unstructured triangular grids. Three different schemes for spatial discretization are implemented and analyzed. Time march is implemented in a time-split fashion with independent integrators for the flow and chemistry equations. The capability implemented is tested for inert flows in a hypersonic inlet and for inert and reactive supersonic flows over a 2-D wedge. The results of the different schemes are compared with each other and with independent calculations using a structured grid code. The strengths and the possible weaknesses of the proposed methods are discussed.


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An experimental study was conducted in a pump-turbine model in pumping mode, in order to characterize the flow field structure in the region between stay and guide vanes, using mainly the laser-Doppler anemometry in a two-color and back-scattered light-based system. The structure of the steady and unsteady flow was analyzed. The measurements were performed at three operation points. The obtained data provide appropriate boundary conditions and a good base of validation for numerical codes, and for the understanding of main loss mechanisms of this complex flow.


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The fuel element of LMFBR consists of a bundle of rods wrapped with an helical wire as spacer, surrounded by an hexagonal duct. In the present work, a semi-empirical model is developed to calculate bundle average and subchannel based friction factors and flow redistribution. The obtained results were compared to experimental data and they were considered satisfactory for wide range of geometrical parameters.


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This paper describes an electronic transducer for multiphase flow measurement. Its high sensitivity, good signal to noise ratio and accuracy are achieved through an electrical impedance sensor with a special guard technique. The transducer consists of a wide bandwidth and high slew rate differentiator where the lead inductance and stray capacitance effects are compensated. The sensor edge effect is eliminated by using a guard electrode based on the virtual ground potential of the operational amplifier. A theoretical modeling and a calibration method are also presented. The results obtained seem to confirm the validity of the proposed technique.


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The work considers the modeling of turbulent flow in radial diffuser with axial feeding. Due to its claimed capability to predict flow including features such as separation, curvature and adverse pressure gradient, the RNG k-epsilon model of Orzag et al. (1993) is applied in the present analysis. The governing equations are numerically solved using the finite volume methodology. Experiments were conducted to assess the turbulence model. Numerical results of pressure distribution on the front disk surface for different flow conditions when compared to the experimental data indicated that the RNG k-epsilon model is adequate to predict this class of flow.