342 resultados para Lã canina


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A radiometric assay system has been used to study oxidation patterns of (U-14C) L-amino acids by drug-susceptible and drug-resistant mycobacteria. Drug-susceptible M. tuberculosis (H37Rv TMC 102 and Erdman) along with the drug-resistant organism M. tuberculosis (H37 Rv TMC 303), M. bovis, M. avium, M. intracellulare, M. kansasii and M. chelonei were used. The organisms were inoculated into a sterile reaction system with liquid 7H9 medium and one of the (U-14C) L-amino acids. Each organism displayed a different pattern of amino acid oxidation, but these patterns were not distinctive enough for identification of the organism. Complex amino acids such as proline, phenylalanine and tyrosine were of no use in identification of mycobacteria, since virtually all organisms failed to oxidize them. There was no combination of substrates able to separate susceptible from resistant organisms.


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Hamster inoculated intraperitoneally with 1 x 10(7) parasites of L. donovani and L. major-like of the New World were studied in groups of 15, 30, 60 and 90 days of infection. The parasite load and density showed progressive increase with the evolution of the infection and was higher in the L. donovani groups than in the L. major-like groups. The L. major-like groups showed parasite density higher in the spleen than in the liver and was similar in both organs in L. donovani groups. The histopathology showed a diffuse marked hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the reticuloendothelial system with high parasitism in the L. donovani groups while there was focal involvement of these organs in L. major-like groups, forming nodules of macrophages that were scantly parasitised. The biological behaviour could be useful in the preliminary studies of Leishmania strain in regional laboratories and understanding the histopathology of lesions caused by different leishmania species.


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A evidência da transmissão extraflorestal da leishmaniose cutâneo-mucosa na região do Vale do Ribeira ensejou o presente estudo epidemiológico prospectivo, visando avaliar a atividade enzoótica de L. (V.) braziliensis. A pesquisa paratisológica da infecção natural em pequenos mamíferos e população canina foi complementada com o teste de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI) para cães e captura de flebotomíneos em ambiente florestal e peridomiciliar. A positividade para o teste sorológico e exame parasitológico somente foi observada para cães residentes e com taxas de 5,6 e 2,4%, respectivamente. Entre animais silvestres e sinantrópicos capturados, destacam-se os pertencentes a Oryzomys (Oligoryzomys) e Rattus rattus, ambos assinalados em proporções equivalentes (29,3%), em ambiente peridomiciliar. Foram capturados apenas 166 exemplares femininos de Lutzomyia intermedia, fato atribuído à borrifação das habitações humanas e anexos com DDT. No contexto epidemiológico mais amplo, discute-se a fragilidade do ciclo extraflorestal da L. (V.) braziliensis; o papel do cão e de pequenos mamíferos, como fonte de infecção domiciliar, além de analisar o potencial deles na dispersão do parasita na área estudada.


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Estudaram-se os aspectos histopatológicos relativos à evolução da infecção experimental produzida em Cebus apella (Primates: Cebidae) por Leishmania (V.) lainsoni, L. (V.) braziliensis e L. (L.) amazonensis. O exame microscópico de biópsias seqüênciais, obtidas dos animais a intervalos definidos de tempo (a primeira, às 48 ou 72 horas após a inoculação, e as seguintes, a cada 30 dias), mostrou que o desenvolvimento das lesões, independentemente da espécie de Leishmania inoculada, passa por uma seqüência de etapas a nível tecidual - 1) infiltrado inespecífico crônico; 2) nódulo macrofágico (com numerosos parasitas); 3) necrose das células parasitadas; 4) granuloma epitelióide; 5) absorção da área necrosada (às vezes formando granuloma de corpo estranho); 6) infiltrado inespecífico crônico residual); e 7) cicatrização - que representaria a formação e a resolução das lesões. Discutiram-se também os prováveis mecanismos imunopatológicos que determinam esta seqüência de eventos e sua possível semelhança com a evolução das lesões na leishmaniose tegumentar humana.


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Se realizó E.L.I.S.A. con exoantígeno de Coccidioides immitis para la detectión de anticuerpos, en 67 sueros humanos diluidos 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/4000 y 1/8000. De los 18 sueros de enfermos de coccidioidomicosis comprobada por examen directo, cultivo y/o histología, 5 fueron negativos, en otros 13 fueron positivos en una o varias diluciones. 3/26 sueros de personas sanas, coccidioidino positivas, fueron positivos en títulos de 1/1000 y el resto no tuvo anticuerpos detectables. No presentaron reacciones positivas ninguno de los sueros controles de personas sanas, pero sí lo hicieron 4/8 pacientes con otras micosis. Se concluye que E.L.I.S.A. es útil para la detección de mínimas cantidades de anticuerpos o en sueros que no pueden ser procesados por fijación de complemento. No es recomendable el uso de la técnica en forma aislada por al presencia de reacciones cruzadas.


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Suspensões aquosas do pericarpo do fruto, da casca da raiz, das folhas e das sementes de Guaiacum officinale foram testadas como moluscicida, cercaricida e piscicida em diferentes concentrações. Em laboratório, a suspensão do pericarpo do fruto apresentou 100% de mortalidade a 100 ppm para desovas de B. glabrata, a 20 ppm para caramujos adultos de Biomphalaria glabrata, B. straminea e B. tenagophila, a 5 ppm para Lebistes reticulatus (peixes) e a 1 ppm para cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni. O extrato etanólico do pericarpo do fruto não foi ativo para caramujo adulto de B. glabrata. As doses letais para 90% dos caramujos adultos (DL90), após 24 horas de exposição, usando a suspensão do pericarpo do fruto foram de: 15 ppm para B. glabrata; 14 ppm para B. straminea e 18 ppm para B. tenagophila. As DL90 das suspensões das casca da raiz, sementes e folhas contra B. glabrata foram de 57, 33 e 15 ppm, respectivamente. No campo, coma suspensão do pericarpo do fruto a mortalidade de caramujos adultos de B. glabrata foi de 68% a 20 ppm e 100% a 40 ppm


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The diagnosis of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is frequently based on clinical and epidemiological data associated with the results of laboratory tests. Some laboratory methods are currently being applied for the diagnosis of ACL, among them the indirect immunofluorescence reaction (IIFR), the Montenegro skin test (MST), histopathological examination, and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The performance of these methods varies in a considerable proportion of patients. After the standardization of an immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) for the detection of IgG in the serum of patients with ACL using a crude Leishmania braziliensis antigen, the results obtained were compared to those of other tests routinely used for the diagnosis. The tests revealed the following sensitivity, when analyzed separately: 85% for ELISA IgG, 81% for PCR, 64.4% for MST, 58.1% for IIFR, and 34% for the presence of parasites in the biopsy. ELISA was positive in 75% of patients with ACL presenting a negative MST, in 84.8% of ACL patients with negative skin or mucous biopsies for the presence of the parasite, and in 100% of cases with a negative PCR. Thus, ELISA presented a higher sensitivity than the other tests and was useful as a complementary method for the diagnosis of ACL.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the larvicidal activity of diterpenoids obtained from the oil-resin of Copaifera reticulata against Aedes aegypti larvae, the principal vector of dengue and urban yellow fever. Four diterpenes were obtained from oil-resin extraction with organic solvents and subsequent chromatographic and spectroscopic procedures allowed to isolation and identification of these compounds as 3-b-acetoxylabdan-8(17)-13-dien-15-oic acid (1), alepterolic acid (2), 3-b-hidroxylabdan-8(17)-en-15-oic acid (3), and ent-agatic acid (4). Each compound was previously dissolved in dimethylsulphoxide, and distilled water was added to obtain the desired concentrations. Twenty larvae of third instars were placed into plastic beckers, containing the solution test (25 mL), in a five repetitions scheme, and their mortality, indicated by torpor and darkening of the cephalic capsule, was recorded after 48h. Probit analyses were used to determine lethal concentrations (LC50 and LC90) and their respective 95% confidence intervals. This study showed that only diterpenoids 1 and 2 exhibited larvicidal properties with LC50 of 0.8 ppm and 87.3 ppm, respectively, revealing the former as the most toxic compound against third instars of Ae. aegypti. Therefore, this compound seems to be an interesting source for new metabolite to be exploited.


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Concomitant skin lesions in visceral leishmaniasis (VL) or kala-azar are rare, being more common the description of post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis occurring post treatment of kala-azar. Skin lesions caused by Leishmania donovani are frequently seen in the aids-VL co-infection. In Brazil cutaneous or mucosal forms of tegumentary leishmaniasis concomitant with aids are more commonly registered. Here we present a case of aids-VL co-infection, with unusual cutaneous and digestive compromising attributed to L. (L.) chagasi, with special attention to ecthymatous aspect of the lesion, allied to the absence of parasite on the histological skin biopsy.


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The present study reports the production of the rabbit anti-Leishmania (L.) chagasi hyperimmune serum, the standardization of the immunohistochemistry (IHC) technique and the evaluation of its employment in cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) lesions diagnosed by Leishmania sp. culture isolation. Thirty fragments of active CL lesions were examined as well as 10 fragments of cutaneous mycosis lesions as control group. IHC proved more sensitive in detecting amastigotes than conventional hematoxylin-eosin (HE) stained slides: the former was positive in 24 (80%) biopsies whereas the latter, in 16 (53%) (p = 0.028). The reaction stained different fungus species causing cutaneous mycosis. Besides, positive reaction was noticed in mononuclear and endothelial cells. Nevertheless, this finding was present in the control group biopsies. It is concluded that IHC showed good sensitivity in detecting amastigotes.


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Canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is recognizable by characteristic signs of disease and is highly lethal. The infection, however, may be quite inapparent in some seropositive dogs, and this has raised the polemic question as to whether or not such animals can be a source of infection for Lutzomyia longipalpis, the vector of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL). In this study we have examined 51 dogs with acute CVL from an AVL area in Pará State, northern Brazil, and compared the parasite density, amastigotes of Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi, in the skin, lymph node and viscera of symptomatic with that of nine asymptomatic but seropositive dogs (IFAT-IgG). Post-mortem biopsy fragments of these tissues were processed by immunohistochemistry, using a polyclonal antibody against Leishmania sp. The X² and Mann Whitney tests were used to evaluate the means of infected macrophage density (p < 0.05). There was no difference (p > 0.05) in the skin (10.7/mm² x 15.5/mm²) and lymph node (6.3/mm² x 8.3/mm²), between asymptomatic and symptomatic dogs, respectively. It was higher (p < 0.05), however, in the viscera of symptomatic (5.3/mm²) than it was in asymptomatic (1.4/mm²) dogs. These results strongly suggest that asymptomatic or symptomatic L. (L.) i. chagasi-infected dogs can serve as a source of infection, principally considering the highest (p < 0.05) parasite density from skin (10.7/mm² x 15.5/mm²), the place where the vetor L. longipalpis takes its blood meal, compared with those from lymph node (6.3/mm² x 8.3/mm²) and viscera (1.4/mm²x 5.3/mm²).


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In Amazonian Brazil, the Cebus apella monkey (Primates: Cebidae) has been associated with the enzootic cycle of Leishmania (V.) shawi, a dermotropic parasite causing American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL). It has also been successfully used as animal model for studying cutaneous leishmaniasis. In this work, there has been investigated its susceptibility to experimental Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi-infection, the etiologic agent of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL). There were used ten C. apella specimens, eight adult and two young, four males and six females, all born and raised in captivity. Two experimental infection protocols were performed: i) six monkeys were inoculated, intra-dermal via (ID), into the base of the tail with 2 x 10(6) promastigotes forms from the stationary phase culture medium; ii) other four monkeys were inoculated with 3 x 10(7) amastigotes forms from the visceral infection of infected hamsters by two different via: a) two by intravenous via (IV) and, b) other two by intra-peritoneal via (IP). The parameters of infection evaluation included: a) clinical: physical exam of abdomen, weigh and body temperature; b) parasitological: needle aspiration of the bone-marrow for searching of amastigotes (Giemsa-stained smears) and promastigotes forms (culture medium); c) immunological: Indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) and, Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). In the six monkeys ID inoculated (promastigotes forms) all parameters of infection evaluation were negative during the 12 months period of follow-up. Among the four monkeys inoculated with amastigotes forms, two IV inoculated showed the parasite in the bone-marrow from the first toward to the sixth month p.i. and following that they cleared the infection, whereas the other two IP inoculated were totally negative. These four monkeys showed specific IgG-antibody response since the third month p.i. (IP: 1/80 and IV: 1/320 IgG) toward to the 12th month (IP: 1/160 and IV: 1/5120). The DTH-conversion occurred in only one IV inoculated monkey with a strong (30 mm) skin reaction. Considering these results, we do not encourage the use of C. apella monkey as animal model for studying the AVL.


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This study examined the susceptibility of peritoneal macrophage (PM) from the Neotropical primates: Callithrix jacchus, Callithrix penicillata, Saimiri sciureus, Aotus azarae infulatus and Callimico goeldii to ex vivo Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi-infection, the etiological agent of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL), as a screening assay for evaluating the potential of these non-human primates as experimental models for studying AVL. The PM-susceptibility to infection was accessed by the PM-infection index (PMI) at 24, 72 h and by the mean of these rates (FPMI), as well as by the TNF-α, IL-12 (Capture ELISA) and Nitric oxide (NO) responses (Griess method). At 24h, the PMI of A. azarae infulatus (128) was higher than those of C. penicillata (83), C. goeldii (78), S. sciureus (77) and C. jacchus (55). At 72h, there was a significant PMI decrease in four monkeys: A. azarae infulatus (128/37), C. penicillata (83/38), S. sciureus (77/38) and C. jacchus (55/12), with exception of C. goeldii (78/54). The FPMI of A. azarae infulatus (82.5) and C. goeldii (66) were higher than C. jacchus (33.5), but not higher than those of C. penicillata (60.5) and S. sciureus (57.5). The TNF-a response was more regular in those four primates which decreased their PMI at 24/72 h: C. jacchus (145/122 pg/mL), C. penicillata (154/130 pg/mL), S. sciureus (164/104 pg/mL) and A. azarae infulatus (154/104 pg/mL), with exception of C. goeldii (38/83 pg/mL). The IL-12 response was mainly prominent in A. infulatus and C. goeldii which presented the highest FPMI and, the NO response was higher in C. goeldii, mainly at 72 h. These findings strongly suggest that these New World primates have developed a resistant innate immune response mechanism capable of controlling the macrophage intracellular growth of L. (L.) i. chagasi-infection, which do not encourage their use as animal model for studying AVL.


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Steam distillation of essential oils of aerial parts of Thymus capitatus and Marrubium vulgare L. collected at North cost of Egypt yielded 0.5% and 0.2%, respectively. Results of Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses of the two samples identified 96.27% and 90.19% of the total oil composition for T. capitatus and M. vulgare, respectively. The two oil samples appeared dominated by the oxygenated constituents (88.22% for T. capitatus and 57.50% for M. vulgare), composed of phenols, mainly carvacrol (32.98%) and thymol (32.82%) in essential oil of T. capitatus, and thymol (34.55%) in essential oil of M. vulgare. It was evaluated the molluscicidal activity of T. capitatus and M. vulgare essential oils on adult and eggs of Biomphalaria alexandrina as well as their mosquitocidal activity on Culex pipiens. The LC50 and LC90 of T. capitatus essential oil against adult snails was 200 and 400 ppm/3hrs, respectively, while for M. vulgare it was 50 and 100 ppm/3hrs, respectively. Moreover, M. vulgare showed LC100 ovicidal activity at 200 ppm/24 hrs while T. capitatus oil showed no ovicidal activity. It was verified mosquitocidal activity, with LC50 and LC90 of 100 and 200 ppm/12hrs respectively for larvae, and 200 and 400 ppm/12hrs respectively for pupae of C. pipiens.