530 resultados para Hemiptera.


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Neste trabalho, relata-se pela primeira vez a ocorrência de Panstrongylus lignarius no Estado de Mato Grosso. Entre 2001 e 2009, cinco espécimes foram capturados pelos moradores dos municípios de Paranaíta, Alta Floresta, Lucas do Rio Verde, Sorriso e Guarantã do Norte e enviados ao Laboratório de Entomologia da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde de Mato Grosso, onde foram identificados como Panstrongylus lignarius (Walker, 1837). O encontro dessa espécie no estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil, amplia a sua distribuição geográfica.


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In this paper an account is given of the principal facts observer in the meiosis of Euryophthalmus rufipennis Laporte which afford some evidence in favour of the view held by the present writer in earlier publications regarding the existence of two terminal kinetochores in Hem ip ter an chromosomes as well as the transverse division of the chromosomes. Spermatogonial mitosis - From the beginning of prophase until metaphase nothing worthy of special reference was observed. At anaphase, on the contrary, the behavior of the chromosomes deserves our best attention. Indeed, the chromoso- mes, as soon as they begin to move, they show both ends pronouncedly turned toward the poles to which they are connected by chromosomal fibres. So a premature and remarkable bending of the chromosomes not yet found in any other species of Hemiptera and even of Homoptera points strongly to terminally localized kinetochores. The explanation proposed by HUGHES-SCHRADER and RIS for Nautococcus and by RIS for Tamalia, whose chromosomes first become bent late in anaphase do not apply to chromosomes which initiate anaphase movement already turned toward the corresponding pole. In the other hand, the variety of positions assumed by the anaphase chromosomes of Euryophthalmus with regard to one another speaks conclusively against the idea of diffuse spindle attachments. First meiotic division - Corresponding to the beginning of the story of the primary spermatocytes cells are found with the nucleus entirelly filled with leptonema threads. Nuclei with thin and thick threads have been considered as being in the zygotente phase. At the pachytene stage the bivalents are formed by two parallel strands clearly separated by a narrow space. The preceding phases differ in nothing from the corresponding orthodox ones, pairing being undoubtedly of the parasynaptic type. Formation of tetrads - When the nuclei coming from the diffuse stage can be again understood the chromosomes reappear as thick threads formed by two filaments intimately united except for a short median segment. Becoming progressively shorter and thicker the bivalents sometimes unite their extremities forming ring-shaped figures. Generally, however, this does not happen and the bivalents give origin to more or less condensed characteristic Hemipteran tetrads, bent at the weak median region. The lateral duplicity of the tetrads is evident. At metaphase the tetrads are still bent and are connected with both poles by their ends. The ring-shaped diakinesis tetrads open themselves out before metaphase, showing in this way that were not chiasmata that held their ends together. Anaphase proceeds as expected. If we consider the median region of the tetrads as being terminalized chiasmata, then the chromosomes are provided with a single terminal kinetochore. But this it not the case. A critical analysis of the story of the bivalents before and after the diffuse stage points to the conclusion that they are continuous throughout their whole length. Thence the chromosomes are considered as having a kinetochore at each end. Orientation - There are some evidences that Hemipteran chromosomes are connected by chiasmata. If this is true, the orientation of the tetrads may be understood in the following manner: Chiasmata being hindered to scape by the terminal kinetochores accumulate at the ends of the tetrads, where condensation begins. Repulsion at the centric ends being prevented by chiasmata the tetrads orient themselves as if they were provided with a single kinetochore at each extremity, taking a position parallelly to the spindle axis. Anaphase separation - Anaphase separation is consequently due to a transverse division of the chromosomes. Telophase and secund meiotic division - At telophase the kinetochore repeli one another following the moving apart of the centosomes, the chiasmata slip toward the acentric extremities and the chromosomes rotate in order to arrange themselves parallelly to the axis of the new spindle. Separation is therefore throughout the pairing plane. Origin of the dicentricity of the chromosomes - Dicentricity of the chromosomes is ascribed to the division of the kinetochore of the chromosomes reaching the poles followed by separation and distension of the chromatids which remain fused at the acentric ends giving thus origin to terminally dicentric iso-chromosomes. Thence, the transverse division of the chromosomes, that is, a division through a plane perpendicular to the plane of pairing, actually corresponds to a longitudinal division realized in the preceding generation. Inactive and active kinetochores - Chromosomes carrying inactive kinetochore is not capable of orientation and active anaphasic movements. The heterochromosome of Diactor bilineatus in the division of the secondary spermatocytes is justly in this case, standing without fibrilar connection with the poles anywhere in the cell, while the autosomes are moving regularly. The heterochromosome of Euryophthalmus, on the contrary, having its kinetochores perfectly active ,is correctly oriented in the plane of the equator together with the autosomes and shows terminal chromosomal connection with both poles. Being attracted with equal strength by two opposite poles it cannot decide to the one way or the other remaining motionless in the equator until some secondary causes (as for instances a slight functional difference between the kinetochores) intervene to break the state of equilibrium. When Yiothing interferes to aide the heterochromosome in choosing its way it distends itself between the autosomal plates forming a fusiform bridge which sometimes finishes by being broken. Ordinarily, however, the bulky part of the heterochromosome passes to one pole. Spindle fibers and kinetic activity of chromosomal fragments - The kinetochore is considered as the unique part of the chromosome capable of being influenced by other kinetochore or by the poles. Under such influence the kinetochore would be stimulated or activited and would elaborate a sort of impulse which would run toward the ends. In this respect the chromosome may be compared to a neüròn, the cell being represented by the kinetochore and the axon by the body of the chromosome. Due to the action of the kinetochore the entire chromosome becomes also activated for performing its kinetic function. Nothing is known at present about the nature of this activation. We can however assume that some active chemical substance like those produced by the neuron and transferred to the effector passes from the kinetochore to the body of the chromosome runing down to the ends. And, like an axon which continues to transmit an impulse after the stimulating agent has suspended its action, so may the chromosome show some residual kinetic activity even after having lost its kinetochore. This is another explanation for the kinetic behavior of acentric chromosomal fragmehs. In the orthodox monocentric chromosomes the kinetic activity is greater at the kinetochore, that is, at the place of origin of the active substance than at any other place. In chromosomes provided with a kinetochore at each end the entire body may become active enough to produce chromosomal fibers. This is probably due to a more or less uniform distribution and concentration of the active substance coming simultaneously from both extremities of the chromosome.


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The main facts presented in this paper may be summarized as follows: 1) Corizus (Liorhyssus) hyalinus (Fabr.) has primary spermatocytes provided with 6 autosomal tetrads, one pair of microchromosomes and one sex chromosome. 2) The two microchromosomes present in this species sometimes appear at the primary metaphase as an unequal pair of minute elements. In the secondary spermatocytes the unique microchromosome present may be in the limit of visibility or entirely invisible. This invisibility may be partly due to a loss of colourability. 3) The sex chromosome divides transversely in the first division of the spermatocyte, passing undivided to one pole in the second one. In the latter it becomes fusiform in the beginning of anaphase revealing in this manner its dicentricity. In late anaphase it finishes by passing to one pole leaving in the other pole one of its kinetochores sometimes accompanied by a chromosomal fragment. 4) All the chromosomes divide transversely in both divisions, a diagram being enclosed to elucidate the question. 5) Spermatogonial chromosomes are provided with one kinetochore at each end, being curved toward the poles since the most beginning anaphase. 6) The following hypothesis is presented as an essay to explain the origin of microchromosomes: Since microchromosomes parallel sex chromosomes in most respects, as for instances in heteropycnosis and pairing modus, it seems highly probable that they originate from sex chromosomes. One may suppose that the ancestral form of a given species had a sex chromosome which used to lose a small centric fragment when it divided during meiosis. This fragment might well be at first an unstable one. Later, to compensate the effects of such a deficiency a mechanism arose through evolution which produced two useful results : a) the establishment of the fragment as a permanent structure of the cell nucleus and b) the acquirement by the sex chromosome of the faculty of passing to one pole without losing any of its ends.


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The three species studied have 19 chromosomes, being one heterochromosome, one pair of microchromosomes and 8 pairs of autosomes. The microchromosomes of Hypselonotus fulvus are amongst the largest we know. During the synizesis, in Hypselonotus fulvus, we can see in several strands that scape from the chromatic knot a place in which they are widley open. As, in that phase the chromosomes have both ends converging to the same place, the openings suggest a side-to-side pairing of the chromosomal threads. The tetrads are like that studied by Piza (1945-1946). The bivalents are united side by side at their entire length. The unpaired part at the midle of the bivalents gives origin to the arms of the cross-shapede tetrads. The chromosomes have a kinetochore at each end. The bivalents sometimes unite their extremities to form ring-shaped figures, which open themselves out before metaphase. The tetrads are oriented parallelly to the spindle axis. At telophase the kinetochores repeli one another, the chiasmata, if present, slip toward the acentric extremities and the chromosomes rotate in order to arrange themselves parallelly to the axis of the new spindle. Separation is therefore through the pairing plane. In the spermatogonial anaphase of Hypselonotus subterpunctatus the chromosomes are curved to the poles, like those described by PIZA (1946) and PIZA and ZAMITH (1946). The sex chromosomes in Hypselonotus interruptus and Hypselonotus fulvus appears longitudinally divided. It is oriented with the ends in the plane of the equator and its chomatids separate by the plane of division. In the second division the sex chromosome, provided as it is with an actve klnetochore at each end, orients itself with its length parallelly to the spindle axis and passes undivided to one pole. Sometimes it is distended between the poles. This corresponds to case (a) established by PIZA (1946) for the sex chromosomes of Hemiptera In Hypselonotus subterpunctatus the sex chromosome, in the first division of the spermatocytes, orients like the tetrads and divides transversaly. In the second division, as its kinetochore becomes inactive, it remans monocentric, does not orient in the spindle, and is finally enclosed in the nearer nucleus. In the secondary telophase it recuperates its dicentricity like the autosomal chromatids. This behavior corresponds to case (c) of PIZA (1946).


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The morphological characteristics of the egg and five immature stages of Acrosternum obstinatum (Stål, 1860), fed on passion fruit, are described and illustrated. Biological data are also provided.


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Napo Linnavuori & DeLong, 1976 é registrado pela primeira vez no Brasil. Uma nova espécie, Napo bellus sp. nov. é descrita e ilustrada.


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O gênero Nersia Stål, 1862 abriga 11 espécies, das quais Nersia haedina Stål, 1862 e Nersia sertata (Jacobi, 1904) são encontradas no Rio Grande do Sul. Ambas espécies são caracterizadas e ilustradas. Caracteres da genitália de machos e fêmeas são descritos pela primeira vez. Novos registros para a Região Neotropical são fornecidos.


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Pachytettix Linnavuori, 1959 é registrado pela primeira vez no Brasil e uma nova espécie, P. ikrajubus sp. nov., é descrita e ilustrada.


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São descritos e ilustrados os estágios imaturos de Euschistus hansi Grazia, 1987, com ênfase nos caracteres morfológicos externos do ovo e dos cinco instares. Adultos e ninfas foram alimentados com ramos frescos e frutos maduros de "ligustro", Ligustrum lucidum Ait. (Oleaceae). As ninfas de E. hansi são comparadas com os imaturos já descritos de outras espécies neotropicais de Euschistus Dallas, 1851: E. heros (Fabricius, 1798), E. sulcacitus Rolston, 1971 e E. bifibulus (Palisot de Beauvois, 1805). Dados biológicos também são fornecidos.


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Seis novas espécies de Chinavia Orian, 1965 são descritas: Chinavia vanduzeei sp. nov., do Peru (Madre Dios) e Brasil (Pará); Chinavia schuhi sp. nov., do Peru (Loreto), Colombia (Bolívar) e Brazil (Amazonas); Chinavia sebastiaoi sp. nov., do Brazil (Mato Grosso do Sul), Bolivia (La Paz e Santa Cruz) e Paraguai (Carumbé); Chinavia cearensis sp. nov., Chinavia tuiucauna e Chinavia rufitibia sp. nov., do Brasil (Ceará, Bahia e Paraná, respectivamente). São fornecidas características diagnósticas de cada espécie.


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The oviposition behaviour of Gryon gallardoi (Brèthes, 1914) on eggs of Spartocera dentiventris Mendonça Jr. (Berg, 1884) of different ages (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12 days) was investigated. Groups of 12 eggs of each age were exposed to single females of G. gallardoi, and the oviposition behaviour was recorded under a stereomicroscope for two hours. Ten replicates were used for each age. In order to identify the moment the parasitoid egg was released inside the host, 1-day old eggs of S. dentiventris were exposed to G. gallardoi females, and the oviposition was interrupted at intervals of 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140 and 160s after ovipositor insertion had initiated. Five behavioural steps were recorded: drumming, ovipositor insertion, marking, walking and resting. The average drumming and ovipositor insertion times increased with the host age (P<0.01). Ovipositor insertion usually occurred next to the longitudinal extremities of the host eggs. Marking took on average 19.5 ± 0.7s, and as walking and resting, was not affected by host age. Self-parasitism behaviour was observed in only 13.8 ± 2.3% of the eggs, being more evident with increasing patch depletion (reduction in non-parasitized eggs in the egg group, P<0.01), again with no variation due to changes in host egg age. For all ages tested, self-parasitized host eggs were less frequently contacted and accepted than non-parasitized ones (P<0.01). The parasitoid egg was released 137.0 ± 3.7s after ovipositor insertion. Spartocera dentiventris egg condition can lead to parasitoid behavioural changes, especially during the process of host choice and discrimination.


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Uma nova espécie de Euschistus Dallas, 1851, E. (M.) irroratus sp. nov. do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil e Misiones, Argentina, é descrita e ilustrada.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo conhecer a flutuação populacional e a constância de cicadelíneos presentes na vegetação herbácea de um pomar de laranja doce (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck), variedade Valência, em Montenegro, RS. O levantamento foi realizado com a metodologia da rede-de-varredura, tendo início em fevereiro de 2001 e finalizando-se em janeiro de 2002. Mensalmente foram coletadas dez amostras, sendo cada uma destas composta por 50 golpes de rede em movimento de avanço sobre a vegetação herbácea e cultura intercalar nas entrelinhas do pomar (n = 500 golpes/ocasião de coleta). No total foram coletados 928 cicadelíneos, pertencentes a nove espécies: Bucephalogonia xanthophis (Berg, 1879), Diedrocephala variegata (Fabricius, 1775), Hortensia similis (Walker, 1851), Macugonalia leucomelas (Walker, 1851), Parathona gratiosa (Blanchard, 1840), Plesiommata corniculata Young, 1977, Sibovia sagata (Signoret, 1854), Sonesimia grossa (Signoret, 1854) e Tapajosa rubromarginata (Signoret, 1855). O período de maior abundância da comunidade de cicadelíneos foi durante a primavera e o verão. Hortensia similis e M. leucomelas foram as únicas espécies consideradas constantes durante o levantamento. A menor abundância dos cicadelíneos em abril e dezembro provavelmente deve-se a efeitos causados por fatores abióticos (pluviosidade) e aqueles relativos à estrutura da vegetação (altura das plantas) sobre a comunidade.


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Três novas espécies de cigarrinhas neotropicais do gênero Mahanarva são descritas: M. (M.) rubrovenata, M. (M.) webbi e M. (M.) dabliosignata, todas do Brasil.