344 resultados para GASTRIC CARCINOMA
1-Out of 1531 autopsies at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, recorded in the Section of Pathology of «Instituto OSWALDO CRUZ», we found three cases of primary carcinoma of the lung, which gives the incidence of 0,195 per cent. They were not associated with tuberculos's and anthracos's was not marked. 2-The gross and microscopical features indicate that they are in reality primary cancers of the larger bronchi arising probably, from the bronchial lining epithelium. There is a striking similarity both macro and microscopical in Cases I and II, where the structure is that of cylindrical cell alveolar carcinoma. Mucus formation was never a prominent feature in these tumors. As in HENRICI's case they apparently invade the lung along the alveolar wall in more or less considerable extension retaining the alveolar septa as stroma. In case III the structure is that of squamous cell carcinoma, and the tumor mass, usually ulcerating, lies in the immediate vicinity of the bronchi, the extension to the lung tissue being not widespread. 3-Cases IV and V are tumors of the lower and median portion of the trachéa, squamous cell carcinoma in structure, which form marked contrast with the tumors originating in the larger bronchi: the tumor process never invades the lung parenchyma by continuous extension. In Case V extension to the mediastinal lymph-nodes is observed, and a tumor of the size of an orange is found in the anterior mediastinum: that tumor mass and the upper lobe of the right lung were only adherent by fibrous tissue of inflammatory origin and the tumor did not extend into the lung tissue.
Os AA. chamam a attenção para a raridade deste typo histologico de tumor do estomago e descrevem um caso verificado pela autopsia, em individuo branco, brasileiro, de 67 annos de edade. O tumor localiza-se na pequena curvatura do estomago, sob o aspecto de uma formação crateriforme de 3,5 cms. de diametro e com adherencias ao pancreas. O esophago e o cardia não são de modo algum comprometidos pelo processo. Foram encontradas metastases no coração, no figado, na capsula do pancrea, no pulmão e glandulas suprarenaes. O exame histologico mostra tratar-se de um carcinoma epidermoide, não só no tumor primitivo, como tambem nos fócos metastaticos. As AA. são inclinados a acreditar que o tumor tenha se originado por intermedio de um processo d metaplasia epidermoide da mucosa gastrica.
Em um período de 23 anos, de 1919 a 1941, observaram-se 25 casos de carcinoma primário do pulmão entre o total de 6.458 necrópsias, registadas na Secção de Anatomia Patológica do Instituto Osvaldo Cruz e realizadas nos vários hospitais do Rio de Janeiro. Os indivíduos eram de procedência variada, não só de diferentes regiões do Brasil, como também de alguns países estrangeiros. A incidência do carcinoma primário do pulmão, considerado como causa mortis, entre o total das necrópsias e de 0,38 % e, entre os casos de cancer, 4,5 %. Em referência ao sexo, 21 casos eram de indivíduos masculinos (84 %) e 4 femininos (16 %), fornecendo a relação de 5:1. Dos 25 casos, 13 (52 %) eram de nacionalidade estrangeira e 12 (48 %) brasileira; 18, em indivíduos de cor branca, 6 pretos e 1 pardo. Em relação à idade, a maior incidência ocorreu entre 41 e 70 anos, com o máximo entre 51 a 60, existindo casos extremos de 21 e 93 anos. A forma anatômica mais freqüente, no mesmo material, e a infiltrante hilar, 16 casos (64 %), seguindo-se a nodular, com 7 casos (28 %) e a difusa, 2 casos (8) . O carcinoma de células indiferenciadas é o tipo histológico mais comum, existindo em 13 casos (52 %), seguindo-se o tipo de células cilíndricas, em 8 casos (32 %) e o de células pavimentosas em 4 casos (16 %). A incidência das metastases foi observada em 22 casos (88 %), sendo, para o carcinoma de células indiferenciadas, de 76,9 %, e, tanto para o carcinoma de células cilíndricas como para o de células pavimentosas, de l00%. Em três casos (12 %), não foram observadas metástases. Entre os orgãos sede frequente das metástases, foi observada a seguinte relação: gênglios linfáticos, 72 %; fígado, 56 %; pleura, 12 %; peritônio, pericárdio, rins e suprarrenal, 8 %; cérebro e osso, 4 %. Nos últimos 10 anos (1932 a 1941), ocorreram 16 casos (64 % do total dos 25 encontrados), demostrando senão o aumento do cancer pulmonar, certamente o maior número de diagnostico positivos.
Among the material of the archives of the Pathological Section of the Oswaldo Cruz Institue (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) we found 9 cases of cancer metastasis in the spleen. Four of them were macroscopically apparent, but five had only been diagnosed microscopically. Of these cases of tumors, 3 are adenocarcinoma originated from the pancreas (cases 1, 3, 5,); 3 are primary carcinoma of stomach (cases 7,8 and 9); 1 adenocarcinoma of gall-bladder (case 2); 1 originated form the mammary gland (case 4) and finally 1 form the colon. (case 6.). The incidence of the metastasis observed in the spleen among the total of 6.400 studied autopsies is of 0,14%; The same incidence among those of epithelial blastomata is of 1,8%.
O estudo anatomopatológico baseado em uma coleção de 6823 necrópsias, constantes do arquivo da Seção de Anatomia Patológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, realizadas durante os anos de 1919 a 1944, revelou a existência de 28 casos de carcinoma primário do pâncreas. A incidência deste tipo de tumor entre o total das necropsias examinadas atinge a 0,40% e, entre os casos de câncer observados na referida série de necrópsias, a 4,08%. O tumor localizou-se na cabeça do pâncreas em 20 casos (71,4%); na cauda, em um caso (3,5%); difuso, em cinco casos (17,8%) e sem localização precisada, em dois casos (7,1%). O tipo histológico predominante foi o adenocarcinoma, reconhecido em 2 casos (78,57%); e em seguida o carcinoma acinoso, em seis casos (21,43%). Geralmente se observa o tipo cirrótico e, em alguns casos, era pronunciada a formação de mucina. A incidência das metástases, em relação aos casos de adenocarcinoma, foi de 95,45% (21 vêzes em 22 casos) e, em relação ao carcinoma acinoso, de 100% (6 vêzes em 6 casos). Entre os órgãos atingidos pelas metástases citam-se em ordem decrescente: o fígado e os gânglios linfáticos (70,3%) o peritônio (25,9%), o pulmão (22,2%), a suprarrenal (18,5%), a pleura bago e rim (7,4%), os intestinos, tiróide, pericárdio, epiploon, estomago, ovário e seio venoso longitudinal superior (3,7%).Em um só caso, não houve produção de metástase (3,57%). Em relação às metástases no peritônio, é interessante acentuar a sua maior freqüência nos casos de adenocarcinoma (7 vêzes em 22 casos). A distribuição do tumor, segundo o sexo, foi de 19 casos em indivíduos do sexo masculino (67,8%) e nove casos, para os do sexo feminino (32,1%), fornecendo a relação de cêrca de 2:1. Segundo a nacionalidade, observaram-se 21 casos (75%) em brasileiros e sete casos (25%) em estrangeiros. Segundo a côr, em 15 casos (53,5%) eram indivíduos de côr branca, em oito casos, (28,5%) de côr preta e, em cinco casos (17,8%), de côr parda. O maior número de casos, em referência à idade, ocorreu em indivíduos de 41 a 50 anos, quando a incidência foi de 11 casos ou 39,3% do total dos casos observados. Em referência a ocorrência anual, verifica-se o maior número (22 casos ou 78,9%) nos últimos dez anos, isto e, de 1935 a 1944.
The perchloro-soluble mucroptotein fraction was determined in the cells of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma on the 10th and 12th days post-inoculation of the tumor. After 3 days of a single subcutaneous dose of cyclophosphamide (200 mg/kg) the mucoprotein levels were found considerable lower. This difference was highly significant statistically.
Baccharus triptera Mart, is a widespread Compositae used in Brazilian folk medicine to treat gastrointestinal disturbances, rheumatic disease, mild fever, diabetes and as an anti-helminthic. Water extract of small branches of the plant (WE) administered to mice and rats (0.1 to 2 g/Kg, p.o) did not alter spontaneous motor activity, sleeping time induced by barbiturates or the tailflick response in mice. The extract decreased by 40 por cento the number of writhings induced by 0.8 por cento scetic acid, i.p., but did not influence paw edema induced by carrageenan or dextran in rats WE (2g/Kg, p.o.) decreased the intestinal transit of charcoal in mice by 20//. Gastric secretion in pylorus ligated rats was reduced after treatment with WE (1 and 2 g/Kg. i.p. or intraduodenal and the gastric pH was raised. The extract (1 g/Kg, p.o.) prevented gastric ulcers induced in rats by immobilization at 4ºC, but not those induced by indomethacin (10 mg/Kg, s.c.). The results indicate that WE may relieve gastrointestinal disorders by reducing acid secretion and gastrointestinal hiperactivity. Neither analgesic nor anti-inflammatory activities were detectable.
Coleus barbatus (Labiatae) Benth is popularly used in Brazil "for the healing of liver and stomach diseases". The water extract (WE 1 to 10 g/Kg, p.o.) of stem and leaves given to rats and mice did not induce signs of intoxication. Preveious treatment of mice with WE (1 g/kg, p.o.) shortened the sleeping time induced by pentobarbital (50 mg/Kg, i.p.) by 37 por cento, althoyugh the extract alone did not increase the spontaneous activity nor did it induce hyperexcitability. In mice WE (2 g/Kg, p.o.) increased the intestinal transit of charcoal by 30 por cento, while reduced gastric secretions ion rats treated with WE (2g/Kg intraduodenal) 3,9 ± 1.0 to 0.5 ± 0.2 ml/4h, respectively). The treatment also reduced the total acid secretion from 34.4 ± 11.0 to 2.7 ± 0.5 mEq/l and raisedgastric pH from 2.2 ± 0.3 to 6.5 ± 0.8. Treatment with WE (2g/Kg, p.o.) protected against gastric ulcers induced by stress (5.3 ± 1.6 and 1.5 ± 0.5 ulcers/cm²), but did nor protect against indonethacin induced ulcers. The results show that the water extract of C barbatus Benth produces mild stimulation of thecentral nervous system and increases intestinal movements. The extract also reduces gastric secretion indicating an antidyspeptic activity, and protects against gastric ulcers induced by stress.
Helicobacter pylori is the most common gastric bacteria of human beings. Animal-borne helicobacter have been associated with gastritis, ulceration, and gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid-tissue lymphoma in people. We attempted to identify the species of Helicobacter spp. that infect human beings in north Paraná, Brazil. Samples of gastric mucosa from 38 dyspeptic patients were analyzed by optic microscopy on silver stained slides, polimerase chain reaction (PCR), and enzymatic cleavage. Genus and species-specific primers to H. pylori, H. heilmannii, H. felis, and consensual primers to H. bizzozeronii or H. salomonis were used. The PCR products were submitted to enzymatic cleavage by VspI (Helicobacter spp. product) and HinfI (species products) enzymes. Thirty-two out of 38 patients evaluated had 3.2 to 5 µm long bacteria that resembled H. pylori in Warthin-Starry stained slides and were positive to the genus Helicobacter by PCR. In 30 of these patients the bacteria were identified as H. pylori. Two samples positive by silver stain were negative to all species tested by PCR. None of the 38 samples was positive to animal-origin helicobacter species. These results show that PCR and enzymatic restriction are practical methods to identify the species of helicobacters present in gastric mucosa of human beings. People in north Paraná appear to be infected mostly with H. pylori.
Resistance of Helicobacter pylori to clarithromycin is characterised by simple point mutations in the 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene and is responsible for the majority of cases of failure to eradicate this bacterium. In this paper, we characterised the variability of the 23S rRNA gene in biopsies of patients with gastric pathologies in the eastern Amazon (Northern Region of Brazil) using PCR and sequencing. A total of 49 sequences of H. pylori strains were analysed and of those, 75.6% presented nucleotide substitutions: A2142G (3.3%), T2182C (12.9%), G2224A (6.45%), T2215C (61.3%), A2192G (3.3%), G2204C (6.4%) and T2221C (6.4%). Of the mutations identified, four are known mutations related to cases of resistance and 16.1% are not yet described, revealing a high prevalence of mutations in the H. pylori 23S rRNA gene among the strains circulating in the in the eastern Amazon. The high prevalence in individuals with gastric pathologies in the Northern Region of Brazil demonstrates the need for characterising the profile of these strains to provide correct therapy for patients, considering that mutations in this gene are normally associated with resistance to the primary medication used in controlling H. pylori infection.
Helicobacter pylori is an important human pathogen that causes chronic gastritis and is associated with the development of peptic ulcer disease and gastric malignancies. The oral cavity has been implicated as a potential H. pylori reservoir and may therefore be involved in the reinfection of the stomach, which can sometimes occur following treatment of an H. pylori infection. The objectives of this paper were (i) to determine the presence of H. pylori in the oral cavity and (ii) to examine the relationship between oral H. pylori and subsequent gastritis. Gastric biopsies, saliva samples and dental plaques were obtained from 78 dyspeptic adults. DNA was extracted and evaluated for the presence of H. pylori using polymerase chain reaction and Southern blotting methods. Persons with gastritis were frequently positive for H. pylori in their stomachs (p < 0.0001) and there was a statistically significant correlation between the presence of H. pylori in gastric biopsies and the oral cavity (p < 0.0001). Our results suggest a relationship between gastric infection and the presence of this bacterium in the oral cavity. Despite this, H. pylori were present in the oral cavity with variable distribution between saliva and dental plaques, suggesting the existence of a reservoir for the species and a potential association with gastric reinfection.
The purpose of this study was to compare the histopathological analysis with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods to predict the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in oral squamous cell carcinoma biopsies. Eighty-three paraffin-embedded tissue specimens from patients with oropharynx and mouth floor squamous cell carcinoma were submitted to histopathological analysis under light microscopy, specifically for the determination of the presence of koilocytes. Subsequently, DNA was purified from the same paraffin-embedded specimens and submitted to PCR. Fisher's exact test showed no statistically significant correlation between the two methods. The results suggest that the presence of koilocytes is unreliable for the detection of HPV presence in oral and oropharynx squamous cell carcinoma.
The histo-blood group ABH antigens were first described in humans. These antigens are only present on erythrocytes from great apes and humans, while in more primitive animals they are found in tissues and body fluids. The ABH antigens are mainly distributed in tissues exposed to the external environment and potentially serve as ligands for pathogens or inhibitors of tissue connections. The objective of this paper was two-fold: (i) to determine the presence of Helicobacter sp. in the gastric mucosa of 16 captive and 24 free-living New World monkeys and (ii) to evaluate the presence of histopathological alterations related to bacterial infection and the associated expression of ABH antigens in the tissue. Stomach tissues from 13 species of monkey were assessed using haematoxylin-eosin and modified Gram staining (Hucker) methods. An immunohistochemical analysis of the tissue revealed the presence of infectious bacteria that were characteristic of the genus Helicobacter sp. The results demonstrate that various species of monkey might be naturally infected with the Helicobacter sp. and that there is an increased susceptibility to infection. This study serves as a comparative analysis of infection between human and non-human primates and indicates the presence of a new species of Helicobacter.
Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the most common infections worldwide and is associated with gastric diseases. Virulence factors such as VacA and CagA have been shown to increase the risk of these diseases. Studies have suggested a causal role of CagA EPIYA-C in gastric carcinogenesis and this factor has been shown to be geographically diverse. We investigated the number of CagA EPIYA motifs and the vacA i genotypes in H. pylori strains from asymptomatic children. We included samples from 40 infected children (18 females and 22 males), extracted DNA directly from the gastric mucus/juice (obtained using the string procedure) and analysed the DNA using polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing. The vacA i1 genotype was present in 30 (75%) samples, the i2 allele was present in nine (22.5%) samples and both alleles were present in one (2.5%) sample. The cagA-positive samples showed distinct patterns in the 3’ variable region of cagA and 18 of the 30 (60%) strains contained 1 EPIYA-C motif, whereas 12 (40%) strains contained two EPIYA-C motifs. We confirmed that the studied population was colonised early by the most virulent H. pylori strains, as demonstrated by the high frequency of the vacA i1 allele and the high number of EPIYA-C motifs. Therefore, asymptomatic children from an urban community in Fortaleza in northeastern Brazil are frequently colonised with the most virulent H. pylori strains.
Gastric (GC) and breast (BrC) cancer are two of the most common and deadly tumours. Different lines of evidence suggest a possible causative role of viral infections for both GC and BrC. Wide genome sequencing (WGS) technologies allow searching for viral agents in tissues of patients with cancer. These technologies have already contributed to establish virus-cancer associations as well as to discovery new tumour viruses. The objective of this study was to document possible associations of viral infection with GC and BrC in Mexican patients. In order to gain idea about cost effective conditions of experimental sequencing, we first carried out an in silico simulation of WGS. The next-generation-platform IlluminaGallx was then used to sequence GC and BrC tumour samples. While we did not find viral sequences in tissues from BrC patients, multiple reads matching Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) sequences were found in GC tissues. An end-point polymerase chain reaction confirmed an enrichment of EBV sequences in one of the GC samples sequenced, validating the next-generation sequencing-bioinformatics pipeline.