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O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar a comparação entre dois sítios de coleta sanguínea em 24 exemplares de tigre-d'água-americano (Trachemys scripta elegans) oriundos de um criadouro comercial, localizado no município de Antonina, litoral do Paraná, Brasil. Os animais foram submetidos a contenção física e as venopunções foram realizadas no seio supraocciptal e na veia coccígea dorsal. As amostras heparinizadas foram identificadas e refrigeradas para posterior análise laboratorial. A contagem total de eritrócitos e leucócitos foi realizada pela técnica de hemocitometria. O hematócrito (Ht) e a hemoglobina (Hb) foram determinados pelo método de microhematócrito e cianometahemoglobina, respectivamente. A proteína plasmática total (PPT) foi determinada por refratometria e a contagem diferencial de leucócitos foi realizada através da técnica de Shilling. Houve diferença significativa no número de leucócitos e no valor da proteína plasmática total, e em ambos os casos os valores encontrados nas amostras provenientes da veia coccígea dorsal foram inferiores. A diferença encontrada no número de leucócitos provavelmente foi devido à contaminação por linfa, que também justifica o menor valor na concentração da proteína plasmática total. Conclui-se que é mais indicada a venopunção no seio supraocciptal quando comparado a veia coccígea dorsal.
Com o intuito de caracterizar a anemia decorrente da verminose gastrintestinal e avaliar as alterações no leucograma, foram realizadas hemogramas de 96 caprinos da raça Saanen adultos, sendo que 57 destes estavam anêmicos. O diagnóstico da enfermidade foi realizado pelos sintomas característicos da doença como mucosas conjuntival esbranquiçadas, edema submandibular, emagrecimento e pelame arrepiado, confirmados por exame de fezes no qual se detectou a presença de ovos da superfamília Trichostrongyloidea. As amostras de sangue foram colhidas por punção da veia jugular, utilizando-se o EDTA como anticoagulante. Realizaram-se as seguintes provas: contagem do numero de hemácias, determinação do volume globular, dosagem de hemoglobina, cálculo dos índices hematimétricos (VCM, HCM e CHCM), contagem do número total de leucócitos e a contagem diferencial de leucócitos, efetuada em esfregaços sanguíneos, corados pelo método de Rosenfeld. Os animais foram divididos em grupos, baseado na magnitude da diminuição do volume globular, (1) animais sem anemia, (2) anemia de grau leve, (3) anemia moderada e (4) anemia intensa. Nos processos anêmicos leves ou moderados a anemia era do tipo normocítico e normocrômico, enquanto nos animais com anemia intensa (diminuição maior que metade dos valores normais de He, Ht, Hb) observou-se anemia do tipo normocítico e hipocrômico. O estado anêmico decorrente da verminose gastrintestinal determinou normoleucocitemia, neutrofilia sem desvio a esquerda, monocitose e linfopenia absoluta. Observou-se inversão do padrão leucocitário, que passou de linfocitário para neutrofílico. Essa inversão acentuou-se à medida que a gravidade da anemia verminótica tornava-se mais intensa.
Resumo: O hemograma e as dosagens bioquímicas são exames rotineiramente utilizados na avaliação da saúde dos animais domésticos, incluindo os búfalos. Na região Amazônica pesquisas nessa temática ainda são escassas. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer intervalos de referência para hematologia e bioquímica sanguínea de Bubalus bubalis criados na Amazônia Oriental e avaliar os efeitos da idade e do sexo sobre os valores bioquímicos e hematológicos obtidos. Foram utilizados 73 animais da raça Murrah, divididos em três grupos, o grupo 1 (G1, n=22) com animais de dois a oito meses, grupo 2 (G2, n=23) com animais de nove a dois anos e o grupo 3 (G3, n=28) com animais com mais de dois anos. Os hemogramas e as análises bioquímicas foram realizados em equipamentos automatizados. Os intervalos de referência foram estabelecidos conforme as recomendações do Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Para avaliar o efeito do sexo e da idade foram utilizados os testes de Tukey, e Kruskal-Wallis, sendo as diferenças consideradas significativas quando P<0,05. Houve influencia da idade sobre os valores de hemácias (He), hematócrito (Ht), hemoglobina (Hb), leucócitos, linfócitos, eosinófilos, neutrófilos, plaquetas, volume plaquetário médio (VPM), índices hematimétricos (Volume Globular Média - VGM, Hemoglobina Corpuscular Média - HCM, e Coeficiente de variação eritrocitário - RDW) e relação neutrófilo:linfócito (N:L). O sexo influenciou o valor do VGM e do índice de amplitude de distribuição do tamanho da plaqueta (PDW) que foram maiores (P<0,05) nas fêmeas, enquanto o RDW foi maior nos machos. Na comparação dos parâmetros bioquímicos entre as faixas etárias, verificou-se que a idade influenciou a atividade das enzimas aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e fosfatase alcalina (FA) e as concentrações de creatinina, proteínas totais e bilirrubina direta. As concentrações de creatinina e bilirrubina direta foram significativamente maiores nos animais da maior faixa etária. O sexo influenciou a atividade da AST e a concentração de bilirrubina direta, que foram maiores (P<0.05) nos machos. Os valores hematológicos e bioquímicos estabelecidos podem ser utilizados como referência para búfalos criados na Amazônia Oriental.
Resumo: O controle das endoparasitoses gastrintestinais em pequenos ruminantes tem sido tradicionalmente realizado por meio do uso indiscriminado dos anti-helmínticos, porém essa prática tem resultado em grande pressão de seleção de parasitas resistentes. Métodos seletivos (ex: FAMACHA/FMC e contagem de ovos nas fezes/OPG) e que apresentem boa sensibilidade para identificar os animais que necessitam receber o tratamento químico são importantes alternativas aos métodos tradicionais. O objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar a sensibilidade e a especificidade do método FMC, usado para detectar anemia causada por Haemonchus contortus em ovinos da raça Suffolk, em duas categorias de alta suscetibilidade; cordeiros lactentes e ovelhas durante a fase de lactação. A conjuntiva ocular de 42 cordeiros lactentes e 35 ovelhas em lactação foi avaliada usando o método FMC, em intervalos de 14 dias, durante cinco meses. O hematócrito (Ht) foi utilizado como padrão-ouro para avaliação clínica de anemia dos animais. Para o cálculo de sensibilidade e especificidade, diferentes critérios foram utilizados: animais classificados como 4 e 5 ou 3, 4 e 5 e anêmicos pelo Ht (teste positivo); animais classificados como 1, 2 e 3 ou 1 e 2 e não anêmicos pelo Ht (teste negativo). Três valores de corte para Ht (≤22%, ≤19% ou ≤15%) foram utilizados para confirmar a anemia. Entre os gêneros observados nas coproculturas, H. contortus (61,5%) e Ostertagiasp (21,3%) foram os mais prevalentes. Em ambas as categorias, a inclusão do FMC 3 como teste positivo, elevou a sensibilidade mas reduziu a especificidade do método. Quando o FMC 3 foi considerado anêmico, o percentual de falsos negativos foi próximo a zero, no entanto, houve aumento no número de tratamentos aplicados em animais não anêmicos (falso positivo). Durante as avaliações, a maior parte dos cordeiros (73%) e das ovelhas (53%) permaneceu nas categorias de FMC 1 e 2. Apenas 5% dos cordeiros e 8% das ovelhas foram classificados com os dois maiores graus de anemia (FMC 4 e 5). Os resultados indicam que o FMC pode ser utilizado para identificar os cordeiros lactentes e ovelhas em fase de lactação com sinais clínicos de anemia decorrentes da infecção por H. contortus. Para ambas as categorias, foi necessário incluir o FMC 3 como positivo para aumentar a sensibilidade do método; reduzindo o risco de morte de animais anêmicos não diagnosticados (falsos negativos).
Um ensaio de campo foi conduzido em 1994/95, na Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias (UNESP) de Jaboticabal, SP, sendo os objetivos do trabalho comparar aspectos biológicos e produtivos de nove diferentes híbridos de milho, resultantes da aplicação da dose de 80 g.ha-1 de nicosulfuron {2- [[[[4,6-dimetoxi-2-pirimidina) amina] carboxil] amina] sulfonil] -N,N-dimetil-3-piridinacarboxiamida} em relação a plantas não tratadas. Verificou-se que o herbicida afetou significativamente alguns dos aspectos biológicos estudados (altura de plantas e de espigas, número de folhas, comprimento e largura de folhas e estande final) e não afetou os relacionados com a posição relativa das espigas, o diâmetro do colmo, as porcentagens de acamamento e de quebramento. A produtividade estimada dos híbridos tratados não foi afetada pela aplicação do produto, com exceção da estimada para o híbrido HT 2X.
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a emergência das espécies de plantas daninhas Euphorbia heterophylla e Bidens pilosa em áreas de produção de feijão e de trigo, após o cultivo de plantas de cobertura. O trabalho foi conduzido em área sob sistema de plantio direto na palha, manejado por cinco anos consecutivos, na Fazenda Capivara, da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, localizada no município de Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO. O solo do local é classificado como Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela combinação de sete plantas de cobertura de solo: braquiarão (Brachiaria brizantha) - cv. Marandu; braquiarão em consórcio com o milho (Zea mays) - híbrido HT BRS 3150; guandu-anão (Cajanus cajan); milheto (Pennisetum glaucum) - cv. BN-2; mombaça (Panicum maximum) cv. Mombaça; sorgo granífero (Sorghum bicolor) - cv. BR 304; e estilosantes (Stylosanthes guianensis) - cv. Mineirão e por duas culturas cultivadas em sucessão nas áreas: feijão cv. Pérola e trigo - Embrapa 42. Todas as plantas de cobertura foram cortadas no mesmo dia, utilizando-se um triturador de palhada, e deixadas na superfície do solo. As semeaduras do feijão e do trigo foram realizadas sessenta dias após o corte das culturas de cobertura. Foram realizadas duas contagens do número de plantas emergidas de E. heterophylla e de B. pilosa, separadas em três estágios de crescimento (plantas com menos de duas folhas, de duas a quatro folhas e com mais de quatro folhas). Entre as plantas de cobertura testadas, braquiarão e mombaça se mostraram as mais promissoras em reduzir a emergência de plantas daninhas em cultivos subseqüentes, apresentando resultados significativos na diminuição do número de plantas de E. heterophylla estabelecidas nas áreas cultivadas com feijão ou com trigo. Não se constataram diferenças quanto à capacidade das culturas de feijão e de trigo em reduzir a população de E. heterophylla e B. pilosa.
Drugs which influence 5-HTergic mechanisms can modify neuroleptic-induced catalepsy (NC) in rodents, a phenomenon produced by striatal dopamine (DA) receptor blockade. Previous research also suggests a role for endogenous nitric oxide (NO) in the modulation of striatal DAergic neurotransmission; in addition, NO seems to play a role in the 5-HT reuptake mechanism. It is known that clomipramine potentiates NC in mice, but the reported effects of selective 5-HT reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in this model are rather contradictory. We then decided to re-address this issue, investigating the effect of fluoxetine (FX), an SSRI, on NC. In view of the ubiquitous role of NO as a central neuromodulator, we also studied the effect of isosorbide dinitrate (ID), a centrally active NO donor, and how both drugs interact to affect the phenomenon of NC. Catalepsy was induced in male albino mice with haloperidol (H; 1 mg/kg, ip) and measured at 30-min interval by means of a bar test. Drugs (FX, ID and FX + ID) or saline (controls) were injected ip 30 min before H, with each animal used only once. FX (5 mg/kg) significantly reduced NC, with maximal attenuation (about 74%) occurring at 150 min after H. ID (5 mg/kg) also inhibited NC (150 min: 62% attenuation). The combined drugs (FX + ID group), however, caused a great potentiation of NC (4.7-fold at its maximum, at 90 min). The effect observed with ID is compatible with the hypothesis that NO increases DA release in the striatum. The attenuation of NC observed with FX may be due to a preferential net effect on the raphe somatodendritic synapse, where inhibitory 5-HT1A autoreceptors are operative. The enhancement of NC caused by combined administration of FX and ID suggests the presence of a pharmacodynamic interaction, whose mechanism, still unclear, may be related to a decrease in striatal DA release
Heart transplantation is associated with rapid bone loss and an increased prevalence and incidence of fractures. The aim of the present study was to compare the bone mineral density (BMD) of 30 heart transplant (HT) recipients to that of 31 chronic heart failure (CHF) patients waiting for transplantation and to determine their biochemical markers of bone resorption and hormone levels. The BMD of lumbar spine and proximal femur was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the thoracic and lumbar spine were also obtained. The mean age of the two groups did not differ significantly. Mean time of transplantation was 25.4 ± 21.1 months (6 to 88 months). Except for the albumin levels, which were significantly higher, and magnesium levels, which were significantly lower in HT patients when compared to CHF patients, all other biochemical parameters and hormone levels were within the normal range and similar in the two groups. Both groups had lower BMD of the spine and proximal femur compared to young healthy adults. However, the mean BMD of HT patients was significantly lower than in CHF patients at all sites studied. Bone mass did not correlate with time after transplantation or cumulative dose of cyclosporine A. There was a negative correlation between BMD and the cumulative dose of prednisone. These data suggest that bone loss occurs in HT patients mainly due to the use of corticosteroids and that in 30% of the patients it can be present before transplantation. It seems that cyclosporine A may also play a role in this loss.
Genetic and environmental factors have been implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common form of dementia in the elderly. Mutations in 3 genes mapped on chromosomes 21, 14 and 1 are related to the rare early onset forms of AD while the e4 allele of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene (on chromosome 19) is the major susceptibility locus for the most common late onset AD (LOAD). Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) is a key neurotransmitter implicated in the control of mood, sleep, appetite and a variety of traits and behaviors. Recently, a polymorphism in the transcriptional control region upstream of the 5-HT transporter (5-HTT) gene has been studied in several psychiatric diseases and personality traits. It has been demonstrated that the short variant(s) of this 5-HTT gene-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) is associated with a different transcriptional efficiency of the 5-HTT gene promoter resulting in decreased 5-HTT expression and 5-HT uptake in lymphocytes. An increased frequency of this 5-HTTLPR short variant polymorphism in LOAD was recently reported. In addition, another common polymorphic variation in the 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C serotonin receptor genes previously analyzed in schizophrenic patients was associated with auditory and visual hallucinations in AD. These observations suggest that the involvement of the serotonin pathway might provide an explanation for some aspects of the affective symptoms commonly observed in AD patients. In summary, research on genetic polymorphisms related to AD and involved in receptors, transporter proteins and the enzymatic machinery of serotonin might enhance our understanding of this devastating neurodegenerative disorder.
An anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) monoclonal antibody (mAb 6D1.1) was evaluated in vitro and in vivo to determine its suitability as a tracer for immunoscintigraphy of colorectal carcinomas. Determination of mAb affinity for CEA showed a constant of association of 0.63 ± 0.11 x 109 M-1. Binding of technetium-99m (99mTc)-6D1.1, labeled by a direct method, to human cultured lineages was highly specific. Binding to only CEA-positive LS-174T cells resulted in a saturable curve inhibited by pre-incubation with unlabeled mAb. No binding at all was observed for the human lineages MeWo (melanoma) or ZR75-30 (breast carcinoma), neither of them expressing CEA cells. Intravenous injection of 99mTc-6D1.1 into nude mice xenografted with human LS-174T tumors resulted in planar images of excellent quality. Localization of an irrelevant mAb labeled with either 99mTc or iodine-125 was never observed in tumor masses. Biodistribution studies on excised tumoral tissue showed retention of 28.48% of the injected dose per gram of LS-174T tumor. The tumor-to-blood ratio was 3.46. The same analysis performed on the other three human xenografted tumors studied demonstrated that only the CEA-producing HT-29 (colorectal adenocarcinoma) retained 99mTc-6D1.1 while the other two (ZR75-30 and MeWo) did not. These data demonstrate that this mAb is an adequate tool for targeting CEA-expressing tumors in experimental models.
Connexin43 (Cx43) is a major gap junction protein present in the Fischer-344 rat aorta. Previous studies have identified conditions under which selective disruption of intercellular communication with heptanol caused a significant, readily reversible and time-dependent diminution in the magnitude of a1-adrenergic contractions in isolated rat aorta. These observations have indentified a significant role for gap junctions in modulating vascular smooth muscle tone. The goal of these steady-state studies was to utilize isolated rat aortic rings to further evaluate the contribution of intercellular junctions to contractions elicited by cellular activation in response to several other vascular spasmogens. The effects of heptanol were examined (0.2-2.0 mM) on equivalent submaximal (»75% of the phenylephrine maximum) aortic contractions elicited by 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; 1-2 µM), prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a; 1 µM) and endothelin-1 (ET-1; 20 nM). Statistical analysis revealed that 200 µM and 500 µM heptanol diminished the maximal amplitude of the steady-state contractile responses for 5-HT from a control response of 75 ± 6% (N = 26 rings) to 57 ± 7% (N = 26 rings) and 34.9 ± 6% (N = 13 rings), respectively (P<0.05), and for PGF2a from a control response of 75 ± 10% (N = 16 rings) to 52 ± 8% (N = 19 rings) and 25.9 ± 6% (N = 18 rings), respectively (P<0.05). In contrast, 200 µM and 500 µM heptanol had no detectable effect on the magnitude of ET-1-induced contractile responses, which were 76 ± 5.0% for the control response (N = 38 rings), 59 ± 6.0% in the presence of 200 µM heptanol (N = 17 rings), and 70 ± 6.0% in the presence of 500 µM heptanol (N = 23 rings) (P<0.13). Increasing the heptanol concentration to 1 mM was associated with a significant decrease in the magnitude of the steady-state ET-1-induced contractile response to 32 ± 5% (21 rings; P<0.01); further increasing the heptanol concentration to 2 mM had no additional effect. In rat aorta then, junctional modulation of tissue contractility appears to be agonist-dependent.
This article is a transcription of an electronic symposium sponsored by the Brazilian Society of Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC). Invited researchers from the European Union, North America and Brazil discussed two issues on anxiety, namely whether panic is a very intense anxiety or something else, and what aspects of clinical anxiety are reproduced by animal models. Concerning the first issue, most participants agreed that generalized anxiety and panic disorder are different on the basis of clinical manifestations, drug response and animal models. Also, underlying brain structures, neurotransmitter modulation and hormonal changes seem to involve important differences. It is also common knowledge that existing animal models generate different types of fear/anxiety. A challenge for future research is to establish a good correlation between animal models and nosological classification.
The present study was designed to evaluate the differences in the coronary vasodilator actions of serotonin (5-HT) in isolated heart obtained from naive or castrated male and female rats that were treated with either estrogen or testosterone. Hearts from 12 groups of rats were used: male and female naive animals, castrated, castrated and treated with 17ß-estradiol (0.5 µg kg-1 day-1) for 7 or 30 days, and castrated and treated with testosterone (0.5 mg kg-1 day-1) for 7 or 30 days. After treatment, the vascular reactivity of the coronary bed was evaluated. Baseline coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) was determined and dose-response curves to 5-HT were generated. Baseline CPP differed between male (70 ± 6 mmHg, N = 10) and female (115 ± 6 mmHg, N = 12) naive rats. Maximal 5-HT-induced coronary vasodilation was higher (P<0.05) in naive female than in naive male rats. In both sexes, 5-HT produced endothelium-dependent coronary vasodilation. After castration, there was no significant difference in baseline CPP between hearts obtained from male and female rats (75 ± 7 mmHg, N = 8, and 83 ± 5 mmHg, N = 8, respectively). Castration reduced the 5-HT-induced maximal vasodilation in female and male rats (P<0.05). Estrogen treatment of castrated female rats restored (P<0.05) the vascular reactivity. In castrated male rats, 30 days of estrogen treatment increased (P<0.05) the responsiveness to 5-HT. The endothelium-dependent coronary vasodilator actions of 5-HT are greater in female rats and are modulated by estrogen. A knowledge of the mechanism of action of estrogen on coronary arteries could aid in the development of new therapeutic strategies and potentially decrease the incidence of cardiovascular disease in both sexes.
We studied the effects of ethanol on the levels of norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin (5-HT) and their metabolites as well as on D1- and D2-like receptors in the rat striatum. Ethanol (2 or 4 g/kg, po) was administered daily by gavage to male Wistar rats and on the 7th day, 30 min or 48 h after drug administration, the striatum was dissected for biochemical assays. Monoamine and metabolite concentrations were measured by HPLC and D1- and D2-like receptor densities were determined by binding assays. Scatchard analyses showed decreases of 30 and 43%, respectively, in D1- and D2-like receptor densities and no change in dissociation constants (Kd) 48 h after the withdrawal of the dose of 4 g/kg. Ethanol, 2 g/kg, was effective only on the density of D2-like receptors but not on Kd of either receptor. Thirty minutes after the last ethanol injection (4 g/kg), decreases of D2 receptor density (45%) as well as of Kd values (34%) were detected. However, there was no significant effect on D1-like receptor density and a 46% decrease was observed in Kd. An increase in dopamine and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), a decrease in norepinephrine, and no alteration in 5-HT levels were demonstrated after 48-h withdrawal of 4 g/kg ethanol. Similar effects were observed in dopamine and DOPAC levels 30 min after drug administration. No alteration in norepinephrine concentration and a decrease in 5-HT levels were seen 30 min after ethanol (4 g/kg) administration. Our findings indicate the involvement of the monoaminergic system in the responses to ethanol.
We studied the effects of ethanol on concentrations of noradrenaline (NE), dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) and their metabolites in rat hippocampus and striatum. Ethanol (2 or 4 g/kg, po, from a 20% aqueous solution) was administered daily to male Wistar rats (4-13 per group) for 30 days and animals were sacrificed 30 min or 48 h after the last administration. Monoamines were measured by HPLC and considered significant at P < 0.05. A 47% increase in 5-HT levels was observed in the hippocampus with 4 g/kg ethanol in the 30-min protocol. Ethanol (2 and 4 g/kg) decreased DA (2114.5 ± 126.4 and 1785.1 ± 234.2 ng/g wet tissue, respectively) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC, 1477.6 ± 132.1 and 1218.8 ± 271.7 ng/g wet tissue, respectively) levels, while the higher dose also decreased NE (159.8 ± 13.5), 5-HT (228.0 ± 46.8) and 5-hydroxy-3-indoleacetic acid (5-HIAA, 304.4 ± 37.2 ng/g wet tissue), in the striatum after a 48-h withdrawal as compared to controls (DA: 3063.9 ± 321.3; DOPAC: 2379.6 ± 256.0; NE: 292.8 ± 50.2; 5-HT: 412.4 ± 36.2; 5-HIAA: 703.9 ± 61.4 ng/g wet tissue). In the 30-min protocol, ethanol (2 or 4 g/kg) decreased striatal NE (66 and 70%) and DA (50 and 36%) levels. On the other hand, increases were seen in 5-HIAA (146 and 153%) and 5-HT (59 and 86%) levels. Ethanol (2 g/kg, po) increased the homovanillic acid (HVA)/DA ratio (129%) in the striatum in the 30-min protocol, while at the higher dose it increased the HVA/DA ratio in the 48-h protocol (61%). These results indicate alterations in monoamines, mainly in the striatum, after chronic ethanol, which are influenced by dose and by the length of time after the last drug administration.