132 resultados para DISTAL TUBULE
O Contegra, um enxerto de veia jugular bovina, tem sido amplamente utilizado como biomaterial de preferência no tratamento cirúrgico das cardiopatias congênitas, especialmente como um conduto para a reconstrução da via de saída ventricular direita. Este artigo tem como objetivo fazer uma revisão abrangente sobre os desfechos clínicos do Contegra. Foram recuperados, coletados e analisados, relatos de Contegra publicados desde 2002. Havia 1.718 Contegra, aplicados em 1.705 pacientes. Os tamanhos dos condutos foram de 8-22 mm. As idades dos pacientes foram de recém-nascidos até 74,5 anos, com prevalência de pacientes pediátricos. O diagnóstico primário foi cardiopatia congênita em todos os casos, sendo os três diagnósticos principais: tetralogia de Fallot, tronco arterioso e atresia pulmonar, que representaram 25,6%, 16,7% e 13,1%, respectivamente. O Contegra foi utilizado como enxerto tubular na posição pulmonar em 1635 (95,9%) pacientes, como remendo monocúspide em 12 (0,7%), como enxerto na posição da valva pulmonar ou monocúspide em 40 (2,3%), e, como conduto artéria pulmonar-veia cava inferior na operação de Fontan, em 18 (1,1%) pacientes, respectivamente. O reimplante de conduto foi realizado em 141 (8,3%) pacientes, 33,8 ± 37 (8,6-106,8) meses após a inserção do conduto inicial. A plástica do conduto foi necessária em seis (0,4%) e a reintervenção em 83 (4,9%) dos pacientes. As indicações do reimplante do conduto incluíram estenose importante da anastomose distal, pseudoaneurisma da anastomose proximal e regurgitação importante do conduto. Quanto ao bom desempenho, disponibilidade e longevidade, o Contegra é um biomaterial adequado para a reconstrução da via de saída ventricular direita e como remendo para reparo de comunicação interventricular, mas não é apto para a operação de Fontan.
Particular aspects of the meiosis of two species of Hemiptera, namely Megalotomus pallescens (Stal) (Coriscidae) and Jadera sanguinolenta (Fabr.); (Corizidae) are described and discussed in this paper. Megalotomus pallescens This species has primary spermatocytes provided with 7 autosomal tetrads plus a single sex chromosome. The X is smaller than the autosomes and may be found either in the periphery of the circle formed by the autosomal tetrads or in the center together with the m-tetrad which always occupies this position. The X chromosome - In the primary spermatocytes this element, which is tetradiform, orients itself parallelly to the spindle axis and divides transversely by its median constriction. In the secondary spermatocytes it passes undivided to one pole. The m-chromosomes - These chromosomes have been frequently found in close association with the sex chromosome in nuclei wich have passed the diffuse stage, a fact which was considered as affording some evidence in support of the idea /developed by the present writer in another paper with regard to the origin of the m-chromosomes from the sex chromosome. Formation of tetrads - Tetrads appear at first as irregular areas of reticular structure, becoming later more and more distinct. Then, two chromosomal strands very loose and irregular in outline, connected whit each other by several transverse filaments, begin to develop in each area. Growing progressively shorter, thicker and denser, these strands soon give origin to typical Hemiptera tetrads. Jadera sanguinolenta Spermatogonia of this species have 13 chromosomes, that is, 10 autosomes, 2 m-chromosomes and one sex chromosome, one pair of autosomes being much larger than the rest. Chromosomes move toward the poles with both ends looking to them. Primary spermatocytes show 6 tetrads and a single X. The sex chromossome in the first division of the spermatocytes divides as if it was a tetrad, passing undivided to one pole in the second division. In the latter it does not orient, being found anywhere in the cells. Its most common situation in anaphase corresponds therefore to precession. Tetrads are formed here in an entirely different way : the bivalents as they become distinct in the nuclei which came out. of the diffuse stage they appear in form of two thin threads united only at the extremities, an aspect which may better be analized in the larger bivalent. Up from this stage the formation of the tetrads is a mere process of shortening and thickening of both members of the pair. Due to the fact that the paired chromosomes are well separated from each other throughout their entire lenght, the author concluded that chiasmata, if present, are accumulated at the very ends of the bivalents. If no chiasmata have been at all formed, then, what holds together the corresponding extremities must be a strong attraction developed by the kinetochores. If one interprets the bivalents represented in the figures 17-21 as formed by four chromatids paired by one of the ends and united by the opposite one, then the question of the diffuse attachment becomes entirely disproved since it is exactly by the distal extremities that the tetrads later will be connected with the poles. In the opinion of the present writer the facts referred to above are one of the best demonstration at hand of the continuity of the paired threads and at the same time of the dicentricity of Hemiptera chromosomes. In view of the data hitherto collected by the author the behavior of the sex chromosome of the Hemiptera whose males are of the XO type may be summarized as follows: a) The sex chromosome in the primary metaphase appears longitudinally divided, without transverse constriction. It is oriented with the extremities in the plane of the equator and its chromatids separate by the plane of division. (Euryophthalmus, Protenor). In the second division the sex chromosome, provided as it is with an active kinetochore at each end, orients itself with its lenght parallelly to the spindle axis and passes undivided to one pole (Protenor?), or loses to the other pole a centric end (Euryophthalmus) In the latter case it has to become dicentric by means of a longitudinal spliting beginning at the kinetochore. b) The sex chromosome in the primary metaphase is tetradiform, that is, it is provided with a longitudinal split and a median transverse constriction. Orients with its length paral lelly to the spindle axis (what is probably due to the kinetochores being not yet divided) and divides transversely. (Corizas hyalinus, Megalotomus pallescens). in the secondary metaphase the sex chromosome which turned to be dicentric in consequence of a longitudinal spliting initiated in the kineto chore, orients perpendicularly to the equatorial plane and without losing anyone of its extremities passes undivided to one pole (Megalotomus). Or, distending between both poles passes to one side, in which case it loses one of its ends to the other side. (Corizas hyalinus). c) The very short sex chromosome in the first division of the spermatocytes orients in the same manner aa the tetrads and divides transversely. In the second division, due to the inactivity o the inetochore, it remains monocentric and motionless anywhere in the cell, finishing by being enclosed in the nearer nucleus. In the secondary telophase it recuperates its dicentricity at the same time as the autosomal chromatids. (Jadera sanguinolenta, Diactor bilineatus). d) The sex chromosome in the first division orients in the equador with its longitudinal axis parallelly to the spindle axis passing integrally to one pole or, distending itself between the anaphase plates, loses one of its ends to the opposite pole. In this case it becomes dicentric in the prometaphase of the second division, behaving in this division as the autossomes. It thus divides longitudnally. (Pachylis laticomis, Pachylis pharaonis).
Diseased plants of artichoke (Cynara scolimus L.) from the Instituto Agronômico, Campinas, Brazil, harboured nematodes in the leaves. The nematodes proved to belong to the species Protorhabditis oxyuris (Claus, 1862) Dougherty, 1955. As it could not be charged as the primary agent of the disease, a study of the bacteria found in the material was made. This disclosed that 4 different bacterial forms were present, namely Bacillus subtilis, Bacterium udum, Xanthomonas beticola var. cynarae n. var., and Cory neb acterium fascians var. cynarae n. var. The typical forms of X. beticola and of C. fascians are known as pathogenic to a number of plants: but, in the present case, unfortunately no inoculation trial could be made as an attempt to clear up the possible pathogenicity of any of them also to Cynara scolimus. The nematode P. oxyuris is the secondary agent, which however possibly play an important part in the distribution of the bacteria, as it has been repeatedly pointed out by previous writers with reference to closely related species. The symptoms of the disease are described. The main injuries found on leaves were necrotic areas progressing from the distal part of the limb, resulting in a great reduction of the leaf superficies.
The subfamily Corinninae is characterized and diagnosed. Two synapomorphies are hypothesized for the subfamily, both regarding the male palpal reservoir, which is primarily coiled and presents a sclerotized distal sector. Seventeen genera are recognized, six of which are new: Abapeba (type species Corinna lacertosa Simon), Erendira (type species Corinna pallidoguttata Simon), Septentrinna (type species Corinna bicalcarata Simon), Simonestus (type species Diestus validus Simon), Tapixaua (type species T. callida sp. nov.) and Tupirinna (type species T. rosae sp. nov.). The genera Creugas Thorell, Falconina Brignoli and Paradiestus Mello-Leitão are revalidated. Diestus Simon and Lausus Simon are newly synonymized with Corinna C. L. Koch. Chemmis Simon is included in the synonymy of Megalostrata Karsch. Hypsinotus L. Koch is removed from the synonymy of Corinna and included in the synonymy of Creugas. Thirteen new species are described: Septentrinna yucatan and S. potosi from Mexico; Tupirinna rosae from Venezuela and Brazil; Tapixaua callida from Brazil and Peru; Abapeba hoeferi, A. rioclaro, A. taruma, Corinna ducke, C. colombo, C. mourai, C. recurva and Parachemmis manauara from Brazil; Creugas lisei from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. Twenty seven species are redescribed. Fifty eight new combinations are presented: from Chemmis, Septentrinna steckleri (Gertsch); from Corinna, Abapeba abalosi (Mello-Leitão), A. cleonei (Petrunkevitch), A. echinus (Simon), A. grassima (Chickering), A. guanicae (Petrunkevitch), A. lacertosa (Simon), A. luctuosa (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), A. lugubris (Schenkel), A. pennata (Caporiacco), A. kochi (Petrunkevitch), A. saga (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), A. wheeleri (Petrunkevitch), Creugas annamae (Gertsch & Davis), C. apophysarius (Caporiacco), C. bajulus (Gertsch), C. bellator (L. Koch), C. bicuspis (F.O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. epicureanus (Chamberlin), C. falculus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. mucronatus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. navus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. nigricans (C. L. Koch), C. plumatus (L. Koch), C. praeceps (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. silvaticus (Chickering), C. uncatus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), Erendira luteomaculatta (Petrunkevitch), E. pallidoguttata (Simon), E. subsignata (Simon), Falconina albomaculosa (Schmidt), F. crassipalpis (Chickering), F. gracilis (Keyserling), Megalostrata raptrix (L. Koch), Paradiestus egregius (Simon), P. giganteus (Karsch), P. penicillatus (Mello-Leitão), P. vitiosus (Keyserling), Septentrinna bicalcarata (Simon), S. paradoxa (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), S. retusa (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), Simonestus pseudobulbolus (Caporiacco), S. robustus (Chickering), S. semiluna (F.O. Pickard-Cambridge), Stethorrhagus maculatus (L. Koch) and Xeropigo smedigari (Caporiacco); from Diestus, Corinna alticeps (Keyserling), C. kochi (Simon), Simonestus occidentalis (Schenkel), S. separatus (Schmidt) and S. validus (Simon); from Lausus, Corinna grandis (Simon) and Abapeba sicarioides (Mello-Leitão); from Medmassa, Corinna andina (Simon) and C. venezuelica (Caporiacco); from Megalostrata, Erendira atrox (Caporiacco) and Erendira pictitorax (Caporiacco); from Parachemmis, Tupirinna trilineata (Chickering). Five combinations are restaured: Corinna aenea Simon, Creugas cinnamius Simon, Creugas gulosus Thorell, Falconina melloi (Schenkel), Paradiestus aurantiacus Mello-Leitão. Twenty five new synonymies are proposed: Diestus altifrons Mello-Leitão with Corinna nitens (Keyserling); Corinna tomentosa Simon, C. tridentina Mello-Leitão, Hypsinotus flavipes Keyserling, H. humilis Keyserling and Xeropigo scutulatus Simon with Xeropigo tridentiger (O. Pickard-Cambridge); Corinna cribosa Mello-Leitão and C. stigmatica Simon with Falconina gracilis (Keyserling); Corinna casueta Chickering with SIMONestus separatus (Schmidt); Corinna abnormis Petrunkevitch, C. antillana BRYANT, C. consobrina Simon, C. inornata Kraus, C. nervosa F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, C. wolleboeki Banks, Creugas cetratus Simon, C. senegalensis Simon and Hypsinotus gracilipes Keyserling with Creugas gulosus Thorell; Chemmis frederici Simon, Delozeugma formidabile O. Pickard-Cambridge, D. mordicans O. Pickard-Cambridge, Megalostrata sperata Kraus and M. venifica KARSCH with Megalostrata raptrix (L. Koch); Megalostrata lohmanderi Caporiacco with Erendira atrox (Caporiacco); Corinna tenubra Chickering with Parachemmis fuscus Chickering. One new name, Creugas berlandi, is erected for Corinna bellatrix Schmidt. Males of Creugas cinnamius, Corinna kochi, Methesis semirufa Simon, Paradiestus aurantiacus, Septentrinna steckleri and Xeropigo smedigari, the females of Paradiestus giganteus, Septentrinna bicalcarata and the adult female of S. steckleri are described for the first time.
A detailed preliminary histological analysis of Helobdella hyalina Ringuelet, 1942 male system from Los Talas, Buenos Aires, Argentina is described. Six pairs of testisacs, located between the crop caeca, form the male reproductive system. Each testisac is clothed by the mesotelium. Inside it, the germinal cells are connected to the citophore and develop functional unit called poliplast. The spermatozoa are released into testisacs after the reabsortion of the citophore. Five stages of spermatogenesis are described taking into account the successive maturation stages of germinal cells and the changes in the citophore size. Lining cells and gland cells were found in the seminal vesicle. Five different types of gland cells are placed inside the ejaculatory ducts, as well as two kinds of cells are found in its distal portion: type 1, which produces eosinophilic granular secretion, type 2, with amorphous and slightly eosinophilic. Three distinct gland cells are located in the proximal portion of the duct: type 3, which produces a strongly eosinophilic granular secretion; type 4, with a negative eosinophilic amorphous secretion and type 5, with a basophilic granular secretion. Type 5 gland cells are described for the ducts of this species only.
A distribuição de imaturos de Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton, 1856 foi avaliada em folhas e em brotos de plantas de Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck var. Valência, no município de Montenegro (29°68'S e 51°46'W), Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A presença de ovos, lagartas e crisálidas (vivas e mortas) foi registrada nas folhas, em relação às superfícies abaxial e adaxial e à porção proximal, mediana e distal destas. As folhas que continham ovos, lagartas e/ou crisálidas foram classificadas e numeradas quanto à posição relativa a partir do ápice do broto e foram tomadas medidas no maior comprimento. Lagartas, crisálidas e ovos de P. citrella evidenciaram padrão de distribuição agregado tanto no nível de brotos quanto no de folhas. O comprimento médio das folhas onde ocorreram as pupas era maior do que aquele onde se encontravam as lagartas. Os ovos foram registrados em maior proporção no terço mediano das folhas, em ambas superfícies, já as lagartas e crisálidas ocorreram com mais freqüência nos terços mediano e proximal das folhas.
Pachyurus schomburgkii Günther, 1860 e P. paucirastrus Aguilera, 1983 ocorrem na bacia Tocantins-Araguaia, sendo a segunda endêmica da bacia. Ambas foram encontradas na região do alto Tocantins, onde este foi represado pela usina hidrelétrica Serra da Mesa, tendo sido capturadas somente em dois de 14 pontos amostrados, sendo ambos (FU e PG) a jusante da barragem. Os peixes foram amostrados bimestralmente com redes de espera padronizadas entre dezembro de 1995 e dezembro de 2002. São apresentados dados de distribuição, dieta, condição fisiológica e estado reprodutivo das duas espécies, focando possíveis modificações em decorrência da instalação da barragem. A maioria dos indivíduos capturados eram adultos e o número de reprodutivos diminuiu após o represamento. As duas espécies foram classificadas como invertívoras bentônicas, alimentando-se principalmente de formas imaturas de insetos. A amplitude de nicho foi significativamente maior para P. paucirastrus, e maior na fase anterior ao represamento, para ambas as espécies. A sobreposição interespecífica da dieta foi alta, porém, a partilha de recursos foi maior no ponto imediatamente abaixo da represa (FU) do que naquele mais distante (PG). Os valores obtidos para o fator de condição indicaram que P. schomburgkii deve ter utilizado mais efetivamente os recursos disponíveis após as mudanças ambientais do que P. paucirastrus. Dessa forma, problemas relativos à alimentação podem ter contribuído para o desaparecimento dessa espécie durante a fase de operação da usina. Pachyurus schomburgkii parece ter se ajustado melhor às mudanças e mostrou-se mais persistente na área após o represamento, porém restrita ao ponto mais distal da barragem, tendo sido capturada de forma esporádica até desaparecer, aproximadamente quatro anos após a formação do reservatório. Considerando a série de usinas hidrelétricas projetadas para o rio Tocantins, recomendam-se estudos intensivos sobre P. paucirastrus em outras partes da bacia, de forma que seja avaliado seu real estado de conservação.
Alpaida guto n. sp. is described based on males and females from State of Pará, Brazil. This species appears to be the most abundant Alpaida O. P.-Cambridge, 1889 species in Caxiuanã National Forest, eastern Amazonia. The males seem to be close to A. antonio Levi, 1988 but can be easily distinguished by the terminal apophysis with rounded distal lobe and long, slender basal prong; females differ from those of A. yotoco Levi, 1988 by the median lobe with a basal constriction and by the bilobed median plate.
This study compared the arm regeneration frequencies in two different populations of Ophionereis reticulata (Say, 1825) in São Sebastião, Southeast Brazil and observed arm regeneration between age classes (juvenile and adults) and sexes (male and female). From the 1,170 individuals sampled, 1,089 (92.2%) showed signs of arm regeneration. The relative frequencies of regenerating arms in the two areas were not different (Baleeiro Isthmus: 91.3% and Grande Beach: 99.5%). Both areas also presented similar values for the number of arms regenerating/individual and in the frequency of regenerating individuals. The major part of the regenerating scars was concentrated in the distal portion of the arm. Sub-lethal predation is most likely the cause to the high rates of arm regeneration in O. reticulata. There was no significant differences in the regeneration rates between females (3.57 ± 1.36 arms regenerating/individual) and males (3.47 ± 1.42).
A new genus of Parastenocarididae is described from the Neotropical region. Iticocaris gen. nov. is established to include Parastenocaris itica Noodt, 1962. Iticocaris gen. nov. is defined by the following characters: 1) male leg 3 with 2-segmented exopod; 2) first exopodal segment short and rectangular; 3) thumb hypertrophic, longer than the second exopodal segment and inserted on the distal edge of exopod segment 1, occupying the whole distal margin; 4) exopod 2 or apophysis strongly sclerotized, articulated with the exopod segment 1 on its inner margin and curved against the thumb, forming a strong forceps; 5) leg 4 endopod without dimorphism in shape and size vs. minor dimorphism in ornamentation; 6) leg 5 with three setae and 7) lack of the anterolateral furcal seta II. The new genus is monotypic, represented by Iticocaris itica (Noodt, 1962) comb. nov., from El Salvador, Central America. A close relationship is hypothesized between I. itica and the genus Brasilibathynellocaris Jakobi, 1972, the males of which both share the forceps-like elongated apophysis.
The A. and his co-workers captured in trips in the hinterland of Brazil more tham 17.000 flebotomi from which 35 are new ones, 11 discribed by, him in previous papers. The A. found these insects in groups of species living in different habitats, some ones of them not yet known: ondoors, or outdoors attracted by light or animal baits, without Shannons trap, in great or small caves, in the jungle in trees holes, holes in stones, holes in the soil habited by animals like armadillos, pacas (Aguti paca), wild rats, cururú toad (Bufo sp.). He observed the life history of 13 species: Flebotomus longipalpis Lutz& Neiva, 1912, Flebotomus intermedius Lutz & Neiva, 1912, Flebotomus avellari Costa Lima, 1932, Flebotomus aragãoi costa Lima, 1932, Flebotomus lutzianus Costa Lima, 1932, Flebotomus limai fonseca, 1935, Flebotomus rickardi Costa Lima, 1936, Flebotomus dasipodogeton Castro, 1939, Flebotomus oswaldoi n. sp., Flebotomus villelai n. sp., Flebotomus triacanthus n. sp., Flebotomus longispinus n. sp. And flebotomus travassosi n. sp. He describes the male of 24 n. sp., explaining the differential diagnose of group or nearly allied species. He inclued F. rooti n. sp. And F. hirsutus n. sp. In the sub-genus Shannonomyia. The first one, very allied to F. davisi Root is different from it, for presenting in the dorsal side of the abdomen bristles and not scales and to have the median claspers longer than his inner appendage and F. hirsutus quite different from the others which show 3 spines on distal segment of the upper clasper and for being the only one who presents the bristles of inner appendage of median clasper longer than it. Only the females of F. amazonensis Root and f. chagasi Costa Lima, are known and then it is possible that they belong to one of the species of this sub-genus from whom only the male have been described. F. choti Floch & Abonnenc, captured also at Pará, F. triacanthus n. sp. F. trispinosus n. sp. And F. equatorialis n. sp. Are very related and to this group the A. proposes the same of Pressatia as sub-genus in honor to whom demonstrated the medical importance of the flebotomi, considering F. triacanthus as the type specie of this sub-genus. In this sub-genus the V papal joint is very long, longer than III + IV, the antennae with geniculated spines without posterior outgrowth. At the genitalia the basal segment of the upper clasper presents two types of bristles ou the inner face, arranged in tuft; the distal segment with 3 spines and 2 thin bristles something difficult to see one of them situated near the apical spine and the other on the base of tubercle where the median spine is articulated; the median clasper is unarmed and compressed; the inferior clasper is also unarmed and longer than de basal segment of the upper clasper; the pompeta is longer than the basal segment of the upper clasper. Following it is presented a key for the determination of the males of the four species of this sub-genus. F. micropygus n. sp., F. minasensis n. sp. e F. dandrophylus n. sp., f. shannoni, F. monticolus, F. pestanai, F. lanei and F. cayenensis constitute a group with many similars characters. F. micropygus is the only American species who present α smaller than β and for that reason and others is allied to. F. minuts and others related species, but presents two terminal spines on the distal segment of the upper clasper. F. micropygus and f. minasensis are quite different because they have very small genitalia, smaller than their heads. F. dendrophylus presents on the median clasper a naked area near the apex and for this and others characters is different from the others of the group. F. flaviscutellatus n. sp., F. oliverioi, F. intermedius and whithmani, are very allied but the first one can be very easily distinguished because its scutellum is light. Flebotomus barrettoi n. sp., F. coutinhoi n. sp., F. aragãoi, F. brasiliensis, F. lutzianus, F. texanus, F. pascalei, F. atroclavatus and F. tejeraae are very allied forming a natural group. The two last ones are not well known but the A. A. who have studied them described very long clipeus so long as the head and for that reason can be distinguished from all the others included the two new ones. F. coutinhoi is the only one who presents the apecis of the penis filaments twisted. F. barrettoi n. sp., can be distinguished from aragãoi, texamus and coutinhoi by the length of the penis filaments and from atrocavatus, tejeraae, lutzianus and brasiliensis by the arrangement of the spines of distal segment of the upper clasper. Flebotomus ubiquitalis n. sp., F. auraensis n. sp., F. affinis and F. microps e F. antunesi have many common characters. F. microps n. sp., can be distinguished from any one by the size of the eyes and the presence od well developed genae. This species and other new species are different from F. antunesi by the arrangement of the spines of the distal segment of the upper clasper of the latter. F. ubiquitalis n. sp. can be distinguished from others by the figure of the median clasper. F. auraensis n. sp. Can be distinguished from F. affinis n. sp. By the tuft hairs on the inner face of the basal segment and by arrangement of the spines of the sital segment of the upper clasper. Flebotomus brachipygus n. sp. Seemed to be F. rostrans, specie not well known, by the characters of the genitalia but can not be identified to her by the clypeus size and the palpis characters. Flebotomus costalimai, n. sp., f. tupynambai n. sp., and f. castroi Barreto & Coutinho, 1941, are very allied species and the A. proposes to included them the new sub-genus Castromyia, in honor to Dr. G. M. de Oliveira Castro, appointing like typespecies F. castroi with the V joint longer than III + IV; antennae with geniculated spines without posterior prolongation. Genitalia: the basal segment of the upper clasper with a tuft of hairs and the distal segment with 4 spines, one of them at the apex and near it a thin and straight bristle difficult to see; the median clasper with one spinous hair isolated...
Três espécies novas de Flebotomus da Região Amazônica são descritas sob os nomes de F. dunhami, F. melloi e F. wagleyi. Tôdas apresentam quatro espinhos no segmento distal da gonapófise superior e gonapófise mediana não bifurcada mas provida de um apêndice na face superior que dá ao conjunto a aparência de uma bifurcação.
Duas espécies novas de flebotomus da Região Amazônica são descritas sob os nomes de F. servulolimai e F. wilsoni. Ambas apresentam fêmures posteriores inermes, tufo proximal de cerdas no segmento basal da gonapófise superior, segmento distal da mesma gonapófise com quatro espinhos e gonapófise mediana inerme com dilatação na face superior.
Neste trabalho descreve-se o aparelho condutor, do testículo até o ductus ejaculatorius, incluindo as glândulas anexas, do macho de Triatoma infestans. O vas deferens compõem-se de três regiões: a) parte proximal do vas deferens; b) vesícula seminalis; c) parte distal do vas deferens com uma região glândular no ponto de saída da vesícula seminalis. As partes finais do vas deferens desembocam nos lados internos de dois ramos terminais do ductus ejaculatorius. O sistema das glândulas anexas consta de 4 mesadênias. Estas são glândulas vesiculares das quais duas são ragiócrinas e duas lipócrinas. A terceira e a quarta glândula possuem a mesma formação e função, enquanto que a primeira se difere profundamente da segunda. As secreções das glândulas misturam-se num hilo de onde o líquido passa ao ductus glandularum que o conduz ao ductus ejeculatorius. Êste possui nos seus ramos terminais uma glândula mesodérmica de natureza ragiócrina (mesadênia modificada em posição extremamente distal) e uma origem ectedérmica (ectadênia modificada em posição extremamente proximal). As secreções são expulsas das vesículas glandulares por contração da musculatura das suas paredes. O transporte dos líquidos misturados, através do ductus glandularum, verifica-se por ondas peristálticas da musculatura da membrana peritoneal do próprio ducto. As glândulas não possuem válvulas. Um refluxo das secreções é evitado pelo turgor das células epiteliais dos canais condutores. O esperma, ao entrar no ductus ejaculatorius, recebe uma mistura de 5 diferentes secreções, na qual o mesmo diluido, formando, finalmente, uma suspensão. Os aspectos histológicos estão apresentados nas figuras.
No trabalho apresentado, descrevemos a evolução do espérmio maduro de triatoma infestans, iniciando-se a observação das transformações a partir dos espermídeos. Destacamos, em seguida, os principais resultados: 1. A histogênese dos espérmios é subdividida em 6 fases que se superpõem, parcialmente, a respeito do cronismo dos acontecimentos celulares: a) fase de translações (translações dos centríolos, mitocôndrios e do aparelho de GoLGI do pólo apical o pòlo basal da célula). b) Alongamento dos centríolos (formação do filamento axial). c) Alongamento da massa mitocondrial (formação dos fios periféricos). d) Formação do acrosoma (divisão do aparelho de GOLGI em acrosoma e corpo restante, que é eliminado da célula; além disto, translação do acrosoma para o pólo apical). e) Primeira fase de alongamento do núcleo (alongamento do núcleo e condensação da cromatina). f) Segunda fase de alongamento do núcleo (alongamento definitivo do núcleo para formar a cabeça do espérmio). 2. Os centríolos, em Triatoma infestans, podem ser observados, contînuamente, dos estádios da profase (estádio dos cromosomas difusos) até o fim da formação do espérmio. Para esta observação precisamos de cortes finos com, aproximadamente, um micron de espessura. 3. Os centríolos, depois da última divisão de maturação, ficam escondidos no interior do corpo dos restos dos fusos. 4. Não se pode distinguir o centríolo distal do proximal. os dois justapõem-se, um ao lado do outro, sôbre a parede do núcleo. 5. O fio axial tem origem dos dois centríolos, sendo êste um fio duplo. 6. Observamos a transformação dos mitocôndrios em microfibrilas da cauda bem como a de uma parte do aparelho de GOLGI em acrosoma. 7. Depois da condensação da cromatina sôbre a parede do núcleo, formam-se duas saliências longitudinais cromáticas, que são orientadas em espiral com torsão em sentido inverso do relógio. Por isso, o corte transversal do núcleo, fortemente alongado, tem o aspecto de ferradura. 8. O espérmio maduro é composto pelos seguintes elementos, cuja existência é provada, no microscópio eletrônico, por intermédio de cortes e dilacerações: a) Acrosoma (em forma de um cone, ligeiramente curvado). b) Núcleo, formado a "cabeça" do espérmio, sem qualquer estrutura vísivel no seu interior. c) Cone basal do núcleo, formado pelos centríolos. d) Fio axial, composto de duas microfibrilas dos centríolos. e) Oito fios longitudinais mitocondriais, unidos em dois grupos (corpos em forma de vírgula), e incluídos em uma massa homogênea. Cada um dos corpos em forma de vírgula...