110 resultados para DILTHEY, GUILLERMO


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En este trabajo se estimó la preferencia alimentaria de Notiobia cupripennis por semillas de ocho especies de malezas primavero-estivales (Pr-Es) y de seis especies otoño-invernales (Ot-In) más comunes en los agroecosistemas del Sur de la provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina. Las semillas de las especies de cada grupo fueron ofrecidas en conjunto y de a pares a adultos confinados individualmente. La relación (semillas dañadas/semillas disponibles) x 100 de cada especie fue considerada como índice de preferencia alimentaria. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante análisis de la variancia y test de rangos múltiples de Duncan y mediante un test de diferencia de medias, previa transformación arcoseno de los datos. Las semillas de las especies Ot-In fueron más dañadas (27,65%) que las Pr-Es (10,40%). Se encontraron diferencias altamente significativas en el porcentaje de semillas dañadas entre las diferentes especies; las dicotiledóneas fueron más preferidas que las gramíneas. El orden de preferencia alimentaria se mantuvo cuando los insectos fueron obligados a elegir entre semillas de dos especies de malezas. La preferencia alimentaria se atribuiría a diferencias en el tamaño, la consistencia del tegumento y la composición química de las semillas en relación con la habilidad de manipulación de las mismas y los requerimientos nutricionales del insecto.


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Se evaluó la variabilidad genética para la vida postcosecha y el peso de los frutos en veintiséis familias F3 de un híbrido interespecífico entre la cv. Caimanta de Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. y la línea LA722 de L. pimpinellifolium (Jusl.) Mill. con el objeto de obtener genotipos divergentes para ambos caracteres. Los promedios de días de vida postcosecha fueron 8, 15, 18 y 13 y de peso en gramos fueron 52,17, 0,94, 4,45 y 6,41 para cv. Caimanta, LA722, la F1 y la generación F3, respectivamente. Ninguna familia fue similar al progenitor `Caimanta' para el carácter días de vida postcosecha y sólo una familia tuvo una vida postcosecha como la F1. Para el peso de los frutos, cuatro familias fueron similares a la F1 y ninguna fue como los progenitores. La familia con peso de los frutos con 20,15 g y vida postcosecha de 21,5 días fue la que presentó mayores valores. El menor peso de los frutos fue en una familia con 2,81 g y el de menor vida postcosecha en una con 9,98 días. La amplia variabilidad genética encontrada para ambos caracteres entre las familias permitirá obtener genotipos divergentes.


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The objectives of this work were to evaluate the frequency of polyembryony, and to identify zygotic and nucellar seedlings of Citrus volkameriana using RAPD. Twenty-five polyembryonic and eight monoembryonic seeds were cultivated in vitrofor six months. DNA from seedlings was extracted and used in combination with five RAPD primers to identify zygotic or nucellar origin of the seedlings. Environmental conditions of the year affected significantly (P<0.05) the morphological characteristics of fruitsand the number ofembryos per seed. Polyembryonic seeds ranged from 30.9%, 44.8% to 54.4% over three years. Morphological characteristic was not correlated with polyembryony. In vitro culture enable all embryos of each seed to grow, favoring the percentage of seedlings identified as zygotic. In polyembryonic and monoembryonic seeds, 25.9% and 87.5% of the seedlings, respectively, were sexually originated. In polyembryonic seeds, not all zygotic seedlings were produced by small embryos located at the micropyle.


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El objetivo del trabajo fue estudiar en la generación segregante del híbrido entre una cultivar de Lycopersicon esculentum homocigota para el gen nor y la accesión LA1385 de L. esculentum var. cerasiforme, la recombinación de caracteres productivos y de calidad de fruto a través de las metodologías de análisis multivariado. En las generaciones F1 y F2 y en los progenitores se evaluaron caracteres vegetativos y productivos (longitud de entrenudos, perímetro del tallo en las partes basal, media y apical, número de flores por inflorescencia, número de inflorescencias por planta y días a cosecha) y de calidad de fruto (peso, forma, sólidos solubles, acidez, firmeza, color y vida poscosecha). Se utilizaron las correlaciones canónicas entre los caracteres vegetativos y productivos y los de calidad de fruto y también un análisis de agrupamiento para las características del fruto, incluyendo los progenitores, la F1 y la F2. Estos análisis permitieron demostrar que las características productivas y de calidad de fruto recombinaron en la generación segregante. La vida poscosecha fue la característica de los frutos más importante para discriminar grupos en la F2. Para tres niveles de agrupamiento cada grupo de individuos F2 se comportó como alguno de los progenitores o la F1.


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El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar marcadores moleculares y caracteres cuantitativos en un cruzamiento dialélico completo sin recíprocos, entre cinco líneas recombinantes de tomate y sus híbridos. Se obtuvieron perfiles de AFLP ("amplified fragment length polymorphism") y de polipéptidos del pericarpio en cuatro estados de madurez del fruto de 15 genotipos. Se evaluaron, entre otros: peso, acidez titulable, pH, vida poscosecha y firmeza. Se calculó el porcentaje de polimorfismo para los marcadores moleculares y el porcentaje de variabilidad genética para los caracteres cuantitativos en el grupo de líneas recombinantes, el de híbridos y el conjunto de genotipos. Se realizaron análisis de agrupamiento con cada nivel de variación genética. Para AFLP, el porcentaje de polimorfismo varió entre 34 y 54% y, para los perfiles polipeptídicos, entre 40 y 78%. Mayor polimorfismo fue observado en el grupo de híbridos. La variabilidad genética fue de 100% para acidez y 34% para firmeza, con los mayores valores en los parentales. La similitud genética varió entre los genotipos según el nivel de variación genética; pero la consistencia en el agrupamiento de algunas líneas recombinantes y sus híbridos fue conservada, lo que evidenció asociaciones entre los datos moleculares y fenotípicos.


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A Opuntia ficus-indica tem-se destacado como principal produtora de frutos e forragens, motivo pelo qual tem sido bastante pesquisada. Além desta espécie, no semi-árido do Nordeste é encontrada a Tacinga inamoena, planta nativa, cujo fruto, embora também utilizado pelo agricultor como alternativa alimentar, não foi objeto de nenhuma pesquisa até o momento, justificando este trabalho para avaliar seu potencial nutricional e industrial, por meio das características organolépticas, químicas e físicas, conteúdo nutricional e composição mineral. O quipá apresenta características organolépticas similares às de frutos de mesmo gênero, com rendimento da porção comestível, polpa e pericarpo carnoso de 62,87% do peso total do fruto. No que diz respeito à composição química, a polpa difere significativamente do pericarpo carnoso, com superioridade deste último, que apresenta maior teor de minerais, destacando-se dentre estes o cálcio, o magnésio e o potássio que apresentaram valores de 587,04mg, 257,02mg e 318,01mg, respectivamente. Os resultados evidenciam que o quipá é adequado para consumo in natura e apresenta potencial para aproveitamento industrial.


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In this work we intend to eliminate the idea that laboratory exercises seem like cookbooks. That is, exercises shall be presented as a problematic situation. Based on observation and experimentation, the students should determine the E-Z configuration of maleic and fumaric acids. The basis of this laboratory exercise is the acid-catalyzed isomerization of maleic acid to fumaric acid. Students are given the starting material, reagents and the experimental procedure. They are told that the starting material is a dicarboxylic acid containing a C=C double bond of formula C4H4O4. Students determine melting points, solubilities, acidity and chromatographic patterns for both the starting material and the product, so that a configuration of each acid can be proposed. This type of experiment yields excellent results, because the students are left to deduce that maleic acid is less stable than fumaric acid. Additionally, they conclude that maleic acid is the "Z" isomer and fumaric acid is the "E" isomer. Finally, this laboratory exercise allows the students to develop simultaneously their critical-thinking skills with the respective laboratory techniques and not to see chemistry as recipes to be followed.


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The problem of convenient access to quantitative Hückel-level descriptions of Möbius and Hückel annulenes for undergraduate lectures about aromaticity is discussed. Frost circle, Zimmerman circle, double circle and Langler semicircular mnemonics are described. The relationship between spectra (complete sets of secular equation roots) for an isoconjugate pair of Hückel and Möbius annulenes and the corresponding acyclic polyene with one less carbon is fully developed. In addition to providing an alternative path to exact spectrum roots, this relationship provides immediate access to almost half of the eigenfunctions for an isoconjugate annulene pair. The remaining eigenfunctions may be obtained very easily.


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The alteration in the quality of groundwater in the industrial zone of Brazil's southernmost state was assessed by a hydrogeochemical study. In 70-85% of the studied area, fluoride, nitrate and phosphate in groundwater surpass the maximum limits for human consumption according to Brazilian environmental legislation. The chemical spectrum of contaminants and their spatial distribution show that fertilizer production processes are responsible for groundwater pollution. The natural conditions of the region are not favorable for minimal protection against infiltration of pollutants into the aquifer.


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The purpose of the study was to observe eletrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL) of luminol using different materials as electrodes such as wires, nails, coins, razor blades, etc. Based on the experimental observations and the mechanisms proposed in the literature, students should be capable of analyzing their results in order to understand the phenomena studied. Students could then elaborate a mechanism of action consistent with the experimental results which could rationalize the formation of intermediates in the reaction and the dependence of ECL on solution pH in addition to other points of interest


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The aim of this paper is to study the family of halobenzenes for characterizing their intrinsic reactivity and in this way to establish a rational order of the intrinsic reactivity of this family of molecules in the electrophilic aromatic substitution. This study was carried out in the framework of Density Functional Theory which provides a global and local index that can be used in the characterization of the reactivity. This index is related to some concept derivatives of experimental chemistry, being a good approach to the characterization of halobenzenes.


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Plastic packaging materials intended for use in food packaging is an area of great interest from the scientific and economic point of view due to the irreversible internationalization and globalization process of food products. Nevertheless, a debate related to food safety aspects has emerged within the scientific community. Therefore, the development of analytical methods that allow identifying and quantifying chemical substances of toxicological potential in the packaging is considered essential. This article focuses on the main analytical methods, including validation parameters, as well as extraction and quantification techniques for determination of volatile organic compounds from food packaging materials.


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The aim of this paper was to evaluate alterations in the quality of the water of the Tibagi River caused by the urban and industrial activities in the region of Ponta Grossa. The study involved the monitoring of physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of the water body, which were evaluated by a principal components analysis routine. Sample collections were carried out monthly during one year (October of 2005 to September of 2006), at 3 sampling points: upstream and downstream of the industrial district and downstream from the city of Ponta Grossa. The principal components analysis showed the effect of point sources associated with industrial activity, which contribute to the rise of total concentration of amoniacal nitrogen and the reduction of dissolved oxygen in the studied region.


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A comparative study based on potential energy surfaces (PES) of 2-butanedioic and hypothetic 2-butanedioic/HCl acids is useful for understanding the maleic acid isomerization. The PES enables locating conformers of minimum energy, intermediates of reactions and transition states. From contour diagrams, a set of possible reaction paths are depicted interconnecting the proposed structures. The study was carried out in absentia and in the presence of the catalyst (HCl), using an solvatation model provided by the Gaussian software package. Clearly, the effect of HCl is given by new reaction paths with lower energetic barriers in relation to the reaction without catalyzing.


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The clay minerals montmorillonite (MT) and vermiculite (VT), previously treated with Ca2+, K+ and Na+, were employed in a sorption study with herbicides. The herbicides 2,4-D, diuron, alachlor and metolachlor showed no interaction with MT and VT. On the other hand, the triazines presented a good sorption process, close to 100% for ametrine removal and near to 56 and 69% for atrazine and simazine, respectively, by MT. These results suggest that the MT specie may be a good material for triazines removal from aqueous medium and an alternative phase to preconcentration process, besides to exhibit a good selectivity.