321 resultados para Cruz, Ireneo Fernando


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Surgical removal of large amounts of hepatic tissue in male albino rats results in a rapid and conspicuous raise in cellular nuclear volumes. Measurements were made exclusively in resting nuclei. This volume variation is transitory. Nuclear volumes return to the normal value withins 6 days of restoration. The higher value are abserved 48 hours after the hepatic removal, indicating probably that this effect is due to hydration of the nucei, as occurs in the cytoplasm. This hydration could be correlated to the mitotic activity of the renmant tissue since a peak of mitoses parallels the changes in the nuclear volumes.


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Total urinary neutral 17-steroids were determined in normal and in castrated horses. One liter of a 15-26 hours urine collection was hydrolysed by refluxing with 10% HC1 (v/v) for ten minutes and extracted with peroxyde-free ethyl ether. The extract was purified by washing with saturated NaHCO³ and KOH solutions. One half of the crude neutral fraction was fractionated with Girard's "T" reagent . The Zimmermann reaction was performed both in the ketonic and in the crude neutral extracts, using alcoholic 2.5N KOH and a 60 minutes period for the colour development in the dark. Optical density measuments were made in a grating Coleman Universal Spectrophotometer at 420 mµ and 520mµ; for the crude neutral fraction a colour correction equation was applied. The aliquot fraction used for colorimety was adjusted for keeping optical density measurements within the range 0.2 to 0.7. Androsterone (mp. 184-184.5°C) with an absorption maximum at 290.5 mµ (Beckman Model DU Spectrophotometer) was used as a reference standard. Table I, ilustrates the results obtained. At the 0.05 probability level there is a significant difference among castrated and normal group means (Fischer's "t" test.) when were used the data obtained from the ketonic fractions; in spite of the use of a colour correction applied for inespecific chromogens, the same results could not be obtained with the crude neutral fractions, Since Girard's reagent fractionation is generaly accepted as the best method for correcting the inespecific chromogen interference in the determination of the 17-ketosteroids by the Zimmermann reaction, we emphasize the value of the results obtained with the ketonic fractions. From these results it appears, as occurs in others mammals, that castrated horses show a lower level of urinary 17-ketosteroids excretion than the normal horses. The significance of the horse testis contribution for the neutral urinary steroid metabolites is discussed. Since horse urine has a low androgenic activity, the fractionation of the neutral 17-ketosteroids must be studied more accurately.


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The Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, known as Instituto de Manguinhos during the life-time of its foundr, is primus inter pares among the biological research institutions of Brazil. It had a good beginning, for a number of outstanding men were brought together to lay the foundations of a school of research. Future scientists were selected among the most promisin youn medical men. In half a century, it has assumed leadership, in Tropical Medicine and Zoology, and in pure Biology as well. Several of the scientists have been interested in Botany, foremost among them Dr. LUTZ, who always collected plants and studied the flora wherever he went, and left a Herbarium of about two thousan plants. Drs. HENRIQUE ARAGÃO and SOUZA ARAÚJO, also collected in Minas, and gave their collections to Dr. LUTZ. A list of the plants collected by ARAGÃO and LUTZ on the Serra da Mantiqueira, at Pacáu, where Dr. ARAGÃO's family had a fazenda, especially at two interesting points, Morro da Mira and Campos de Safira, is given below. Tribute is paid to Dr. ARAGÃO, Dean of the living research workers of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, for the stimulus, which as Director, he gave to non-medical, biological research, including Oceanography Limnology and especially Plant Ecology.


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Os autores estudam todo o material brasileiro pertencente ao gênero Prosthogonimus Luehe, 1899, depositado na Coleção Helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, determinado e sem determinação, e concluem que apesar de apresentar grande variação em seus caracteres, pertence à uma única espécie Prosthogonimus ovalus (Rudolphi, 1803). Essa variação já havia sido observada anteriormente por Travassos (1922-1928) e confirmada experimentalmente por Boddeke (1960). São apresentadas 49 figuras e 5 quadros com as medidas correspondentes, mostrando as variações encontradas.


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Foi realizada uma investigação sobre a presença de Salmonella em gânglios linfáticos pré-escapulares, pré-crurais e mesentéricos, de 59 suínos aparentemente normais, abatidos no Matadouro de Sanata Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, GB. De um total de 177 gãnglios examinados isolaram-se 27 amostras de salmonelas, das quais 14 (51,84%) eram de gânglios mesentéricos: 5 (18.51%) de gânglios pré-escapulares e 8 (29,62%), de gânglios pré-crurais. A identificação sorológica das 27 Salmonella isoladas, revelou a existência de 4 sorotipos diferentes de Salmonella enteritidis distribuídos em dois grupos, com dominância do grupo somático B (soro tipo Typhimurium), para os gânglios mesentéricos, e 3 sorotipos distribuídos em 3 grupos, com dominância do grupo somático El (Sorotipo Anatum), para os gânglios pré-escapulares e pré-crurais. Considerando a presença de salmonellas em gãnglios pré-escapulares e pré-crurais, em 8,4% dos suínos examinados, os autores sugerem que estes gãnglios, sejam durante a fase de evisceração, retirados das carcaças dos animais, antes das mesmas serem enviadas para o consumo oúblico a fim de diminuir a contaminação pós-morte das carnes.


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Foi realizado um estudo seccional de campo do tipo "caso controle" sobre a morbilidade da doença de Chagas em quatro áreas endêmicas no Brasil, duas no Estado de Minas Gerais, uma no Estado do Piauí e outra no Estado da Paraíba, incluindo 716 pares de indivíduos da mesma idade e sexo, cada par constando de um indivíduo com sorologia positiva e outro com sorologia negativa para a infecção chagásica. Com esse tipo de estudo procurou-se determinar o componente exclusivamente chagásico na morbidade da doença em diferentes áreas do país. O gradiente de manifestações clínicas e alterações eletrocardiográficas entre o grupo com sorologia positiva e outro com sorologia negativa, estudado em 264 pares na área de Iguatama-Paris e 274 em Virgem da Lapa, ambas em Minas Gerais, e em 109 pares estudados nas localidades de Colônia e Oitis, em Oeiras, Piauí e em 69 nos municípios de Aguiar e Boqueirão dos Cochos na Paraíba, mostra nitidas diferenças regionais na morbilidade da doença. Nas áreas de Minas Gerais, embora a transmissão natural da infecção estivesse interrompida há 15 e 5 anos, respectivamente, o grau de morbilidade cardiológica pelo componente chagásico, considerando apenas as alterações eletrocardiográficas mais expressivas e específicas, no momento do estudo, foi de aproximadamente 30%, enquanto em Oeiras, no Piauí e em Aguiar e Boqueirão dos Cochos, na Paraíba, mesmo com transmissão ativa da infecção, a morbidade cardiológica pelo componente chagásico foi inferior a 15 e 10%, respectivamente


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Twenty six coprolites from an archaeological site in the province of Iquique, northern Chile, were examined for parasites. Coprolites were found in two excavation units, I and II (Tiliviche site), dated respectively at 5,900 B.C. to 4,110 B.C. and 4,110 B.C. to 1,950 B.C., and identified as of human origin. Only at the unit II coprolites containing helminth eggs identified as Diphyllobothrium pacificum were found. The presence of this tapeworm, a parasite of the American Sea Lion, in human coprolites, points to a diet which included marine fishes and provides information on the antiquity of infection by Diphyllobothrium pacificum. It is interesting to note that Baer (1969) suggests the presence of this tapeworm in pre-Columbian populations when diagnosing the first human cases in today's population in Peru.


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Ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg body weight) caused a high mortality in nymphs and adults of Rhodnius prolixus following a single meal in mice sub-cutaneously injected with the drug. This effect was more evident in nymphs of 1st-and 2nd-instar than in older nymphs and adults. Third-instar nymphs presented a high mortality when fed on mice treated with ivermectin 24 and 48 hours previously, while mortality was significantly reduced in nymphs fed on mice treated 72 hours before. Surviving 3rd-instar nymphs did not molt. When adult females were fed once on mice treated for 24 hours with ivermectin there was a considerable reduction in egg production. This inhibition was not reversed by a second feeding on normal mice. We concluded that sub-lethal doses of ivermectin caused toxic effects interfering in the neuro-endocrine control of development and reproduction of this bloodsucking insect.