119 resultados para Complete K-ary Tree


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Stomata are turgor-operated valves that control water loss and CO2 uptake during photosynthesis, and thereby water relation and plant biomass accumulation is closely related to stomatal functioning. The aims of this work were to document how stomata are distributed on the leaf surface and to determine if there is any significant variation in stomatal characteristics among Amazonian tree species, and finally to study the relationship between stomatal density (S D) and tree height. Thirty five trees (>17 m tall) of different species were selected. Stomatal type, density (S D), size (S S) and stomatal distribution on the leaf surface were determined using nail polish imprints taken from both leaf surfaces. Irrespective of tree species, stomata were located only on the abaxial surface (hypostomaty), with large variation in both S D and S S among species. S D ranged from 110 mm-2 in Neea altissima to 846 mm-2 in Qualea acuminata. However, in most species S D ranges between 271 and 543 mm-2, with a negative relationship between S D and S S. We also found a positive relationship between S D and tree height (r² = 0.14, p < 0.01), but no correlation was found between S D and leaf thickness. The most common stomatal type was anomocytic (37%), followed by paracytic (26%) and anisocytic (11%). We conclude that in Amazonian tree species, stomatal distribution on the leaf surface is a response most likely dependent on the genetic background of every species, rather than a reaction to environmental changes, and that somehow S D is influenced by environmental factors dependent on tree height.


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Este trabalho relata o estudo químico de duas plantas medicinais da Amazônia: Philodendron scabrum K. krause (Araceae) e Vatairea guianensis Aubl. (Fabaceae). As composições dos óleos essenciais dos cipós de P. scabrum e dos frutos de V. guianensis, respectivamente, foram analisadas em CG-DIC e CG-EM. Os constituintes majoritários dos cipós de P. scabrum foram óxido de cariofileno (19,42%), α-copaeno (16,08%) e β-bisaboleno (10,01%); e nos frutos de V. guianensis foram o ácido (9Z)-octadecenoico (24,95%) e o ácido docosahexaenoico (24,17%). β-sitosterol e o alquilresorcinol 1-hexadecanoil-2,6-dihidroxibenzeno foram isolados do extrato etanólico dos cipós de P. scabrum; e do extrato etanólico dos frutos de V. guianensis, foram isoladas as antraquinonas crisofanol e fisciona. As determinações estruturais foram baseadas em dados de RMN de ¹H e 13C. RMN, uni e bidimensional e comparação com dados da literatura.


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The high tree diversity and vast extent of Amazonian forests challenge our understanding of how tree species abundance and composition varies across this region. Information about these parameters, usually obtained from tree inventories plots, is essential for revealing patterns of tree diversity. Numerous tree inventories plots have been established in Amazonia, yet, tree species composition and diversity of white-sand and terra-firme forests of the upper Rio Negro still remain poorly understood. Here, we present data from eight new one-hectare tree inventories plots established in the upper Rio Negro; four of which were located in white-sand forests and four in terra-firme forests. Overall, we registered 4703 trees > 10 cm of diameter at breast height. These trees belong to 49 families, 215 genera, and 603 species. We found that tree communities of terra-firme and white-sand forests in the upper Rio Negro significantly differ from each other in their species composition. Tree communities of white-sand forests show a higher floristic similarity and lower diversity than those of terra-firme forests. We argue that mechanisms driving differences between tree communities of white-sand and terra-firme forests are related to habitat size, which ultimately influences large-scale and long-term evolutionary processes.


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A intensa exploração econômica tem causado diminuição do estoque original das espécies madeireiras amazônicas, incluindo aquelas de alta durabilidade natural destinadas a usos em contato com o solo. A escassez dessas madeiras resulta na elevação do preço, inviabilizando economicamente seu uso, sendo uma alternativa a substituição por espécies plantadas de rápido crescimento tratadas com preservativos. Outra vantagem, além da econômica, de utilizar espécies plantadas em substituição às tradicionais é ambiental, pois reduzirá a pressão exploratória sobre aquelas. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o grau de degradação biológica de madeira de eucalipto citriodora (Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) K.D. Hill & L.A.S. Johnson) tratado por processo a vácuo e pressão com arseniato de cobre cromatado (CCA) e exposta em ensaio de campo em Rio Branco-AC. O ensaio foi implantado em maio de 2005 com estacas tratadas ou não com CCA. As variáveis avaliadas foram: 1) degradação por fungos, 2) degradação por cupins, e 3) região ou parte da peça afetada. A partir da terceira avaliação (47 meses de ensaio), 100% dos corpos de prova não tratados foram classificados com o grau de degradação máximo e, ao contrário, 100% dos tratados com CCA, decorridos 60 meses de ensaio, foram classificados com o grau mínimo. As partes não tratadas com maior e menor grau de degradação foram, respectivamente, o topo inferior e a parte aérea acima de 10 cm do solo. A degradação provocada por fungos foi levemente inferior à dos cupins. O ensaio aponta para a viabilidade técnica do uso de madeira tratada de eucalipto em substituição às espécies tradicionais da Amazônia.


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As altas temperaturas ocorrentes durante a queima na floresta Amazônica podem induzir transformações mineralógicas da fração argila. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar as alterações mineralógicas nas frações areia, silte e argila e na reserva mineral de solos submetidos a diferentes manejos (11 anos de mata secundária, pastagem e café) após a derrubada e queima de floresta nativa situada na Amazônia Meridional, município de Cacoal (RO). Uma área de floresta nativa ombrófila densa, com mesma feição pedológica, foi dividida em quatro partes, sendo três áreas submetidas ao corte e à queima e posteriormente cultivadas. Em cada manejo, os perfis de solos foram descritos e amostras dos horizontes A, AB, B1, 2B2 e 2BC foram coletadas para as análises mineralógicas das frações argila, silte e areia (difratometria de raios X) e químicas da fração argila (extração de Fe com ditionito-citrato-bicarbonato - DCB e com oxalato de amônio - OA). Os teores de K não trocáveis foram determinados nas amostras de solo após extração com HNO3 1 mol L-1 fervente. Verificou-se o predomínio da caulinita na fração argila e alta reserva mineral de K nos solos, associada à ocorrência de mica nas frações argila, silte e areia. Os diferentes manejos não afetaram os teores de Fe2O3DCB e Fe2O3OA; por outro lado, o maior valor estimado para a relação entre os teores de goethita e hematita [Gt/(Gt+Hm)] na fração argila no horizonte A da floresta indica uma possível transformação parcial de Gt em Hm durante a queima da floresta para a implantação dos manejos mata secundária, pastagem e café.


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The objective of this research was to describe the biological and morphometric aspects of the parica tree defoliator, Syssphinx molina (Cramer), and make recommendations about the insect rearing. The life cycle was 62.9 days with mean periods for the egg, larval, pre-pupal and pupal stages of 5.6, 31.1, 2.2 and 16.6 days respectively. The pupal viability was 60.5% for females and 48.6% for males. The sexual ratio was 0.5 with mean production of 182.3 ± 2.2 eggs per female and egg viability of 24.3%. The mean longevity was 7.9 ± 2 and 8.1 ± 3 days for females and males respectively. Other parameters were also observed and compared with description of other Saturniidae species.


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White sand forests, although low in nutrients, are characterized not only by several endemic species of plants but also by several monodominant species. In general, plants in this forest have noticeably thin stems. The aim of this work was to elaborate a parallel dichotomous key for the identification of Angiosperm tree species occurring on white sand forests at the Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve, Loreto, Peru. We compiled a list of species from several publications in order to have the most comprehensive list of species that occur on white sand forest. We found 219 species of Angiosperm, the more abundant species were Pachira brevipes (26.27%), Caraipa utilis (17.90%), Dicymbe uaiparuensis (13.27%), Dendropanax umbellatus (3.28%), Sloanea spathulata (2.52%), Ternstroemia klugiana (2.30%), Haploclathra cordata (2.28%), Parkia igneiflora (1.20%), Emmotum floribundum (1.06%), Ravenia biramosa (1.04%) among others. Most species of white sand forests can be distinguished using characteristics of stems, branches and leaves. This key is very useful for the development of floristic inventories and related projects on white sand forests from Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve.


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Species distribution modeling has relevant implications for the studies of biodiversity, decision making about conservation and knowledge about ecological requirements of the species. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the use of forest inventories can improve the estimation of occurrence probability, identify the limits of the potential distribution and habitat preference of a group of timber tree species. The environmental predictor variables were: elevation, slope, aspect, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and height above the nearest drainage (HAND). To estimate the distribution of species we used the maximum entropy method (Maxent). In comparison with a random distribution, using topographic variables and vegetation index as features, the Maxent method predicted with an average accuracy of 86% the geographical distribution of studied species. The altitude and NDVI were the most important variables. There were limitations to the interpolation of the models for non-sampled locations and that are outside of the elevation gradient associated with the occurrence data in approximately 7% of the basin area. Ceiba pentandra (samaúma), Castilla ulei (caucho) and Hura crepitans (assacu) is more likely to occur in nearby water course areas. Clarisia racemosa (guariúba), Amburana acreana (cerejeira), Aspidosperma macrocarpon (pereiro), Apuleia leiocarpa (cumaru cetim), Aspidosperma parvifolium (amarelão) and Astronium lecointei (aroeira) can also occur in upland forest and well drained soils. This modeling approach has potential for application on other tropical species still less studied, especially those that are under pressure from logging.


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We report the case of a heart transplant in which the recipient patient had a total congenital absence of the pericardium. Associated with this, we found a major disproportion between the size of the recipient's mediastinal cavity and the size of the donor's heart. To prevent twisting of the great arteries, we placed the graft on the left diaphragm muscle and beneath the left lung, which resulted in an uneventful early and late postoperative course.


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In several cotton crops areas of the State of S. Paulo it was observed, during the years of 1948, 1949, and 1951, the appearance of a purple color of the leaves; the color appears in the opening of the bolls and was correlated with a decrease of production. The opinions concerning the cause of such abnormality were very different and sometimes contradictory; certain investigators attributed the disease to insect attack, others to bad climatic conditions whereas others to a potassium deficiency now called "fome de potássio" (potash hunger); our ideas on the subject is another one. We think that the disease is caused by lack of a suitable supply of magnesium. This opinion is largely based on the syntomatology found in the literature. To study the problem, several experiments were carried out, namely: 1. pot experiments using soil collected in areas where the disorder had appeared; 2. pot experiments controlling the water supply; 3. sand culture experiments omitting either potassium or magnesium; 4. leaf analysis of plant matrial collected troughout the Piracicaba County; 5. plot experiments with the varieties Texas, Express, and I.A. 817 Campinas. The first four experiments were discussed elsewhere. To study the point 5 an experiment was carried out, with the following treatments : 1 - NPKCaMg (no K added) - Mg supplied as MgSO4 (a soluble form); 2 -NPKCa (no Mg added); 3 -NPKCaMg (complete) - Mg supplied as MgSO4; 4 - NPKCaMg (complete) - Mg supplied as dolomitic limestone (a slightly soluble form) as a rate 2.5 higher than in the treatment 1 and 3. Organic matter as cottonseed meal was applied in the proportion of 500 kg per hectare. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 4 replications and the results can be summarized as follows: 1 the I.A 817 variety was the most strongly affected by the physiological disorder, with severe decrease in yield; 2. the disease occurred more frequently in the minus magnesium treatment; 3. dolomitic limestone is so effective as magnesium sulfate in the control of the disease as well in the raising of the yield; 4. in the minus K treatment it was observed a marked occurrence of the typical symptoms of potassium deficiency (cotton rust); 5. magnesium was actually, in the experimental conditions the responsible for the purple color (vermelhão) of the cotton leaves.


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Kikuio grass (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst) is beyond any doubt, a pasture very important for farm animals; since its chemical composition is very similar to that of alfalfa, the present field trial was carried out; a randomized block design with 8 treatments was selected as follows: 1 N - P - K - Ca - Mg (complete manuring) 2 N - P - K - Ca----- (without Mg) 3 N - P - K-------Mg (without Ca) 4 ----P - K - Ca - Mg (without N) 5 N------K - Ca Mg (without P) 6 N - P - Ca - Mg (without K) 7 organic matter (without mineral fertilizers) 8 control Nitrogen was applied as NaN03 (topdressed) and as ammonium sulfate; P2O5 was given as superphosphate associated to bonemeal; K2O was applied as muriate, CaO as "sambaquis" (oyster shells); MgO was given as MgSO4 (topdressed). The source of organic matter was farmyard manure. As far yields are concerned the following observations were made: 1. treatment n. 7 was superior to all others; 2. considering the mineral fertilizers, good responses were due to N and P2O5; 3. the control yield was exceedingly poor, being inferior to all the others treatments; The chemical analyses revealed that: 1. the protein content decreased accordingly to this order: 7, 6, 5 and 1; treatment 4 (without N) gave the lowest protein content; 2. treatment n. 4 produced the highest fat content; treatment no. 7 ranked second; no. 8 gave the lowest fat content; 3. crude fiber: highest - treatment 7; lowest - 8; 4. ashes: the ashes content was higher in treatment 5; proprobably because the most abundant element in the ashes is K, the ash content of treatment 6 (no K) was very low; 5. non nitrogenous substances (determined by difference) - high in treatment 8 and low in treatment 7; 6. mineral elements in the ashes - the element omitted from a given treatment was very low in the grasses therein obtained; this shows the relative poverty of the soil in that element. As general remark the Authors suggest the use of farmyard manure in the fertilization of Kikuio grass; farmyard manure could probably substitute wither green manure or compost.


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The present work was carried out in order to study: (1) the symptoms of deficiency and excess of macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, S, Mg) in the coffee plant (Coffea arabica L. var. Mundo novo); (2) the modifications induced by those treatments in the hystological make up of the leaves; (3) the effects of deficiency and excess on the growth and in the chemical composition of the plants. Young coffee plants were grown in nutrient solution, three treatments being used, namely: complete solution (HOAGLAND & ARNON, 1950), deficient solution, in which a giVen element was omitted, and solution with 3 times the concentration of the element under study. The main conclusions can be summaryzed as follows. 1. SYMPTOMS. Clear cut symptoms of malnutrition were observed in the treatments: -N, -P, +P, -Ca, -Mg, -S and +S; the signals - and + stared respectively for deficient and excess level. 2. HISTOLOGICAL EFFECTS. The most definite alterations took place in the treatments +P, -Mg and +S. Usually the characteristics of the chloroplasts were affected: loss of the green color and coalescence into irregular bodies.


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This paper describes the data obtained for the growth of sugar cane, Variety Co 419, and the amount and rate of absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and silicon, according to the age of the plant, in the soil and climate conditions of the state of S. Paulo, Brazil. An experiment was installed in the Estação Experimental de Cana de Açúcar "Dr. José Vizioli", at Piracicaba, state of S. Paulo, Brazil, and the soil "tèrra-roxa misturada" presented the following composition: Sand (more than 0,2 mm)........................................................................ 8.40 % Fine sand (from 0,2 to less than 0,02 mm)................................................. 24.90 % Silt (from 0,02 to less than 0,002 mm)...................................................... 16.40 % Clay (form 0,002 mm and less)................................................................ 50.20 % pH 10 g of soil and 25 ml of distilled water)..................................................... 5.20 %C (g of carbon per 100 g of soil)................................................................. 1.00 %N (g of nitrogen per 100 g of soil)............................................................... 0.15 P0(4)-³ (me. per 100 g of soil, soluble in 0,05 normal H2SO4) ............................... 0.06 K+ (exchangeable, me. per 100 g of soil)....... 0.18 Ca+² (exchangeable, me. per 100 g of soil)...... 2.00 Mg+² (exchangeable, me. per 100 g of soil)...... 0.66 The monthly rainfall and mean temperature from January 1956 to August 1957 are presented in Table 1, in Portuguese. The experiment consisted of 3 replications of the treatments: without fertilizer and with fertilizer (40 Kg of N, from ammonium sulfate; 100 Kg of P(2)0(5) from superphosphate and 40 Kg K2 O, from potassium chloride). Four complete stools (stalks and leaves) were harvested from each treatment, and the plants separated in stalks and leaves, weighed, dried and analysed every month from 6 up to 15 months of age. The data obtained for fresh and dry matter production are presented in table 2, and in figure land 2, in Portuguese. The curves for fresh and dry matter production showed that fertilized and no fertilized sugar cane with 6 months of age presents only 5% of its total weight at 15 months of age. The most intense period of growth in this experiment is located, between 8 and 12 months of age, that is between December 1956 and April 1957. The dry matter production of sugar cane with 8 and 12 months of age was, respectively, 12,5% and 87,5% of the total weight at 15 months of age. The growth of sugar cane in relation to its age follows a sigmoid curve, according to the figures 1, 2 and 3. The increase of dry matter production promoted by using fertilizer was 62,5% when sugar cane was 15 months of age. The concentration of the elements (tables 4 and 5 in Portuguese) present a general trend of decreasing as the cane grows older. In the stalks this is true for all elements studied in this experiment. But in the leaves, somme elements, like sulfur and silicon, appears to increase with the increasing of age. Others, like calcium and magnesium do not show large variations, and finally a third group, formed by nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium seems to decrease at the beginning and later presents a light increasing. The concentration of the elements was higher in the leaves than in the stalks from 6 up to 15 months of age. There were some exceptions. Potassium, magnesium and sulfur were higher in the stalks than in the leaves from 6 up to 8 or 9 months of age. After 9 months, the leaves presented more potassium, magnesium and sulfur than the stalks. The percentage of nitrogen in the leaves was lower in the plants that received fertilizer than in the plants without fertilizer with 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 13 months of age. This can be explained by "dilution effect". The uptake of elements by 4 stools (stalks and leaves) of sugar cane according to the plant age is showed in table 6, in Portuguese. The absorption of all studied elements, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and silicon, was higher in plants that received fertilizer. The trend of uptake of nitrogen and potassium is similar to the trend of production of dry matter, that is, the maximum absorption of those two nutrients occurs between 9 and 13 months of age. Finaly, the maxima amounts of elements absorbed by 4 stools (stalks and leaves) of sugar cane plants that received fertilizer are condensed in the following table: Element Maximum absorption in grams Age of the plants in months Nitrogen (N) 81.0 14 Phosphorus (P) 6.8 15 Potassium (K) 81.5 15 Calcium (Ca) 19.2 15 Magnesium (Mg) 13.9 13 Sulfur (S) 9.3 15 Silicon (Si) 61.8 15 It is very interesting to note the low absorption of phosphorus even with 100 kg of P2O5 per hectare, aplied as superphosphate. The uptake of phosphorus was lower than calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Also, it is noteworthy the large amount of silicon absorbed by sugar cane.


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The present work was carried out in order to study: (1) The symptoms of deficiency of macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S) in guava (Psidium guajava L.). (2) The modifications induced by those treatments in the histological make up of the leaves. Young guava plants were grown in nutrient solution two treatments being used, namely: complete solution (HOAGLAND and ARNON, 1950), deficient solution, in which a given element was ommitted. The main conclusions can be summaryzed as follows. a) Symptoms Clear cut symptoms of malnutrition were observed in the treatments: -N, -P, -Ca, -K, -Mg, and -S. The signal - stared respectively for deficient level. b) Histological effects Usually the characteristics of the chloroplasts were affected: loss of the green and coalescence into irregular bodies.


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The uptake of potassium fertilizers, namely, KC1, K2S04 and KN03, by beans and coffee leaves was studied in the experiment described herein. The fertilizers were applied as leaf sprays at the rates of 2,25, 4,50 and 9,00 grams, of K20/tree split in 3 applications which were made every week; the proper amount of salts were dissolved in 1 liter of water with wetting agent. Fifteen days after the last application both beans and leaves were sampled for analysis. No leaf injury resulted from the potassium sprays. Leaf -K and bean -K was significantly raised as consequence of the foliar applications of the K- bearing salts.