108 resultados para Common Cycles
The objective of this work was to evaluate the main differences in the genetic control of the iron concentration in Mesoamerican and Andean common bean seeds, in early generations, and to select recombinants with a high iron concentration in the seeds. F1, F1 reciprocal, F2, F2 reciprocal, and backcross (BC11 and BC12) generations were produced by crosses between Mesoamerican (CNFP 10104 x CHC 01-175) and Andean (Cal 96 x Hooter) inbred lines. The expression of significant maternal effect was observed for the Mesoamerican gene pool. Iron concentration was higher in the seed coat of Mesoamerican common bean seeds (54.61 to 67.92%) and in the embryo of Andean common bean seeds (69.40 to 73.44%). High broad-sense heritability was obtained for iron concentration in Mesoamerican and Andean common bean seeds. Gains with the selection of higher magnitude, from 20.39 to 24.58%, are expected in Mesoamerican common bean seeds. Iron concentration in common bean seeds showed a continuous distribution in F2, which is characteristic of quantitative inheritance in Mesoamerican and Andean common bean seeds. Recombinants with high iron concentration in seeds can be selected in both Mesoamerican and Andean common bean hybrids.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate Trichoderma harzianum isolates for biological control of white mold in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Five isolates were evaluated for biocontrol of white mold in 'Perola' common bean under field conditions, in the 2009 and 2010 crop seasons. A commercial isolate (1306) and a control treatment were included. Foliar applications at 2x109 conidia mL-1 were performed at 42 and 52 days after sowing (DAS), in 2009, and at 52 DAS in 2010. The CEN287, CEN316, and 1306 isolates decreased the number of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum apothecia per square meter in comparison to the control, in both crop seasons. CEN287, CEN316, and 1306 decreased white mold severity during the experimental period, when compared to the control.
Cat's claw oxindole alkaloids are prone to isomerization in aqueous solution. However, studies on their behavior in extraction processes are scarce. This paper addressed the issue by considering five commonly used extraction processes. Unlike dynamic maceration (DM) and ultrasound-assisted extraction, substantial isomerization was induced by static maceration, turbo-extraction and reflux extraction. After heating under reflux in DM, the kinetic order of isomerization was established and equations were fitted successfully using a four-parameter Weibull model (R² > 0.999). Different isomerization rates and equilibrium constants were verified, revealing a possible matrix effect on alkaloid isomerization.
This work quantifies two important epidemiological features of the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)/Phaeoisariopsis griseola pathosystem. The first is the effect of the number of nights of leaf wetness on infection efficiency. Infection efficiency was below 10% when inoculated leaflets were exposed to less than two nights of leaf wetness. Optimum infection efficiencies were obtained after three to four nights of leaf wetness, at about 50%. Further nights of leaf wetness did not increase the infection efficiency. The second feature quantified is the relative rate of leaflet defoliation for varying levels of angular leaf spot severity. It increased with disease severity according to a logarithm-like curve, and a relative rate of 0.23 day-1 was estimated for a severity of 18%. The implications of these results on the disease epidemiology are discussed.
LMV is one of the most important pathogens of lettuce worldwide. Based on their ability to overcome the resistance genes mo1¹ and mo1² in lettuce, isolates can be divided in two types: LMV-Most, which can infect and are seed-borne in cultivars containing the mo1 gene and LMV-Common, which do not cause symptoms on these cultivars and are seed transmitted only in susceptible cultivars. To evaluate the occurrence of these two types of LMV isolates, a survey was carried out during 2002-2005 in three lettuce production areas from São Paulo State. Total RNA was used for the diagnosis of LMV isolates by RT-PCR using universal primers for the variable N-terminus of the capsid protein, in the 3' end of the genome. Positives samples were analyzed by a second RT-PCR using specifics primers for LMV-Most isolates designed to amplify a fragment from the central region (CI-VPg) of the genome. A total of 1362 samples showing mosaic symptoms were collected and 504 (37.29 %) were positives for LMV. On susceptible lettuce cultivars, LMV-Common was prevalent (77.3%). LMV-Most was found frequently associated with tolerant (mo1¹) lettuce cultivars. Susceptible cultivars correspond today for most of the area of lettuce production. So, despite the ability of LMV-Most isolates to overcome the resistance provided by the recessive mo1¹ gene, they are not prevalent in the conditions of São Paulo State.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of integrated managements on white mold control on common bean. Initially, in vitro testing was made to assess the antagonism of 11 Trichoderma isolates against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and to investigate fungicides (fluazinam and procymidone) inhibitory effects on those fungi. In two field experiments the following combinations were tested: irrigation frequencies (seven or 14 days), plant densities (six or 12 plants per meter), and three disease controls (untreated control, fungicide or Trichoderma spp.). In a third experiment plant densities were replaced by grass mulching treatments (with or without mulching). Fluazinam was applied at 45 and 55 days after emergence (DAE). The antagonists T. harzianum (experiments 1 and 3) and T. stromatica (experiment 2) were applied through sprinkler irrigation at 10 and 25 DAE, respectively. Most of the Trichoderma spp. were effective against the pathogen in vitro. Fluazinam was more toxic than procymidone to both the pathogen and the antagonist. Fungicide applications increased yield between 32 % and 41 %. In field one application of Trichoderma spp. did not reduce disease intensity and did not increase yield. The reduction from 12 to six plants per meter did not decrease yield, and disease severity diminished in one of the two experiments. It is concluded that of the strategies for white mold control just reduction of plant density and applications of fungicide were efficient.
The effectiveness of six Trichoderma-based commercial products (TCP) in controlling Fusarium root rot (FRR) in common bean was assessed under field conditions. Three TCP, used for seed treatment or applied in the furrow, increased seedling emergence as much as the fungicide fludioxonil. FRR incidence was not affected, but all TCP and fludioxonil reduced the disease severity, compared to control. Application of Trichoderma-based products was as effective as that of fludioxonil in FRR management.
We studied the effectiveness of application of Trichoderma spp. in controlling white mold on common beans at the fall-winter crop in the Zona da Mata region of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. There was no effect of the antagonist in reducing the disease severity, which could be explained by the low temperatures and the high inoculum pressure in the field. We concluded that Trichoderma applications are not recommended for control of white mold on common beans at the fall-winter season in regions with average temperature bellow 20 °C, since this condition favor more the pathogen than the antagonist.
BACKGROUND: In recent decades, early diagnosis of childhood cancer has taken an important place on the international agenda. The authors of this study evaluated a group of medical students in Recife, Brazil, regarding knowledge and practices related to early diagnosis of common childhood cancers. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with a sample of 82 medical students, from a total of 86 eligible subjects. Data were collected using self-completed questionnaires. Subgroups were defined according to knowledge of the theme and students' perceptions of their own skills and interest in learning. RESULTS: 74.4% of the sample demonstrated a minimum level of knowledge. The group without minimum knowledge or self-perceived competence to identify suspected cases (23.3%) was in the worst position to perform early diagnosis. All subjects expressed interest in learning more about this topic. CONCLUSIONS: Despite acceptable levels of knowledge among these medical students, the definition of central aspects of the teaching and learning processes would be useful for training physicians with the skills for diagnosing and treating pediatric cancers
ABSTRACT This study aimed to identify wavelengths based on leaf reflectance (400-1050 nm) to estimate white mold severity in common beans at different seasons. Two experiments were carried out, one during fall and another in winter. Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression was used to establish a set of wavelengths that better estimates the disease severity at a specific date. Therefore, observations were previously divided in two sub-groups. The first one (calibration) was used for model building and the second subgroup for model testing. Error measurements and correlation between measured and predicted values of disease severity index were employed to provide the best wavelengths in both seasons. The average indexes of each experiment were of 5.8% and 7.4%, which is considered low. Spectral bands ranged between blue and green, green and red, and red and infrared, being most sensitive for disease estimation. Beyond the transition ranges, other spectral regions also presented wavelengths with potential to determine the disease severity, such as red, green, and near infrared.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the prevalence of common mental disorders in women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome as compared with paired controls without this syndrome. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with a Control Group examining women between the ages of 18 and 30 who did not use antidepressants and who sought the Gynecology Service of the researched sites. For every woman diagnosed with the polycystic ovary syndrome, another with the same age, educational status and presence or absence of sexual partners was sought without this diagnosis. In total, 166 patients agreed to participate, consisting of 95 diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome and 71 in the Control Group. The diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome was made by the presence of two from three criteria: oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea, clinical or biochemical hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries on transvaginal ultrasound, following exclusion of patients with Cushing's syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and androgen-secreting tumors. Weight and height were measured to calculate the body mass index. The Self-Reporting Questionnaire, which evaluated 20 items, was used as an indicator of common mental disorders. A χ² analysis stratified by the category of body mass index was used to compare the prevalence of common mental disorders, between the groups of women with and without the polycystic ovary syndrome. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in age, education, presence of sexual partners, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, use of psychiatric medication, and search for consultation in mental health between the studied groups. The prevalence of obese women with indications of common mental disorders was significantly higher in women with polycystic ovary syndrome than in the Control Group. In the group with healthy body mass index, the incidence of common mental disorders was statistically significant different between women with polycystic ovary syndrome and normal controls (p=0.008). CONCLUSIONS: Women with diagnosis of this disease have an almost three-fold increased likelihood of common mental disorders as compared with those without polycystic ovary syndrome. Although obesity is often observed in polycystic ovary syndrome, even women with a healthy body mass index have an increased risk of psychiatric comorbidity.
A young common barn owl (Tyto alba) was referred to the Núcleo de Reabilitação da Fauna Silvestre (Nurfs), Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), after been found in a barn of a brick factory in the urban area of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The bird was apathic, weak and with crusty lesions in the featherless areas (eyes, beak, legs), and died soon after arrival at Nurfs. Necropsy and histopathological examination of the lesions were carried out. The hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the cutaneous lesions, several eosinophilic intracyto-plasmic inclusion bodies in epithelial cells (Bollinger bodies), as well as particles characteristic of poxvirus, observed by electronic microscopy, confirmed the infection by avian poxvirus, what highlights the importance of Tyto alba as carrier of the virus in the wild.
The aim of this study was to model light interception and distribution in the mixed canopy of Common cocklebur (Xanthium stramarium) with corn. An experiment was conducted in factorial arrangement on the basis of randomized complete blocks design with three replications in Gonabad in 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 seasons. The factors used in this experiment include corn density of 7.5, 8.5 and 9.5 plants per meter of row and density of Common cocklebur of zero, 2, 4, 6 and 8 plants per meter of row. INTERCOM model was used through replacing parabolic function with triangular function of leaf area density. Vertical distribution of the species' leaf area showed that corn has concentrated the most leaf area in layer of 80 to 100 cm while Common cocklebur has concentrated in 35-50 cm of canopy height. Model sensitivity analysis showed that leaf area index, species' height, height where maximum leaf area is seen (hm), and extinction coefficient have influence on light interception rate of any species. In both species, the distribution density of leaf area at the canopy length fit a triangular function, and the height in which maximum leaf area was observed was changed by change in density. There was a correlation between percentage of the radiation absorbed by the weed and percentage of corn seed yield loss (r² = 0.89). Ideal type of corn was determined until the stage of tasseling in competition with weed. This determination indicates that the corn needs more height and leaf area, as well as less extinction coefficient to successfully fight against the weed.
Ruzigrass (Brachiaria ruziziensis, syn. Urochloa ruziziensis) is used as a cover crop in tropical regions because it has a high yield potential, is widely adapted and has a vigorous root system. However, it may affect early growth of the next crop due to allelopathy and competition for soil nitrate. A greenhouse experiment was conducted in glass-walled pots with soil to determine the effect of ruzigrass residues on the initial growth and mineral nutrition of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Ruzigrass was grown in the pots for 50 days and chemically desiccated. Then, common bean was grown: without ruzigrass residues; with ruzigrass shoots placed on the soil surface; with ruzigrass roots left in the soil; and with ruzigrass shoots and roots left undisturbed. Root growth of common bean was decreased by ruzigrass residues, but shoot biomass was not affected when it was grown in the presence of ruzigrass shoots or roots alone. In pots where ruzigrass residues were undisturbed, common bean biomass yield was decreased. Nitrogen concentration in common bean shoot was not affected by ruzigrass shoot on the soil surface, an evidence that the observed decrease in common bean growth probably was due to allelopathic effects rather than competition for nitrogen.
ABSTRACTTo evaluate the effect of planting date and spatial pattern on common bean yield under weed-free and weed-infested conditions, an experiment was conducted in Kelachay, Northern Iran, in 2013. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in a factorial arrangement with three replicates. Factors were planting date (10 August and 20 August), spatial pattern (square and rectangular planting pattern, with a planting distance of 30 x 30 cm and 45 x 20 cm, respectively), and weed management regime (weed-free and weedy conditions, weeded and not weeded throughout the growing season, respectively). Results showed that the main effect of planting date was significant only for pod number per plant and seed number per pod. At the same time, pod number per plant, seed number per pod, pod length, and grain yield were influenced significantly by spatial pattern. Results of ANOVA have also indicated that all traits, except pod length, were influenced significantly by weed-management regimes. Moreover, effect of planting date and spatial pattern were nonsignificant for weed dry weight. Mean comparison has expressed a significant increment in seed yield for square planting arrangement (1,055 kg ha-1) over rectangular (971 kg ha-1). Weeding has also presented an overall 12% and 8% improvement in grain and pod yield over control (weedy check), respectively. Based on the results of this study, weed control, as well as square planting pattern, are recommended for obtaining the highest seed yield in common bean.