82 resultados para College stories, American.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the presence of immunoglobulin E-rheumatoid factor in patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and to correlate it with clinical and laboratory parameters. METHODS: A multicenter prospective study was carried out from January 1993 to January 1999 with the enrollment of 3 centers of pediatric rheumatology. Ninety-one children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria were studied: 38 (42%) with systemic, 28 (31%) with pauciarticular, and 25 (27%) with polyarticular onset. Ages ranged from 2.1 years to 22.6 years (mean 10.5 ± 4.7), with 59 (65%) girls. The control group consisted of 45 healthy children. The detection of immunoglobulin E-rheumatoid factor was carried out utilizing an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Associations of immunoglobulin E-rheumatoid factor with immunoglobulin M-rheumatoid factor (latex agglutination test), total serum immunoglobulin E, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, antinuclear antibody, and functional and radiological classes III or IV were analyzed. RESULTS: Positive immunoglobulin E-rheumatoid factor was found in 15 (16.5%) of the 91 children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis: 7 (18.5%) with systemic, 5 (18%) with pauciarticular, and 3 (12%) with polyarticular onset. A significant correlation was observed between immunoglobulin E-rheumatoid factor and total serum immunoglobulin E in the juvenile rheumatoid arthritis patients. No correlation was found between immunoglobulin E-rheumatoid factor and positive latex agglutination slide test, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, antinuclear antibody, or the functional and radiological classes III or IV in any disease onset group. In 4 out of 45 control children (8.9%), immunoglobulin E-rheumatoid factor was positive but with no correlation with total serum immunoglobulin E levels. CONCLUSIONS: Immunoglobulin E-rheumatoid factor could be detected in 16.5% of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis patients, particularly in those with high levels of total serum immunoglobulin E, and immunoglobulin E-rheumatoid factor appears not to be associated with disease activity or severity.


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The authors report a case of a 19-year-old woman admitted for the investigation of fever and hemolytic anemia for the previous 2 months. As an inpatient, she had convulsions and sudden loss of consciousness, developing hemoptysis, hypoxia, and respiratory insufficiency. Examination showed pericardial effusions on the echocardiogram and bilateral alveolar condensations on the thoracic radiograph. A hypothetical diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus was made, and measurement of the antinuclear factor was requested along with daily pulse therapy methylprednisolone, in spite of which the outcome was fatal. Afterwards, the result of the antinuclear factor test was positive, with a titer of 1:5120, showing a fine punctiform pattern, fulfilling the criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus according to the American College of Rheumatology. Secondary pulmonary hemorrhage in this connective tissue disease is an uncommon but serious complication that involves a high level of mortality in spite of intensive treatment, as is also reported in the literature.


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Ten new taxa are described: Ficus aripuanensis C.C. Berg & F. Kooy, F. blephariohylla Vásquez Avila, F. cremersiiC.C. Berg, F. insipida Willd. ssp. scabra C.C. Berg, F. jacobii Vázquez Avila, F. laurentana Vázquez Avila, F. leiophylla C.C. Berg, F. piresiana Vázquz Avila & Berg, F. roraimensis C.C. Berg, F. vittataVázquez Avila.


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OBJECTIVE: The study presents the Brazilian norms for 240 new stimuli from International Affective Picture System (IAPS), a database of affective images widely used in research, compared to the North-American normative ratings. METHODS: The participants were 448 Brazilian university students from several courses (269 women and 179 men) with mean age of 24.2 (SD = 7.8), that evaluated the IAPS pictures in the valence, arousal and dominance dimensions by the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) scales. Data were compared across the populations by Pearson linear correlation and Student's t-tests. RESULTS: Correlations were highly significant for all dimensions; however, Brazilians' averages for arousal were higher than North-Americans'. CONCLUSIONS: The results show stability in relation to the first part of the Brazilian standardization and they are also consistent with the North-American standards, despite minor differences relating to interpretation of the arousal dimension, demonstrating that IAPS is a reliable instrument for experimental studies in the Brazilian population.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Têm sido relatadas alterações negativas no estado de humor em algumas mulheres durante o ciclo menstrual, sobretudo naquelas que apresentam síndrome pré-menstrual (SPM). No entanto, existe uma lacuna na literatura a respeito das alterações no estado de humor durante o ciclo menstrual em atletas com SPM. OBJETIVO: Investigar o impacto da SPM no estado de humor de atletas ao longo do ciclo menstrual. MÉTODOS: Fizeram parte da amostra 57 atletas de diferentes esportes, de uma cidade do noroeste do Paraná. Utilizou-se um diário de sintomas, baseado nos critérios do American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (ACOG), 2000, e o questionário Profile of Mood States (POMS). As atletas utilizaram o diário e responderam ao questionário ao longo de dois ciclos menstruais. Para análise dos dados foram usados os testes de Shapiro Wilk, de Friedman, de Wilcoxon e o teste U de Mann-Whitney, adotando-se P < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que apenas atletas com SPM apresentaram aumento na alteração total de humor da última semana para o último dia, sendo a diferença significativa no primeiro ciclo menstrual (p = 0,019). CONCLUSÃO: A presença de SPM pode afetar o estado de humor de atletas, gerando alterações negativas no período pré-menstrual, especialmente no último dia antes da menstruação.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar as alterações provocadas pelo treinamento físico (TF), com membros superiores (MMSS), em condição aeróbia de curta duração, sobre variáveis dos sistemas cardiovascular e metabólico. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 11 deficientes físicos (DF) paraplégicos, com média de idade de 59 anos, sendo 7 homens e 4 mulheres, com lesão de T9 a T11 e grau leve de hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS). Os DF foram avaliados antes e após 12 semanas de um programa de TF supervisionado de MMSS, por meio de teste ergométrico (TE) em cicloergômetro mecânico adaptado para MMSS, utilizando-se protocolo intermitente com incremento de carga de 125kgm/min (20w) para mulheres e 140kgm/min (25w) para homens a cada 3min., em velocidade que variou de 83 a 95rpm. O consumo de oxigênio (VO2) foi calculado de acordo com a equação para MMSS do American College of Sports Medicine. A intensidade do exercício durante o programa de TF foi estabelecida pela reserva de freqüência cardíaca (RFC) de Karvonen, com variação de 65% a 85% e escala de percepção subjetiva ao esforço de Borg obtida pelo TE. RESULTADOS: A capacidade aeróbia máxima estimada aumentou 22% (930±349 vs 1138±290mL/min; p=0,003); a pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD) em repouso e no exercício submáximo diminuíram em 4%, 15% e 5%, 5%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: O TF aeróbio de intensidade leve a moderada com MMSS, além de melhorar a aptidão funcional exerce também papel importante como modelo terapêutico não medicamentoso na resposta hipertensiva observada em DF paraplégicos.


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OBJECTIVE: To suggest criteria to guide protocol prescription in ramp treadmill testing, according to sex and age, based on velocity, inclination, and max VO2 reached by the population studied. METHODS: Prospective study describing heart rate (HR), time, velocity, inclination, and VO2 estimated at maximum effort of 1840 individuals from 4 to 79 years old, who performed a treadmill test (TT) according to the ramp protocol. A paired Student t test was used to assess the difference between predicted and reached max VO2, calculated according to the formulas of the "American College of Sports Medicine". RESULTS: Submaximal HR was surpassed in 90.1% of the examinations, with a mean time of 10.0±2.0 minute. Initial and peak inclination velocity of the exercise and max VO2 were inversely proportional to age and were greater in male patients. Predicted Max VO2 was significantly lower than that reached in all patients, except for female children and adolescents (age < 20 years old). CONCLUSION: Use of velocity, inclination, and maximum VO2 actually reached, as a criterion in prescribing the ramp protocol may help in the performance of exercise in treadmill testing. The ramp protocol was well accepted in all age groups and sexes with exercise time within the programmed 8 to 12 minutes.