828 resultados para Cláudio Carneyro
From January 1988 to January 1989 all the heart transplant and bone marrow recipients at the Instituto do Coração of the Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School were studied for the incidence and morbidity associated with herpesviruses infections after transplantation. Five bone marrow and 5 heart transplant recipients were followed for a mean of 4.2 months post-transplantation. All the patients were seropositive for cytomegalovirus (CMV) before admission and 80% experienced one or more recurrences during the observation period. Of the 12 episodes of CMV infection, that were identified in this study, 83% were accompanied by clinical or laboratory abnormalities. However, there was only one case of severe disease. The overall incidence of infection for herpes simplex (HSV) was 50%. Although most of HSV reactivations were oral or genital, one case of HSV hepatitis occurred. One of the 6 episodes of HSV infections that were treated with acyclovir showed an unsatisfactory response and was successfully managed with ganciclovir. All the individuals had anti-varicella zoster virus antibodies, but none of them developed infection. The study emphasizes the importance of active diagnostic surveillance of herpesvirus infections in transplant patients. Both CMV and HSV reactivations showed high incidence and important morbidity and thus, deserve prophylactic therapy.
Indirect Immunofluorescence (IFA), Plaque Reduction Neutralization (PRN) and Haemagglutination Inhibition (HI) tests for measles antibodies were carried out in 197 sera obtained from umbilical cord and vaccinated children. The IFA was also applied to blood samples collected with filter paper. IFA results demonstrated that the test is relatively simple to perform, with good reproducibility for different antigen lots. Good correlation was obtained between IFA, PRN and HI antibody titers. Better correlation was demonstrated with IFA and PRN than with HI and PRN tests. Sensitivity of IFA in detecting antibody was less effective than PRN, however more effective than HI using rhesus monkey red blood cells. PRN antibody titers over 100 were detected by IFA but not by HI (9.7% with negative results). IFA may be of considerable practical use and able to substitute HI in Seroepidemiological surveys and to evaluate vaccine efficacy. It also can be simplified by employing filter paper collected samples.
A eficiência do uso de uma alça metálica para a remoção de elementos parasitários flutuantes foi investigada. A quantidade de elementos removidos a cada alçada sucessiva foi confrontada com um modelo logarítmico, o qual indicou que cada alçada retirou cerca de 30% dos elementos parasitários flutuantes remanescentes. Estimou-se que as 5 primeiras alçadas retiraram um total de 83% dos elementos parasitários flutuantes, sendo este um procedimento adequado para o método sob investigação.
Com o objetivo de se avaliar a magnitude da infecção perinatal pelo citomegalovírus em hospital público do município de São Paulo, os autores acompanharam prospectivamente 98 recém-nascidos até o quarto mês de vida. Amostras de urina foram coletadas ao nascimento e posteriormente a cada mês, para inoculação em tubos contendo fibroblastos humanos. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas ao nascimento, no segundo e quarto mês de vida para pesquisa de anticorpos IgM específicos para o CMV, pelo método de imunofluorescência indireta. Dos 37 recém-nascidos que foram acompanhados até o quarto mês de vida, 9 se infectaram neste período, com diagnóstico feito pelo isolamento do CMV. O risco de aquisição da infecção pelo citomegalovírus no período perinatal estimado pela tábua de sobrevivência foi de 30,9%. A pesquisa de anticorpos IgM por imunofluorescência indireta só permitiu tal diagnóstico em 2 casos (8,1%). A diferença observada entre os dois métodos foi estatisticamente significante (p = 0,015). O estudo da prevalência de anticorpos IgG pelo ensaio imunoenzimático nas mães das crianças mostrou taxas de 92,7%. Não se isolou CMV nas amostras de leite materno, coletadas mensalmente até o terceiro mês de lactação. O acompanhamento clínico evidenciou que as crianças infectadas apresentaram-se de forma assintomática e com desenvolvimento neurop-sicomotor normal até o quarto mês.
Gravity sedimentation parasitological examinations were performed in stool samples from 111 Karitiana Indians from Rondônia State, Brazilian Amazon Basin. Intestinal parasites were found in 43 samples (38.7%). Ascaris lumbricoides was the most prevalent helminth species (18.9%). Egg counts in samples positive for Ascaris suggested an overdispersed distribution of worm burdens in the host population. Age-distribution pattern of intestinal parasites among Karitiana Indians was found to be rather unusual: the highest prevalence (60.0%) was detected in the 12-to 16-year-old age group
A sedimentation technique is described, in which a fecal suspension is placed on top of an aqueous sucrose solution of specific gravity 1.015 g/cm³. Using 100 by 15 mm test tubes, duplicate gravity sedimentation experiments were made using homogenized fecal suspensions (single-columns) and fecal suspensions placed on top of clear columns (double-columns). Egg- and cyst-counts, and turbidity determinations were made in the sediments obtained after definite time intervals. Most Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and Ancylostomidae eggs sedimented within 20 minutes in single - and between 30 and 60 minutes in double-columns. Giardia duodenalis cysts required longer periods to sediment in double - than in single-columns; after 180 minutes (the maximum period of observation), double-column sediments produced 60.0% of the counts of single-columns. Double-column sediments were consistently less turbid than single-column ones
Cistos de Giardia duodenalis e Entamoeba coli foram observados quanto à flutuação em soluções de sacarose de massas específicas diversas (1.040, 1.050, 1.060, 1.070,1.080,1.090,1.100, 1.150,1.200 e 1.250 kg/m³), contidas em câmaras de contagem de 0,17 mm de altura. Contaram-se os cistos que flutuaram e os que sedimentaram tendo sido calculadas as porcentagens respectivas. As diferenças de flutuabilidade dos cistos de cada uma das espécies não foram consideráveis. Soluções de massa específica igual a 1.200 kg/m³ fizeram flutuar 88,49% dos cistos de G. duodenalis e 95,71% dos de E. coli. Os maiores valores de flutuabilidade estiveram associados à massa específica 1.250 kg/m³ e foram, respectivamente, 89,15% e 98,59% para cistos de G. duodenalis e de E. coli.
Listeriosis is a not uncommon infection in humans, usually associated with immunodeficient states and with newborns. However, relatively few cases have been reported in HIV-infected patients. This scarcity of reported cases has aroused interest in the association of listerosis and AIDS. In this paper we present a case of meningitis and septicemia caused by Listeria monocytogenes in a female patient with AIDS. A review of recent medical literature indicates that association of listeriosis and AIDS may be more common than it seems. Recent research in host-parasite interaction in listerial infection suggests an important role for tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and for integralin, a bacterial protein, in modulating listerial disease in AIDS patients. Inadequate diagnosis may be in part responsible for the scarcity of reports.
Total serum IgE, and Strongyloides - specific IgG and IgA antibodies were studied in 27 patients with parasitologically proven strongyloidiasis. Clinical manifestations in this case series were investigated by a restrospective study of the patient's records. Total serum IgE levels were elevated (greater than 250 IU/ml) in 59% of the patients (mean concentration = 1364 IU/ml). Parasite - specific IgG and IgA antibodies were detected by ELISA in the serum of 23 (85.2%) and 21 (77.8%) patients, respectively. Elevated serum IgE and clinical manifestations were not useful indexes of the presence of strongyloidiasis. On the other hand, our results support the view that serologic tests, particularly ELISA for detecting Strongyloides - specific IgG antibodies, can be usefully exploited for diagnostic purposes in strongyloidiasis.
O rendimento de sedimentação em tubos, aplicada à pesquisa de ovos de Ancylostomidae, Trichuris trichura e Ascaris lumbricoides foi estudado em suspensões fecais diluídas a 2,0%; 1,5% e 1,0% em colunas de 80 mm de altura. De cada um dos helmintos citados, as amostras continham quantidades correspondentes a 12,5; 25,0; 50,0; 100,0; 150,0 e 200,0 ovos por grama de fezes (opg). Avaliou-se o rendimento do processo em termos de freqüências de resultados positivos e de contagens de ovos por lâmina de sedimento (0,078 ml). Ambos aumentaram com os valores de opg. As várias diluições não influíram nos graus de positividade ou nas contagens de ovos por lâmina de sedimento. Os sedimentos de suspensões fecais diluídas a 1,0% (quando o valor de opg era de 150,0). Em trabalho rotineiro é desnecessária a determinação instrumental das quantidades de fezes usadas nas suspensões. Diluições em torno de 1,0% representam um compromisso entre bom rendimento e limpidez dos esfregaços, especialmente quando os valores de opg forem baixos.
Realizou-se um inquérito clínico-epidemiológico em área endêmica para teníase-cisticercose. Foram examinados 1080 (32,2%) indivíduos da população total, encontrando-se 198 (18,3%) indivíduos referindo antecedente de teníase, e 103 (9,5%) apresentaram história anterior ou atual de convulsões. Destes últimos, 39 (37,8%) referiram início das crises na vida adulta, e 62 (60%) foram avaliados laboratorialmente. Em 21 (33,8%) casos, o resultado da tomografia mostrou calcificações intracranianas compatíveis com neurocisticercose, em número e localização variáveis, mas sem evidência de atividade da doença. Traçados eletroencefalográficos anormais foram lidos em 21 (33,8%) pacientes e alterações no exame do líquido cefalorraquiano (LCR) detectadas em 27 (43,5%), em 3 (4,8%) foi verificada presença de eosinófilos. Somente LCR de 26 (41,9%) pacientes foram submetidos a pesquisa de anticorpos para cisticerco, obtendo-se positividade em 6 (23%) deles, por ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) ou reação de imunofluorescência indireta. Outras alterações do LCR foram devidas a aumento variável das proteínas. Considerando-se os fatores epidemiológicos de risco para teníase-cisticercose na região estudada e sua correlação com as alterações laboratoriais mencionadas acima com as crises convulsivas, encontra-se uma provável prevalência de 1,9% para a neurocisticercose.
A simple method of rubella antigen production by treatment with sodium desoxycholate for use in enzyme immunoassay (IMT-ELISA) is presented. When this assay was compared with a commercial test (Enzygnost-Rubella, Behring), in the study of 108 sera and 118 filter paper blood samples, 96.9% (219/226) overall agreement and correlation coefficient of 0.90 between absorbances were observed. Seven samples showed discordant results, negative by the commercial kit and positive by our test. Four of those 7 samples were available, being 3 positive by HI.
We report a case of acute primary cutaneous infection of traumatic origin caused by Nocardia asteroides, appeared as cellulitis in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. Diagnosis was established by direct examination and cultures from aspirate specimens. The clinical forms of Nocardia infections that affect the skin, reported in Rio Grande do Sul and Uruguay, are discussed.
Cryptococcosis is one of the most common fungal infections of the central nervous system (CNS) in AIDS patients and meningoencephalitis or meningitis is a frequently observed manifestation. However, systematic studies of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) composition from AIDS patients with CNS cryptococcosis have been few. CSF samples from 114 HIV seropositive patients whose clinical complaint suggested CNS involvement, were analyzed; 32 samples from patients diagnosed as having neurocryptococcosis (Group 1) and 82 samples from patients with no identified neurological disfunction (Group 2). Based on cytological and biochemical results, two distinct profiles were observed: Normal (Group 1 = 31%, Group 2 = 39%); Abnormal (Group 1 = 69%, Group 2 = 61%). Lymphocytes were the most frequent cells in both groups. Our CSF cytological and biochemical findings showed that in AIDS patients liquoric abnormalities are quite frequent, non-specific and difficult to interpret. In these circumstances a systematic search to identify the etiologic agent using microbiological and/or immunological assays must be routinely performed
The persistence, in some subjects, of specific IgM antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii for several months after the acute phase of infection has complicated the interpretation of serological test results for toxoplasmosis. Several reports have emphasized the value of the detection of Toxoplasma-specific IgA antibodies for the diagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis. In this article, we report the follow-up profiles of Toxoplasma-specific IgM and IgA antibodies in serum samples obtained from 12 patients at various intervals after the onset of the clinical manifestations of infection. IgM antibodies were detected by the indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) test, antibody capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) and enzyme-mediated chemilluminescent technique (CmL). IgA antibodies were quantified by the direct ELISA (dELISA) and cELISA procedures. As defined by the manufacturer of the cELISA test for IgA used, most patients with acute toxoplasmosis have antibody levels > 40 arbritary units per ml (AU/ml). At values > 40 AU/ml, the cELISA for IgA detected significant antibody levels for a shorter time than the other techniques used for IgM and IgA detection. However, IgA levels £ 40 AU/ml do not exclude the possibility of acute toxoplasmosis since such levels can be reached very soon after infection with T. gondii. The results obtained in the present study show that the serological diagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis may not be such an easy task. Our data suggest that use of the IgA-cELISA concomitantly with IgM antibody screening could permit, in some circumstances, a more efficient diagnosis of acute acquired toxoplasmosis