108 resultados para Causal loops
We studied the prevalence of intestinal parasites (IPs), their risk factors and associated symptoms among patients with gastrointestinal disorders. A total of 1,301 participants aged 22 days-90 years were enrolled in this study. We used a structured questionnaire to obtain socio-demographic and stool examination to investigate intestinal parasite infections. Data analysis was performed using SPSS16. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites (IPs) was 32.2% (419/1,301). Three hundred and fifty nine cases/1,301 (27.6%) were infected with a single parasite and 60/1,301 cases (4.6%) presented polyparasitism. The most common IP was Blastocystis sp. 350/1,301 (26.9%), followed by Entamoeba coli 38/1,301 (2.92%), Giardia lamblia 30/1,301 (2.3%) and Cryptosporidium spp. 17/1,301 (1.3%). Regarding the socio-demographic variables, educational status (p = 0.001), contact with domestic animals and soil (p = 0.02), age above 15 years (p = 0.001) and seasons (p = 0.001) were significantly associated to intestinal parasitic infections. Concerning clinical characteristics, the presence of IPs was significantly associated to diarrhea (OR = 1.57; CI 95% = 1.24-1.98; p < 0.001) and dysentery (OR = 1.94; CI 95% = 1.03-3.66; p < 0.04). Our findings suggest that IPs are one of the main causal agents of gastrointestinal disorders. Improving the knowledge on local risk factors such as poverty, low level of education, poor sanitation, contact with soil and contact with domestic animal is warranted.
A criptosporidíase de 25 pacientes adultos, com síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS) foi tratada por meio da paromomicina, sendo administrados, por via oral, 500mg quatro vezes ao dia, durante duas semanas. Houve boa resposta clínica, representada por redução considerável ou cessação da diarréia em 19 (76%), tendo a tolerância sido satisfatória. Somente em um (4%) doente ocorreram tonturas e, em outro (4%), surgiram náuseas e vômitos, possivelmente devido à medicação. Controle parasitológico de cura teve lugar em 20, verificando-se na maioria deles (75%) persistência do agente causal. Apesar do freqüente insucesso quanto à eliminação do parasita, a melhoria obtida na maioria das vezes e a apreciável tolerância ao medicamento, tornam a paromomicina opção muito útil na terapêutica da infecção intestinal causada pelo Cryptosporidium sp nos indivíduos com AIDS.
Relato de caso de doença da arranhadura do gato (DAG), em um paciente lactente, com história epidemiológica negativa, descrevendo o rastreamento diagnóstico, a imagem ao ultra-som, a evolução clínica e o prognóstico. B. quintana foi identificada em aspirado de secreção ganglionar pelo método de PCR. B. henselae, embora seja o agente causal habitualmente responsável pela DAG, não foi isolada. Os autores concluem que a pesquisa de B. quintana e B. henselae deve ser incluída na investigação de adenites, principalmente quando a evolução é subaguda, mesmo em lactentes e, ainda que a história epidemiológica seja negativa.
Atualmente a Serratia é considerada um importante patógeno humano, o qual tem sido encontrado como agente causal de infecções hospitalares principalmente infecções do trato urinário. Verificamos a freqüência da Serratia sp em amostras de urina, em pacientes internados. Foram estudadas 1197 amostras das quais 15 foram positivas para Serratia sp. As espécies encontradas foram: 7 Serratia liquefaciens (46,7%), 5 Serratia odorífera (33,3%) e 3 Serratia rubidaea (20%).
IntroductionPurpureocillium lilacinum is emerging as a causal agent of hyalohyphomycosis that is refractory to antifungal drugs; however, the pathogenic mechanisms underlying P. lilacinum infection are not understood. In this study, we investigated the interaction of P. lilacinum conidia with human macrophages and dendritic cells in vitro.MethodsSpores of a P. lilacinum clinical isolate were obtained by chill-heat shock. Mononuclear cells were isolated from eight healthy individuals. Monocytes were separated by cold aggregation and differentiated into macrophages by incubation for 7 to 10 days at 37°C or into dendritic cells by the addition of the cytokines human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor and interleukin-4. Conidial suspension was added to the human cells at 1:1, 2:1, and 5:1 (conidia:cells) ratios for 1h, 6h, and 24h, and the infection was evaluated by Giemsa staining and light microscopy.ResultsAfter 1h interaction, P. lilacinum conidia were internalized by human cells and after 6h contact, some conidia became inflated. After 24h interaction, the conidia produced germ tubes and hyphae, leading to the disruption of macrophage and dendritic cell membranes. The infection rate analyzed after 6h incubation of P. lilacinumconidia with cells at 2:1 and 1:1 ratios was 76.5% and 25.5%, respectively, for macrophages and 54.3% and 19.5%, respectively, for cultured dendritic cells.ConclusionsP. lilacinum conidia are capable of infecting and destroying both macrophages and dendritic cells, clearly demonstrating the ability of this pathogenic fungus to invade human phagocytic cells.
We prospectively studied the effects of the ligation of the inferior thyroid artery (ITA) on postoperative hypoparathyroidism in 48 patients who underwent functional subtotal thyroidectomy. Patients were randomized into two groups: A, with bilateral ligation of the ITA and B, without ligation of the ITA. Parathyroid function was checked preoperatively and after surgery by clinical examination and measurement of total calcium, intact PTH, urinary calcium, and AMPc. RESULTS: A significant incidence of postoperative hypocalcemia occurred: 17% in group A and 13% in B on the 4th postoperative day. Six months later, the incidence was 5% in Group A and 0% in Group B. These differences were not statistically significant between the two groups, and neither were any of the other clinical and laboratory observations. CONCLUSION: The ligation of the ITA was not an important causal factor for the occurrence of postoperative hypocalcemia after subtotal thyroidectomy.
We report the case of a one-day-old newborn infant, female, birth weight 1900 g, gestational age 36 weeks presenting with necrotizing fasciitis caused by E. coli and Morganella morganii. The newborn was allowed to fall into the toilet bowl during a domestic delivery. The initial lesion was observed at 24 hours of life on the left leg at the site of the venipuncture for the administration of hypertonic glucose solution. Despite early treatment, a rapid progression occurred resulting in a fatal outcome. We call attention to the risk presented by this serious complication in newborns with a contaminated delivery, and highlight the site of the lesion and causal agents.
A arqueologia da Amazônia boliviana ou das "Terras Baixas" compreende um imenso território que mostra, a luz da informação disponível, significativas descontinuidades espaço-temporais. A identificação nesta área de sociedades constituindo "cacicados da floresta tropical" a partir de critérios baseados em preconceitos, requer a reavaliação da pré-história regional do ponto de vista causal. A arqueologia beniana (de Llanos de Mojos) é conhecida, fundamentalmente, a partir das escavações de Erland Nordenskiöld, que sem dúvida estabeleceu as bases conceituais existentes atualmente. Entre os anos de 1977 e 1981 uma missão do Museu de La Plata (Argentina), sob a direção de B. Dougherty, e em estreita colaboração com o Instituto de Arqueologia de La Paz (Bolívia) e com o Amazonian Ecosystem Research (EUA), conduziu pesquisas sistemáticas considerando variados itens antropológicos e produzindo numerosas datações de radiocarbono. Estas contribuições ajudaram a esclarecer, mas não a simplificar o panorama pré-hispânico regional, tão importante na temática arqueológica sul-americana. Complementa este artigo uma exaustiva lista de bibliografias que facilita o acesso ao conhecimento sobre este grande território.
OBJECTIVE - To describe clinical observations of marked improvement in ventricular dysfunction in a medical office environment under circumstances differing from those in study protocols and multicenter studies performed in hospital or with outpatient cohorts. METHODS - Eleven cardiac failure patients with marked ventricular dysfunction receiving treatment at a doctors office between 1994 and 1999 were studied. Their ages ranged from 20 and 66 years (mean 39.42±14.05 years); 7 patients were men, 4 were women. Cardiopathic etiologies were arterial hypertension in 5 patients, peripartum cardiomyopathy in 2, nondefined myocarditis in 2, and alcoholic cardiomyopathy in 4. Initial echocardiograms revealed left ventricular dilatation (average diastolic diameter, 69.45±8.15mm), reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (0.38±0.08) and left atrial dilatation (43.36±5.16mm). The therapeutic approach followed consisted of patient orientation, elimination of etiological or causal factors of cardiac failure, and prescription of digitalis, diuretics, and angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors. RESULTS - Following treatment, left ventricular ejection fraction changed to 0.63±0.09; left ventricular diameters changed to 57.18±8.13mm, and left atrium diameters changed to 37.27±8.05mm. Maximum improvement was noted after 16.9±8.63 (6 to 36) months. CONCLUSION - Patients with serious cardiac failure and ventricular dysfunction caused by hypertension, alcoholism, or myocarditis can experience marked improvement in ventricular dysfunction after undergoing appropriate therapy within the venue of the doctor's office.
FUNDAMENTO: A associação das funções autonômica cardíaca e ventricular sisto-diastólica variavelmente alteradas ainda é controversa e pouco explorada na cardiopatia chagásica crônica. OBJETIVO: Avaliar em que extensão as funções autonômica cardíaca e mecânica ventricular estão alteradas e se ambas estão relacionadas na cardiopatia chagásica assintomática. MÉTODOS: EM 13 cardiopatas chagásicos assintomáticos e 15 indivíduos normais (grupo controle), foram avaliadas e correlacionadas a modulação autonômica da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca durante cinco minutos, nos domínios temporal e espectral, nas posições supina e ortostática, e a função ventricular com base em variáveis morfofuncionais Doppler ecocardiográficas. A análise estatística empregou o teste de Mann-Whitney e a correlação de Spearman. RESULTADOS: Em ambas as posições, os índices temporais (p = 0,0004-0,01) e as áreas espectrais total (p = 0,0007-0,005) e absoluta, de baixa e alta frequências (p = 0,0001-0,002), mostraram-se menores no grupo chagásico. O balanço vagossimpático mostrou-se semelhante em ambas as posturas (p = 0,43-0,89). As variáveis ecocardiográficas não diferiram entre os grupos (p = 0,13-0,82), exceto o diâmetro sistólico final do ventrículo esquerdo que se mostrou maior (p = 0,04), correlacionando-se diretamente com os reduzidos índices da modulação autonômica global (p = 0,01-0,04) e parassimpática (p = 0,002-0,01), nos pacientes chagásicos, em posição ortostática. CONCLUSÃO: AS DEpressões simpática e parassimpática com balanço preservado associaram-se apenas a um indicador de disfunção ventricular. Isso sugere que a disfunção autonômica cardíaca pode preceder e ser independentemente mais severa que a disfunção ventricular, não havendo associação causal entre ambos os distúrbios na cardiopatia chagásica crônica.
FUNDAMENTO: Eventos hemorrágicos em Síndromes Coronarianas Agudas (SCA) apresentam associação independente com óbito em registros multicêntricos internacionais. No entanto, essa associação não foi testada em nosso meio e a verdadeira relação causal entre sangramento e óbito não está plenamente demonstrada. OBJETIVO: Testar as hipóteses de que: (1) sangramento maior é preditor independente de óbito hospitalar em SCA; (2) a relação entre esses dois desfechos é causal. MÉTODOS: Incluídos pacientes com critérios pré-definidos de angina instável, infarto sem supradesnivelamento do ST ou infarto com supradesnivelamento do ST. Sangramento maior durante o internamento foi definido de acordo com os tipos 3 ou 5 da Classificação Universal de Sangramento. Regressão logística e análise da sequência de eventos foram utilizadas para avaliar a associação entre sangramento e óbito. RESULTADOS: Dentre 455 pacientes estudados, 29 desenvolveram sangramento maior (6,4%; 95%IC = 4,3-9,0%). Esses indivíduos apresentaram mortalidade hospitalar de 21%, comparados a 5,6% nos pacientes sem sangramento (RR = 4,0; 95%IC = 1,8-9,1; P = 0,001). Após ajuste para escore de propensão, sangramento maior permaneceu preditor de óbito hospitalar (OR = 3,34; 95%IC = 1,2-9,5; P = 0,02). Houve 6 óbitos dentre 29 pacientes que sangraram. No entanto, análise detalhada da sequência de eventos demonstrou relação causal em apenas um caso. CONCLUSÃO: (1) Sangramento maior é preditor independente de óbito hospitalar em SCA; (2) O papel do sangramento como marcador de risco predomina sobre seu papel de fator de risco para óbito. Essa conclusão deve ser vista como geradora de hipótese a ser confirmada por estudos de maior tamanho amostral. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0)
Avaliação da doença vascular do enxerto no transplante cardíaco: experiência de um centro brasileiro
FUNDAMENTO: O transplante cardíaco continua sendo o tratamento de escolha para a insuficiência cardíaca refratária ao tratamento otimizado. Dois métodos diagnósticos apresentam elevada sensibilidade no diagnóstico de episódios de rejeição ao enxerto e Doença Vascular do Enxerto (DVE), causas importantes de mortalidade no pós-transplante. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a relação entre os resultados do ultrassom intracoronariano (USIV) e os laudos das biópsias endomiocárdicas (BX) no seguimento de pacientes submetidos a transplante cardíaco em um serviço de referência brasileiro. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um ensaio epidemiológico retrospectivo observacional, com pacientes submetidos a transplante cardíaco ortotópico, no período de 2000 a 2009. Foram analisados os prontuários desses pacientes e os resultados dos USIV e BX realizados rotineiramente no seguimento clínico pós-transplante e terapêutica em uso. RESULTADOS: Dos 77 pacientes analisados, 63,63% são do sexo masculino, nas faixas etárias de 22 a 69 anos. Quanto aos resultados dos USIV, 33,96% foram classificados em Stanford classe I, e 32,08%, como Stanford IV. Dos 143 laudos das biópsias, 51,08% tiveram resultado 1R, 3R em 0,69% dos laudos, e 14,48% apresentaram a descrição de efeito Quilty. Todos usaram antiproliferativos, 80,51% usaram inibidores da calcineurina e 19,48% usaram inibidores do sinal de proliferação (ISP). CONCLUSÃO: A avaliação dos pacientes pós-transplante cardíaco por meio do USIV incorpora informações detalhadas para o diagnóstico precoce e sensível da DVE, que são complementadas pelas informações histológicas fornecidas pelas BX, estabelecendo uma possível relação causal entre a DVE e os episódios de rejeição humoral.
AbstractBackground:Fabry disease is a lysosomal storage disease caused by enzyme α-galactosidase A deficiency as a result of mutations in the GLA gene. Cardiac involvement is characterized by progressive left ventricular hypertrophy.Objective:To estimate the prevalence of Fabry disease in a population with left ventricular hypertrophy.Methods:The patients were assessed for the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy defined as a left ventricular mass index ≥ 96 g/m2 for women or ≥ 116 g/m2 for men. Severe aortic stenosis and arterial hypertension with mild left ventricular hypertrophy were exclusion criteria. All patients included were assessed for enzyme α-galactosidase A activity using dry spot testing. Genetic study was performed whenever the enzyme activity was decreased.Results:A total of 47 patients with a mean left ventricular mass index of 141.1 g/m2 (± 28.5; 99.2 to 228.5 g/m2] were included. Most of the patients were females (51.1%). Nine (19.1%) showed decreased α-galactosidase A activity, but only one positive genetic test − [GLA] c.785G>T; p.W262L (exon 5), a mutation not previously described in the literature. This clinical investigation was able to establish the association between the mutation and the clinical presentation.Conclusion:In a population of patients with left ventricular hypertrophy, we documented a Fabry disease prevalence of 2.1%. This novel case was defined in the sequence of a mutation of unknown meaning in the GLA gene with further pathogenicity study. Thus, this study permitted the definition of a novel causal mutation for Fabry disease - [GLA] c.785G>T; p.W262L (exon 5).
In this paper the author describes a very interesting case of union of two homologous chromosomes of the scorpion Tityus bahiensis just by the opposite extremities. The two normal pairs of chromosomes behave as ordinarily, the members of each pair showing at times a slight disturbance in their regular parallelism. The complex chromosome, on the contrary, behaves itself as if it were devoid of kinetochores, that is, it does not orient like normal chromosomes nor reveal any kind of active movement. The fusion of the chromosomes has resulted from terminal breakage at the opposite ends, the correspondig fragments having been found unpaired in a cell in which two pairs of chromosomes were present. Consequently, the compound chromosome, like the normal ones, is provided with a kinetochore at each one of the free ends. Being thus a centric chromosome its behavior, or more exactly, its kinetic inactivity may be compared with that of the monovalents found elsewhere in meioses. It is due o the failure of a partner. The fusion of two homologous chromosomes has transformed them into a new chromosomal unit in whose corresponding parts the ability of pairing was entirely abolished. This result is in full contradiction with the theory of a point-to point attraction between homologous chromosomes attributed to particular power of the genes, since, if genes really exist, being placed in their original loci, they would promote the union side by side of the members of the compound chromosome. If an attraction loci-to-loci should prevail the compound chromosome would be bent as in Fig. 8, C or form a ring similar to the loops observed in the inverted segment of sailvary chromosomes of Drosophila, as represented in the Fig. 8, D and this, in accordance with the order of the loci resulting from an union of corresponding or opposite ends of the fused chromosomes, as indicated in the Fig, 8 A and B. The evidence in hand points to a fusion by non homologous extremities. The expected rings, however, have never been found in metaphase plates. From this fact the author concludes that there is no point-to-point attraction between chromosomes, a conclusion in full agreement with the behavior of Hemipteran chromosomes which, in spite of geing composed of two equivalent halves do not bend in order to adjust the corresponding loci. (Cf. the papers on Hemiptera published by the author in this volume).
Three species of Scorpions beloging to two different families were studied cytologically: a) Tityus mattogrossensis Borelli (Fam. Buthidae), - This species presents spermatogonia provided with 20 short chromosomes which orient at metaphase with their axis parallelly to the plane of the equator and move toward the poles without changing this position, from the stage pachytene to metaphase the bivalents become, as in Tityus bahiensis, progressivery shorter and thicker, without showing that chiasmata occured at any time. The paired chromosomes never open themselves, out to form loops as in orthodox meioses. As in Tityus bahiensis the bivalents are inserted In the spindle before reaching their maxim contraction. No diakinesis has been observed. The primary spermatocyte metaphases are provided, with 10 pairs of chromosones, two of which are larger and two smaller than the rest. The bivalents orient as in Tityus bahiensis with their length in the plane of the equator and separate parallelly. Spindle fibres are seen alongst their entire body. While, in Tityus bahiensis the ends of the chromosomes are pronouncedly turned to opposite poles at metaphase, nothing like this was observed in the present species. Only late in anaphase the chromosomes of Tityus mattogrossensis show a bending to the poles. The secondary spermatocytes present 10 short chromosomes, two being larger than, the others. Here, on the contrary, the chromosomes are strongly curved toward the poles since the beginning of anaphase. Some chromosomal anomalies have been noticed. Primary spermatocytes with 14 bivalents, some of which representing probably free fragments, were observed. Primary spermatocytes with 8 bivalents and one cross of 4 chromosomes were interpreted as resulting from breakages followed by translocations Primary spermatocytes with 9 bivalents, one of which being much longer than the longst of the normal plates, show that fusion by the extremities of two non homologous chromosomes on the onde side, and of their respective homologous in the same way on tre other, have occured. Orientation of bivalents with their body parallelly to the spindle axis and anaphasic bridges have been encountered. All in all points to the conclusion that the chromosomes of Tityus mattogrossesis, like those of Tityus bahiensia are provided with one kinetochore at each end. Ananteris balzani Thorell - (Fam. Buthidae). - This species which belongs to the same family as Tityus, is provided with 12 chromosomes (diploid). These studied in embryonic tissues, showed the same behavior as the somatic chromosomes of Tityus bahiensis. Bothrirus sp. (Bothriuridae). - Only spermatogonia were found in the testis, of the single male hitherto investigated. The chromosomes, in number of 36, are of different sizes but small and provided, as ordinarily, with a single kinetochore. They behave therefore in an orthodox manner in mitosis.