222 resultados para Cafè -- Comerç


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da irrigação sobre as concentrações foliares de P e Zn e sobre a produtividade e o crescimento do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica), cultivado em plantio tradicional e adensado. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, em arranjo de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. As parcelas corresponderam às densidades de plantio (3.333 e 10.000 plantas ha-1), e as subparcelas corresponderam às lâminas d'água, aplicadas por quatro manejos de irrigação: início da irrigação, quando a tensão d´água no solo à profundidade de 0,25 m atingia valores próximos a 20 ou 60 kPa; turno fixo de irrigação (três vezes por semana), de acordo com o balanço hídrico climatológico; e testemunha sem irrigação. Em 2009, 2010 e 2011, foram feitas as seguintes avaliações: teores foliares de P e Zn; produtividade de café beneficiado (sacas ha-1); e área lateral do dossel. Lâminas de irrigação maiores favorecem a absorção radicular de P e o crescimento vegetativo das plantas no sistema tradicional e no adensado, bem como o aumento da produtividade no sistema tradicional. O aumento da disponibilidade de P para as plantas, pelo aumento da irrigação, diminui a concentração de Zn nas folhas.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia de armadilha de garrafa Pet vermelha contendo compostos voláteis alcoólicos atrativos, no controle massal da broca-do-café (Hypothenemus hampei). As avaliações foram realizadas em quatro lavouras de café, durante dois anos. Foram distribuídas 900 armadilhas de garrafa Pet, pintadas de vermelho, em três das quatro lavouras; uma lavoura sem armadilhas foi usada como controle. O broqueamento dos frutos (%) foi determinado nessas lavouras. Houve redução do broqueamento de frutos nas lavouras com armadilhas, da safra 2007/2008 para a safra 2008/2009. As maiores densidades da broca-do-café nas armadilhas foram observadas nos estádios de floração e de frutos chumbinho. A armadilha de garrafa Pet vermelha é eficaz no controle massal da população da broca-do-café, por reduzir a percentagem de frutos broqueados em 57%; entretanto, essa redução não é suficiente para manter as densidades da broca abaixo do nível de controle.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as respostas morfológicas do sistema radicular de quatro cultivares de café arábica submetidas a diferentes arranjos espaciais. Os espaçamentos adotados foram os de 0,40, 0,50, 0,60, 0,70 e 0,80 m entre plantas na linha, tendo-se mantido fixo 3,8 m na entrelinha. Aos 27, 35 e 39 meses após o transplantio, foram coletadas amostras de solo+raízes em três posições em relação aos caules das plantas e três profundidades. As raízes foram lavadas, coloridas, digitalizadas e processadas com o programa Safira. A cultivar Tupi RN IAC 1669-13 apresentou sistema radicular com características morfológicas relacionadas à absorção de nutrientes e de água superiores às das cultivares Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 e Catuaí Amarelo IAC 32, para todos os arranjos espaciais testados. A redução no espaçamento aumenta a abundância de raízes por volume de solo, sem alterar a qualidade morfológica do sistema radicular, nem aprofundá-lo. Os sistemas radiculares das cultivares avaliadas são mais abundantes e apresentam superfície e comprimento específico maiores entre plantas adjacentes, seguidas das posições afastadas a 0,25 e 0,50 m do caule. A proporção de raízes na camada de 0,1 m de profundidade é maior que a na de 0,4 m, para todos os espaçamentos. A variação no espaçamento entre plantas na linha altera a morfologia do sistema radicular do café arábica.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alterações fisiológicas e bioquímicas em sementes de café submetidas à secagem rápida, em sílica gel, e à secagem lenta, em soluções salinas saturadas. As sementes foram secas até que atingissem os seguintes teores de água: 40, 30, 20, 15, 10 e 5% (base úmida). Após a secagem, uma parte das sementes foi imediatamente avaliada quanto ao desempenho fisiológico e ao perfil de enzimas do processo oxidativo, e outra parte foi avaliada após armazenagem em condição hermética, em câmara fria e seca, por quatro meses. A velocidade de secagem e o teor final de água tiveram efeito significativo sobre a qualidade fisiológica das sementes. Após a secagem rápida em sílica gel, as sementes toleraram teores finais de água mais baixos. No entanto, após a secagem lenta, as sementes com teores finais de água mais elevados apresentaram maior qualidade. O período de armazenamento não afetou a germinação, mas prejudicou o vigor das sementes. A secagem rápida apresenta maior potencial de dano ao endosperma do que aos embriões. O perfil enzimático das sementes de café é afetado pelo teor final de água e pela velocidade de secagem.


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The combination of high performance exclusion chromatography (HPEC) and gas chromatography (GC) was applied to the analysis of six coffee samples that were previously characterized by sensory tests as of good or poor quality. The data obtained by the two techniques were statistically evaluated by "Principal Components Analysis" (PCA) using selected peak areas. The results showed the potential of the described techniques for coffee analysis. The HPEC technique monitored with the U.V. detector at 272 nm and followed by PCA may be correlated with sensorial data, particularly if a wider group of samples is used.


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A review of heterocyclic compounds in roasted coffee is presented. The contents, precursors and sensorial properties of furans, pyrroles, oxazoles, thiazoles, thiophenes, pyrazines and pyridines are discussed. The impact heterocyclic compounds of coffee aroma are described.


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This review is about the aliphatic, alicyclic and aromatic compounds (non-heterocyclic compounds) that are present in the volatile fractions of roasted coffees. Herein, the contents, aroma precursors and the sensorial properties of volatile phenols, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, ethers, hydrocarbons, carboxylic acids, anhydrides, esters, lactones, amines and sulphur compounds are discussed. Special attention is given to the compounds of these groups that are actually important to the final aroma of roasted coffees.


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Coffee is a product consumed all around the world, Brazil being the biggest exporter. However, little is known about the difference in composition of the different brands in terms of bioactive substances. In the present study, ten of the most consumed brands of coffee in Rio de Janeiro were analyzed. Caffeine contents, trigonelline and total chlorogenic acid varied from 0.8 g/100g to 1.4 g/100g; 0.2 g/100g to 0.5 g/100g and from 3.5 g kg-1 to 15.9 g kg-1, respectively. The large heterogeneity observed in the amounts of the bioactive compounds can be attributed to different formulations of the various brands, as well as to different roasting conditions.


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A reverse phase liquid chromatography method was developed for simultaneous determination of trigonelline, caffeine, nicotinic and chlorogenic (5-CQA) acids in roasted coffee. A gradient of acetic acid/acetonitrile was used as mobile phase and detection was carried out in the UV. The samples were extracted with acetonitrile/water (5:95 v/v) at 80 ºC/10 min. Good recovery (89 to 104%), repeatability and linearity were obtained. Detection limits of 0.01, 0.15, 0.04 and 0.04 mg mL-1 were observed for nicotinic acid, trigonelline, 5-CQA and caffeine. The method, applied to arabica and robusta coffees with different degrees of roasting, was efficient and fast (~35 min) and also allowed identification of cinnamic acids.


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In this work a fast method for the determination of the total sugar levels in samples of raw coffee was developed using the near infrared spectroscopy technique and multivariate regression. The sugar levels were initially obtained using gravimety as the reference method. Later on, the regression models were built from the near infrared spectra of the coffee samples. The original spectra were pre-treated according to the Kubelka-Munk transformation and multiplicative signal correction. The proposed analytical method made possible the direct determination of the total sugar levels in the samples with an error lower by 8% with respect to the conventional methodology.


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The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of processing (semi-dry and dry) and roasting (light, medium and dark) on the antioxidant activity of coffee brews, using tests to determine the reducing power and the DPPH scavenging, Fe+2 chelating and lipid peroxidation inhibition activities. All of the coffee brews presented concentration-dependent antioxidant activity. The light coffee samples presented the higher reducing power and DPPH scavenging activity. Its ion chelating capacity was similar to the medium samples, but was less than the green coffee chelating capacity. The semi-dry processing was more efficient than the dry processing only for the reducing power. All of the samples presented high lipid peroxidation inhibition activity. Based on the results the degree of coffee roasting seems to be more important than the processing to determine the antioxidant activity of brews.


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Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is widely used for the characterization of volatile compounds. However, due to the complexity of the soluble coffee matrix, a complete identification of the components should not be based on mass spectra interpretation only. The linear index of retention (LRI) is frequently used to give support to mass spectra. The aim of this work is to investigate the characterization of the volatile compounds in soluble coffee samples by GC-MS using LRI values found with a HP-INNOWAX column. The method used allows a significant increase of the reliability of identifying compounds.


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Coffee fruit processing is one of the most polluting activities in agriculture due to the large amount of waste generated in the process. In this work, coffee parchment was employed as precursor for the production of carbons activated with ZnCl2 (CAP). The material was characterized using N2 adsorption/desorption at 77 K, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The material showed a surface area of 521.6 m²g-1 and microporous structure. CAP was applied as adsorbent for the removal of methylene blue dye in aqueous medium. The adsorption capacity was found to be about 188.7 mg g-1.


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Ferric chloride as a new activating agent was used to obtain activated carbons from agroindustrial waste. This material was prepared at three temperatures of pyrolysis, 200, 280 and 400 ºC. The carbonaceous materials obtained after the activation processes showed high specific surface areas (BET), with values higher than 900 m² g-1. The materials showed different behaviors in the adsorption of methylene blue dye and reactive red textile dye in water solutions. An important fact in the use of FeCl3 as an activating agent is that the activation temperature is at 280 ºC, well below of those commonly employed in chemical or physical activations described in the literature.


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Materials based on pure iron oxide and impregnated with niobia (Nb2O5) were prepared. Their catalytic activities were tested on the oxidation of compounds present in the wastewater from the processing of coffee berries. Particularly caffeine and catechol were tested. The oxidation reactions were carried out with the following systems (i) UV/H2O2, (ii) photo-Fenton and (iii) heterogeneous Fenton. All materials were characterized with X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer and infrared spectroscopy. Iron was mainly in the forms of goethite and maghemite. The oxidation kinetics were monitored by UV-vis and the oxidation products were monitored by mass spectrometry. The photo-Fenton reaction presented highest oxidation efficiency, removing 98% of all caffeine and catechol contents.