114 resultados para CELLS IN-VITRO


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Several species of Aspidosperma plants are used to treat diseases in the tropics, including Aspidosperma ramiflorum, which acts against leishmaniasis, an activity that is experimentally confirmed. The species, known as guatambu-yellow, yellowperoba, coffee-peroba andmatiambu, grows in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil in the South to the Southeast regions. Through a guided biofractionation of A. ramiflorum extracts, the plant activity against Plasmodium falciparum was evaluated in vitro for toxicity towards human hepatoma G2 cells, normal monkey kidney cells and nonimmortalised human monocytes isolated from peripheral blood. Six of the seven extracts tested were active at low doses (half-maximal drug inhibitory concentration < 3.8 µg/mL); the aqueous extract was inactive. Overall, the plant extracts and the purified compounds displayed low toxicity in vitro. A nonsoluble extract fraction and one purified alkaloid isositsirikine (compound 5) displayed high selectivity indexes (SI) (= 56 and 113, respectively), whereas compounds 2 and 3 were toxic (SI < 10). The structure, activity and low toxicity of isositsirikine in vitro are described here for the first time in A. ramiflorum, but only the neutral and precipitate plant fractions were tested for activity, which caused up to 53% parasitaemia inhibition of Plasmodium bergheiin mice with blood-induced malaria. This plant species is likely to be useful in the further development of an antimalarial drug, but its pharmacological evaluation is still required.


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An in vitro system for studying the resistance response of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) to Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum was investigated. Cell suspension cultures, established from hypocotyl-derived callus of cotton cultivar 101-102B, were treated with bacterial extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) extracted from the incompatible race 18 of X. campestris pv. malvacearum. EPS at 600 mug/mL caused pronounced darkening of the suspension cultures, as indicative of cell death, 48 hours after incubation. Protein electrophoresis analysis of the time course of EPS-treated cells showed differential accumulation of several protein bands after 12-24 hours. The time course of protein accumulation and cell death was consistent with an elicitor-mediated hypersensitive response.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate a protocol for plant regeneration by means of somatic embryos obtained from isolated adult pejibaye leaf primordia, and to describe histological origin of embryos and morphogenetic response. Explants were cultivated in modified MS medium. Mesophyll parenchymatous cells originated meristemoids (preembryonic complex formation) induced with 7.1 µM BAP in the first two subculture periods. After polarized structures with 12.9 µM NAA and 3.55 µM BAP were formed in the third subculture, somatic embryos developed and regenerated normal plants. The mesophyll parenchymatous cells display high capacity of direct response to the auxin and cytokinin.


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The objective of this work was to isolate strains of lactic acid bacteria with probiotic potential from the digestive tract of marine shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei), and to carry out in vitro selection based on multiple characters. The ideotype (ideal proposed strain) was defined by the highest averages for the traits maximum growth velocity, final count of viable cells, and inhibition halo against nine freshwater and marine pathogens, and by the lowest averages for the traits duplication time and resistance of strains to NaCl (1.5 and 3%), pH (6, 8, and 9), and biliary salts (5%). Mahalanobis distance (D²) was estimated among the evaluated strains, and the best ones were those with the shortest distances to the ideotype. Ten bacterial strains were isolated and biochemically identified as Lactobacillus plantarum (3), L. brevis (3), Weissella confusa (2), Lactococcus lactis (1), and L. delbrueckii (1). Lactobacillus plantarum strains showed a wide spectrum of action and the largest inhibition halos against pathogens, both Gram-positive and negative, high growth rate, and tolerance to all evaluated parameters. In relation to ideotype, L. plantarum showed the lowest Mahalanobis (D²) distance, followed by the strains of W. confusa, L. brevis, L. lactis, and L. delbrueckii. Among the analyzed bacterial strains, those of Lactobacillus plantarum have the greatest potential for use as a probiotic for marine shrimp.


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Amphotericin B (AB) is the standard drug for invasive fungal infection therapy. It has a broad spectrum of activity and it is the best antifungal available against most yeasts and molds. Its therapeutic use, however, is limited by significant side effects, leading to a low therapeutic index when it is used as the traditional formulation (Fungizone®). Due to self-association, AB can form pores in cholesterol-containing membranes. We propose a triglyceride-rich nanoemulsion as a delivery system for AB in low levels of aggregation to reduce the toxicity against host cells.


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The goal of this study was to produce and characterize a new microemulsion gel-like carrier system (MEG) by using the pseudo-ternary phase-diagram concept. The diclofenac diethylamine (DDA) was incorporated in the MEG and its in vitro release and permeation profiles were performed using Franz-type diffusion cells. The results revealed that the commercial DDA emulgel provided significantly higher Kp of DDA (2.2-fold) as compared to the MEG. Similar data were obtained in the permeation studies in which DDA Kp 4.7-fold higher. Therefore, MEG presents higher potential as a topical delivery system for DDA when compared to the commercial DDA emulgel.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNT) have been studied for biomedical applications due to their unique properties. However, pristine CNT have structural features and impurities that can cause toxicity to biological systems. In this work, we describe a method to purify multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) by chemical modification and subsequent attachment of hydroxyl and carboxyl groups to improve dispersion and to decrease toxic effects. Nanocomposites from poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) and nanotubes were produced by the solvent casting method and characterized and evaluated for cytocompatibility with Vero cells. The nanocomposite interactions with Vero cells demonstrated that the cells were able to adhere and sustain proliferation and showed favorable cytocompatibility. In vitro studies also revealed an increase in fibroblast cell viability in the nanocomposites, compared with neat PLLA.


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PURPOSES: To determine the basic expression of ABC transporters in an epithelial ovarian cancer cell line, and to investigate whether low concentrations of acetaminophen and ibuprofen inhibited the growth of this cell line in vitro. METHODS: TOV-21 G cells were exposed to different concentrations of acetaminophen (1.5 to 15 μg/mL) and ibuprofen (2.0 to 20 μg/mL) for 24 to 48 hours. The cellular growth was assessed using a cell viability assay. Cellular morphology was determined by fluorescence microscopy. The gene expression profile of ABC transporters was determined by assessing a panel including 42 genes of the ABC transporter superfamily. RESULTS: We observed a significant decrease in TOV-21 G cell growth after exposure to 15 μg/mL of acetaminophen for 24 (p=0.02) and 48 hours (p=0.01), or to 20 μg/mL of ibuprofen for 48 hours (p=0.04). Assessing the morphology of TOV-21 G cells did not reveal evidence of extensive apoptosis. TOV-21 G cells had a reduced expression of the genes ABCA1, ABCC3, ABCC4, ABCD3, ABCD4 and ABCE1 within the ABC transporter superfamily. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides in vitro evidence of inhibitory effects of growth in therapeutic concentrations of acetaminophen and ibuprofen on TOV-21 G cells. Additionally, TOV-21 G cells presented a reduced expression of the ABCA1, ABCC3, ABCC4, ABCD3, ABCD4 and ABCE1 transporters.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are increasingly being proposed as a therapeutic option for treatment of a variety of different diseases in human and veterinary medicine. Stem cells have been isolated from feline bone marrow, however, very few data exist about the morphology of these cells and no data were found about the morphometry of feline bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM-MSCs). The objectives of this study were the isolation, growth evaluation, differentiation potential and characterization of feline BM-MSCs by their morphological and morphometric characteristics. in vitro differentiation assays were conducted to confirm the multipotency of feline MSC, as assessed by their ability to differentiate into three cell lineages (osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and adipocytes). To evaluate morphological and morphometric characteristics the cells are maintained in culture. Cells were observed with light microscope, with association of dyes, and they were measured at 24, 48, 72 and 120h of culture (P1 and P3). The non-parametric ANOVA test for independent samples was performed and the means were compared by Tukey's test. On average, the number of mononuclear cells obtained was 12.29 (±6.05x10(6)) cells/mL of bone marrow. Morphologically, BM-MSCs were long and fusiforms, and squamous with abundant cytoplasm. In the morphometric study of the cells, it was observed a significant increase in average length of cells during the first passage. The cell lengths were 106.97±38.16µm and 177.91±71.61µm, respectively, at first and third passages (24 h). The cell widths were 30.79±16.75 µm and 40.18±20.46µm, respectively, at first and third passages (24 h).The nucleus length of the feline BM-MSCs at P1 increased from 16.28µm (24h) to 21.29µm (120h). However, at P3, the nucleus length was 26.35µm (24h) and 25.22µm (120h). This information could be important for future application and use of feline BM-MSCs.


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Somatic embryogenesis was induced from cotyledon explants of eggplant cultured on MS medium supplemented with 54 µM NAA. Anatomical analysis of somatic embryo initiation and development was performed during the first four weeks. Proembryo formation was observed after the second day of culture, directly from perivascular cells or via pro-embryogenic masses derived from indeterminate meristematic masses (IMMs) originated in the vascular tissue. Those IMMs also gave rise to root primordia after 10 days of culture. The origin of embryos is discussed as well as the similarities between somatic embryogenesis and adventitious root formation.


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This is a comparative study of the ultrastructural characteristics of the cells involved in the organogenesis in vitro of Bauhinia forficata Link (indirect system) and Glycine max (L.) Merrill (direct system). B. forficata calli after 30 days culture and G. max meristemoids after 10 days culture were prepared for ultrastructural analysis using conventional methods. Concentrically arranged rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and plastids containing starch grains were seen during G. max and B. forficata organogenesis. The amitotic process, the presence of plastids around the nucleus and nuclear envelope with conspicuous pores were found in B. forficata.


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In the present study we evaluated the binding of the radiopharmaceuticals sodium pertechnetate (Na 99mTcO4), methylenediphosphonic acid (99mTc-MDP) and glucoheptonate acid (99mTc-GHA) to blood elements using centrifugation and radioautographic techniques. Heparinized blood was incubated with the labelled compounds for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 24 h. Plasma (P) and blood cells (BC) were isolated and precipitated with 5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA), and soluble (SF) and insoluble fractions (IF) were separated. Blood samples were prepared (0 and 24 h) and coated with LM-1 radioautographic emulsions and percent radioactivity (%rad) in P and BC was determined. The binding of Na 99mTcO4 (%rad) to P was 61.2% (0 h) and 46.0% (24 h), and radioautography showed 63.7% (0 h) and 43.3% (24 h). The binding to BC was 38.8% (0 h) and 54.0% (24 h), and radioautography showed 36.3% (0 h) and 56.7% (24 h). 99mTc-MDP study presented 91.1% (0 h) to P and 87.2% (24 h), and radioautography showed 67.9% (0 h) and 67.4% (24 h). The binding to BC was 8.9% (0 h) and 12.8% (24 h), and radioautography showed 32.1% (0 h) and 32.6% (24 h). 99mTc-GHA study was 90.1% (0 h) to P and 79.9% (24 h), and radioautography showed 67.2% (0 h) and 60.1% (24 h). The binding to BC was 9.9% (0 h) and 20.1% (24 h), and radioautography showed 32.8% (0 h) and 39.9% (24 h). The comparison of the obtained results suggests that the binding to plasma and blood cells in the two techniques used (radioautography and centrifugation) is qualitatively in accordance


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Evidence has indicated that the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) might be involved in the generation of spontaneous electrical activity in atrial pacemaker cells. We report the effect of disabling the SR with ryanodine (0.1 µM) on the sinus node recovery time (SNRT) measured in isolated right atria from 4-6-month-old male Wistar rats. Electrogram and isometric force were recorded at 36.5oC. Two methods for sinus node resetting were used: a) pulse: a single stimulus pulse interpolated at coupling intervals of 50, 65 or 80% of the regular spontaneous cycle length (RCL), and b) train: a 2-min train of pulses at intervals of 50, 65 or 80% of RCL. Corrected SNRT (cSNRT) was calculated as the difference between SNRT (first spontaneous cycle length after stimulation interruption) and RCL. Ryanodine only slightly increased RCL (<10%), but decreased developed force by 90%. When the pulse method was used, cSNRT (~40 ms), which represents intranodal/atrial conduction time, was independent of the coupling interval and unaffected by ryanodine. However, cSNRT obtained by the train method was significantly higher for shorter intervals between pulses, indicating the occurrence of overdrive suppression. In this case, ryanodine prolonged cSNRT in a rate-dependent fashion, with a greater effect at shorter intervals. These results indicate that: a) a functional SR, albeit important for force development, does not seem to play a major role in atrial automaticity in the rat; b) disruption of cell Ca2+ homeostasis by inhibition of SR function does not appear to affect conduction; however, it enhances overdrive-induced depression of sinusal automaticity.


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Neurons from the anterior subventricular zone (SVZ) of the cerebral cortex migrate tangentially to become interneurons in the olfactory bulb during development and in adult rodents. This migration was defined as neuronophilic, independent of a radial glial substrate. The cortical SVZ and the rostral migratory stream to the olfactory bulb were shown to be rich in 9-O-acetyl GD3 gangliosides (9-O-acGD3), which have been previously shown to be implicated in gliophilic migration in the rodent cerebral cortex and cerebellum. In the present study, we performed SVZ explant cultures using rats during their first postnatal week to analyze the expression of these gangliosides in chain migration of neuronal precursors. We characterized migrating chains of these neuroblasts through morphological analysis and immunocytochemistry for the neural cell adhesion molecule. By using the Jones monoclonal antibody which binds specifically to 9-O-acGD3 we showed that migrating chains from the SVZ explants express 9-O-acGD3 which is distributed in a punctate manner in individual cells. 9-O-acGD3 is also present in migrating chains that form in the absence of radial glia, typical of the neuronophilic chain migration of the SVZ. Our data indicate that 9-O-acetylated gangliosides may participate in neuronophilic as well as gliophilic migration.


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Chicken embryos kept in culture medium were bombarded using a high helium gas pressure biolistic device. To optimize the factors that affect transformation efficiency, the lacZ gene under control of the human cytomegalovirus immediate early enhancer/promoter was used as a reporter gene. There was an inverse relationship between survival rate and transformation efficiency. The best conditions obtained for high embryo survival and high transformation efficiency were achieved with 800 psi helium gas pressure, 500 mmHg vacuum, gold particles, an 8 cm DNA-coated microparticle flying distance to the embryo and embryo placement 0.5 cm from the center of the particle dispersion cone. Under these conditions, transformation efficiency was 100%, survival rate 25% and the number of expression units in the embryo body cells ranged from 100 to 1,000. Expression of green fluorescent protein was also detected in embryos bombarded under optimal conditions. Based on the results obtained, the biolistic process can be considered an efficient method for the transformation of chicken embryos and therefore can be used as a model system to study transient gene expression and tissue-specific promoters.