118 resultados para Bothrops snake
This is a case report of a "non-venomous" snake bite in a herpetologist observed at the Sciences Faculty of the Universidad de los Andes (Mérida, Venezuela). The patient was bitten on the middle finger of the left hand, and shows signs of pronounced local manifestations of envenomation such as bleeding from the tooth imprint, swelling and warmth. He was treated with local care, analgesics, and steroids. He was dismissed from the hospital and observed at home during five days with marked improvement of envenomation. The snake was brought to the medical consult and identified as a Thamnodynastes cf. pallidus specimen. This report represents the first T. pallidus accident described in a human.
The pathogenesis of the renal lesion upon envenomation by snakebite has been related to myolysis, hemolysis, hypotension and/or direct venom nephrotoxicity caused by the venom. Both primary and continuous cell culture systems provide an in vitro alternative for quantitative evaluation of the toxicity of snake venoms. Crude Crotalus vegrandis venom was fractionated by molecular exclusion chromatography. The toxicity of C. vegrandis crude venom, hemorrhagic, and neurotoxic fractions were evaluated on mouse primary renal cells and a continuous cell line of Vero cells maintained in vitro. Cells were isolated from murine renal cortex and were grown in 96 well plates with Dulbecco's Modified Essential Medium (DMEM) and challenged with crude and venom fractions. The murine renal cortex cells exhibited epithelial morphology and the majority showed smooth muscle actin determined by immune-staining. The cytotoxicity was evaluated by the tetrazolium colorimetric method. Cell viability was less for crude venom, followed by the hemorrhagic and neurotoxic fractions with a CT50 of 4.93, 18.41 and 50.22 µg/mL, respectively. The Vero cell cultures seemed to be more sensitive with a CT50 of 2.9 and 1.4 µg/mL for crude venom and the hemorrhagic peak, respectively. The results of this study show the potential of using cell culture system to evaluate venom toxicity.
Coral snakes (Micrurus spp.) are the main representatives of the Elapidae in South America. However, bites by these snakes are uncommon. We retrospectively reviewed the data from 11 individuals bitten by coral snakes over a 20-year period; four were confirmed (snake brought for identification) and seven were highly suspected (neuromuscular manifestations) cases of elapid envenoming. The cases were classified as dry-bite (n = 1, caused by M. lemniscatus; did not receive antivenom), mild (n = 2, local manifestations with no acute myasthenic syndrome; M. frontalis and Micrurus spp.), moderate (n = 5, mild myasthenia) or severe (n = 3, important myasthenia; one of them caused by M. frontalis). The main clinical features upon admission were paresthesia (local, n = 9; generalized, n = 2), local pain (n = 8), palpebral ptosis (n = 8), weakness (n = 4) and inability to stand up (n = 3). No patient developed respiratory failure. Antivenom was used in ten cases, with mild early reactions occurring in three. An anticholinesterase drug was administered in the three severe cases, with a good response in two. No deaths were observed. Despite the high toxicity of coral snake venoms, the prognosis following envenoming is good. In serious bites by M. frontalis or M. lemniscatus, the venom of which acts postsynaptically, anticholinesterases may be useful as an ancillary measure if antivenom is unavailable, if there is a delay in obtaining a sufficient amount, or in those patients given the highest recommended doses of antivenom without improvement of the paralysis or with delayed recovery.
Two cases of proven coral snake bites were reported in Belém, Pará State, Brazil. The first case was a severe one caused by Micrurus surinamensis. The patient required mechanical ventilation due to acute respiratory failure. The second case showed just mild signs of envenomation caused by Micrurus filiformis. Both patients received specific Micrurus antivenom and were discharged without further complications. Coral snake bites are scarcely reported in the Amazon region and there is a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations, varying from extremely mild to those which may rapidly lead to death if the patient is not treated as soon as possible.
SUMMARY The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological profile of snakebite accidents reported by the toxicological assistance center in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Database information on snakebite accidents was analyzed regarding the period from January 2003 to December 2011. A total of 1063 cases were found. The accidents occurred during the rainy months (March, April and May), in urban areas (52.3%), affecting individuals younger than 50 years and predominantly among males (70.7%). The lower limbs were the most frequently affected body area (33.7%). Most accidents involved non-venomous snakes (76.1%). The genus Bothrops was the main one involved in venomous accidents (83%). It is expected that this study can be used as the substrate to improve healthcare surveillance and implementing better measures for the treatment of this population.
Foram notificados à Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do Ceará, no período de 1992 a 1995, 688 acidentes causados por serpentes peçonhentas (média anual de 172 casos), com coeficiente de incidência variando entre 0,9 e 5,8 por 100.000 habitantes. Dentre 473 casos em que houve referência ao gênero da serpente 88,3% foram por Bothrops, 10,6% por Crotalus, 0,8% por Micrurus e 0,2% por Lachesis. Os meses de abril a setembro apresentaram maior incidência. Houve predominância de pacientes do sexo masculino (75,6%) e com idades entre 10 a 49 anos (72,3%). As regiões anatômicas mais freqüentemente picadas foram os membros inferiores (81,9%) e superiores (14,7%). O atendimento na unidade de saúde que notificou o acidente ocorreu dentro de seis horas em 66,9% dos casos. A letalidade foi de 0,7%. Os acidentados foram sobretudo agricultores (62,7%), a maioria dos casos ocorreu no próprio local de trabalho. Os autores reforçam que os acidentes ofídicos no Estado do Ceará podem ser considerados acidentes de trabalho, acometem principalmente os trabalhadores rurais e constituem causa de óbito.
The present paper reports two cases of human envenoming by colubrid snakes of Philodryas, considered as not poisonous, showing evidence of the clinical aspects and the evolution of the symptoms of envenoming. The similarity of these cases with those caused by Bothrops suggests a more careful evaluation on the victims considering the medical treatment to be adopted.
The case of a man bitten by a South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus) and who developed an abscess at the site of the bite is reported. Abcesses are a rare complication of this type of envenoming, possibly due to the lack of a strong cytotoxic action of Crotalus durissus venom.
O objetivo foi pesquisar Ortomyxovirus em animais heterotérmicos. Coletou-se sangue de serpentes dos gêneros Bothrops e Crotalus e de sapo e rãs dos gêneros Bufo e Rana, para a detecção dos receptores de hemácias e anticorpos específicos, ao vírus influenza, pelos testes de hemaglutinação e inibição da hemaglutinação, respectivamente. Pelo teste de hemaglutinação, verificou-se que serpentes e sapos em cativeiro apresentaram receptores em suas hemácias para o vírus influenza, humano e eqüino do tipo A e tipo B. O mesmo ocorreu com serpentes recém chegadas. Quanto ao teste de inibição da hemaglutinação dos soros dos répteis observou-se títulos protetores de anticorpos aos vírus influenza tipo A (origens humana e eqüina) e tipo B. Com soro de sapo não se observou reação de inibição da hemaglutinação porém, 83,3% das rãs obtiveram médias de 40UIH para algumas cepas. Conclui-se que animais heterotérmicos podem oferecer condições de hospedeiros aos vírus influenza, assim como susceptibilidade à infecção.
Com o objetivo de determinar o perfil clínico-epidemiológico dos acidentes ofídicos, em hospital do Estado do Acre, foram estudados prospectivamente 144 pacientes admitidos no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2002. Desses, 113 (78,5%) foram classificados como vítimas de acidente com envenenamento. Os gêneros Bothrops, Lachesis e Micrurus foram responsáveis por, respectivamente, 75,7%, 2,1% e 0,7% dos casos. Os acidentes predominaram em pessoas do sexo masculino (78,5%), trabalhadores rurais (51,4%) e com idades entre 10 e 29 anos (43,8%). Nos acidentes botrópicos, os envenenamentos considerados moderados (48,6%) prevaleceram sobre os leves (31,2%) e graves (20,2%). Dois casos envolvendo o gênero Bothrops não receberam terapia antipeçonha. Entretanto, soro heterólogo foi administrado em 23 vítimas de acidente sem envenenamento. Concluindo, os resultados obtidos neste estudo diferiram dos observados por outros autores quanto à gravidade dos casos e adequação do tratamento, indicando a necessidade de treinamento da equipe.
O presente trabalho apresenta o perfil epidemiológico dos acidentes ofídicos notificados junto à Secretaria do Estado de Saúde do Estado do Amapá. Para isso, foram analisadas 909 fichas durante o período de 2003 a 2006. A maior freqüência de picadas foi no ano de 2004 com registro de 255 casos, seguido pelo ano de 2006 com 246 casos. Os números mais expressivos de pacientes encontram-se nas faixas etárias compreendidas entre 20 e 34 anos (30%). Os gêneros Bothrops e Crotalus foram responsáveis por 67,5% e 0,7% dos acidentes, respectivamente. Serpentes consideradas não peçonhentas causaram 0,2% dos acidentes e em 31,2% dos casos não foi possível a identificação da espécie. Indivíduos do sexo masculino (80,6%) foram os mais atingidos. A maior incidência de picadas foi nos membros inferiores (68%). Os acidentes ocorreram, em sua maioria, na área rural (62,7%), em circunstâncias equilibradas de trabalho (60%) e lazer (15,6%). O tempo decorrido entre a picada e o atendimento ao paciente foi de 12 horas (29%). Dos acidentes ofídicos, 263 foram classificados como leves, 193 graves e 187 moderados.
The first reported case of an accident with Bothriopsis taeniata in Brazil is described. The victim, a 43-year-old man, was bitten just above his right heel and presented a clinical condition compatible with mild Bothrops poisoning: local edema with hemorrhage at the bite site and pain, although without coagulopathy.
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o perfil epidemiológico dos acidentes ofídicos da macrorregião de saúde do Norte do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foram analisadas informações sobre os acidentes ofídicos relativos ao período compreendido entre janeiro de 2002 a dezembro de 2006, por meio de bancos de dados. Os resultados demonstraram 10.553 casos notificados, com ênfase para a maior casuística em meses de tempo quente e chuvoso, em áreas urbanas (54,1%), faixa etária menor de 20 anos (39,7%), acometendo mais homens e estudantes (53,1% e 29,1%) respectivamente. Os membros inferiores (pé, dedo do pé, perna e coxa) foram os locais mais afetados (35,9%), as serpentes prevalentes foram do gênero Bothrops (82,9%) e a gravidade da maioria dos acidentes foi leve (66,2%). Observou-se nesse estudo um importante impacto da sazonalidade, urbanização, subnotificação das espécies envolvidas nesses acidentes e busca rápida pelo pronto atendimento. Espera-se que os dados inéditos da casuística obtida possam servir de substrato para o planejamento e execução de medidas voltadas para vigilância em saúde e atendimento.
Few papers have been published on snake bites caused by Philodryas olfersii. We report here the first case identified at the Centro de Assistência Toxicológica do Hospital da Restauração, Recife, State of Pernambuco. This case was described based on medical protocols, interviewing the patient and identifying the animal that caused the bite. The patient presented pain, heat, erythema, edema and ecchymosis, without other laboratory abnormalities or coagulation disorders. The treatment consisted of administration of eight ampoules of antibothropic serum, and post-administration allergenic reactions were observed. The importance of bites by opistoglyph snakes needs to be reconsidered in research and at specialized treatment centers.
INTRODUCTION: The fishes of continental Brazil have socioeconomic importance due to their potential for sport fishing and commercial and subsistence uses, as seen in the Upper Paraguay River Basin, particularly in the municipalities of the Pantanal region, where it is the second largest economic activity. Injuries caused in professional fishermen are common and poorly studied, as in other regions of the country. METHODS: Data were obtained from questionnaires and interviews with 100 professional fishermen, 50 in each municipality, between December 2008 and October 2009. RESULTS: All the fishermen reported some kind of injury caused by fish stings (78% of injuries) and fish, alligator and snake bites (22%) on the hands (46% of cases) and feet (35% of cases). Most of the patients had mild symptoms. The most severe cases were associated with secondary bacterial infections and required specific treatment and prolonged recovery associated with social and economic losses. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study indicate that the stressful work conditions, inattention to basic preventive measures and carelessness were factors that contributed to accidents and that the toxicity and ability to inflict mechanical trauma of some aquatic species, plus the ineffective use of first aid and hospital treatment, contributed to the high morbidity and complications in many cases. Data from this study are relevant to the fishing communities of the Pantanal region, since they reveal high rates of accidents, lack of knowledge concerning first aid, initial treatment, injury prevention and lack of medical follow-up of the population.