126 resultados para Bacterial pneumonia
In order to detect fluctuations in ruminal microbial populations due to forage tannins using 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) probes, recovery of intact rRNA is required. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and polyvinylpirrolidone (PVP) on extraction of bacterial rRNA, in the presence of tannins from tropical legume forages and other sources, that hybridize with oligonucleotide probes. Ruminococcus albus 8 cells were exposed to 8 g/L tannic acid or 1 g/L condensed tannins extracted from Acacia angustissima, banana (Musa sp.) skin, Desmodium ovalifolium, red grape (Vitis vinifera) skin and Inga edulis, or no tannins. Cells were rinsed with Tris buffer pH 7 containing either 8% PEG or 6% PVP prior to cell lysis. Total RNA samples rinsed with either PEG or PVP migrated through denaturing agarose gels. The 16S rRNA bands successfully hybridized with a R. albus species-specific oligonucleotide probe, regardless of tannin source. The effect of rinsing buffers on the density of 16S rRNA bands, as well as on the hybridization signals was compared. There were significant effects (P<0.01) when the controls were compared to either buffer treatments due to tannin type, buffer used and the interaction of tannin type and buffer. The significant interaction indicates the influence of tannin type on the parameters evaluated.
Studies on the impact of Eucalyptus spp. on Brazilian soils have focused on soil chemical properties and isolating interesting microbial organisms. Few studies have focused on microbial diversity and ecology in Brazil due to limited coverage of traditional cultivation and isolation methods. Molecular microbial ecology methods based on PCR amplified 16S rDNA have enriched the knowledge of soils microbial biodiversity. The objective of this work was to compare and estimate the bacterial diversity of sympatric communities within soils from two areas, a native forest (NFA) and an eucalyptus arboretum (EAA). PCR primers, whose target soil metagenomic 16S rDNA were used to amplify soil DNA, were cloned using pGEM-T and sequenced to determine bacterial diversity. From the NFA soil 134 clones were analyzed, while 116 clones were analyzed from the EAA soil samples. The sequences were compared with those online at the GenBank. Phylogenetic analyses revealed differences between the soil types and high diversity in both communities. Soil from the Eucalyptus spp. arboretum was found to have a greater bacterial diversity than the soil investigated from the native forest area.
The objective of this work was to determine the shifts on the PCR-DGGE profiles of bacterial communities associated to the rhizosphere of potato cultivars, in order to generate baseline information for further studies of environmental risk assessment of genetically modified potato plants. A greenhouse experiment was carried out with five potato cultivars (Achat, Bintje, Agata, Monalisa and Asterix), cultivated in pots containing soil from an integrated system for agroecological production. The experiment was conducted in a split plot randomized block design with five cultivars, three sampling periods and five replicates. Rhizosphere samples were collected in three sampling dates during plant development. DNA of rhizosphere microorganisms was extracted, amplified by PCR using bacterial universal primers, and analyzed through DGGE. Shifts on the rhizosphere bacterial communities associated to rhizosphere of different cultivars were related to both cultivar and plant age. Differences among rhizosphere bacterial communities were clearest at the earliest plant age, tending to decrease in later stages. This variation was detected among bacterial communities of the five tested cultivars. The characterization of soil microbial communities can be part of plant breeding programs to be used on studies of environmental risk assessment of genetically modified potatoes.
The objective of this work was to assess the time-related action of probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum in the bacterial microbiota of the digestive tract of Litopenaeus vannamei, and the relation of total haemocyte count and serum phenol oxidase activity of shrimp challenged with Vibrio harveyi. Shrimps were fed with a probiotic-supplemented diet, for eight days, then shifted to a commercial diet. Shrimps fed only with the commercial diet served as control. Evaluations were made on the 8th day of experiment and repeated two, four, six and eight days later. Total lactic bacteria in the digestive tract was higher until the 4th day of evaluation in the probiotic-supplemented group. Vibrio spp. counts were higher in the control at days zero and two. Until the 4th day of evaluation, the total haemocyte counts in shrimps after challenge with V. harveyi were higher in probiotic-supplemented group than in control group. Significant difference was not observed in phenol oxidase activity. On the 6th day after shifting from supplemented to control diet, all parameters were equal in both groups, suggesting that the time-related action of L. plantarum in shrimp is short.
The objective of this work was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo biocontrol of bacterial spot (Xanthomonas vesicatoria) and early blight (Alternaria solani) by the epiphytic bacteria Paenibacillus macerans and Bacillus pumilus. Tomato plants were previously sprayed with epiphytic bacteria, benzalkonium chloride and PBS buffer and, after four days, they were inoculated with A. solani and X. vesicatoria. To determine the phytopathogenic bacteria population, leaflet samples were collected from each treatment every 24 hours, for seven days, and plated on semi-selective medium. The effect of epiphytic bacteria over phytopathogens was performed by the antibiosis test and antagonistic activity measured by inhibition zone diameter. The epiphytic and benzalkonium chloride drastically reduced the severity of early blight and bacterial spot in comparison to the control (PBS). In detached leaflets, the epiphytic bacteria reduced in 70% the number of phytopathogenic bacteria cells in the phylloplane. The antibiosis test showed that the epiphytic bacteria efficiently inhibit the phytopathogens growth. In all the bioassays, the epiphytic bacteria protect tomato plants against the phytopathogens
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of plant essential oils (EOs) on the growth of Xanthomonas vesicatoria, on bacterial morphology and ultrastructure, and on the severity of tomato bacterial spot. EOs from citronella, clove, cinnamon, lemongrass, eucalyptus, thyme, and tea tree were evaluated in vitro at concentrations of 0.1, 1.0, 10, and 100% in 1.0% powdered milk. The effect of EOs, at 0.1%, on the severity of tomato bacterial spot was evaluated in tomato seedlings under greenhouse conditions. The effects of citronella, lemongrass, clove, and tea tree EOs, at 0.1%, on X. vesicatoria cells were evaluated by transmission electron microscopy. All EOs showed direct toxic effect on the bacteria at a 10%-concentration in vitro. Under greenhouse conditions, the EOs of clove, citronella, tea tree, and lemongrass reduced disease severity. EOs of clove and tea tree, and streptomycin sulfate promoted loss of electron-dense material and alterations in the cytoplasm, whereas EO of tea tree promoted cytoplasm vacuolation, and those of citronella, lemongrass, clove, and tea tree caused damage to the bacterial cell wall. The EOs at a concentration of 0.1% reduce the severity of the disease.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the catabolic gene diversity for the bacterial degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons in anthropogenic dark earth of Amazonia (ADE) and their biochar (BC). Functional diversity analyses in ADE soils can provide information on how adaptive microorganisms may influence the fertility of soils and what is their involvement in biogeochemical cycles. For this, clone libraries containing the gene encoding for the alpha subunit of aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases (α-ARHD bacterial gene) were constructed, totaling 800 clones. These libraries were prepared from samples of an ADE soil under two different land uses, located at the Caldeirão Experimental Station - secondary forest (SF) and agriculture (AG) -, and the biochar (SF_BC and AG_BC, respectively). Heterogeneity estimates indicated greater diversity in BC libraries; and Venn diagrams showed more unique operational protein clusters (OPC) in the SF_BC library than the ADE soil, which indicates that specific metabolic processes may occur in biochar. Phylogenetic analysis showed unidentified dioxygenases in ADE soils. Libraries containing functional gene encoding for the alpha subunit of the aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases (ARHD) gene from biochar show higher diversity indices than those of ADE under secondary forest and agriculture.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of six bacterial strains isolated from Agaricus blazei (ABM) on its cultivation. The six strains were characterized as to their effects on the productivity, polysaccharide-protein complex (PSPC), and polysaccharide contents of ABM cultured on sterilized casing soils. Three isolates enhanced ABM mycelium growth. Inoculation of Arthrobacter sp. or Exiguobacterium sp. on sterile peat casing soil resulted in 64% increase in ABM mushroom total fresh matter yield compared to the uninoculated control. Inoculation of Exiguobacterium sp., Microbacterium esteraromaticum or Pseudomonas resinovorans on sterilized loamy casing soil resulted in 62, 95, and 59% increase in ABM mushroom total fresh matter yield, respectively. The PSPC content in ABM increased 7 to 10% in casing soil inoculated with five of the six isolates compared to the uninoculated control. Exiguobacterium sp. inoculated on casing soil resulted in a mushroom-polysaccharide content 15% higher than the control. Moreover, inoculation of five of the six isolates on the casing soil reduced the harvesting time from 10 to 27 days. The evaluated beneficial microbes improve the yield, PSPC, and polysaccharide contents, besides reducing the harvesting time in ABM culture.
A proposta do trabalho é apresentar os achados radiológicos observados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax de dois pacientes com pneumonia intersticial linfocítica e correlacioná-los com os aspectos anatomopatológicos, obtidos a partir de biópsias a céu aberto. Um dos pacientes mostrou, na tomografia, basicamente opacidades em vidro fosco difusas, e o outro tinha infiltração ao longo das bainhas conjuntivas peribroncovasculares. Na anatomopatologia o padrão predominante foi o de infiltração intersticial, especialmente ao longo dos septos alveolares, por linfócitos policlonais. O estudo mostrou estreita correlação entre os achados anatomopatológicos e aqueles observados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax.
Os autores relatam um caso de pneumonia lipídica em um paciente de 80 anos de idade, que iniciou o quadro com dispnéia em repouso. Havia história de constipação crônica, com uso freqüente de laxativos oleosos. O paciente apresentava diminuição do nível de consciência e os familiares relatavam tosse e engasgos freqüentes, durante o uso do medicamento. As radiografias de tórax demonstravam consolidação localizada no segmento posterior do lobo superior do pulmão direito, além de opacidades mal definidas nos lobos inferiores e que não se modificavam em exames sucessivos. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução mostrou consolidações com medidas de densidade negativas em seu interior, variando de -29 a -83 UH, e opacidades em vidro fosco localizadas no lobo superior do pulmão direito e nos lobos inferiores, com predomínio nos segmentos posteriores. O diagnóstico foi feito através do lavado bronco-alveolar, que evidenciou a presença do material oleoso. O paciente foi orientado a interromper o uso de laxativos oleosos e não retornou para o controle ambulatorial.
OBJETIVO: Apresentar os aspectos na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax da pneumonia lipoídica exógena por aspiração de óleo mineral, em pacientes adultos MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados oito pacientes adultos - quatro mulheres e quatro homens - com média de idade de 69,4 anos, todos usuários de óleo mineral para tratamento de constipação intestinal. Os exames foram avaliados por dois radiologistas, de forma independente RESULTADOS: Os achados tomográficos mais comuns foram as consolidações com áreas de densidade de gordura de permeio, e o padrão de pavimentação em mosaico. As lesões foram bilaterais em seis pacientes, e unilaterais em dois CONCLUSÃO: O encontro de consolidações pulmonares com áreas de densidade de gordura de permeio, associado à história clínica do uso de óleo mineral, é diagnóstico de pneumonia lipoídica exógena.
Abstract In most cases of aspiration pneumonia in children, the disease is specific to this age group. Clinical and radiological correlation is essential for the diagnosis. The present pictorial essay is aimed at showing typical images of the most common etiologies.
In this work, TiO2 photocatalysis was used to disinfect domestic wastewaters previously treated by different biological treatment systems: Upward-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB), facultative pond, and duckweed pond. The microorganisms monitored were E. coli, total coliforms, Shigella species, and Salmonella species. Photocatalytic experiments were carried out using two light sources: a solar simulator (UV intensity: 68-70 W m-2) and black-light lamps (BLL UV intensity: 17-20 W m-2). Samples were taken after each treatment stage. Results indicate that bacterial photocatalytic inactivation is affected by characteristics of the effluent, including turbidity, concentration of organic matter, and bacterial concentration, which depend of the type of biological pretreatment previously used.