169 resultados para Ang (1-7) AT1
We have investigated the seroprevalence of hepatitis B and C among Karitiana Indians (n = 119) living in the State of Rondônia, southwestern Brazilian Amazon. The prevalences of anti-HBs and anti-HBc were 16.1% and 35.3%, respectively, with HBsAg being found in only four (3.4%) subjects. Anti-HCV antibodies were detected in two subjects (1.7%). Age-stratified prevalence data suggest that both vertical and horizontal (the last among adults) routes of HBV transmission are important in this community.
Entre março e maio de 1991, a prevalência das enteroparasitoses e o aleitamento materno foram determinados simultaneamente em 208 crianças menores de dois anos de idade e suas mães, atendidas em Instituição Pública de Saúde no Rio de Janeiro. Através da técnica de sedimentação, detectou-se positividade geral de 12,7% para as crianças, e 37,3% para as mães. Ascaris lumbricoides foi o parasito mais prevalente nas mulheres (12,7%) e nos lactentes (4,3%). A distribuição dos parasitos entre os grupos de aleitamento não variou para as mulheres, mas foi estatisticamente significativa em relação às crianças (p < 0,05). Nenhuma criança em aleitamento exclusivo apresentou parasitose. Verificou-se correlação positiva entre parasitismo e desmame. Cerca de 60% das crianças parasitadas eram filhas de mães também parasitadas, sendo detectado um risco 1,7 vezes maior destas crianças virem a apresentar algum parasito intestinal. Acreditamos que a mãe parasitada possa influenciar na freqüência do parasitismo infantil.
Although acute respiratory infections (ARIs) are a major cause of child morbidity and mortality in Southern Brazil, little information is available on their seasonality and viral etiology. This study was conducted on children under 5 years of age with ARI to assess viral etiology in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, from 1990 to 1992. A total of 862 nasopharyngeal secretion (NPS) samples were tested using indirect immunofluorescence. The results showed that 316 (36.6%) NPS samples were positive: 26.2% for RSV, 6% for adenovirus, 1.7% for influenzaviruses, 1.5% for parainfluenzaviruses, and 1.2% for mixed infection. The mean viral prevalence rates in out-patient services, emergency wards, and in-patient hospital wards were 26.7%, 53% and 42.3%, respectively. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and adenovirus accounted for 91.4 % of the viral diagnoses. RSV was more frequent in children under one year of age at the three levels of health care and was prevalent in infants under six months. Adenovirus was the most prevalent pathogen in hospitalized children, in 1992. Influenza A virus showed an increased prevalence with age among out-patient children. This study shows the annual occurence of viral respiratory infections in the coldest months, with a significant annual variation in the frequency of RSV infection.
A survey was done to determine the most common hospital accidents with biologically contaminated material among students at the Medical College of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Six hundred and ninety-four students (between fifth and twelfth semesters of the college course) answered the questionnaire individually. Three-hundred and forty-nine accidents were reported. The accident rate was found to be 33.9% in the third semester of the course, and increased over time, reaching 52.3% in the last semester. Sixty-three percent of the accidents were needlestick or sharp object injuries; 18.3% mucous membrane exposure; 16.6% were on the skin, and 1.7% were simultaneously on the skin and mucous membrane exposure. The contaminating substances were: blood (88.3%), vaginal secretion (1.7%), and others (9.1%). The parts of the body most frequently affected were: hands (67%), eyes (18.9%), mouth (1.7%), and others (6.3%). The procedures being performed when the accidents occurred were: suture (34.1%), applying anesthesia (16.6%), assisting surgery (8.9%), disposing of needles (8.6%), assisting delivery (6.3%), and others (25.9%). Forty-nine percent of those involved reported the accident to the accident control department. Of these 29.2% did not receive adequate medical assistance. Eight percent of those involved used antiretroviral drugs and of these 86% discontinued the treatment on receiving the Elisa method applied to the patient (HIV-negative); 6.4% discontinued the treatment due to its side-effects; and 16% completed the treatment.
A persistência e a eficácia do regulador de crescimento pyriproxyfen foram testadas em concentrações de 0,01 e 0,05ppm, contra larvas de Aedes aegypti, utilizando os recipientes caixas d'água (45 litros), frascos de vidro (5 litros) e baldes de plástico (20 litros). As avaliações foram nos dias 1, 7, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 e 120 após o tratamento usando larvas de 3º e 4º estádio de Aedes aegypti. Foi calculado o percentual de mortalidade de larvas, pupas e adultos, percentual de inibição de emergência de adulto e duração dos bioensaios. Observou-se que a persistência foi de 45 dias e 90 dias para concentração final de 0,01 e 0,05ppm de pyriproxyfen, respectivamente. Observamos que a mortalidade de pupas foi significativamente maior que a de larvas e de adultos para todos os recipientes e concentrações.
Foram investigados os fatores associados ao insucesso do tratamento da leishmaniose cutânea com antimoniato de meglumina num serviço de referência para leishmanioses, em Mato Grosso. Uma coorte histórica de 151 pacientes com diagnóstico de leishmaniose cutânea foi construída com informações dos prontuários. A incidência de insucesso após o primeiro ciclo de antimonial foi 47% (IC95%=39,2%-55%). Dose de antimonial inferior a 10mg/kg/dia (RR=1,8; IC95:1,1-3,0), tratamento prévio para leishmaniose (RR=1,7; IC95:1,3-2,4), três ou mais lesões (RR=1,9; IC95:1,4-2,5), tratamento irregular (RR=1,9; IC95:1,3-2,6) e peso maior que 68kg (RR=1,7; IC95:1,1-2,5) foram associados ao insucesso terapêutico. Após ajuste, permaneceram associados ao insucesso os seguintes fatores: 3 ou mais lesões cutâneas (OR=4,6; IC95%=1,2-17,4), tratamento anterior para leishmaniose tegumentar americana (OR=4,5; IC95%=1,1-7,5), peso maior que 68kg (OR=4,3; IC95%=1,5-11,9) e irregularidade no tratamento (OR=12,5; IC95%=2,1-75,4), embora o peso possivelmente tenha sido associado ao insucesso devido à limitação da dose máxima. Estes achados auxiliam na identificação de pacientes com maior risco de insucesso no tratamento da leishmaniose cutânea com antimonial.
Triatomíneos rupestres infectados por Trypanosomatidae, coletados em Quaraí, Rio Grande do Sul, 2003
Foram capturados triatomíneos rupestres em seis localidades do município de Quaraí-RS, com o intuito de verificar o índice de infecção por Trypanosomatidae, bem como o animal reservatório. A captura ocorreu no ambiente silvestre, sendo coletados 453 exemplares, os quais foram identificados e separados por estádio ninfal. Coletaram-se 421 (92,9%) exemplares de Triatoma rubrovaria, 26 (5,7%) de Triatoma circummaculata e 6 (1,3%) de Panstrongylus tupynambai. Dentre as três espécies coletadas, somente Triatoma rubrovaria mostrou-se positivo para Trypanosomatidae, num total de 13 (4,2%) exemplares. Após a inoculação em camundongos e meio de cultura LIT, isolaram-se cinco cepas de Trypanosoma cruzi. Dos triatomíneos infectados com Trypanosomatidae, 4 (30,8%) tiveram a reação de precipitina não reagente para os anti-soros testados, 4 (30,8%) positivos para anti-soro de roedor, 4 (30,8%) para anti-soro de cabra e 1 (7,7%) para anti-soro de porco e humano.
INTRODUÇÃO: Devido à sepse bacteriana associada à transfusão de concentrados plaquetários (CPs) ter sérias consequências clínicas para os pacientes, alguns procedimentos têm sido incorporados na preparação e no controle de qualidade dos componentes sanguíneos para reduzir o risco da contaminação bacteriana. Este artigo descreve a prevalência da contaminação bacteriana dos CPs que foram transfundidos, o espectro bacteriano detectado com seu perfil de sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos e as reações transfusionais nos receptores. MÉTODOS: Um total de 292 CPs (278 randômicos e 14 por aférese), proveniente do Hemocentro do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (HEMORGS) de Santa Maria foi testado. As quantidades de 100μL e 200μL foram coletadas da porção tubular da bolsa de plaquetas e semeadas utilizando dois tipos de metodologias. RESULTADOS: Em cinco unidades(1,7%; 5/292) foram isoladas bactérias pela metodologia qualitativa e apenas uma pela quantitativa. Staphylococcus epidermidis foi o microrganismo identificado em todas as amostras. Dois pacientes apresentaram sepse associada à transfusão com desfecho fatal. CONCLUSÕES: A contaminação bacteriana pelas transfusões de CPs constitui-se num importante problema de saúde pública devido a sua associação com altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade. Neste estudo, somente microrganismos gram-positivos foram isolados sendo que nenhuma amostra obtida por aférese apresentou contaminação.
INTRODUÇÃO: O esôfago e os cólons foram investigados em pacientes na fase aguda da doença de Chagas, entre 1956 e 1989. MÉTODOS: A deglutição e o exame radiológico do esôfago foram explorados em 94 (90,4%) pacientes, sendo excluídas 10 crianças em virtude de tenra idade. O enema opaco foi realizado em 59 (56,7%) pacientes. RESULTADOS: A deglutição foi referida como normal em 86 (91,5%) pacientes, 5 dos quais apresentaram aperistalse do grupo I, enquanto a disfagia incipiente foi referida por 8, dos quais 7 apresentaram exame radiológico normal e apenas um, aperistalse do grupo I. Um segundo exame radiológico, realizado em 4 dos 6 casos, 6 meses após o primeiro, mostrou-se normal em 3 e permaneceu inalterado em um, o único que recebeu tratamento (benzonidazol) e considerado como curado da infecção. O ritmo intestinal resultou normal em 96 (92,3%) pacientes, obstipado em 7 (6,7%) e diarreico em um (1%). O enema evidenciou resultado normal em 54 (91,5%) pacientes, dolicossigmoide em 4 (6,8%) e dolicorretomegassigmoide em um (1,7%), que a eletromanometria demonstrou ser de natureza funcional. CONCLUSÕES: Para explicar a regressão da aperistalse, aventaram os autores duas hipóteses que não se excluem. A primeira,é a de que o processo inflamatório intramural na fase inicial da infecção poderia interferir na motilidade esofagiana, enfraquecendo a onda peristáltica; com a regressão do processo inflamatório, o peristaltismo voltaria ao normal, desde que a desnervação fosse limitada; a segunda hipótese é a de que tenha havido real re-inervação, com recuperação normal da onda peristáltica.
INTRODUCTION: Exanthem subitum is a classical rash disease of early childhood caused by human herpesvirus 6B (HHV-6B). However, the rash is frequently misdiagnosed as that of either measles or rubella. METHODS: In this study, a nested multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to diagnose HHV-6B primary infection, differentiate it from infections caused by HHV-6A and compare it to antibody avidity tests. The samples were separated into case group and control group according to the results of the indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) technique. RESULTS: From the saliva samples analyzed, HHV-6A DNA was detected in 3.2% of the case group and in 2.6% of the control group. Regarding HHV-6B, PCR detected viral DNA in 4.8% of the case group and in 1.3% of the control group. Among the serum samples studied, a frequency of 1.7% was determined for HHV-6A in the case group and 1.2% in the control group. PCR did not detect HHV-6B DNA in serum samples. The sensitivity and specificity of the PCR technique ranged from 0% to 4.8% and 97.5% to 100%, respectively, compared to IFA. CONCLUSIONS: The PCR technique was not suitable for diagnosing primary infection by HHV-6B in children with exanthematic disease and should not substitute the IFA.
INTRODUCTION: Reductions in the prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and carriage, decreases in liver cancer incidence, and changes in patterns of liver dysfunctions are described after hepatitis B vaccination. METHODS: We conducted a population-based seroprevalence study aimed at estimating the HBV prevalence and risk of infection in the rural area of Lábrea following nineteen years of HBV vaccination. RESULTS: Half of the subjects showed total anti-HBc of 52.1% (95% CI 49.6-54.7). The HBsAg prevalence was 6.2% (95% CI 5.1-7.6). Multivariate analysis showed an inverse association between HBV infection and vaccination (OR 0.62; 95% CI 0.44-0.87). HBsAg remained independently associated with past hepatitis (OR 2.44; 95% CI 1.52-3.89) and inversely to vaccination (OR 0.43; 95% CI 0.27-0.69). The prevalence of HBeAg among HBsAg-positive individuals was 20.4% (95% CI 12.8-30.1), with the positive subjects having a median age of 11 years (1-46) p=0.0003. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that HBV infection is still an important public health issue and that HBV vaccination could have had better impact on HBV epidemiology. If we extrapolate these findings to other rural areas in the Brazilian Amazon, we can predict that the sources of chronic infected patients remain a challenge. Future studies are needed regarding clinical aspects, molecular epidemiology, surveillance of acute cases, and risk groups.
INTRODUCTION: In Colombia, there are no published studies for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria comparing artemisinin combination therapies. Hence, it is intended to demonstrate the non-inferior efficacy/safety profiles of artesunate + amodiaquine versus artemether-lumefantrine treatments. METHODS: A randomized, controlled, open-label, noninferiority (Δ≤5%) clinical trial was performed in adults with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria using the 28‑day World Health Organization validated design/definitions. Patients were randomized 1:1 to either oral artesunate + amodiaquine or artemether-lumefantrine. The primary efficacy endpoint: adequate clinical and parasitological response; secondary endpoints: - treatment failures defined per the World Health Organization. Safety: assessed through adverse events. RESULTS: A total of 105 patients was included in each group: zero censored observations. Mean (95%CI - Confidence interval) adequate clinical and parasitological response rates: 100% for artesunate + amodiaquine and 99% for artemether-lumefantrine; the noninferiority criteria was met (Δ=1.7%). There was one late parasitological therapeutic failure (1%; artemether-lumefantrine group), typified by polymerase chain reaction as the MAD20 MSP1 allele. The fever clearance time (artesunate + amodiaquine group) was significantly shorter (p=0.002). Respectively, abdominal pain for artesunate + amodiaquine and artemether-lumefantrine was 1.9% and 3.8% at baseline (p=0.68) and 1% and 13.3% after treatment (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria treatment with artesunate + amodiaquine is noninferior to the artemether-lumefantrine standard treatment. The efficacy/safety profiles grant further studies in this and similar populations.
Introduction Few Latin American studies have assessed the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in elderly individuals, in whom the highest rates are expected. We aimed to investigate the prevalence of and factors associated with HCV infection in elderly residents in the municipality of Tubarão, Santa Catarina. Methods This cross-sectional study included 820 individuals (aged ≥ 60 years) who were selected by simple random sampling. The presence of anti-HCV antibodies was tested by chemiluminescence, and HCV RNA detection was performed for the anti-HCV-reactive subjects. Those individuals who were anti-HCV reactive but had undetectable HCV RNA levels were tested using a third-generation recombinant immunoblot assay. The variables were compared using the chi-squared test or Fisher's exact test, and those variables with p < 0.05 were included in the logistic regression model. Results The mean patient age was 68.6 years (SD 7.0 years); 39% were men, and 92% were Caucasian. Eighteen subjects were anti-HCV positive. Among these individuals, 4 were characterized as false-positives, leaving 14 (1.7%) individuals with confirmed infections for analysis. HCV infection was associated with an age older than 65 years, households with 3 or more residents and the previous transfusion of blood products. In the logistic regression analysis, the following variables were independently associated with HCV infection: households with 3 or more residents (OR 7.9, 95% CI 1.7–35.9, p = 0.008) and previous blood transfusion (OR 6.2, 95% CI 2.1–18.6, p = 0.001). Conclusions The HCV prevalence in the elderly population in the municipality of Tubarão was higher than that found in previous studies of blood donors in the same region. Although exposure to contaminated blood products remained important, other transmission routes, such as household transmission, could play a role in HCV infection.
Introduction Vascular access in patients undergoing hemodialysis is considered a critical determinant of bloodstream infection (BSI) and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence of BSI in patients with end-stage renal disease using central venous catheters for hemodialysis. Methods A cohort study was conducted in a public teaching hospital in central-western Brazil from April 2010 to December 2011. For every patient, we noted the presence of hyperemia/exudation upon catheter insertion, as well as fever, shivering, and chills during hemodialysis. Results Fifty-nine patients were evaluated. Thirty-five (59.3%) patients started dialysis due to urgency, 37 (62.7%) had BSI, and 12 (20%) died. Hyperemia at the catheter insertion site (64.9%) was a significant clinical manifestation in patients with BSI. Statistical analysis revealed 1.7 times more cases of BSI in patients with hypoalbuminemia compared with patients with normal albumin levels. The principal infective agents identified in blood cultures and catheter-tip cultures were Staphylococcus species (24 cases), non-fermentative Gram-negative bacilli (7 cases of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and 5 cases of Chryseobacterium indologenes), and Candida species (6). Among the Staphylococci identified, 77.7% were methicillin-resistant, coagulase-negative Staphylococci. Of the bacteria isolated, the most resistant were Chryseobacterium indologenes and Acinetobacter baumannii. Conclusions Blood culture was demonstrated to be an important diagnostic test and identified over 50% of positive BSI cases. The high frequency of BSI and the isolation of multiresistant bacteria were disturbing findings. Staphylococcus aureus was the most frequently isolated microorganism, although Gram-negative bacteria predominated overall. These results highlight the importance of infection prevention and control measures in dialysis units.
Introduction Dengue is prevalent in many tropical and sub-tropical regions. The clinical diagnosis of dengue is still complex, and not much data are available. This work aimed at assessing the diagnostic accuracy of the tourniquet test in patients with suspected dengue infection and its positivity in different classifications of this disease as reported to the Information System for Notifiable Disease in Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil between 2001 and 2006. Methods Cross-section analysis of the diagnostic accuracy of the tourniquet test for dengue, using IgM-anti-DENV ELISA as a gold standard. Results We selected 9,836 suspected cases, of which 41.1% were confirmed to be dengue. Classic dengue was present in 95.8%, dengue with complications in 2.5% and dengue hemorrhagic fever in 1.7%. The tourniquet test was positive in 16.9% of classic dengue cases, 61.7% of dengue cases with complications and 82.9% of cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever. The sensitivity and specificity of the tourniquet test were 19.1% and 86.4%, respectively. Conclusions A positive tourniquet test can be a valuable tool to support diagnosis of dengue where laboratory tests are not available. However, the absence of a positive test should not be read as the absence of infection. In addition, the tourniquet test was demonstrated to be an indicator of dengue severity.