217 resultados para Aldo Oliva
We report here the reappearence of Aedes aegypti in the Rimac district, and summarize the history of this mosquito species in Peru since its first detection in 1852. On March 17 2000 were found Ae. aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus in Mariscal Castilla town, Flor de Amancaes, San Juan de Amancaes, El Altillo and Santa Rosa in the Rimac district, Lima Province.
The metazoan parasite fauna of Hippoglossina macrops (n = 123) from northern Chile (30°S) is quantitatively described for the first time, and the role of host age and sex was evaluated. Twelve parasite species were recovered, including 5 ectoparasites (2 Monogenea, 2 Copepoda and 1 Piscicolidae) and 7 endoparasites (1 Digenea, 3 Cestoda, 2 Acanthocephala, and 1 Nematoda). The copepod Holobomolochus chilensis, the monogenean Neoheterobothrium sp., the adult acanthocephalan Floridosentis sp. and the hirudinean, Gliptonobdella sp. are new geographical and host records. The most prevalent ectoparasitic species were the monogenean, Neoheterobothrium sp. and the copepod, H. chilensis. Among endoparasites, the acanthocephalans Floridosentis sp. and Corynosoma australe were most prevalent and abundant. Prevalence and mean intensity of infection for most parasitic species were not affected by host sex, however the prevalence of Floridosentis sp. was significantly greater in males. Intensity of infection was positively correlated with host age for Neoheterobothrium sp., and negatively correlated for Floridosentis sp. and H. chilensis. The helminth species richness of the host H. macrops was lower compared to related flatfishes from the Northern Hemisphere. The relationship of the helminth fauna of H. macrops, its feeding habits and ecological habitats are discussed.
Mexican and Colombian Taenia solium cysticerci and some species of Taenia adults were assayed using cellulose acetate electrophoresis to distinguish between isolates. Isozyme patterns for ARK, GOT, G3PD, GPI, and MPI were identical in all cysticerci suggesting homozygotic profiles. G6PD and MDH showed different patterns between Mexican and Colombian cysticerci, suggesting regional differences. ME activity was mainly detected in the adult stage suggesting that this enzyme is active in anaerobic environment, while MDH, detected in cysticerci, could be related to an environment that contains oxygen. Finally, the species of taeniid adults analyzed showed different patterns among them.
Molecular evidence showed 46.2% of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in Mepraia spinolai insects from North-Central Chile, which is significantly higher than previous reports of up to 26% by microscopic observation. Our results show similar infection levels among nymphal stages, ranging from 38.3 to 54.1%, indicating that younger nymphs could be as important as older ones in parasite transmission. A cautionary note must be stressed to indicate the potential role of M. spinolai in transmitting T. cruzi in country areas due to the high infection level detected by molecular analysis.
The present study evaluated the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Agave sisalana Perrine in classic models of inflammation and pain. The hexanic fraction of A. sisalana (HFAS) was obtained by acid hydrolysis followed by hexanic reflux. Anti-inflammatory properties were examined in three acute mouse models (xylene ear oedema, hind paw oedema and pleurisy) and a chronic mouse model (granuloma cotton pellet). The antinociceptive potential was evaluated in chemical (acetic-acid) and thermal (tail-flick and hot-plate test) models of pain. When given orally, HFAS (5, 10, 25 and 50 mg/kg) reduced ear oedema (p < 0.0001; 52%, 71%, 62% and 42%, respectively). HFAS also reduced hind paw oedema at doses of 10 mg/kg and 25 mg/kg (p < 0.05; 42% and 58%, respectively) and pleurisy at doses of 10 mg/kg and 25 mg/kg (41% and 50%, respectively). In a chronic model, HFAS reduced inflammation by 46% and 58% at doses of 10 mg/kg and 25 mg/kg, respectively. Moreover, this fraction showed analgesic properties against the abdominal writhing in an acetic acid model (at doses of 5-25 mg/kg) with inhibitory rates of 24%, 54% and 48%. The HFAS also showed an increased latency time in the hot-plate (23% and 28%) and tail-flick tests (61% and 66%) for the 25 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg doses, respectively. These results suggest that HFAS has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
Esta pesquisa bibliográfica, exploratória e descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, objetivou identificar a ocorrência de estudos de enfermagem na atenção à saúde do idoso e analisar a produção deste conhecimento em cinco periódicos de enfermagem publicados em 2005. Os resultados demonstraram que o número de publicações nesta área é bastante limitado, 3,7%. Estas publicações estão concentradas nos estados de São Paulo, 40%, e Rio de Janeiro, 28%; predominou a abordagem qualitativa, 50%, sendo identificados vários referenciais teórico-metodológicos. Os objetos mais estudados foram as necessidades em saúde e o cuidador, com 33,3% cada; o docente esteve presente na autoria de todas as publicações. Concluiu-se que há necessidade de produção de conhecimento de Enfermagem em Atenção à Saúde do Idoso e, para dar visibilidade a esta temática, faz-se necessário o reconhecimento e a consolidação desta especialidade enquanto área de atuação profissional, pesquisadores competentes e política nacional de incentivo a pesquisa.
Objetivou-se caracterizar as estratégias de analgesia e sedação em neonatos submetidos à instalação do cateter central de inserção periférica (CCIP) e relacioná-las ao número de punções venosas, duração do procedimento e posicionamento da ponta do cateter. Estudo transversal com coleta prospectiva de dados, realizado em uma unidade de cuidados intensivos neonatais de um hospital privado na cidade de São Paulo, no período de 31 de agosto de 2010 a 01 de julho de 2011, em que foram avaliadas 254 inserções do CCIP. A adoção de estratégias analgésicas ou sedativas ocorreu em 88 (34,6%) instalações do cateter e não esteve relacionada ao número de punções venosas, duração do procedimento ou posicionamento da ponta do cateter. As estratégias mais frequentes foram a administração endovenosa de midazolam em 47 (18,5%) e fentanil em 19 (7,3%) inserções do cateter. Recomenda-se maior adoção de estratégias analgésicas antes, durante e após o procedimento.
Beetles of the species Chauliognathus fallax Germar 1824 are polymorphic for elytron colouration with six morphs distinguished on the basis of black pigmentation on a yellow background. We investigated samples of C. fallax taken in eight consecutive weeks aiming to determine the frequency of the morphs which were grouped, for statistical analysis, into three classes according to elytra pigmentation as well as the possible occurrence of assortative mating. Our results showed a variation in the frequency of the classes throughout the season, both in males and females, with the maximum frequency of each class at the fourth and fifth week. The three classes (A, B, C) showed the same pattern of variation, and class B was always the more frequent. To test randomness of matings two approaches were taken: in the first, we compared the frequency of each class in copulating and non-copulating insects. In the second, the frequency of each class in the whole sample was taken as the probability of occurrence of the respective class; then, using the criterion of the probability of independent events we calculated the expected proportion of copulating insects for each pair of events. Both methods gave non-significant differences, suggesting that the matings were random.
O aumento da concentração de Ca no ambiente radicular tem sido indicado para reduzir os efeitos deletérios da salinidade sobre o crescimento das plantas. Neste trabalho, plântulas de dois genótipos de sorgo forrageiro [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], um tolerante (CSF 20) e outro sensível (CSF 18) à salinidade, foram expostas a duas concentrações de Na+ (0 e 75 mmol L-1) e duas de Ca²+ (0,65 e 2,6 mmol L-1), em solução nutritiva, em arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 x 2. Após sete dias de tratamento, foram determinados a produção de matéria seca e os teores de Cl-, Na+, K+, Ca²+ e de prolina em folhas e raízes. O estresse salino reduziu a produção de matéria seca nas duas partes das plântulas dos dois genótipos, principalmente do sensível, enquanto o aumento na concentração de Ca²+ no meio de cultivo amenizou parcialmente este efeito, principalmente na parte aérea do genótipo tolerante. O estresse salino também acarretou aumento nos teores de Na+ e de Cl- e redução nos teores de K+ nas duas partes das plântulas dos dois genótipos, especialmente do sensível. Adicionalmente, observou-se redução nos teores de Ca²+, bem como aumento nos teores de prolina, mas apenas nas folhas. O aumento na concentração de Ca²+ amenizou estes efeitos, reduzindo os teores de Na+ e Cl- e aumentando os teores de K+, principalmente nas folhas do genótipo tolerante. Este genótipo apresentou uma relação Na+/K+ bem inferior à observada no genótipo sensível, diferença esta que se acentuou ainda mais com o aumento da concentração de Ca²+ na solução nutritiva. O aumento na concentração de Ca²+ no meio nutritivo resultou em aumento nos teores de Ca²+ em folhas e raízes dos dois genótipos, porém as plântulas estressadas não foram capazes de manter as mesmas concentrações desse íon observadas nas plântulas-controle. O Ca²+ não teve qualquer efeito significativo sobre o acúmulo de prolina nas plântulas, submetidas ou não a estresse salino.
To mitigate the impacts of eucalypt monoculture, forestry companies in the Upper Jequitinhonha Valley (MG) have adopted the insertion of strips of native vegetation in-between the commercial plantations. The method used for the creation of these corridors is to allow spontaneous regrowth of native vegetation in areas previously under eucalypt. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cover crops on microbial and soil properties for a detailed description of the restoration process of native vegetation in forest soils of the Jequitinhonha Valley. The treatments were represented by an initial restoration stage (< 4 years) with or without remaining eucalypt and the advanced restoration stage (> 4 years) with or without remaining eucalypt, plus the three controls: commercial eucalypt plantation, Cerrado vegetation and native forest. Soil samples were collected for three consecutive years in the dry and rainy season (August and February, respectively). The microbial activity, regardless of the presence of remaining eucalypt , did not differ among the restoration areas, except for the metabolic quotient (qCO2) in the rainy season of February 2007. At this time, this microbial activity was higher in the advanced restoration stage without eucalypt than initial restoration without eucalypt and advanced restoration with eucalypt. The restoration areas, in general, did not differ from the control: eucalypt plantation and Cerrado either. Compared to the forest, the levels of organic C, microbial C, basal respiration (Rbasal) and hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) in the restoration areas were, in general, lower and did not differ in qCO2 and microbial quotient (qMIC). In general, the soil quality was similar in the initial and advanced restoration stages. Most of the soil and microbial properties in the three years indicated that the restoration areas were most similar to the Cerrado. In the advanced restoration areas without eucalypt compared to Cerrado, the lower Rbasal in the 3rd year and the lower FDA and qMIC and higher qCO2 in the 2nd year indicated that the removal of the remaining eucalypt trees was unfavorable for restoration.
ABSTRACT Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) crop may accumulate significant amounts of carbon either in biomass or in the soil. However, a comprehensive understanding of the potential of the C stock among different rubber tree clones is still distant, since clones are typically developed to exhibit other traits, such as better yield and disease tolerance. Thus, the aim of this study was to address differences among different areas planted to rubber clones. We hypothesized that different rubber tree clones, developed to adapt to different environmental and biological constrains, diverge in terms of soil and plant biomass C stocks. Clones were compared in respect to soil C stocks at four soil depths and the total depth (0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.40, and 0.00-0.40 m), and in the different compartments of the tree biomass. Five different plantings of rubber clones (FX3864, FDR 5788, PMB 1, MDX 624, and CDC 312) of seven years of age were compared, which were established in a randomized block design in the experimental field in Rio de Janeiro State. No difference was observed among plantings of rubber tree clones in regard to soil C stocks, even considering the total stock from 0.00-0.40 m depth. However, the rubber tree clones were different from each other in terms of total plant C stocks, and this contrast was predominately due to only one component of the total C stock, tree biomass. For biomass C stock, the MDX 624 rubber tree clone was superior to other clones, and the stem was the biomass component which most accounted for total C biomass. The contrast among rubber clones in terms of C stock is mainly due to the biomass C stock; the aboveground (tree biomass) and the belowground (soil) compartments contributed differently to the total C stock, 36.2 and 63.8 %, respectively. Rubber trees did not differ in relation to C stocks in the soil, but the right choice of a rubber clone is a reliable approach for sequestering C from the air in the biomass of trees.
A estrutura da relação entre o fluxo de informação e o público a quem o conhecimento é dirigido vem se modificando com o tempo, como uma função das diferentes técnicas que operam na transferência da informação, do gerador ao receptor. O fluxo em si, uma sucessão de eventos, de um processo de mediação, entre a geração da informação por uma fonte emissora, e a aceitação da informação pela entidade receptora, realiza uma das bases conceituais que se acredita ser o cerne da ciência da informação: a geração de conhecimento no indivíduo e no seu espaço de convivência. Assim, o propósito deste artigo é mostrar que o fluxo da informação que interliga gerador e receptor vem agregando competência na transmissão, em uma relação direta com as fases por que passou o desenvolvimento do processo de transferência da informação até chegar ao tempo da comunicação eletrônica que viabiliza com maior intensidade a relação de interação que nos interessa observar.