771 resultados para Acidez iónica
Electron stimulated ion desorption (ESID) and degradation studies of polypyrrole doped with dodecylsulfate (PPy/DS) deposited on FTO were performed using time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) for ion analysis. The results suggest a strong contribution from fragments of the dodecylsulfate hydrocarbon chain to the mass spectra. In the 650-1500 eV energy range the ion yield curves show maxima at about 600, 1200 and 1400 eV, which can be related to carbon, nitrogen and oxygen-containing fragments, respectively, and interpreted in terms of the Auger Stimulated Ion Desorption (ASID) mechanism. Degradation studies indicate rapid loss of heavier hydrocarbons and an increase of bulk and substrate fragments. Some degradation profiles suggest formation of new species.
This study explores the similarities between solid and liquid acid catalysts highlighting the advantages and the main challenges of heterogeneous catalytic processes. We describe the main developments in technical procedures like selection of compounds and reaction models involved in: increasing acidity, characterization of solid acidity and in coke formation.
In this work a new experiment using HPLC is proposed in order to explore the role of acidity and the organic modifiers in the determination of methylxanthines in tea and coffee. Multivariate and univariate optimizations of the experimental conditions were used.
This study aimed the use of coal mining waste as a new adsorbent for H3O+ and removal of Al (III), Fe (III) and Mn (II) from acid mine drainage. Data from kinetic and equilibrium of the adsorption of H3O+ followed the pseudo second-order and Langmuir isotherm models. The maximum adsorption capacity of H3O+ was 316 mmol kg-1. The adsorbent removed 100% of Al (III), 100% of Fe (III) and 89% of Mn (II), suggesting its use as an alternative for the treatment of acid mine drainage.
This work describes the creation of an very simple calculation algorithm, based in basic chemical and mathematic principles, for the calculation of weak diprotic acid dissociation constants as, for example, amino acids, from potentiometric titrations. For an easier understanding of the algorithm the logical reasoning of this calculus is schematized in a diagram of blocks. In the second part of the work the algorithm is applied to an Excel calculation sheet to determine the dissociation constants of Nicotinic Acid and Glycine, from the respective potentiometric titration curves. The values obtained using this algorithm are compared with those estimated by Hyperquad2008 (program generally used for this type of calculus) and also with the values of a stability constants database.
This work propose a recursive neural network to solve inverse equilibrium problem. The acidity constants of 7-epiclusianone in ethanol-water binary mixtures were determined from multiwavelength spectrophotmetric data. A linear relationship between acidity constants and the %w/v of ethanol in the solvent mixture was observed. The proposed method efficiency is compared with the Simplex method, commonly used in nonlinear optimization techniques. The neural network method is simple, numerically stable and has a broad range of applicability.
In this work, cracking experiments were performed to carry out the thermal conversion of the mixture of used frying oil and textile stamping sludge in continuous reactor. The textile stamping sludge was used to catalyze the reaction of thermal cracking. The physical and chemical properties of the oil produced were analyzed. Among the results of this analysis the level of acidity in the range of 12 mg KOH/g stands out. Low levels of acidity as this particular mean better quality oil. In this regard it is important that further researches on processes of conversion of residual oil occur.
Ion exchange method was employed by means of surface modification of the glass powders of LZSA (Li2O-ZrO2-SiO2-Al2O3) system submitted to a 70wt% NaNO3/30wt% NaSO4 bath salt followed by a heat treatment. Chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence was used to evaluate the efficiency of ion exchange, while optical dilatometry was employed to evaluate sintering of compacts. Evaluation of the structure of sintered bodies was made by scanning electron microscopy. Substitution of Li+ ions by Na+ ions on the surface of powders during heat treatments of 450 and 600 ºC for 2-10 h promoted an increase in densification of the sintered bodies.
This paper presents a review of different chemical compositions that are used in the production of mixed ionic-electronic conducting membranes with the perovskite structure. In these dense membranes, oxygen from the air is permeated through ionic and electronic processes, and high oxygen permeation fluxes are observed at high temperatures (800-900 ºC). Various membranes were compared for their performance and properties after being synthesized by different methods.
Analytical Chemistry books lack a clear link between thermodynamic and equilibrium approaches involving acids and bases. In this work, theoretical calculations were performed to search for these relations. An excellent relationship was found between difference in Gibbs free energy, ∆G of acid dissociation reaction and ∆G of hydrolysis reaction of the corresponding conjugate base. A relationship between ∆G of hydrolysis reaction of conjugate acids and their corresponding atomic radius was also identified, showing that stability plays an important role in hydrolysis reactions. Finally, the importance of solvation in acid/base behavior was demonstrated when comparing the corresponding theoretical and experimental ∆G´s.
Soft nanoparticles of size 200-400 nm were obtained from soybean protein isolate (SPI). The particles were formed and suspended in water by the coacervation of aqueous suspensions of SPI in hostile buffered aqueous solutions in the presence of surfactants. We investigate the effect of storage, ionic strength, and concentrations of SPI and surfactant on nanoparticle size and zeta potential. Transmission electron microscopy images and scattering techniques (SLS/ DLS) revealed that the particles are spherical, with hydrophilic chains at the surface.
Foi investigada a remoção dos íons Al3+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2 +, em solução aquosa, por apatitas sintéticas usando o método de coluna. Sob as mesmas condições, hidroxiapatitas foram mais seletivas para a remoção de cátions que carboapatitas. Usando hidroxiapatita, a capacidades de troca aumentaram na seguinte ordem: Mn2+ < Zn2+ < Cu2+ < Cd2+ < Al3+ < Pb2+. A seqüência acima é similar a obtida em trabalhos prévios, usando o método de batelada. Análises de DRX e IV indicaram a formação de uma fase única atribuída a uma Pb-apatita.
Um método envolvendo a pré-concentração e redissolução anódica em condições de voltametria de pulso diferencial empregando um eletrodo de pasta de carbono modificado (EPCM) com uma resina de troca iônica Amberlite IR120 foi proposto para a determinação de íons chumbo em álcool combustível. O procedimento é baseado em um pico de oxidação do analito observado em -0,53 V(vs. Ag/AgCl) em solução de HCl. As melhores condições experimentais encontradas foram: 5% (m/m) da Amberlite IR120 para a construção do eletrodo, solução de HCl 0,1 mol L-1, velocidade de varredura de 10 mVs-1, tempo de pré-concentração de 15 min e amplitude de pulso de 100 mV. Utilizando essas condições, o EPCM apresentou uma resposta linear entre a corrente de pico anódica e a concentração de íons chumbo para o intervalo entre 9,9 x 10-9 e 1,2 x 10-6 mol L-1 e um limite de detecção de 7,2 x 10-9 mol L-1. Valores de recuperação entre 96 % e 102 % foram encontrados para amostras de álcool combustível enriquecidas com Pb2+ em níveis de 10-7 mol L-1. O efeito da presença de outros íons concomitantes sobre a resposta voltamétrica do eletrodo também foi avaliado.
Utilização do farelo de conchas de vôngole na adsorção de fósforo e como corretivo da acidez do solo
Teve-se o objetivo de, com a realização deste trabalho, obter a curva de neutralização do pH de amostras dos horizontes A e B de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, utilizando-se de farelo de conchas de vôngole (Anomalocardia brasiliana); além disso, avaliar a capacidade de adsorção de fósforo, obtendo-se a isoterma de adsorção de melhor ajuste aos dados obtidos. Verificou-se que o farelo de concha de vôngole apresenta potencial para uso como corretivo de acidez do solo e que a dose recomendada para correção do pH do horizonte A do Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo distrófico estudado foi de 2,92 t ha-1, enquanto, para correção do horizonte B, foi de 3,35 t ha-1. O farelo de conchas de vôngole também apresentou alta capacidade de adsorção de fósforo, o que indica possibilidades de sua utilização em sistemas que visem à remoção deste elemento químico de águas residuárias. Os modelos de Langmuir e Freundlich ajustaram-se bem aos dados e podem ser utilizados para representar a isoterma de adsorção de fósforo.
O presente trabalho compara processos de purificação de enterotoxina estafilocócica A, utilizando cromatografia de afinidade com corante Red A em relação a troca iônica (SP - Sephadex C-25) - permeabilidade em gel (Sephadex G-75). Aplicou-se nas colunas o sobrenadante da cultura de Staphylococcus aureus 722 em caldo contendo 3% de triptona e suplementado com 1% de extrato de levedura, previamente concentradas com Amberlite CG-50. O processo capturou rapidamente a EEA, porém a proporção de 15 mg de resina para 150 mg de toxina causou saturação, recuperando apenas 10 a 30% de toxina do sobrenadante. A cromatografia de afinidade com Red A permitiu a recuperação de 60,87% de toxina aplicada em 76 horas, em relação a 114 horas requeridas para purificação utilizando coluna de troca iônica e permeabilidade em gel, com rendimento de 6,5%. O perfil eletroforético das amostras purificadas indicaram que, a toxina obtida da coluna Red A apresentou teor de pureza superior, na ordem de 90%, em relação a 60% atingida pelo método clássico.