204 resultados para 860-92.09


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Este estudo objetivou verificar a distribuição temporal e espacial de Eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, 1766) e aspectos de sua biologia reprodutiva, tais como tempo de incubação, sucesso reprodutivo, biometria das fêmeas, número de ninhos e fecundidade. Os dados foram coletados de 2007 a 2010 nas praias de Muro Alto, Cupe, Merepe, Porto de Galinhas e Maracaípe, todas elas localizadas no município do Ipojuca, estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Foram analisados comparativamente parâmetros relativos à biologia reprodutiva e áreas de nidificação da espécie. Eretmochelys imbricata foi registrada nidificando entre os meses de outubro a maio, totalizando 350 ninhos monitorados em três temporadas. Os picos de desova ocorreram de janeiro a março, revelando um padrão sazonal das desovas. Houve diferença significativa entre o número de ninhos nas temporadas. A praia de Merepe apresentou uma ocorrência elevada de ninhos (46 ninhos/km) em relação às demais praias monitoradas. Quanto aos aspectos da biologia reprodutiva, o sucesso reprodutivo foi 65,6%, e o intervalo do tempo de incubação de 54 a 56 dias. As medidas biométricas foram coletadas de 59 espécimes, e apresentaram média de 92,5 cm ± 4,5 para o comprimento curvilíneo da carapaça e de 83,4 cm ± 5 para a largura curvilínea da carapaça. Os resultados podem ser utilizados para subsidiar planos de conservação e demonstram que as praias registradas neste estudo têm relevância como áreas de nidificação para E. imbricata.


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ABSTRACT Atlantirivulus riograndensis (Costa & Lanés, 2009) is a fish registered to the basin of Patos lagoon and the adjacent coastal plains in southern states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, Brazil, found in shallow water courses with that have large quantities of aquatic vegetation and forest edges. The objective of this study was to investigate the reproductive strategy and tactics of this species including the sex ratio, the length at first maturity, spawning type, fecundity and the possible associations among reproduction and abiotic factors. Sampling of specimens occurred in perennial wetlands within the Banhado dos Pachecos wildlife refuge, in the city of Viamão, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, which is a conservation unit that belongs to an area of environmental protection in the Pampa Biome. The capture of 30 A. riograndensis specimens per month occurred from January to December of 2012. A total of 188 females and 172 males were captured and the total sex ratio was 1:1 in the sampled population. Sexual maturity of the species occurs after 13.59 and 11.92 mm (SL) for females and males, respectively. Both a multiple spawning and a long reproductive period (since August to March) were confirmed by the presence of post-ovulatory follicles that were observed through histological analysis and the values of the gonadosomatic index in females considered spawning capable. The average absolute fecundity of the species is of 19.33 (± 6.18) vitellogenic oocytes in mature ovaries. No significant relationship was found between mean GSI and the abiotic data. Reproductive tactics presented by A. riograndensis indicate a species with an opportunistic reproductive strategy, following the pattern of other species of the Rivulidae family.


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The present study was performed using data from a Biomphalaria tenagophila population located in a water cress garden in the Alto da Boa Vista region representing an isolated focal point of schistosomiasis in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The density and age structure of this B. tenagophila population and its rate of intection by Schistosoma mansoni were studied for a period of 15 months. The snail population showed seasonal variation in density, with a decrease in number of individual at the begining of the rainy season. At the end of this season, the population consisted mainly of adults (92.8% in May 1985 and 82.8% in April 1986). The population growth curve was logistic and of sigmoidal configuration. Shiscotoma mansoni cercariae were eliminated over a short period of time (March, April and May 1986). The release of cercariae of S. mansoni and of birds seems to depend on environmental temperature, which during certain months would show a daily variation of up to 13ºC, with the lower thermal limit approaching the limit value for sporocyte development.


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The interface Eurytrema coelomaticum/Bradybaena similaris was studied by quantifying the amount of glucose on the hemolymph and the content of glycogen in the cells of the digestive gland and the cephalopedal mass of infected and uninfected snails. Samples were analyzed on days 0, 30, 90 and 150 post-infection. The infected snails had less glucose in the hemolymph, with a reduction of 67.05 por cento at 30 days, and 62.09 por cento at 90 days post-infection. The reduction in glycogen content was 86.41 por cento in the digestive gland and 79.1 por cento in the cephalopedal mass at 30 days, and 92.71 por cento and 90.89 por cento in these organs respectively at 90 days post-infection. It is proposed that the sporocysts absorb glucose directly from the hemolymph.


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To compare the epidemiological profile and socioeconomic factors associated to the infection by Schistosoma mansoni in a rural and an urban endemic area a cross-sectional study was performed in Água Branca de Minas (rural area) and Bela Fama (urban area), both situated in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Two hundred and eighty eight individuals were surveyed in the rural area and 787 in the urban area. Water contact and socioeconomic questionnaires were used to identify risk factors for the infection. The prevalences of 38.8% and 9.7% and the geometric mean of eggs per gram of faeces of 117.8 and 62.3 were found in the rural and urban areas, respectively. By multivariate statistical analysis age groups over nine years old and previous specific treatment were associated with the infection in rural area. In urban area age over nine years old, low quality housing, weekly fishing and swimming were associated after adjustment by logistic regression


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Two direct methods for the diagnosis of trichinellosis were compared: trichinoscopy and artificial digestion. Muscles from 17 wistar rats, orally infected with 500 Trichinella spiralis encysted larvae were examined. From each of the following muscles: diaphragm, tongue, masseters, intercostals, triceps brachialis and cuadriceps femoralis, 648,440 larvae from 1 g samples were recovered. The linear correlation between trichinoscopy and artificial digestion was very high and significant (r=0.94, p< 0.0001), showing that both methods for the detection of muscular larvae did not differ significantly. In both methods, significant differences were found in the distribution of larvae per gramme of muscle


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A longitudinal study was performed with sera and urine of patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), taken before, during and after clinically Toxoplasma infection. The tested patients were followed for an average of two years. The titres of the specific IgG and IgM antibodies were measured by an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), and the appearance of circulating antigens of T. gondii was determined in 36 urine samples of 13 patients with neurotoxoplasmosis by means of the coagglutination test. The presence of T. gondii antigens in the urine of AIDS patients by this test was correlated with the immunoblot technique, with clinical symptoms and also with pathological findings. Our results indicate that the detection of T. gondii antigens in the urine of AIDS patients can be regarded as a rapid and efficient method for the diagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis


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A rapid identification of dengue viruses from clinical samples by using a nested reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) procedure was carried out for diagnostic and epidemiological purposes. RT-PCR identified DEN-1 and DEN-2 viruses in 41% (41/100) of previously confirmed cases and provided an accurate confirmation of DHF in four fatal cases. RT-PCR was also useful for detecting and typing dengue viruses in suspected cases, allowing a rapid identification of new serotypes in endemic areas


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We have demonstrated that Leishmania spp. grown as promastigotes, are sensitive to the K+ channel inhibitors 4-aminopyridine and glibenclamide. Their host cells, the macrophages, are not affected by similar concentrations of the drugs. We have also initiated the molecular characterization of the mechanisms involved in the development of drug resistance to glibenclamide by the parasite. Therefore, we have selected experimentally and begun to characterize the Venezuelan Leishmania (Leishmania) strain, NR resistant to glibenclamide [NR(Gr)]. The analysis of genomic DNA evidenced the existence of a fragment which apparently is amplified in NR(Gr). The fragment recognized by the pgpA probe, related to the Leishmania P-glycoprotein family and which was originally isolated from L. tarentolae, showed a size polymorfism between the sensitive and the resistant strain. These results suggest that the development of resistance to glibenclamide in the strain NR(Gr) might be associated with the amplification of the ltpgpA or related gene(s)


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T cell recognition of antigens displayed on the surface of antigen presenting cell results in rapid activation of protein tyrosine kinases and kinase C. This process leads to second messengers, such as inositol phosphates and diacylgycerol, and phosphorylation of multiple proteins. The role of different protein kinases in the activation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from Schistosoma mansoni infected individuals was evaluated using genistein and H-7, specific inhibitors of protein tyrosine kinase and kinase C, respectively. Our results showed that proliferation in response to soluble egg antigen or adult worm antigen preparation of S. mansoni was reduced when PBMC were cultured in presence of protein kinase inhibitors. Using these inhibitors on in vitro granuloma reaction, we also observed a marked reduction of granuloma index. Taken together, our results suggest that S. mansoni antigen activation of PBMC involves protein kinases activity


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The toxic and behavioural effects of niclosamide (Bayluscide WP 70®) on Biomphalaria straminea from a highly endemic area of schistosomiasis in northeastern Brazil were investigated through laboratory bioassays. The LD50 and LD90 were 0.114 mg/l and 0.212 mg/l, respectively. Water-leaving behaviour occurred among 14% to 30% of the snails in the presence of sublethal doses of niclosamide and among 16% of the controls. It was concluded that both the relatively low susceptibility to niclosamide and water-leaving behaviour of local B. straminea may be responsible for the recolonization of transmission foci after mollusciciding. It was suggested that recently improved measures of snail control, such as controlled-release formulations of niclosamide and plant molluscicides should be considered in areas where snail control is recommended