93 resultados para "Border"


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The agouti is a species intensively hunted throughout the Amazon and the semi-arid regions of northeastern Brazil. Considering the current trend in conservation management of wild species, the aim of this study was to determine the morphometric reference to the heart of agouti raised in captivity, based on thoracic and cardiac measurements in these animals. Thirty adult agoutis, 1 to 3 years of age, without clinical signs of cardiac disease were selected. The animals were physically restrained and radiographies in laterolateral (LL) and ventrodorsal (VD) recumbence were produced. The following measures were taken: the apicobasilar length of the heart (at the most cranial height of the Carina region to the heart apex) (AB), maximum width of the heart perpendicular to AB (CD), heart inclination angle (AIC), trachea inclination angle (AIT), distance from the right heart wall (DPTd), distance from the left heart wall (DPTe) and vertical depth of the thorax, and the ventral face of the vertebral column to the dorsal border of the sternum at the level of the trachea bifurcation (H). The ratios between AB/CD, AB/H and CD/H were also analyzed. To calculate the vertebral heart scale (VHS), the AB and CD measurements were laid over the thoracic vertebra starting at T4. Radiographic evaluation showed values consistent with those reported in small animals and some wild and exotic species. The main biometric values in the chest cavity and heart of agouti are arranged as follows: (1) The ratios between AB/H ratio and CD/H were not sensitive for identifying heart increases (p>0.05), while the ratio AB/CD was more sensitive in this identification (p<0.05); (2) AIC: 21.2±6.4º (mean between male and famale); (3) AIT for males and females: 9.93±3.23° and 8.4±3.94°; (4) DPTd and DPTe for males: 0.97±0.40cm and 0.7±0.30cm; (5) DPTd and DPTe for females: 1.12±0.42cm and 01.02±0.43cm; (6) VHS for males and females: 7.75±0.48v e 7.61±0.34v; (7) The caudal vena cava (CVC) was visualized dorsal-cranially and located right of the midline. The data obtained allowed the acquisition of the first reference values for biometry of the heart of agoutis, contributing to better understanding of cardiac morphology and identification of cardiomyopathy in these animals.


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Biosynthesis and subsequent release of allelochemicals by a plant into the environment is supposed to be influenced by its growing conditions. To ascertain what will be the allelopathic action of plant parts and rhizospheric soils of parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus) growing at various farm locations with varied growing conditions, germination and seedling growth of maize hybrid (DK 6142) were assayed by sowing its seeds in petri plates lined with filter paper and pots filled with soil. Minimum germination percentage (30.0%), germination index (2.01), germination energy (36.3), seedling length (3.3 cm), seedling biomass (10 mg) and seedling vigor index (99.0) of maize were observed in leaf extract followed by fruit and whole plant extracts of parthenium growing near the field border. Rhizospheric soil collected underneath parthenium growing near a water channel caused maximum reductions in germination index (30.8%), germination energy (40.6%), seedling length (32.6%), seedling biomass (35.1%) and seedling vigor index (34.3%) of maize compared with that soil without any vegetation. Phytotoxic inhibitory effects of both parthenium plant and rhizospheric soil were more pronounced on maize root than its shoot growth. The higher suppressive action against germination and seedling growth of maize was probably due to higher total phenolic concentrations (6678.2 and 2549.0 mg L-1) and presence of phenolic compounds viz., gallic, caffeic, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy benzoic, p-coumaric and m-coumaric acids; and ferulic, vanillic, syringic and m-coumaric acids in aqueous leaf extract of parthenium uprooted near the field border and its rhizospheric soil collected near a water channel, respectively.


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Rumohra adiantiformis (Forst.) Ching is a fern (Dryopteridaceae) which is used to compose floral arrangements. Fertile fronds were harvested in the "Permanently Protected Area" of Ilha Comprida, São Paulo, Brazil. Sterilized spores were germinated in Mohr liquid medium modified by Dyer. The effect of 72%, 54%, 17% and 9% of total irradiance on germination under field conditions, was analyzed. Experiments were carried out in March (I), April (II) and August of 2000 (III). Under 54% and 72% of total irradiance in Experiment I (March) the germination was completely inhibited and partially inhibited under 72% of total irradiance in Experiment II (April). The lowest mean germination time () was observed under 9% of total irradiance in Experiments II (11.62 days) and III (8.80 days) respectively, followed by 17% in Experiment III (10.12 days) and 9% of total irradiance in the Experiment I (11.62 days ). The effect of temperatures of 15 ± 1, 20 ± 1, 25 ± 1 and 30 ± 1 ºC on germination was also analyzed. The lowest mean germination time (7.93 days) was observed at 25 ± 1 °C followed by 20 ± 1 °C. The highest mean germination time was observed at 15 ± 1 °C (12.10 days) followed by 30 ± 1 °C (10.63 days), which inhibited germination. The germination of R. adiantiformis was photoinhibited by high irradiance and partially inhibited by the highest temperature tested.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a taxa de cruzamento de uma população de Chorisia speciosa por marcadores isoenzimáticos. Foram amostradas sementes de polinização aberta em 28 árvores e tecidos foliares em 53 árvores adultas de uma população de C. speciosa localizada na Estação Ecológica de Bauru, São Paulo, Brasil. Observou-se 18 alelos distribuídos em sete locos polimórficos. O índice de fixação () foi menor nos adultos em relação às progênies, sugerindo seleção contra homozigotos. A estimativa da taxa de cruzamento multilocos () foi de 0,816, revelando que a espécie é de reprodução mista, predominantemente alógama. Foi detectada heterogeneidade no conjunto de pólen dos cruzamentos, indicando que os mesmos não foram aleatórios. Em concordância, a correlação de paternidade () revelou que as progênies são constituídas por uma alta proporção de irmãos completos (71,4%). Foram também detectados cruzamentos entre aparentados na população (5,6%), sugerindo uma possível estruturação espacial em famílias.


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Erythroxylum ovalifolium is a woody shrub widespread in the "restinga", i.e. the open scrub vegetation of the Brazilian coastal sandy plains. We examined leaf anatomy variation of this species both within populations and between populations of three "restingas" in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Sites were ca.100 km far from each other and differed in regard to rainfall and vegetation structure: a dry, open site; a wet, dense site and an intermediate one. Microhabitats within sites were: (i) exposed to full irradiance, outside vegetation islands; (ii) partially exposed to full irradiance, at the border of vegetation islands; (iii) shaded, inside vegetation islands. Leaf anatomy parameters were measured for five leaves collected in each of five plants per microhabitat, in each population; they were thickness of the leaf blade, of the palisade and spongy parenchyma, and of the adaxial and abaxial epidermis. Leaves from the dry, open site had narrower abaxial epidermis and a smaller contribution of spongy parenchyma to total leaf blade thickeness than the other two sites, which we attributed to water stress. Adaxial epidermis and leaf are thicker in more exposed microhabitats (i and ii, above), irrespective of site. We proposed that between-site anatomical variation in traits related to water stress, and within-site anatomical variation in traits related to light-use are indicative of ecological plasticity and might help explain the high abundance of E. ovalifolium in the studied populations and along the State of Rio de Janeiro coast.


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Soil islands on rocky surfaces often harbor aggregated vegetation that consists of insular plant communities. These islands are typical of the rocky outcrops and in various parts of Brazil form the so-called "campos rupestres" vegetation. Four of such sites have been selected in the state of Bahia, Northeast Brazil, for this comparative study on floristics and vegetation structure: three areas situated inside the "Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina" (Guiné, Fumaça and "Gerais da Fumaça") and one is at the border of the Environmental Protection Area of "Marimbus-Iraquara" ("Mãe Inácia"). All occurring vegetation islands were studied in four random plots of 10 × 10 m per site. Soil was often shallow, sandy and acidic. Vascular plant species were determined, with respective life forms and canopy coverage areas. The total number of species when all four sites were added was 135, and the number of species per island varied from 2 to 32. The areas of the 214 soil islands varied from 0.015 to 91.9 m², totaling 568 m² in the four sites. Monocotyledon families were dominant, essentially Velloziaceae, as well as Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae, Amaryllidaceae and Cyperaceae. Among the eudicotyledons, dominant families were mainly Clusiaceae, Asteraceae and Melastomataceae. The biological spectra revealed that phanerophytes and hemicryptophytes predominated among the life forms, while chamaephytes had the largest coverage area. Epilithic and desiccant chamaephytes composed the most conspicuous interspecific associations, and were probably related to early successional processes. Sites closest to one another were not the most similar in structure, indicating that other factors more relevant than distance might be involved in the abundance of species in space.


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A survey of Habenaria in the Amazon region in northern Brazil was undertaken. Forty species are recognized for the region. The majority of the species occur in savannah vegetation and the vegetation types with the highest number of species are the inland savannahs on terra firme (19 spp.), the savannahs of Roraima (16 spp.) and the coastal savannahs of Pará and Amapá (15 spp.). Only four species grow in forest and three in the Amazonian caatinga. Nine of these species are restricted in Brazil to the Amazon region, four species from forest formations and three from highlands at the border with Venezuela. Only one species, H. sylvicultrix Lindl. ex Kraenzl., is possibly endemic to northern Brazil. When compared to other regions, the greatest similarity is found with the "cerrado" of the centralwestern region (28 spp. in common) and the Guianas (26 spp.). Only five species are common with the Atlantic Forest. Five species are recorded for the first time or confirmed in Brazil: H. avicula Schltr., H. dentifera Schweinf., H. huberi Carnevali & Morillo, H. lehmanniana Kraenzl. and H. seticauda Lindl. New synonyms are proposed and Habenaria marupaana Schltr. is included under the synonymy of H. amambayensis Schltr., H. platydactyla Kraenzl. under H. schwackei Barb. Rodr., H. mitomorpha Kraenzl. under H. subfiliformis Cogn., and H. pratensis (Salzm. ex Lindl.) Rchb. f. var. parviflora Cogn. under H. spathulifera Cogn.


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This paper reports on the extrafloral nectary (EFN) of Hibiscus pernambucensis, a native shrub species occurring in mangrove and restinga along Brazil's coastline. EFNs occur as furrows with a protuberant border on the abaxial surface veins of the leaf blade. Each nectary consists of numerous secretory multicellular trichomes, epidermal cells in palisade-like arrangements and non-vascularized parenchyma tissue. Nectar secretion is prolonged, since secretion starts in very young leaves and remains up to completely expanded leaves. Reduced sugars, lipids, and proteins were histochemically detected in all the nectary cells; phenolic substances were detected in the vacuoles of the epidermal palisade cells and in some secretory trichome cells. The secretory cells that constitute the body of trichomes have large nuclei, dense cytoplasm with numerous mitochondria, dictyosomes, scattered lipid droplets and plastids with different inclusions: protein, lipid droplets or starch grains; vacuoles with different sizes have membranous material, phenolic and lipophilic substances. The palisade cells show thick periclinal walls, reduced cytoplasm with voluminous lipid drops and developed vacuoles. The nectary parenchyma cells contain abundant plasmodesmata and cytoplasm with scattered lipid droplets, mitochondria, plastids with starch grains and endoplasmic reticulum. Mucilage idioblasts are common in the inner nectary parenchyma. Protoderm and ground meristem participate in the formation of EFN. Our data indicate that all nectary regions are involved in nectar production and secretion, constituting a functional unit. Longevity of the extrafloral nectaries is likely associated with the presence of mucilage idioblasts, which increases the capacity of the nectary parenchyma to store water.


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Responses evoked in the earthworm, Amynthas hawayanus, main muscle contraction generator M-2 (postsynaptic mechanical-stimulus-sensitive) neuron by threshold mechanical stimuli in 2-s intertrial intervals (ITI) were used as the control or unconditioned responses (UR). Their attenuation induced by decreasing these intervals in non-associative conditioning and their enhancement induced by associating the unconditioned stimuli (US) to a train of short (0.1 s) hyperpolarizing electrical substitutive conditioning stimuli (SCS) in the Peri-Kästchen (PK) neuron were measured in four parameters, i.e., peak numbers (N) and amplitude ()averaged from 120 responses, sum of these amplitudes (SAMP) and the highest peak amplitude (V) over a period of 4 min. Persistent attenuation similar to habituation was induced by decreasing the control ITI to 0.5 s and 2.0 s in non-associative conditioning within less than 4 min. Dishabituation was induced by randomly pairing one of these habituated US to an electrical stimulus in the PK neuron. All four parameters of the UR were enhanced by forward (SCS-US), but not backward (US-SCS), association of the US with 25, 100 and 250-Hz trains of SCS with 40-ms interstimulus intervals (ISI) for 4 min and persisted for another 4 min after turning off the SCS. The enhancement of these parameters was proportional to the SCS frequencies in the train. No UR was evoked by the SCS when the US was turned off after 4 min of classical conditioning.


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Intra-amygdala infusion of the non-N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) prior to testing impairs inhibitory avoidance retention test performance. Increased training attenuates the impairing effects of amygdala lesions and intra-amygdala infusions of CNQX. The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of additional training on the impairing effects of intra-amygdala CNQX on expression of the inhibitory avoidance task. Adult female Wistar rats bilaterally implanted with cannulae into the border between the central and the basolateral nuclei of the amygdala were submitted to a single session or to three training sessions (0.2 mA, 24-h interval between sessions) in a step-down inhibitory avoidance task. A retention test session was held 48 h after the last training. Ten minutes prior to the retention test session, the animals received a 0.5-µl infusion of CNQX (0.5 µg) or its vehicle (25% dimethylsulfoxide in saline). The CNQX infusion impaired, but did not block, retention test performance in animals submitted to a single training session. Additional training prevented the impairing effect of CNQX. The results suggest that amygdaloid non-NMDA receptors may not be critical for memory expression in animals given increased training.


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The equilibrium unfolding of bovine trypsinogen was studied by circular dichroism, differential spectra and size exclusion HPLC. The change in free energy of denaturation was = 6.99 ± 1.40 kcal/mol for guanidine hydrochloride and = 6.37 ± 0.57 kcal/mol for urea. Satisfactory fits of equilibrium unfolding transitions required a three-state model involving an intermediate in addition to the native and unfolded forms. Size exclusion HPLC allowed the detection of an intermediate population of trypsinogen whose Stokes radii varied from 24.1 ± 0.4 Å to 26.0 ± 0.3 Å for 1.5 M and 2.5 M guanidine hydrochloride, respectively. During urea denaturation, the range of Stokes radii varied from 23.9 ± 0.3 Å to 25.7 ± 0.6 Å for 4.0 M and 6.0 M urea, respectively. Maximal intrinsic fluorescence was observed at about 3.8 M urea with 8-aniline-1-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) binding. These experimental data indicate that the unfolding of bovine trypsinogen is not a simple transition and suggest that the equilibrium intermediate population comprises one intermediate that may be characterized as a molten globule. To obtain further insight by studying intermediates representing different stages of unfolding, we hope to gain a better understanding of the complex interrelations between protein conformation and energetics.


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The Yanomami are one of the last primitive groups of Indians living in Brazil. They have almost no contact with other cultures. The epidemiology of eye disease among Yanomami is virtually unknown. For the first time, a trachoma survey was conducted among Yanomami Indians in the State of Amazonas near the Venezuelan border of the Brazilian rain forest. Ophthalmic examination was carried out on a total of 613 individuals (338 males and 275 females) from eight Yanomami villages along the Marauiá River located in the upper Rio Negro Basin. Age was classified into three categories (children, adults, and elderly) and trachoma was classified into five grades: follicular, inflammatory intense, cicatricial, trichiasis, and corneal opacity. Trachoma was endemic in all villages visited. Overall, 30.3% of the subjects had trachoma. Females were significantly more affected (37.4%) than males (23.9%). The inflammatory trachoma rate reached 24.9% in children and the cicatricial form increased with age, reaching 13.9% among adults and 35.21% among the elderly. Trichiasis or corneal opacities were not detected and treatment of the entire population was initiated with 1 g azithromycin. The detection of endemic trachoma among the Yanomami is relevant for the understanding of the epidemiology of this disease in the Brazilian rain forest and underscores the necessity for a program of trachoma control in this region.


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Abstract The present study describes the in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of methanol and water extracts of sweet and bitter apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) kernels. The antioxidant properties of apricot kernels were evaluated by determining radical scavenging power, lipid peroxidation inhibition activity and total phenol content measured with a DPPH test, the thiocyanate method and the Folin method, respectively. In contrast to extracts of the bitter kernels, both the water and methanol extracts of sweet kernels have antioxidant potential. The highest percent inhibition of lipid peroxidation (69%) and total phenolic content (7.9 ± 0.2 µg/mL) were detected in the methanol extract of sweet kernels (Hasanbey) and in the water extract of the same cultivar, respectively. The antimicrobial activities of the above extracts were also tested against human pathogenic microorganisms using a disc-diffusion method, and the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of each active extract were determined. The most effective antibacterial activity was observed in the methanol and water extracts of bitter kernels and in the methanol extract of sweet kernels against the Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Additionally, the methanol extracts of the bitter kernels were very potent against the Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli (0.312 mg/mL MIC value). Significant anti-candida activity was also observed with the methanol extract of bitter apricot kernels against Candida albicans, consisting of a 14 mm in diameter of inhibition zone and a 0.625 mg/mL MIC value.


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Epithelium, a highly dynamic system, plays a key role in the homeostasis of the intestine. However, thus far a human intestinal epithelial cell line has not been established in many countries. Fetal tissue was selected to generate viable cell cultures for its sterile condition, effective generation, and differentiated character. The purpose of the present study was to culture human intestinal epithelial cells by a relatively simple method. Thermolysin was added to improve the yield of epithelial cells, while endothelin-3 was added to stimulate their growth. By adding endothelin-3, the achievement ratio (viable cell cultures/total cultures) was enhanced to 60% of a total of 10 cultures (initiated from 8 distinct fetal small intestines), allowing the generation of viable epithelial cell cultures. Western blot, real-time PCR and immunofluorescent staining showed that cytokeratins 8, 18 and mouse intestinal mucosa-1/39 had high expression levels in human intestinal epithelial cells. Differentiated markers such as sucrase-isomaltase, aminopeptidase N and dipeptidylpeptidase IV also showed high expression levels in human intestinal epithelial cells. Differentiated human intestinal epithelial cells, with the expression of surface markers (cytokeratins 8, 18 and mouse intestinal mucosa-1/39) and secretion of cytokines (sucrase-isomaltase, aminopeptidase N and dipeptidylpeptidase IV), may be cultured by the thermolysin and endothelin-3 method and maintained for at least 20 passages. This is relatively simple, requiring no sophisticated techniques or instruments, and may have a number of varied applications.


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We determined the response characteristics and functional correlates of the dynamic relationship between the rate (Δ) of oxygen consumption ( O2) and the applied power output (work rate = WR) during ramp-incremental exercise in patients with mitochondrial myopathy (MM). Fourteen patients (7 males, age 35.4 ± 10.8 years) with biopsy-proven MM and 10 sedentary controls (6 males, age 29.0 ± 7.8 years) took a ramp-incremental cycle ergometer test for the determination of the O2 on-exercise mean response time (MRT) and the gas exchange threshold (GET). The ΔO2/ΔWR slope was calculated up to GET (S1), above GET (S2) and over the entire linear portion of the response (S T). Knee muscle endurance was measured by isokinetic dynamometry. As expected, peak O2 and muscle performance were lower in patients than controls (P < 0.05). Patients had significantly lower ΔO2/ΔWR than controls, especially the S2 component (6.8 ± 1.5 vs 10.3 ± 0.6 mL·min-1·W-1, respectively; P < 0.001). There were significant relationships between ΔO2/ΔWR (S T) and muscle endurance, MRT-O2, GET and peak O2 in MM patients (P < 0.05). In fact, all patients with ΔO2/ΔWR below 8 mL·min-1·W-1 had severely reduced peak O2 values (<60% predicted). Moreover, patients with higher cardiopulmonary stresses during exercise (e.g., higher Δ ventilation/carbon dioxide output and Δ heart rate/ΔO2) had lower ΔO2/ΔWR (P < 0.05). In conclusion, a readily available, effort-independent index of aerobic dysfunction during dynamic exercise (ΔO2/ΔWR) is typically reduced in patients with MM, being related to increased functional impairment and higher cardiopulmonary stress.