829 resultados para Murine schistosomiasis — S. mansoni


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Immunological tolerance to Schistosoma mansoni antigens induced by oral exposure of neonatal and adult mice to adult worm, soluble egg and polysaccharide antigens conducted to modulated periovular granuloma of infected mice. However the tolerance do not interfere in the infection. The estimative population and subpopulation of lymphocytes in the spleen of tolerized (not infected) animals do not differ from normal animals but Lyt 2.2 reactive lymphocytes to Schistosoma antigens was demonstrated in the tolerized animals.


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Peritoneal exudate cells from mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni (S-PEC) can kill schistosomula in vitro in the presence of immune serum. S-PEC produce a low level of respiratory burst, and schistosomula mortality in their presence is not reduced when exogenous antioxidants are added, suggesting that with S-PEC, oxidative killing is not important. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and superoxide production by S-PEC, and cells from BCG and thioglycollate (THGL) injected non-infected mice, non-specifically stimulated with opsonized zymosan, were measured. Levels of H2O2 produced by S-PEC were significantly lower than BCG or THGL PEC, and were below the H2O2 threshold for schistosomula killing. This resulted in lower levels of cell-mediated killing of schistosomula in vitro by S-PEC than by BCG or THGL PEC. Superoxide levels, however, were similar between the three cell populations. The efficiency of PEC to kill schistosomules in vitro correlated with H2O2 rather than superoxide levels. The lower tolerance of schistosomula, compared to adult S. mansoni to GSH depleting agents increases their sensitivity to oxidative attack and resulted in higher levels of cell-mediated killing in vitro.


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Schistosoma mansoni infected hosts produce an IgG that mediates the complement-dependent killing of schistosomula in vitro. In this study, we followed the levels of serum lethal antibody during infection of rats and mice. Rats presented detectable lethal activity early in the course of infection with a peak in the 6-8th week of infection. This activity declined to non-detectable levels within 2 weeks, remaining low up to the 20-26th week. In mice, lethal antibody was not detected before 7-12 weeks of infection, but raised to higher levels, as compared to non-infected animals, up to 20-24 weeks after infection. We correlate lethal antibody and protective immunity suggesting that the antibody-mediated complement-dependent cytotoxicity to schistosomula play a role in the immunity to reinfection.


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The effects of a single dose (100 mg/kg-body weight of mouse) of oxamniquine on the worm's tegument and paranchyma in relation to the process of immunological granulomatous reaction of the host's liver are described under light and electron microscopy (EM). The lesions caused by the drug are sequentially and simultaneously described in form of swelling, surface bulble and disruption with erosions. Ulceration in the tubercules with loss of spines is often more extensive and severe in male worms and concentration of host's mononuclear cells is observed. The possible role of host's immune response is discussed.


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To study changes in survival, in biological activities and behavior of planorbids submitted to increased hydrostatic pressure, we developed a technique using two transparent chambers and a hydraulic piston. The apparatus permitted renewal of the liquid medium without substantial variations in pressure, thus eliminating excretion products and maintaining the desired O2 level and thereby permitting us to evaluate the effects of pressure independently of the occurrence of anoxia. Pressure was maintained without any contact of the liquid medium with compressed air, a situation which reproduced with relative fidelity what occurs in nature and assured the presence of the same amounts of gases in the two observation chambers (Control and Experimental). Biomphalaria glabrata was found to be able to survive at least 48 hours when submitted to 49.02 x 10**4 Pa (equivalent to a water depth of 48.8 m), continuing to day egg masses and showing few behavioral changes when compared with the control group.


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Coelhos com infecções maciças (20.000 cercárias) pelo Schistosoma mansoni desenvolvendo dentro de três a dez meses intensas e peculiares leµes no sistema porta intrahepático; estas consisten en endoflebite poliposa e endoflebite granulomatosa oclusiva, que evoluem para a cicatrização, com hialinização dos polipos endoteliais e com ectasia vascular, ou com trombose, organização e recanalização. Nos períodos tardios, estas leµes se acompanham de fibrose periportal, septal e de espessamento da trama reticular intra-parenquimal. Embora podendo ser bem intensas, tais leµes têm um caráter focal, pois se relacionam com grupos de vermes alojados em alguns segmentos da veia porta, não determinam hiperten£o porta, nem têm semelhanças com as leµes da esquistossomose humana. Os granulomas periovulares quase não aparecem no fígado, mas se formam bem nos intestinos, especialmetne nos dois ou três primeiros meses após a infecção. A patologia da esquistossomose no coelho tem, portanto, aspectos peculiares, os quais merecem ser bem conhecidos, uma vez que este modelo pode se revelar de interesse para estudantes dos imunológicos e imunopatológicos.


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El número de papilas argirófilas superficiales y su modelo de disposición en el tegumento de las cercarias (quetotaxia) de Schistosoma mansoni nos permitió diferenciar los sexos a nivel del mencionado estadío larvario, mediante los siguientes critérios: - Mayor homogeneidad en las cercarias machos, en cuanto al número total de papilas ventrales y dorsales a nivel de cuerpo y cola cercarianos (C.V. = 4,1%), que en las cercarias hembras (C. V. = 18,3%) (P < 0,001). - Presencia en el 80% de las cercarias machos de cuatro papilas en los cuadrantes "C" ó "D" )inferior-izquierdo e inferior-derecho, respectivamente) ventrales, mientras que dicho caracter ³lo está presente en el 40% de las cercarias hembras (P < 0,001). - Diferencia estadísticamente significativa (P < 0,001) entre el número total promedio de papilas corporales centrales de las cercarias hembras (X = 11,9 ± 0,2) y el de las cercarias machos (X = 11,1 ± 0,3). - Diferencia estadísticamente significativa (P < 0,05) para la mayor distancia promedio entre las papilas AIL y AIIL, de cada cercaria, en relación con el sexo (femenino = 25,5 µm ± 0,33; masculino = 27,3 µm ± 0,26).


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Descendentes do planorbídeo Biomphalaria peregrina, coletados em Santa Rita do Sapucaí, Minas Gerais, Brasil, foram expostos a miracídios de três cepas de Schistosoma mansoni: "LE" de Belo Horizonte, MG; "SJ" de £o Jo© dos Campos, SP e "AL" do Estado de Alagoas. Dentre 300 exemplares expostos, nenhum se infectou com as três cepas do trematódeo. Por outro lado, 300 exemplares de B. glabrata, dos grupos de controle, apresentaram taxas de infecção de 61,1 a 95,3% com as três cepas do trematódeo. As taxas de mortalidade de B. peregrina e de B. glabrata foram de 20,0 e de 28,0%, respectivamente.


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A preliminary study of the pharmacokinetic parameters of t-Butylaminoethyl disulfide was performed after administration of two different single doses (35 and 300 mg/kg) of either the cold or labelled drug. Plasma or blood samples were treated with dithiothreitol, perchloric acid, and, after filtration, submitted to further purification with anionic resein. In the final step, the drug was retained on a cationic resin column, eluted with NaCl 1M and detected according to the method of Ellman (1958). Alternatively, radioactive drug was detected by liquid scintillation counting. The results corresponding to the smaller dose of total drug suggested a pharmacokinetic behavior related to a one open compartment model with the following parameters: area under the intravenous curve (AUC i.v.):671 ± 14; AUC oral: 150 ± 40 µg.min. ml [raised to the power of -1]; elimination rate constant: 0.071 min [raised to the power of -1]; biological half life: 9.8 min; distribution volume: 0.74 ml/g. For the higher dose, the results seemed to obey a more complex undertermined model. Combining the results, the occurence of a dose-dependent pharmacokinetic behavior is suggested, the drug being rapidly absorbed and rapidly eliminated; the elimination process being related mainly to metabolization. The drug seems to be more toxic when administered I.V. because by this route it escapes first pass metabolism, while being quickly distributed to tissues. The maximum tolerated blood level seems to be around 16 µg/ml.