172 resultados para triacylglycerol composition
An experiment was conducted to determine the fruit size, mineral composition and quality of trickle-irrigated tomatoes as affected by potassium fertilizer rates. Six potassium (K) rates were applied as KCl, corresponding to 0, 48.4, 118.6, 188.8, 259.0 and 399.4 kg ha-1, with four replicates, following a randomized block design. Quadratic responses to K rates were observed for double extra large (diameter > 60 mm), extra large (56 to 60 mm) and large (52 to 56 mm) fruit yields. Maximum yields of these classes were achieved with K rates of 116, 190 and 233 kg ha-1, respectively. Fruit dry matter, phosphorus, sulfur and magnesium contents were not affected by K rates, but nitrate and K contents showed significant increments as K rates were increased. Vitamin C, total soluble solids, lycopene and beta-carotene contents in the fruits were not affected by K rates. Increments in the K rate lowered the fruit pH and increased total acids content.
The effects of diet on Longissimus muscle fatty acid composition was determined using 24 crossbred heifers of Simmental vs. Nelore and Limousin vs. Nelore. The experimental diets were: 1) corn and yeast (CY); 2) corn, cottonseed meal + meat and bones meal (CMB); 3) cassava hull and yeast (CHY); 4) cassava hull, cottonseed meal + meat and bones meal (CHMB). Feeding CHMB diets resulted in lower lipid and higher cholesterol contents (P<0.05) for both crosses. Most of the identified fatty acids were monounsaturated, and the highest percentage was found to oleic acid (C18:1w9), with values ranging from 32.54 to 46.42%. Among the saturated fatty acids the palmitic acid (C16:0) showed the highest percentage, with its contents ranging between 19.40 and 32.44%. The highest polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acid ratio was of 0.30, and the lowest was of 0.08. Feeding CY diets resulted in lower cholesterol and higher polyunsaturated fatty acid contents of the Longissimus muscle.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of a new method, developed for predicting density and floristic composition of weed communities in field crops. Based on the use of solaria (100 mm transparent plastic tarps lying on the soil) to stimulate weed seedlings emergence, the method was tested in Tandil, Argentina, from 1998 to 2001. The system involved corn and sunflower in commercial no-till system. Major weeds in the experiments included Digitaria sanguinalis, Setaria verticillata and S. viridis, which accounted for 98% of the weed community in the three years of experiments since 1998. Large numbers of Tagetes minuta, Chenopodium album and Ammi majus were present in 2001. Comparison of weed communities under solaria with communities in field crops indicated that the method is useful for predicting the presence and density of some major weed species, at both high and low densities, of individuals in areas of 10 ha using only five solaria. Low density of weed species makes the method particularly useful to help deciding the time for herbicide applications to avoid soil contamination.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the chemical and physical characteristics of grains of soybean (Glycine max) cultivars for food processing. The soybean cultivars evaluated were: grain-type - BRS 133 and BRS 258; food-type - BRS 213 (null lipoxygenases), BRS 267 (vegetable-type) and BRS 216 (small grain size). BRS 267 and BRS 216 cultivars showed higher protein content, indicating that they could promote superior nutritional value. BRS 213 cultivar showed the lowest lipoxygenase activity, and BRS 267, the lowest hexanal content. These characteristics can improve soyfood flavor. After cooking, BRS 267 cultivar grains presented a higher content of aglycones (more biologically active form of isoflavones) and oleic acid, which makes it proper for functional foods and with better stability for processing, and also showed high content of fructose, glutamic acid and alanine, compounds related to the soybean mild flavor. Because of its large grain size, BRS 267 is suitable for tofu and edamame, while small-grain-sized BRS 216 is good for natto and for soybean sprouts production. BRS 216 and BRS 213 cultivars presented shorter cooking time, which may be effective for reducing processing costs.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the species composition and functional groups of ants in nonagricultural (NA) and in irrigated areas (S, seasonal irrigation; P, irrigation with well water; W, irrigation with wastewater) in an arid agricultural region in central Mexico, throughout 2005 and 2006. A total of 52,358 ants belonging to 6 subfamilies, 21 genera and 39 species was collected using pitfall traps. The species best represented in all plots were: Forelius pruinosus, Pheidole obtusospinosa, Monomorium minimum and Dorymyrmex spp. NA plots recorded the highest density of ants. The highest values for diversity (H') and equitativity (J') were recorded in NA and P plots, while the lowest were recorded in W plots. Cluster analysis showed two different groups regarding species composition: NA-S and W-P. Functional groups recorded were: dominant Dolichoderinae, three species; subordinate Camponotini, five species; hot climate specialists, three species; tropical climate specialists, seven species; cold climate specialists, five species; cryptic species, one species; opportunists, six species; generalized Myrmicinae, nine species. Agricultural activity affects the structure of the ant community with epiedaphic forage, and the constant use of irrigation wastewater in conjunction with intense agricultural practices has negative effect upon species richness of epiedaphic ants.
The objective of this work was to quantify the accumulation of the major seed storage protein subunits, β-conglycinin and glycinin, and how they influence yield and protein and oil contents in high-protein soybean genotypes. The relative accumulation of subunits was calculated by scanning SDS-PAGE gels using densitometry. The protein content of the tested genotypes was higher than control cultivar in the same maturity group. Several genotypes with improved protein content and with unchanged yield or oil content were developed as a result of new breeding initiatives. This research confirmed that high-protein cultivars accumulate higher amounts of glycinin and β-conglycinin. Genotypes KO5427, KO5428, and KO5429, which accumulated lower quantities of all subunits of glycinin and β-conglycinin, were the only exceptions. Attention should be given to genotypes KO5314 and KO5317, which accumulated significantly higher amounts of both subunits of glycinin, and to genotypes KO5425, KO5319, KO539 and KO536, which accumulated significantly higher amounts of β-conglycinin subunits. These findings suggest that some of the tested genotypes could be beneficial in different breeding programs aimed at the production of agronomically viable plants, yielding high-protein seed with specific composition of storage proteins for specific food applications.
The objective of this work was to determine differences in leaf mineral composition between ungrafted and grafted onto (Solanum torvum) eggplant (Solanum melongena), cultivars 'Faselis' and 'Pala', grown in a soil infested with Verticillium dahliae and Meloidogyne incognita, or in a noninfested soil. Grafting increased leaf P and Mn concentrations, and decreased N concentrations, in both soils. Grafting also enhanced leaf Ca concentration of 'Pala', but it did not affect that of 'Faselis' depending on the cropping year. Leaf Mg concentration of grafted plants in infested soil was lower than that of ungrafted ones in noninfested soil. Results showed that, under the same fertilization program, the grafted 'Faselis' plants used the nutrients more efficiently than the 'Pala' ones. Use of S. torvum as a rootstock for 'Faselis' resulted in an effective protection against multiple pathogen infestation. Fertilization may be necessary when grafted 'Faselis' plants are grown in a soil infested with the pathogens, since grafting and infestation generally decrease leaf N, Mg, Ca and Fe concentrations, either by reducing the nutrient concentrations directly or by increasing leaf Mn concentration.
The objective of this work was to determine the proper levels of protein and energy in diets of Hoplias lacerdae fingerlings. The dietary crude protein (CP) and gross energy (GE) levels for fingerlings of giant trahira were evaluated in a completely randomized 4x3 factorial design with 35, 39, 43 and 47% CP and 4,100, 4,300 and 4,500 kcal kg-1 of GE, and four replicates. The survival rate was 99.22%, and a linear improvement on the performance parameters was detected after increasing diet crude protein levels. Feed conversion ratio decreased with increasing levels of dietary protein and energy in the diets. A significant interaction between crude protein and gross energy was observed over body protein and mineral matter. Body lipid has increased linearly as gross energy in the diet increased. The retention of crude protein and energy showed a linear increasing with rising of crude protein levels in the diet. Crude protein level at 47% provides the best performance and energy retention, independently of the gross energy levels in the diet.
The objective of this work was to analyze changes in the isoflavone profile, determined by high performance liquid chromatography, at different processing stages and after refrigeration of tempeh. For tempeh production, clean soybean grains from cultivars BR 36 (low isoflavone content) and IAS 5 (high) were dehulled, and the separated cotyledons were hydrated and then cooked in boiling water for 30 min. Spores of the fungus Rhizopus microsporus var. oligosporus were inoculated in the cooked and cooled cotyledons, and incubated at 32ºC for 6, 12, 18, and 24 hours in perforated polypropylene bags, for fermentation. The resulting tempeh was stored at 4ºC for 6, 12, 18, and 24 hours. After 24-hour fermentation, isoflavone glucosides were 50% reduced, and the aglycone forms in the tempeh from both cultivars was increased. The malonyl forms reduced 83% after cooking. Less than 24 hours of refrigeration did not affect the isoflavone profile of tempeh from either cultivar, which is a good indicator of its quality. The tempeh maintains the high and low isoflavone content of the cultivars, which indicates that cultivar differences in this trait should be considered when processing tempeh.
The objective of this work was to perform a quantitative analysis of the amino acid composition of soybean seeds as affected by climatic variables during seed filling. Amino acids were determined from seed samples taken at harvest in 31 multi-environment field trials carried out in Argentina. Total amino acids ranged from 31.69 to 49.14%, and total essential and nonessential amino acids varied from 12.83 to 19.02% and from 18.86 to 31.15%, respectively. Variance components expressed as the percentage of total variation showed that the environment was the most important source of variation for all traits, followed by the genotype x environment interaction. Significant explanatory linear regressions were detected for amino acid content regarding: average daily mean air temperature and cumulative solar radiation, during seed filling; precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration, during the whole reproductive period; and the combinations of these climatic variables. Each amino acid behaves differently according to environmental conditions, indicating compensatory effects among them.
The objective of this work was to characterize the chemical properties of white oat (Avena sativa) caryopsis and to determine the adaptability and stability of cultivars recommended for cultivation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The trials were carried out in the 2007, 2008 and 2009 crop seasons, in three municipalities: Augusto Pestana, Capão do Leão, and Passo Fundo. Fifteen cultivars were evaluated in a randomized block design, with four replicates. The contents of protein, lipid, and nitrogen-free extract were evaluated in the caryopsis. Cultivar performances for the measured characters varied according to location and year of cultivation. The cultivar URS Guapa showed high content of nitrogen-free extract and low contents of protein and lipid in the caryopsis. 'FAPA Louise' showed high content of lipid, whereas 'Albasul', 'UPF 15', and 'UPF 18' showed high content of protein and low content of nitrogen-free extract. There is no evidence of an ideal biotype for the evaluated characters, which could simultaneously show high average performance, adaptability to favorable and unfavorable environments, and stability.
The objective of this work was to evaluate yield and chemical composition of oyster mushroom strains newly introduced in Bangladesh. Strains of Pleurotus high‑king (strain PHK), P. ostreatus (strain PO2), and P. geesteranus (strains PG1 and PG3) were evaluated as to yield components and proximate composition. Pleurotus ostreatus was used as control. Pleurotus high‑king showed fastest growth of primordia, but moderate flush of effective fruiting bodies. Pleurotus geesteranus (PG1) showed higher economic yield and biological performance, and better chemical composition, especially in terms of protein and mineral contents. Pleurotus geesteranus (PG1) shows better performance than P. ostreatus (PO2), the most commercially cultivated edible species in Bangladesh, and, therefore, it should be recommended for commercial cultivation.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the chemical composition and fatty acid contents of Amazonian and giant river prawns. After four-month farming, with the same diet for both species, palmitic and stearic acids were the main saturated fatty acids. Oleic acid was the main monounsatured fatty acid, and the eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids were the most abundant polyunsaturated acids. Amazonian prawn has higher levels of protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids than those of the giant river prawn, which shows its potential for aquaculture.
In order to evaluate the formation of adventitious buds and in vitro regeneration of sour orange plants (Citrus aurantium L.) two organogenesis-inducing experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, the induction and in vitro regeneration of adventitious buds were tested on epicotyl and internodal segments under the influence of BAP or KIN associated with NAA. The second experiment evaluated the in vitro regeneration of sour orange plants related to different explant types (epicotyls segments, internodal segments of in vitro germinated plantlets and internodal segments of greenhouse cultivated plants). Data collected on both experiments included the percentage of responsive explants (explants that formed buds), and the number of buds per explant. The addition of BAP showed the best organogenic response. In vitro germinated epicotyl segments and internodal segments are recommended as explants for sour orange in vitro organogenesis. Rooting of regenerated shoots was achieved without the need of auxin in the medium.
This study was carried out to evaluate the yield, total N content in leaves and must composition of grapes from the Cabernet Sauvignon variety subjected to the application of urea and organic compost. Cabernet Sauvignon grapevines in Rosário do Sul, RS, Brazil, in 2008, 2009 and 2010 were subjected to annual application of 40 kg N ha-1 in the form of organic compost and urea, and compared to unfertilized grapevines. In the 2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/11 crop seasons, leaves were collected for analysis of total N content. At maturation of the grapes, the yield and quality attributes of the must were evaluated. The application of N sources, especially organic compost, increased the N content in the whole leaf at full flowering. Application of organic compost and urea has little effect on grape yield and does not affect the total nutrient content in the must, nor the enological attributes.