84 resultados para transcendental arguments


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Behavioral economics has addressed interesting positive and normative questions underlying the standard rational choice theory. More recently, it suggests that, in a real world of boundedly rational agents, economists could help people to improve the quality of their choices without any harm to autonomy and freedom of choice. This paper aims to scrutinize available arguments for and against current proposals of light paternalistic interventions mainly in the domain of intertemporal choice. It argues that incorporating the notion of bounded rationality in economic analysis and empirical findings of cognitive biases and self-control problems cannot make an indisputable case for paternalism.


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Theory of functional finance and the role of fiscal policy: A post-keynesian critique to the new consensus macroeconomics. This paper presents the critical approaches and elaborates the arguments that oppose those of the New Consensus Macroeconomics regarding the conduct of fiscal policy. Those criticisms and arguments are based in the post-Keynesian thought and the theory of Functional Finance. The theory of Functional Finance is an extension of the Keynesian approach, particularly with regard to discussions on public finances. As supports the theory of Functional Finance, the objectives to be pursued by fiscal policy should suggest the improvement of social welfare as a whole, i.e., the performance of inflation, employment and output should be taken into account by policymakers.


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This article examines recent arguments from development economists, from historians and from international relations specialists that do challenge the continued relevance of the idea of the Third World. It then examines five reasons why these arguments are wrong. We can indeed understand much about emerging powers in terms of how they are seeking to navigate and best position themselves within an existing state-centric, liberal and capitalist order whilst accepting many of the underlying assumptions and values of that order. But the nature of that navigation has been shaped by their historical trajectory and by the developmental, societal and geopolitical context of their emergence.


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Complexity and constructivism in economics. This paper attempts to show and summarize the concept of rules, order and complexity introduced around the mid-twentieth century by Friedrich August von Hayek. It also attempts to create a current parallel between those concepts and the field of complexity economics. At the time of his writings, the author sought to present arguments against the Cartesian rationality. Nowadays, the concepts presented by him could also serve as arguments against the way of thought used in mainstream microeconomics. A debate can now be seen between the mainstream microeconomics and the authors of the complexity theory applied to the economy, which can be understood as explanations guided by generic assumptions versus natural explanations guided in a computational approach.


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The main goal of our paper is to provide analytical arguments to explain why Brazil has not been able to restore its long-term capacity for economic growth, especially compared with its economy in the 1950-1979 period (7.3 per cent per year on average) or even with a select number of emerging economies in the 1980-2010 period(6.7 per cent per year on average, against 2.3 per cent per year on average in Brazil in the same period). We build our idea of convention to growth based on the Keynesian concept of convention. For our purposes, this concept could be briefly summarized as the way in which the set of public and private economic decisions related to different objectives, such as how much to produce and invest, how much to charge for products and services, how to finance public and private debt, how to finance research and development, and so on, are indefinitely - or at least until there is no change- carried out by the political, economic and social institutions. This analytical reference can be connected to the Neo-Schumpeterian National Innovation System (NIS) concept, which emphasizes not only institutions associated with science and technology per se, but also the complex interaction among them and other institutions. In this paper we identify two conventions to long-term growth in the last three decades in Brazil: the liberal and the neo-developmental. We show that the poor performance in the Brazilian economy in terms of real GDP growth from the 1980s on can be explained by a weak coordination between short-term macroeconomic policies and long-term industrial and technological policies. This weak coordination, in turn, can be associated with the prevalence of the liberal convention from the 1990s on, which has emphasized price stabilization to the detriment of a neo-developmental strategy whose primary goal is to sustain higher rates of growth and full employment in Brazil.


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This article examines the question of why interest rates are so high in Brazil as compared to the international average. It looks at theoretical arguments based on excessive government deficits, structural lack of private savings, inflation bias, excessive investment demand and fear of floating. An informal look at the evidence does not strongly corroborate any of these arguments. Hence a wise central bank should consider "testing" the market to make sure it is not dealing with an extreme equilibrium configuration or a long standing disequilibrium.


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O presente artigo discute as relações entre a perspectiva transcendental inscrita na análise Kantiana das Idéias da Razão (principalmente a Idéia de Unidade) e a herança metafísica tradicional. Para tanto ensaia-se uma leitura da 1ª parte do Apêndice da Dialética Transcendental à luz da reelaboração critica do temário metafísico, com especial ênfase na noção escolástica de atributo transcendental do Ser.


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Apresentamos uma breve reconstrução das duas primeiras seções de Vorlensungen zur Phänomenologie des inneren Zeitbewusstseins, de Edmund Husserl, em que analisamos a maneira pela qual ele desenvolve uma teoria transcendental do tempo, trazendo-a para o campo de seu método fenomenológico. A partir de uma reavaliação do significado de "percepção do tempo", ele oferece critérios que, a nosso ver, seriam capazes de dar conta de uma das características mais discutidas do tempo, sua assimetria ou unidirecionalidade. Discutimos também as principais dificuldades enfrentadas por este projeto.


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Habermas relê Adorno e Horkheimer à luz do seu próprio modelo, isto é, do "paradigma lingüístico" que substitui a práxis transformadora pela argumentação. Assim, Habermas não percebe que, em Adorno, a competência comunicativa subordina-se a algo essencialmente diferente, a um impulso emancipatório. As características deste a priori transcendental racionalmente mediado devem ser buscadas não na Dialética do esclarecimento, mas em Minima moralia.


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Trata-se de uma abordagem introdutória à doutrina do esquematismo, segundo o contexto de seu surgimento na Crítica da Razão Pura.


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O texto salienta a importância da sátira lucianesca no pensamento das Luzes, em especial nos textos de Voltaire. Ao mesmo tempo, ele busca criticar a carência de humor na filosofia de nossa época, a partir de uma análise comparativa da prosa iluminista com a fala sibilina das correntes filosóficas irracionalistas, em especial as de Martin Heidegger e de seus epígonos.


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Comparação entre as duas versões da dedução kantiana dos conceitos puros do entendimento, a da 1ª edição de 1781 e a de 1787. Focam-se aqui principalmente as discrepâncias referentes à dedução objetiva, isto é, aquela encarregada de demonstrar que as categorias são as condições de possibilidade dos objetos de experiência


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Este artigo tenta dar uma visão geral sobre a epoché fenomenológica, relacionando-a ao problema da constituição do saber fenomenológico, e também da fundamentação da Ciência. A epoché, formulada assim de forma universal é considerada como uma alteração radical da atitude natural.


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Este artigo estabelece a relação entre apercepção transcendental e identidade, existência e percepção, e procura com isso mostrar que, embora esteja na base da estrutura cognitiva humana, a autoconsciência não elabora conhecimento.


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Neste artigo argumento contra a interpretação muito difundida segundo a qual o ano de 1769 representou um marco na formação da filosofia transcendental e a Dissertação de 1770 corresponde ao primeiro texto crítico. O objetivo deste artigo é investigar a origem das antinomias nas Reflexões da década de 1770. Não se trata de esboçá-las, pois sobre elas Kant é reticente nesse período. Elas são objeto da atenção dele somente às vésperas da redação da Crítica da razão pura. Eu me ocupo apenas com alguns dos elementos que possibilitarão sua formulação e solução na Crítica da razão pura.