195 resultados para superconducting normal-metal heterostructures
1. In a series of 21 normal cases we found for fatty acids per 100 cc. of plasma an average of 332 mgm., being 314 mgm. for the male sex and 350 mgm. for the female sex. 2.- For lecithin, in four normal cases we found per 100 cc. of plasma 182 mgm. estimated by the contents is phosphorus which ranged from 6.12 to 9.0 mgrs. 3.- Cholesterol in 20 normal cases showed 172 mgm. per 100 cc. of plasma. The averages were 151 mgm. for men and 194 mgm. for women. 4.- The readings of the fractions were 2.01 for the ratio fatty acids divided by lecithins 0.90 for lecithin divided by cholesterol and 1.93 for fatty acids divided by cholesterol. 5.- On comparing the results obtained by us with those reported in foreign literature an absolute conformity is noted chiefly with the values supplied by Bloor and Horiuchi for the ratios among the various lipoid fractions. The average for Cholesterol is comparable with that obtained by Myers but is slightly under that of Bloor's. The lecithin contents found by us did not reach such high values as those supplied by foreign authors.
1.) - Woodward-Fry's and Okuda-Hess technics were employed in the determination of blood glutathione in normal healthy adults of both sexes. 2.) - It was found more accurately results with the technic of Woodward and Fry than of any others for the dosage of G. S. H. of blood. 3.) - When the process of Okuda-Hess is modified by the use of an intern indicator (starch) the readings of the end-point are much more easy and therefore the results more exacts. 4.) - The averages of the data obtained for normal blood by the technic of Woodward and Fry were for men per hundred cubic cent. 27 mgrs (G.S.H); 6.6 mgrs. (G.S.S) and 33.6 mges. (G. T) and for women: 28.4 mgrs. (G.S.H), 7.8 mgrs. (G.S.S) and 36,2 mgrs. (G.T). 5.) - Autoxidation in the blood filtrate is only apreciated after 24 hs. In the first eight hours autoxidation is never observed. 6.) - The increase of glutathione in hyperglobulia is a function of the amount of red corpuscles. In acrocyanosis arterial blood is richest in these component than venous blood and this fact is in accordance with the observation of Blanchetière, Mélon and Binet for the experimental asphyxia of dogs.
O estudo complementa outro, recentemente publicado e que versou, especialmente, sobre as condições de segurança dos operários, em uma grande indústria gráfica, com exame pormenorizado da frequência e causas de acidentes de trabalho, entre eles ocorridos. No presente estudo, adstrito à finalidade de revistar, na mesma indústria. fatores com influência sobre a saúde e o conforto dos operários, os A. A. estendem-se, primeiramente, sobre as condições físicas da atmosfera das diversas oficinas, aquilatadas não só através de inquérito local, visando o insolamento, sistema de ventilação, existência de fontes produtoras de calor, como também através de determinações de temperaturas efetivas e, subsidiàriamente, dos índices fornecidos por práticas de catatermometria sêca e molhada. Indicam os A. A. providências para melhorar a situação de conforto uma vez que as referidas condições físicas da atmosfera nem sempre se mostraram das mais satisfatórias. Fazem referência a causas presentes ou potenciais de poluição atmosférica. E, dando de começo particular relevo às fontes produtoras de poerias e fumos de chumbo nas oficinas de Composição, Fundição, Linotipia e Estereotipia, aludem, desde logo, como fator importante desta poluição, às práticas de limpeza de máquinas e locais, em que se trabalha com liga contendo aquele metal. Revistam como se processa tal limpeza na I. N. e propõem várias correções. Além dessas práticas de limpeza, focalizam, com detalhes, outras oportunidades em que pode haver passagem ao ar dos fumos de sub-óxido de chumbo: a) possivelmente, durante o funcionamento normal de máquinas que trabalham com a liga metálica, sobretudo quando são as temperaturas alcançadas inferiores às que - graças à formação de uma película à superfície do material em estado de fusão - já asseguram obstáculo (na verdade progressivamente crescente) à passagem do tóxico à atmosfera; b) nìtidamente, quando é agitado esse material, como sucede, se não forem alimentadas automáticamente essas máquinas; c)ainda, se não for feito, ao menos em ambiente fechado, o transporte da liga em fusão para os diversos moldes. Embora não dispuzessem, para uma investigação completa, de aparelhamento moderno para coleta de amostras que permitissem a dosagem do chumbo no ar, procuraram os A. A. ter uma visão atual e retrospectiva da possivel ocorrência de saturnismo entre os operários da I.N., através da perquirição, em uma amostra de 113 operários que vinham lidando com o chumbo, do seguinte grupo de sintomas e sinais: orla gengival de Burton, anorexia, nauseas, sabor metálico, constipação, dor epigástrica, cólica intestinal forte, palidez, insônia, cefaléia, tremor e fraqueza dos extensoes antibraquiais, aferida esta pela técnica recomendada por Vigdortschick. Conquanto não tenha sido possivel precisar, exatamente, a época da ocorrência dos sintomas, não deixou de chamar a atenção o fato de, em cotejo com outra amostra de 43 operários não expostos, evidenciar o exame da situação em globo, pelo teste do x², que a exposição ao chumbo teria provavelmente acarretado, para aqueles 113 operários, um conjunto significativo de sintomas e sinais, embora nem todos eles, quando considerados isoladamente, parecessem denunciar associação presente ou passada com a referida exposição. Convindo fazer mais luz sobre o assunto, recorreram os A. A. a prova de laboratório. E, depois de aludirem a várias das que têm sido mais preconizadas, para ao menos indicarem anormalidade na absorção de chumbo, dão as razões por que se deixaram ficar com a dosagem de chumbo na urina. Assinalam os cuidados que tiveram para colheita das amostras individuais de urina (de 100 a 200 ml), na impossibilidade de fazer dosagem em todo o volume eliminado nas 24 horas. Adotaram, para as rferidas análises, o método que empega a ditizona, descrito por Bambach e Burkey, respeitadas todas as exigências referentes à pureza dos reativos, qualidade e limpeza da vidraria e utilizando, para a determinação final de chumbo, o fotômetro de Pulfrich com filtro S 50 e cuba de 20 mm; sempre usaram, ademais, solução padrão de ditizona devidamente calibrada, juntando, a cada série de especimes de urinas examinadas, um tesemunho de água bi-distilada. Os resultados das análises em duas amostras de operários (47 expostos e 27 não expostos ao chumbo) deram médias de eliminação de chumbo (expressas em y por 100 ml) respectivamente de 9,30 ± 0,86 e 5,70 ± 0,75 com os desvios padrões de 5,92 e 3,92. O teste de t, empregado para averiguar se era ou não real a diferença entre as duas médias observadas, deu valor significativo (2,804) mesmo para P = 1%. Um exame mais detido da atividade profissional dos operários, que figuravam nas duas amostras, também escolhidas ao acaso, revelou porém que, tanto em um como no outro grupo, havia alguns que, fora do horário normal de serviço na I.N., exerciam trabalho em oficinas gráficas particulares. Foram assim organizados, para maior precisão, três grupos: a) dos operários expostos ao chumbo, dentro e fora da I.N.; b) dos expostos apenas na I.N.; c) dos não expostos ao tóxico profissional. Comportavam esses grupos, respectivamente 13,29 e 23 operários. Ainda o teste de t revlou diferenças significativas entre as médias de chumbo eliminado na urina (11,66 7,74 e 5,20 y, respectivamente, nos três grupos), quando comparadas a primeira com a segunda; e uma e outracom a terceira. Tomando como termo de referência dados de Kehoe - 10y em 100 ml de urina como taxa média a marcar o limite de segurança para operários expostos ao chumbo, desde que os valores individuais não excedam frequentemente 15y e só raramente 20y (1% nas suas observações) - concluem os A. A. que, para os operários da I.N., só aí em contacto com o tóxico, a taxa média de eliminação mostrou-se relativamente próxima do limiar de segurança, com a agravante de se ter cota acima de 20y em 7% dos operários; parece, assim, recomendavel certo cuidado com esses operários. E, por mais forte razão, para os outros, expostos ao chumbo...
Total urinary neutral 17-steroids were determined in normal and in castrated horses. One liter of a 15-26 hours urine collection was hydrolysed by refluxing with 10% HC1 (v/v) for ten minutes and extracted with peroxyde-free ethyl ether. The extract was purified by washing with saturated NaHCO³ and KOH solutions. One half of the crude neutral fraction was fractionated with Girard's "T" reagent . The Zimmermann reaction was performed both in the ketonic and in the crude neutral extracts, using alcoholic 2.5N KOH and a 60 minutes period for the colour development in the dark. Optical density measuments were made in a grating Coleman Universal Spectrophotometer at 420 mµ and 520mµ; for the crude neutral fraction a colour correction equation was applied. The aliquot fraction used for colorimety was adjusted for keeping optical density measurements within the range 0.2 to 0.7. Androsterone (mp. 184-184.5°C) with an absorption maximum at 290.5 mµ (Beckman Model DU Spectrophotometer) was used as a reference standard. Table I, ilustrates the results obtained. At the 0.05 probability level there is a significant difference among castrated and normal group means (Fischer's "t" test.) when were used the data obtained from the ketonic fractions; in spite of the use of a colour correction applied for inespecific chromogens, the same results could not be obtained with the crude neutral fractions, Since Girard's reagent fractionation is generaly accepted as the best method for correcting the inespecific chromogen interference in the determination of the 17-ketosteroids by the Zimmermann reaction, we emphasize the value of the results obtained with the ketonic fractions. From these results it appears, as occurs in others mammals, that castrated horses show a lower level of urinary 17-ketosteroids excretion than the normal horses. The significance of the horse testis contribution for the neutral urinary steroid metabolites is discussed. Since horse urine has a low androgenic activity, the fractionation of the neutral 17-ketosteroids must be studied more accurately.
O autor procurou estabelecer os dados relativos ao hemograma de coelho normal, do biotério do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, encontrando as seguintes médias: hematias 5.186.000 por mm3, leucócitos 10.419 por mm3, e na contagem específica os seguintes valores para Heterófilos 40%, basófilos 2.5%, eosinófilos 0.2%, monócitos 6.5% e linfócitos 50%, e células de Tuerk 0.8%. Pode o autor confirmar o achado de AGOSIN, referente à presença de células morfológicamente semelhantes ás de TUERK, no sangue periférico dos coelhos normais. Realizou ainda, uma revisão bibliográfica do assunto.
Proteus mirabilis must be considered a normal inhabitant of the intestine of hamsters. It is also found in the vaginal secretion of females of this animal, when in oestrus.
The reversals of Mitsuda's reactions induced by BCG have been objected to based on the possiblem interference of other determination causes of the phenomenon: tuberculous primo-infections, communicants of unsuspected leprosy, revearsals due to other causes, such as anti-diphteric and anti-tetanic vaccination, etc. In order to study the problem, we have used Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), which were reared in isolation, in an attempt to avoid the referred to interferences. Prior to the experiments, all animals were tested and found negative to radiograph, tuberculin and lepromin tests and were then submitted to the application of BCG vaccine (from 1 to 3 days old), in different doses and by different via. At different times, after the application of BCG, they were again submitted to the radiographic, tuberculin and lepromin tests. In the tables I to IV the experiences were summarised. From the experiments, the following conclusions were reached: 1 - From 12 Rhesus that received BCG 11 showed reversals of the Mitsuda reaction (91.7%). 2 - These reverseals took place both in tests effected shortly after BCG (from 6 days to 2 months), and tests effected much later (from 7 to 12 months after BCG). 3 - Some differences were found in the results, according to the dosis and the application via of the BCG. a) - The testicular and peritonela via (0,02g) were the only that determined strong positive Mitsuda's reactions (+++). b) - By oral via, animals that received high dosis (0.6g and 1.2 g), there resulted uniform and regular reversals, even though of low intensity (+); but from those who got small doses (0.2 g.) one showed no reversals in all tests, and the other presented reversals in the 2nd and 3rd tests only, also with low positivity (+). 4) In the 2nd and 3rd Mitsuda's reactions in the same animals, positivity was always precocious (generally within 48 hours), one getting the impression that there occurs a sensibilization of the animal body by the antigen with the repetition of the tests, even though the intensity of the reaction always remains the same. This precocious reaction (Fernandez type) occurs both shortly and long time after the application of the BCG. Its precocity depends not of the antigen only because the first Mitsuda's reaction after the BCG application occurs after some time and seems not influenced by the control lepromin test effected on the Rhesus before the BCG. 5) On the control group, the animals which received a.a.f. bacilli suspensions (Mycobacterium sp.; M. avium, and M. smegmatis), did not show reverseals of the Mitsuda's reaction. Two Rhesus, however, which received dead BCG (120ºC autoclave 1 hour), one intradermically (0.006 g) and the other orally (1.2 g), did both present reversals of the Mitsuda's reaction, with weak positivity (+). In all animals of the control-group, the allergic reactions were found negative. 6) Strong local inflammatory reactions were observed in the Rhesus that had received living BCG by intradermal via, and in the one submitted to multipunctures, there occurred the formation of a large caseous abcess. 7) The allergic tuberculinic and infratuberculinic reactions appeared dissociated from the Mitsuda's reactions: sometimes they are more precocious, occurring before of the lepromin test; on other occasions they disappear, when the Mitsuda's reactions still persist; and finally, they may be absent, when the latter occur, especially after the oral application of the BCG. 8) In Rhesus which received BCG by testicular and peritonela via, in the infratuberculinic test (0.1 ml of total BCG extract), besides the classic answer, which occurs between 48 and 96 hours, one could observe a delayed answer (15 to 20 days), represented by a non-erythematous nodule, which persists for 11-14 days.
Blood form trypomastigotes of the Y strain of T. cruzi, produced a strong inhibition of the blastogenic response to T and B cell mitogens, of the C3H/He, C57BLand BALB/cJ strains of mice, while culture epimastigotes of the Y strain kept in a medium that allows parasite growth at 26°. 30° and 37°C produced a strong stimulatory effect that was even higher than the effect of the mitogens alone. Both the inhibitory or the stimulatory effects were dose-dependent. The stimulatory effect of epimastigotes was also temperature-dependent producing increasedstimulation indexes as the temperature of parasite cultures was raised. Metabolically active,living parasites seemed to be necessary for an improved lymphocyte stimulation suggesting a potential role of secreted metabolites as polyclonal activators of mouse lymphocytes.
Clinical studies of the immunological effects of methionine enkephalin in normal volunteers, cancer, and AIDS patients are summarized. The major immunology changes seen were increases in T cell subsets, natural killer activity, as well as mitogen blastogenesis. Clinically, the cancer and ARC patients did not develop infections.
Human nasal polyps outgrowth culture were used to study the adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to respiratory cells. By transmission electron microscopy, bacteria associated with ciliated cells were identified trapped at the extremities of cilia, usually as aggregates of several bacterial cells. They were never seen at the interciliary spaces or attached along cilia. Bacteria were also seen to adhere to migrating cells of the periphery of the outgrowth culture. Using a model of repair of wounded respiratory epithelial cells in culture, we observed that the adhesion of P. aeruginosa to migrating cells of the edges of the repairing wounds was significantly higher than the adhesion to non-migrating cells and that adherent bacteria were surrounded by a fibrocnectin-containing fibrillar material The secretion of extracellular matrix components is involved in the process of epithelium repair following injury. To investigate the molecular basis of P. aeruginosa adhesion to migrating cells, bacteria were treated with a fibronectin solution before their incubation with the respiratory cells. P. aeruginosa treatment by fibronectin significantly increased their adhesion to migrating cells. Accordingly, we hypothesize that during cell migration, fibronectin secreted by epithelial cells may favour P. aeruginosa adhesion by establishing a bridge between the bacteria and the epithelial cell receptors. Such a mechanism may represent a critical step for P. aeruginosa infection of healing injured epithelium.
A Phase 1 double-blind placebo-controlled study was performed to evaluate a vaccine against American tegumentary leishmaniasis in 61 healthy male volunteers. Side effects and the immune response to the vaccine were evaluated, with 1- and 2- dose schemes, with intervals of 7 or 21 days, each dose containing 1440 mg of protein N antigen of a single strain of Leishmania amazonensis (PH 8) diluted in merthiolated saline (1:10,000). Merthiolated saline and an inert substance were used as placebos. No significant clinical alterations were found following the respective injections in the vaccinated individuals as compared to the placebos, except for local pain, which was associated significantly with injection of the vaccine. The laboratory alterations we observed bore no association with the clinical findings and were unimportant. We observed no differences between the groups with regard to seroconversion or the Montenegro skin test. However, the group that received a single dose of the vaccine and the one that received two doses with a 21-day interval displayed cutaneous induration significantly larger than in the control group, with 100%, 100%, and 66% conversion in the skin test, respectively. We concluded that the vaccine does not present any major side effect that would contraindicate its use in healthy individuals.
In this study, IgA1 levels in the milk and serum of puerperae were compared and a correlation was established between the levels of this immunoglobulin and the occurrence of parasitism. Eighty-three paired milk and serum samples were obtained from puerperal and IgA1 levels were analyzed. In addition, the presence of intestinal parasites in stool samples from these puerperae was determined. Twelve puerperae tested positive for intestinal parasites and all their samples presented an IgA1 ELISA Index > 1. There was a correlation between serum and milk IgA1 levels and puerperae with any parasite in their stool (r = 0.6723; p = 0.0166). This finding may reinforce the importance of breast-feeding for the protection of neonates.