80 resultados para subglottic stenosis


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1.-Since the parietal endocarditis represents a chapter generally neglected, owing to the relative lack of cases, and somewhat confused because there various terms have been applied to a very same morbid condition, it justifies the work which previously we tried to accomplish, of nosographic classification. Taking into account the functional disturbances and the anatomical changes, all cases of parietal endocarditis referred to in the litterature were distributed by the following groups: A-Group-Valvulo-parietal endocarditis. 1st . type-Valvulo-parietal endocarditis per continuum. 2nd. type-Metastatic valvulo-parietal endocarditis. 3rd. type-Valvulo-parietal endocarditis of the mitral stenosis. B-Group-Genuine parietal endocarditis. a) with primary lesions in the myocardium. b) with primary lesions in the endocardium. 4th type-Fibrous chronic parietal endocarditis (B A Ü M L E R), « endocarditis parietalis simplex». 5th type-Septic acute parietal endocarditis (LESCHKE), «endocarditis parietalis septica». 6th type-Subacute parietal endocarditis (MAGARINOS TORRES), «endocarditis muralis lenta». 2.-Studying a group of 14 cases of fibrous endomyocarditis with formation of thrombi, and carrying together pathological and bacteriological examinations it has been found that some of such cases represent an infectious parietal endocarditis, sometimes post-puerperal, of subacute or slow course, the endocardic vegetations being contamined by pathogenic microörganisms of which the most frequent is the Diplococcus pneumoniae, in most cases of attenuated virulence. Along with the infectious parietal endocarditis, there occur arterial and venous thromboses (abdominal aorta, common illiac and femural arteries and external jugular veins). The case 5,120 is a typical one of this condition which we name subacute parietal endocarditis (endocarditis parietalis s. muralis lenta). 3.-The endocarditis muralis lenta encloses an affection reputed to be of rare occurrence, the «myocardite subaigüe primitive», of which JOSSERAND and GALLAVARDIN published in 1901 the first cases, and ROQUE and LEVY, another, in 1914. The «myocardite subaigüe primitive» was, wrongly, in our opinion, included by WALZER in the syndrome of myocardia of LAUBRY and WALZER, considering that, in the refered cases of JOSSERAND and GALLAVARDIN and in that of ROQUE and LEVY, there are described rather considerable inflammatory changes in the myocardium and endocardium. The designation «myocardia» was however especially created by LAUBRY and WALZER for the cases of heart failure in which the most careful aetiologic inquiries and the most minucious clinical examination were unable to explain, and in which, yet, the post-mortem examination did not reveal any anatomical change at all, it being forcible to admit, then, a primary functional change of the cardiac muscle fibre. This special cardiac condition is thoroughly exemplified in the observation that WALZER reproduces on pages 1 to 7 of his book. 4.-The clinical picture of the subacute parietal endocarditis is that of heart failure with oedemas, effusion in the serous cavities and passive chronic congestion of the lungs, liver, kideys and spleen associated, to that of an infectious disease of subacute course. The fever is rather transient oscillating around 99.5 F., being intersected with apyretic periods of irregular duration; it is not dependent on any evident extracardiac septic infection. In other cases the fever is slight, particularly in the final stage of the disease, when the heart failure is well established. The rule is to observe then, hypothermy. The cardiac-vascular signs consist of enlargement of the cardiac dullness, smoothing of the cardiac sounds, absence of organic murmurs and accentuated and persistent tachycardia up to a certain point independent of fever. The galloprhythm is present, in most cases. The signs of the pulmonary infarct are rather expressed by the aspect of the sputum, which is foamy and blood-streaked than by the classic signs. Cerebral embolism was a terminal accident on various cases. Yet, in some of them, along with the signs of septicemia and of cardiac insufficiency, occurred vascular, arterial (abdominal aorta, common illiac and femurals arteries) and venous (extern jugular veins) thromboses. 5. The autopsy revealed an inflammatory process located on the parietal endocardium, accompanied by abundant formation of ancient and recent thrombi, being the apex of the left ventricle, the junction of the anterior wall of the same ventricle, with the interventricular septum, and the right auricular appendage, the usual seats of the inflammatory changes. The region of the left branch of HIS’ bundle is spared. The other changes found consist of fibrosis of the myocardium (healed infarcts and circumscribed interstitial myocarditis), of recent visceral infarcts chiefly in lungs, spleen and brain, of recent or old infarcts in the kidneys (embolic nephrocirrhosis) and in the spleen, and of vascular thromboses (abdominal aorta, common illiacs and femurals arteries and external jugular veins), aside from hydrothorax, hydroperitoneum, cutaneous oedema, chronic passive congestion of the liver, lungs, spleen and kidneys and slight ictericia. 6. In the subacute parietal endocarditis the primary lesions sometimes locate themselves at the myocardium, depending on the ischemic necrosis associated to the arteriosclerosis of the coronariae arteries, or on an specific myocarditis. Other times, the absence of these conditions is suggestive of a primary attack to the parietal endocardium which is then the primary seat of the lesions. It matters little whatever may be the initial pathogenic mechanism; once injured the parietal endocardium and there being settled the infectious injury, the endocarditis develops with peculiar clinical and anatomical characters of remarkable uniformity, constituting an anatomo-clinical syndrome. 7.-The histologic sections show that recent lesions…


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In imaging diagnosis, redundant nerve roots of the cauda equina are characterized by the presence of elongated, enlarged and tortuous nerve roots in close relationship with a high-grade lumbar spinal canal stenosis. This is not an independent entity, but it is believed to be a consequence of the chronic compression at the level of the lumbar canal stenosis and thus may be part of the natural history of lumbar spinal stenosis. The present paper is aimed at reviewing the histopathological, electrophysiological and imaging findings, particularly at magnetic resonance imaging, as well as the clinical meaning of this entity. As the current assessment of canal stenosis and root compression is preferably performed by means of magnetic resonance imaging, this is the imaging method by which the condition is identified. The recognition of redundant nerve roots at magnetic resonance imaging is important, particularly to avoid misdiagnosing other conditions such as intradural arteriovenous malformations. The literature approaching the clinical relevance of the presence of redundant nerve roots is controversial. There are articles suggesting that the pathological changes of the nerve roots are irreversible at the moment of diagnosis and therefore neurological symptoms are less likely to improve with surgical decompression, but such concept is not a consensus.


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The present report describes the case of a child that after blunt abdominal trauma presented with portal thrombosis followed by progressive splenomegaly and jaundice. Ultrasonography and percutaneous cholangiography revealed biliary dilatation secondary to choledochal stenosis caused by dilated peribiliary veins, characterizing a case of portal biliopathy. The present case report is aimed at presenting an uncommon cause of this condition.


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Vascular complications after liver transplantation include oclusion or stenosis at the sites of anastomosis in the hepatic artery, portal vein, and vena cava. Balloon angioplasty of these stenosis carries little risk and is a useful procedure for the treatment of these problems. The purpose of this paper was to assess whether percutaneous transluminal angioplasty can help to prolong allograft survival and impruve allograft function in patient with hepatic artery stenosis after liver transplantation. We report a 43-year-old mate with stenosis of hepatic artery anastomosis after liver transplantation. An abrupt elevation of liver enzymes and serum bilirrubin levels was noted on the fifth postoperative month. The patient underwent percutaneous liver biopsy, which revealed important ductal depletion due to hypoperfusion, even though Doppler ultrasound examination demonstrated arterial flow. An angiogram confirmed severe stenosis of the arterial anastomosis with poor intraparenchymal arterial perfusion pattern. In an attempt to preserve the graft, a percutaneous transluminal angioplasty was performed using microballoons mounted on a hydrophylic micro guidewire. Intervention proceeded without complications. Liver enzimes and bilirrubin levels decreased within twenty-four hours of angioplasty. Normal levels were achieved after one week. Seven month after angioplasty, the patient is in a optimal clinical condition with no signs of graft impairment. We conclude that percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of hepatic artery stenosis after liver transplantation is relatively safe and may help decrease allograft loss.


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A case of gastrocolic fistula(GCF) in a patient with duodenal stenosis who had previously undergone gastroenteric anastomosis is reported. The patient went through hemigastrectomy, partial colectomy and segmental enterectomy with bloc resection. Reconstruction was carried out through Billroth II gastrojejunostomy, jejunojejunostomy and end-to-end anastomosis of the colon. The patient had good post-operative evolution and was discharged from hospital seven days after surgery. GCF should be suspected in patients presenting weight loss, diarrhea and fecal vomiting, mainly with history of peptic ulcer surgery, gastric or colonic malignancy and use of steroidal and nonsteroidal antiinflamatory drugs. Barium enema is the choice test for diagnosis, however, the benign or malignant nature of the lesion should always be evaluated through high digestive endoscopy. Clinical treatment with oral H2-antagonists and discontinuing ulcerogenic medications might be indicated in some cases; surgical treatment is indicated in cases of malignant disease and might be indicated in cases of peptic disease as it treats GCF and also the baseline disease. Some advise upwards colostomy at first. The most used technique is bloc resection, including the fistulous tract, hemigastrectomy and partial colectomy. Gastrectomy, fistulous tract excision and colon suturing may be performed in some cases. The mortality rate is related to metabolic disorders and the recurrence with the use of antiinflammatory drugs.


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Oesophageal choristomas are a very uncommon cause of congenital oesophageal stenosis. A high index of suspection is necessary for differential diagnosis with commoner causes of oesophageal suboclusion in childhood, mainly acquired oesophageal obstruction caused by gastroesophageal reflux. We present a case report and review the clinical, endoscopic and radiologic features of the disease and consider the need for padronization of surgical techniques to treat this condition, which is still controversial.


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We report a rare cause of pyloric stenosis caused by migration of surgical clips into a duodenal ulcer following laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Even after endoscopic removal of the clips the inflammatory reaction during the healing process caused a stenosis of the pylorus that eventually required a truncal vagotomy and gastroenterostomy.


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Endovascular techniques have been used to treat arterial stenosis throughout the vascular system. The goal of this work is to report one case of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with primary stenting of the ostial segment of the superior mesenteric artery for treatment of chronic mesenteric ischemia.


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We report the use of Porcine Intestinal Submucosa (PIS) in association with Johanson technique for urethroplasty, in the treatment of recurring urethral stenosis. The patient had obliterans xerotica balanitis and had previously undergone 15 internal uretotomies as well as various unsuccessful urethral dilations. As a result of stenotic extension, another surgery was planned using Johanson technique. During the first part of the surgery, intense local fibrosis was observed, which required greater care and protection to avoid fistulae formation. PIS was interposed to reduce the chances of the occurrence of this dreaded complication. During the second part of the surgery, a skin flap obtained from tissue parallel to the urethral plateau was used to prepare a neourethra according to the norms of this technique. PIS was fixed at its extremities, and interposed between the neourethral suture and the skin suture to prevent any contact between them. The procedure was completed with the use of meatoplasty and glandulaplasty. After 6-month follow up, clinical and urodynamic improvement could be seen. If these results can be confirmed by more extensive studies, PIS will provide new perspectives for complex urethroplasties.


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Crohn's disease is often complicated by the development of fistulas. Infliximab, a monoclonal antibody that binds tumor necrosis factor a have shown to be successful in the treatment of fistulizing Crohn's disease. It's possible complications and side effects have not been completely elucidated. Our objective is to report a case of a patient who developed intestinal obstruction after treatment of fistulizing Crohn's disease with infliximab. A 50 years-old female with Crohn's disease presented with spontaneous enterocutaneous fistula. She was successfully treated with the infusion of 5mg/kg infliximab at weeks 0, 2, and 6, with complete closure of the fistula after the first infusion. Eight weeks after treatment she developed small bowel obstruction secondary to stenosis of the ileum. She was subjected to exploratory laparotomy and resection of the stenotic ileum. The patient had good recovery, with no complications, and was discharged on the 5th postoperative day. Although a faster and complete healing of enterocutaneous fistula was induced by infliximab, this treatment may have caused intestinal obstruction in this case.


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We present a case of primary malignant pylorus neoplasia, emphasizing its rarity, the difficulty of diagnosis and the importance of an adequate prepare before the endoscopic procedure. Literature shows that tumors compromising the first, third and fourth segments of duodenum are rare, especially those of the pyloric area, representing only 0.35% of all malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Adenocarcinoma is the most common histological type, representing 50% of all malignant neoplasias at this site. The most common symptoms are weight loss, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, abdominal mass, sudden changes in intestinal habits and iron deficiency anemia secondary to chronic intestinal hemorrhage. Survival after five years is only 18%. We report a case of a seventy-one year-old male referring early satiety, epigastric pain, retrosternal burning and dyspepsia, with unspecific results in complementary exams, since complete gastric emptying was not achieved. As symptoms worsened, the patient was submitted to laparotomy, with identification of gastric dilation and severe pyloric stenosis, macroscopically suggesting malignancy. The chosen procedure was a subtotal gastrectomy. Adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy were not used. The patient is been followed-up without tumor recurrence so far.


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Objective: To study the stenosis of the carotid arteries in patients with symptomatic peripheral arterial disease.Methods: we assessed 100 consecutive patients with symptomatic peripheral arterial disease in stages of intermittent claudication, rest pain or ulceration. Carotid stenosis was studied by echo-color-doppler, and considered significant when greater than or equal to 50%. We used univariate analysis to select potential predictors of carotid stenosis, later taken to multivariate analysis.Results: The prevalence of carotid stenosis was 84%, being significant in 40% and severe in 17%. The age range was 43-89 years (mean 69.78). Regarding gender, 61% were male and 39% female. Half of the patients had claudication and half had critical ischemia. Regarding risk factors, 86% of patients had hypertension, 66% exposure to smoke, 47% diabetes, 65% dyslipidemia, 24% coronary artery disease, 16% renal failure and 60% had family history of cardiovascular disease. In seven patients, there was a history of ischemic cerebrovascular symptoms in the carotid territory. The presence of cerebrovascular symptoms was statistically significant in influencing the degree of stenosis in the carotid arteries (p = 0.02 at overall assessment and p = 0.05 in the subgroups of significant and non-significant stenoses).Conclusion: the study of the carotid arteries by duplex scan examination is of paramount importance in the evaluation of patients with symptomatic peripheral arterial disease, and should be systematically conducted in the study of such patients.


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The use of bovine pericardium as a urethral patch to substitute a ventral segment of canine urethras was studied. Healing, epithelial growth, urethral permeability, fistulas, and calcification were analyzed. Thirty male mongrel dogs of medium and large size underwent resection of a ventral segment of the medial urethra measuring 2.0 x 0.5 cm, which was replaced with a bovine pericardium graft, treated with buffered glutaraldehyde and preserved in formaldehyde. Two running sutures of polygalactin 5-0 were applied, one on each side of the patch. The corpus spongiosum was closed with uninterrupted suture and the skin with interrupted suture of polygalactin 5-0. Six months later, the animals were examined and sacrificed under anesthesia. Retrograde urethrograms showed that the urethral healing was complete in six of the 30 animals, without stenosis, fistulas or dilations. Microscopic examination showed complete epithelization of these six urethras. The remaining 24 animals presented urethrocutaneous fistulas without stenosis, demonstrated by urethral catheterism using a 10-Fr plastic catheter. These data show that a successful urethral reconstruction of the penile urethra was possible in only 20% of the operated animals. Infection and leakage may be the cause of the urethrocutaneous fistulas present in 80% of cases. Further studies are necessary to determine whether such fistulas are avoidable. If they are, the bovine pericardium may well be an option in the treatment of urethral lesions in dogs.


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We examined the association of three established single nucleotide polymorphisms, IVS1-397T>C, IVS1-351A>G, and +261G>C, in the ESR1 gene with the prevalence and severity of coronary atherosclerosis in a southern Brazilian population of European ancestry. Three hundred and forty-one subjects (127 women and 214 men) with coronary artery disease (CAD) were classified as having significant disease (CAD+ patient group) when they showed 60% or more luminal stenosis in at least one coronary artery or major branch segment at angiography; patients with 10% or less luminal stenosis were considered to have minimal CAD (CAD- patient group). The control sample consisted of 142 subjects (79 women and 63 men) without significant disease, in whom coronary angiography to rule out the presence of asymptomatic CAD was not performed. The polymorphisms were investigated by polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction analyses. In the male sample, the +261G>C*C allele was more frequent in CAD+ than CAD- subjects (8 versus 1%, P = 0.024). Homozygosity for the C allele of the IVS1-397T>C polymorphism was also significantly associated with increased CAD severity (OR: 2.99; 95% CI = 1.35-6.63; P = 0.007). In agreement with previous findings, these results suggest that the IVS1-397T>C*C allele was associated with CAD severity independent of gender, whereas the association of the +261G>C variant with CAD was observed in males only. The relation between ESR1 variation and CAD may influence clinical decisions such as the use of hormone therapy, and additionally will be helpful to identify the genetic susceptibility determinants of cardiovascular disease development.


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The 894G>T polymorphism of the endothelial constitutive nitric oxide synthase gene consists of the substitution of a guanine base by a thymine at the 894th nucleotide of the gene. An association of this polymorphism with acute coronary syndromes has been described, only when in combination with other polymorphisms of this gene. The aim of the present study was to search for an association between this polymorphism and unstable angina in a southern Brazilian population. In a case-control study, 156 patients (group 1 (N = 83): unstable angina, group 2 (N = 73): stable angina) were genotyped by PCR and digestion of the product. Univariate analysis demonstrated that the minimal luminal diameter and the degree of stenosis of the culprit lesion differed between groups (P = 0.006 and 0.005, respectively). In addition, the frequencies of the T allele and of the T allele carriers (combined TT and TG genotypes) were significantly higher in the group with unstable angina (41.6 vs 28.8%; P = 0.025, Pearson chi-square test, and 73.5 vs 45.2%; P = 0.001, Pearson chi-square test, respectively). Multivariate logistic regression showed that the frequency of the T allele carriers was the only variable with a predictive value for unstable angina, when controlled for the other variables (6.1 (95% CI = 2.55-14.43); P < 0.001). Thus, in a homogenous group of patients, the endothelial constitutive nitric oxide synthase 894G>T polymorphism was associated with unstable angina. We suggest that this polymorphism may be a genetic risk factor for unstable angina.