131 resultados para resection


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Papyllary cystic tumor of the pancreas, so-called Frantz's tumor, is rare. Clinical presentation of this disease is usually a slowly growing abdominal mass with or without abdominal pain, affecting predominantly young females. Its pathogenesis is still unknown . Surgical resection is usually curative, and prognosis is excellent. The authors report two pancreatic tumor cases(Frantz's tumor) in women aged 26 and 31 years old. Pre operative assessment showed a solid-cystic tumor of the tail and body of the pancreas. An extended distal pancreatectomy was performed without splenic preservation.


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Insulinomas are rare endocrine tumors with an estimated incidence of 1(one) per million. Optimal therapy for all islet tumors of the pancreas is curative surgical resection. However, previous reports have show that, in the absence of preoparative localization, insulinoma may not be found intraoperatively in about 20% of patients. With current imaging technology, including serial computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonography, localization of insulinomas less than 2cm remains inadequate. This case report shows that selective intraarterial calcium injection with hepatic venous sampling for insulin levels measured is a efficient technique for the localization of insulinomas.


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The authors report two cases of patients with appendix adenocarcinoma, manifested as a syndrome of abdominal tumor of unknown origin. It was not possible to perform etiological diagnosis in the preoperative period for any of them. Literature data show that large locoregional tumor is a manifestation of appendix adenocarcinoma, although acute appendicites is the most frequent clinical manifestation. Preoperative diagnosis is rare and usually performed during laparotomy or through histopathological examination of the specimen. In large tumors, total mass resection including hemicolectomy should be carried out whenever possible. Whenever diagnosis of appendix adenocarcinoma is performed by the histopathological examination of the acute appendicites specimen, re-intervention is indicated for a right hemicolectomy.


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We report a case of a ten year old boy with an inflammatory pseudotumor in the right upper lobe. Surgical excision was undertaken. Inflammatory pseudotumors of the lung often occur in children. We recommend complete resection for diagnosis and cure. This tumor can mimic malignant neoplastic lesions and can recur after surgical treatment.


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Mesenteric cyst is a rare abdominal disease, with a higher incidence among women and 1: 250.000 incidence among hospitalized adults and 1: 200.000 among hospitalized children. Thereby, we report a case of a 10 years old child, male, presenting a large mesenteric cyst, which occupied almost all the abdominal and pelvic cavities and treated by resection during laparotomy.


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Primary adenocarcinoma of the duodenum is an extremely rare disease, and represents only 0.35% of all gastrointestinal malignancies. Early detection of the disease may be difficult because of the absence of pathognomonic symptoms. The authors relate one case of a adenocarcinoma of the duodenum in a 61-year-old white man with a history of abdominal pain for a six-month period, associated with postprandial fullness, vomiting and weight loss. Contrasted x-ray and computerized tomography showed a tumor in the fourth segment of the duodenum, with partial obstruction of the lumen. Histological study revealed a moderate differentiated adenocarcinoma. Treatment consisted of resection of the fourth portion of duodenum. The authors comment on the most important aspects of this pathology.


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Schwannoma is a rare benign tumor of the proximal tracheobronchial tree. The aim of the present study is to report a case of tracheal schwannoma causing airway obstruction. A 16-year-old woman complained of cough, wheezing and dyspneia. Bronchoscopy and computerized tomography showed a polypoide intratracheal mass obstructing approximately 80% of the lumen. The treatment consisted of tracheal resection and primary anastomosis. Histological analysis revealed a tracheal schwannoma. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient remains well twelve months after surgery.


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An isolated hepatic caudate lobectomy was performed in a fifty-seven-year-old white woman presenting a colo-rectal metastasis to hepatic segment I. The resection was performed under total liver vascular exclusion due to the proximity to hepatic veins. The patient presented an uneventful hospitalization being discharged on day seven.


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In some cases of esophageal reconstruction, it is not possible to use the gastric tube. In those cases, the second option is the reconstruction with a colonic segment. In the present paper, the authors present the use of microsurgical technique to improve vascular supply in esophageal reconstructions using the colon. Therefore, the transposed segment becomes perfused by two vascular pedicles: a proximal one and a distal one. The authors describe a case of 52 years-old patient, suffering of middle third esophagus carcinoma, who underwent a primarily esophageal resection with an unsuccessful reconstruction using gastric transposition. A new reconstruction was proposed using a bipedicle microcirurgical colonic tube, four months later. The post operative was uneventful with rehabilitation of swallowing and satisfactory recovery of nutritional state.


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A 33-year-old man presented to our department with a 4-month history of right quadrant abdominal pain. Physical examination was normal. A chest X-ray showed no remarkable findings. Ultrasonography demonstrated a hypoechoic mass measuring 6 cm in the head of the pancreas. Computed tomography confirmed a solid mass in the pancreas without Wirsung or bile duct dilatation. At laparotomy, excision a 6 cm egg-shaped and hypervascular mass in the head of the pancreas was performed. Histologically, the features were consistent with Castleman disease. Castleman's disease is a rare, usually benign lymphoid condition described by Castleman (1954) and characterized by giant lymph nodes. Surgical resection is diagnostic and curative.


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Splenic artery pseudoaneurysm larger than 10 cm is a rare condition. The risk of rupture is probably high and surgical treatment is necessary. The objective of this article is to report a case of a patient with giant pseudoaneurysm of the splenic artery submitted to surgical resection. A 26-year-old man complaining of gastrointestinal hemorrhage and abdominal pain The patient’s medical history revealed that one year before he had an abdominal blunt trauma. The angiography showed a giant pseudoaneurysm of the splenic artery with compression of the stomach. The patient was operated on by abdominal access and the spleen and pseudoaneurysm were resected. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged 13 days after surgery without problems.


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Crohn's disease is often complicated by the development of fistulas. Infliximab, a monoclonal antibody that binds tumor necrosis factor a have shown to be successful in the treatment of fistulizing Crohn's disease. It's possible complications and side effects have not been completely elucidated. Our objective is to report a case of a patient who developed intestinal obstruction after treatment of fistulizing Crohn's disease with infliximab. A 50 years-old female with Crohn's disease presented with spontaneous enterocutaneous fistula. She was successfully treated with the infusion of 5mg/kg infliximab at weeks 0, 2, and 6, with complete closure of the fistula after the first infusion. Eight weeks after treatment she developed small bowel obstruction secondary to stenosis of the ileum. She was subjected to exploratory laparotomy and resection of the stenotic ileum. The patient had good recovery, with no complications, and was discharged on the 5th postoperative day. Although a faster and complete healing of enterocutaneous fistula was induced by infliximab, this treatment may have caused intestinal obstruction in this case.


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Patients with metastatic breast cancer, whereas liver is the only site of dissemination, may benefit from hepatectomy. Literature suggests that surgical treatment of these metastases may offer a longer survival rate than systemic chemotherapy and/or isolated homonal therapy. We report two cases of hepatic resection for liver metastases from breast cancer, with survival of 11 and 16 months without recurrence. One patient had a single metastases and the other two. No post-operative complications were observed.


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We present a case of a 56-year-old woman with abdominal pain, normal laboratorial exams, normal carcinoembryonary antigen (CEA) and abdominal tomography exam with tumor formation in hepatic region. A tumor lesion was identified in a surgery in the medial segment of the inferior vena cava. A surgical resection was done, respecting the security limits, and reconstruction of the inferior vein with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft was performed. The histological examination showed differentiated leiomyossarcoma of the inferior vena cava. This report points to the necessity of differential diagnoses with leiomyossarcoma in the presence of abdominal mass, supra-mesocolic, and non-specific abdominal symptoms, since its pre-surgical diagnoses occurs in only 5% to 10% of the cases.


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The authors report a case of laryngeal chondroma , a rare benign larynx tumor in the cricoid and arytenoid cartilages. There are aproximately 250 cases previously described in literature. A male, 41 year-old patient, presented a severe and progressive dyspnea leading to tracheostomy. Direct microlaryngoscopy revealed arytenoid enlargement and subglottic stenosis and the endoscopical biopsy was inconclusive, since the tumor present a hard gnistency. We performed surgical excision by laringofissura and total resection of the tumor, with good result. The histopathological examination showed a chondroma with no malignance.