128 resultados para regional pattern


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Out of 2484 patients harboring S. mansoni seen in Rio de Janeiro, 1197 had been living permanently out of endemic area frorn one to 30 years, without any possibility of reinfection; 90.1% of these 1197 patients were first seen with, hepato-intestinal schistosomiasis and only 9.9% with hepatosplenic form. 55% of thern still had S. mansoni active infection 6 years or more after they had left the endemic area and 26.5% remained infected for more than 10 years. The patients with intestinal or hepato-intestinal schistosomiasis did not develop the most severe form whether they had been treated or not, and the hepatosplenic patients had a long time to deteriorate.


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Nine hundred and forty-eight serum samples from 83 children living in Belem, Brazil, collected'within their first three years of life, were testedfor the presence of group- specific rotavirus-antibody by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) blocking-test. Passively transferred maternal antibody lasted about two and half months; subsequentely, low levels of rotavirus antibody started to appear at seven months, reaching a peak at eleven months of age. From one year onwards positivity gradually increased, reaching highest values at 34 months of life. Individual responses were examined in sera from 61 children who were followed up since birth to three years of age: 38 (62,3%) ofthem developed a long-term immunity following first infection; eleven (18.0%) children developed a short-term immunity after first infection by rotavirus; seven (11.5%) had no antibody response within their first three years of life; and 5 (8.2%) showed positive antibody response from birth to three years old.


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Protein nutritionalstatus indicators were studied in weanling albino Swiss mice infected with S. mansoni andfed the Regional Basic Diet (RBD)from Northeast Brazil, a multideficient diet of low-protein content. Each mouse was infected percutaneously with 80 cercariae. The experiment lasted 63 days. The growth curve, food consumption, protein intake, weight gain, Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) and Net Protein Ratio (NPR) were the parameters investigated. RBD-fed mice showed a marked weight loss, a lower food and protein intake, a slower body weight gain and lower rates of food protein utilization when compared to casein-fed animals. Differences between infected and non-infected mice were not consistent. The present results suggest that the effects of RBD-induced malnutrition on health and nutritional conditions of the mice are more severe than those of Manson's schistosomiasis, in the initial phase of the disease.


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Foi feita uma avaliação histopatológica de 702fragmentos de tecido hepático obtidos pela antiga SUCAM no sul do Estado da Bahia no período que vai de 1981 a 1991. Apenas em 17,7% dos casos ofígadofoi considerado h is to logicamente normal. Mais de um terço dos casos exibia intensa esteatose, provavelmente causada por desnutrição grave afetando crianças nos primeiros anos de vida. Nos demais, as alterações indicativas de fbrose, tuberculose, esquistossomose e hepatites apareceram como processos importantes pela sua gravidade e frequência. Além disso, uma variada gama de processos patológicos hepáticos pôde também ser reconhecida. Sugere-se que o material de viscerotomia merece um exame histológico mais detalhado, pois desta maneirapoderáfomecer dados de valorpar a a identificação de processos patológicos que afetam populações vivendo em áreas remotas do nosso país.


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The authors report a case of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis, with longstanding evolution and presenting with diffuse infiltrated lesions rich in amastigotes in the absence of mucosal involvement. In situ characterization with monoclonal antibodies revealed Leishmania amazonensis. Large regional lesions have presented spontaneous healing without specific therapy. Considering that DCL presents with a defect in the cellular immune response, thisfact demonstrate that this patient may develop a regional cellular immune response enough to destroy the parasites and to produce clearing of some lesions.


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Com o objetivo de determinar a soroprevalência de tripanossomíase americana, sífilis, toxoplasmose, rubéola, hepatite B, hepatite C e infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana em gestantes atendidas no Hospital Universitário Regional Norte do Paraná, da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Paraná, foi realizado estudo retrospectivo dos resultados dos testes sorológicos efetuados no período de junho de 1996 a junho de 1998. As taxas de positividade encontradas foram: 0,9% para tripanossomíase americana, 1,6% para sífilis, 67% (IgG) e 1,8% (IgM) para toxoplasmose, 89% (IgG) e 1,2% (IgM) para rubéola, 0,8% para hepatite B (AgHBs), 0,8% para hepatite C e 0,6% para infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Observou-se associação entre o aumento da soroprevalência de tripanossomíase americana com a idade das gestantes (p = 0,006). Os resultados reafirmam a importância da realização destes testes sorológicos no atendimento pré-natal, com a finalidade de realizar o diagnóstico e, eventualmente, adotar medidas para prevenir a transmissão congênita ou perinatal dessas doenças.


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Esse estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a prevalência de infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi em doadores de sangue do Hemocentro regional de Iguatu, CE, 1996-1997, usando os testes Ensaio Imunoenzimático (ELISA ) e Hemaglutinação Passiva Reversa (HPR). Dos 3.232 doadores analisados 61 (1,9%) foram soropositivos para a infecção chagásica, onde o maior número de soropositividade foi encontrado no grupo de 41-50 anos, no entanto, o maior número de doadores que procuram o branco de sangue encontra-se na faixa etária de 18-30 anos. Do total de doadores analisados 2.991 (92,5%) foram do sexo masculino e destes 57 (1,9%) foram soropositivos. Com relação a procedência dos doadores observamos que 1.825 (56,5%) foram procedentes da área rural. Os resultados mostram que o ELISA detectou 49 doadores com a infecção e por HPR apenas 38, mostrando portanto que a utilização de dois ou mais testes em bancos de sangue poderá prevenir a transmissão da doença de Chagas associada à transfusão.


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Software for pattern recognition of the larvae of mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, biological vectors of dengue and yellow fever, has been developed. Rapid field identification of larva using a digital camera linked to a laptop computer equipped with this software may greatly help prevention campaigns.


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The aim of the present study was to outline the serological profile of hepatitis C among blood donors seen at the Uberaba Regional Blood Center, Hemominas Foundation, over the last 14 years. The frequency of hepatitis C was compared between first-time and repeat donors and the epidemiological characteristics of those with positive and indeterminate ELISA anti-HCV (third and fourth generation) were analyzed based on the donor histories kept in the archives of the Uberaba Regional Blood Center. The serological ineligibility rate was 0.3%, with higher prevalence in the group of first-time donors. We did not find any significant differences regarding age, skin color, marital status or place of residence between eligible and ineligible donors; however, the frequency of positive serology was higher among men. The lower (0.3%) rate of ineligibility due to hepatitis C that was observed at the Uberaba Regional Blood Center, in relation to most Brazilian blood centers, is probably due to the large number of repeat donors (83.3%). This reinforces the importance of achieving donor commitment for increasing transfusion safety.


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In an endemic area of North-East Brazil (the town of Picos, State of Piauí), a nongovernmental organization (NGO) supported the activity against leprosy in connection with governmental health organizations and local agents. The indicators of leprosy elimination were compared over time (within Picos) and across space (Picos versus Piauí). The case detection rate, above 8 per 10,000 people in the last two years of observation, increased over time in Picos (p=0.010). This finding could be due to active detection activities rather than expanding endemicity, as suggested by the reduction in leprosy in children (p=0.053) and the decrease in the proportion of new cases with grade 2 disability (p<0.001). These indicators showed a more favorable time trend in the city than in the State, suggesting that NGO activity was supportive in the battle towards leprosy control.


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INTRODUCÃO: Estudo retrospectivo com o objetivo de avaliar a prevalência e fatores associados à soropositividade para o HTLV-1/2, no período de 1995 a 2008, no Hemocentro Regional de Uberaba e descrever os doadores soropositivos quanto ao gênero, idade, estado civil, cor de pele e procedência. MÉTODOS: Foram realizados análise estatística descritiva, testes qui-quadrado e odds ratio para comparação de proporções e gráfico de dispersão com coeficiente de correlação linear. RESULTADOS: Dentre x doadores testados, foi encontrada a prevalência de sorologia positiva para o HTLV de 0,02% e indeterminada de 0,09%. Houve uma redução significativa da sorologia positiva para HTLV, no período de 2002 a 2008, em comparação ao período de 1995 a 2001. Dentre os soropositivos, observou predomínio significante no gênero feminino. CONCLUSÕES: Imputamos a queda gradativa de soropositividade no período à exclusão permanente dos doadores de repetição soropositivos e ao aprimoramento dos métodos de triagem clínica e dos testes sorológicos ao longo dos anos com reflexos positivos na segurança transfusional.


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INTRODUCTION: Hepatitis B is common in Brazil, although there are regional differences regarding the degree of endemicity, the most frequent forms of transmission and the presence of different evolutive stages of chronic disease. The present study aimed to determine the clinical, demographic and epidemiological characteristics of patients chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) residing in the Ribeirão Preto region, southeastern Brazil. METHODS: A total of 529 medical records of individuals with HBV monoinfection were reviewed. RESULTS: More than 60% of the subjects were males, with a mean age of 38 years-old. The HBeAg-negative serological pattern was verified in 84.4% of the patients, among whom the risk of vertical/intrafamily transmission was 43.2% (p = 0.02). The consumption of alcohol in amounts exceeding 20g a day was observed in 21.3% of the subjects and was more frequent among men (33%) (p < 0.001). Among patients with cirrhosis, 54.1% were alcohol abusers (p = 0.04), all of them males. The presence of cirrhosis was more frequent in the HBeAg-positive group (24.4%) than in the HBeAg-negative group (10.2%) (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: High proportions of HBV-infected subjects with an HBeAg-negative pattern were observed, with a higher risk of vertical/intrafamily transmission. Alcohol abuse was associated with male subjects and with cirrhosis of the liver in this group. A tendency toward an increase in the number of HBeAg-negative cases was observed over time.