92 resultados para pulp mill
Objetivou-se estudar o comportamento fisiológico de frutos de tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill.), da cv. Kadá, transformados geneticamente, via Agrobacterium tumefaciens, com o clone de DNA pMEL1, em orientação antisenso, e de frutos desta mesma cultivar, não transformados. O estudo fisiológico foi realizado avaliando-se a duração do ciclo de maturação dos frutos, amadurecidos na planta e após a colheita no estádio verde-maduro, e sua produção de etileno. Os frutos transformados amadurecidos na planta tiveram um ciclo total médio de 27 dias, enquanto os amadurecidos após a colheita, tiveram este intervalo prolongado a 50 dias. Ao contrário, os tomates não transformados apresentaram um ciclo de maturação mais acelerado quando colhidos no estádio verde-maduro, em relação aos frutos amadurecidos nas plantas. Os valores foram, em média, de 20 e 30 dias, respectivamente. Estes resultados estão correlacionados com as variações na produção de etileno observada nos dois genótipos. Frutos não transformados produziram, em média, 10,46 nL de etileno.g-1.h-1, enquanto os transgênicos tiveram sua produção de etileno diminuída para 0,13 nL.g-1.h-1. Pode-se concluir, então, que a redução da produção de etileno, verificada nos tomates transformados, é necessária, mas não é suficiente para prolongar o ciclo de maturação e aumentar a durabilidade dos frutos. Para que isto ocorra, é necessário que se proceda à colheita dos tomates no estádio verde-maduro.
The freezing times of fruit pulp models packed and conditioned in multi-layered boxes were evaluated under conditions similar to those employed commercially. Estimating the freezing time is a difficult practice due to the presence of significant voids in the boxes, whose influence may be analyzed by means of various methods. In this study, a procedure for estimating freezing time by using the models described in the literature was compared with experimental measurements by collecting time/temperature data. The following results show that the airflow through packages is a significant parameter for freezing time estimation. When the presence of preferential channels was considered, the predicted freezing time in the models could be 10% lower than the experimental values, depending on the method. The isotherms traced as a function of the location of the samples inside the boxes showed the displacement of the thermal center in relation to the geometric center of the product.
Efeito do abacate (Persea americana Mill) variedade hass na lipidemia de ratos hipercolesterolêmicos
Os fitonutrientes podem ser encontrados em muitas frutas, sendo o abacate o mais rico em beta-sitosterol (fitoesterol) e glutationa. O fitoesterol é uma substância de origem vegetal cuja estrutura é muito similar a do colesterol e seu mecanismo de ação envolve a inibição intestinal de absorção do colesterol e diminuição da síntese de colesterol hepático. O efeito é exercido sobre os valores de colesterol plasmático total e LDL, sem afetar os níveis de HDL e triglicérides sanguíneos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a influência do consumo de farinha de abacate variedade Hass nos níveis séricos de colesterol total, HDL, LDL, triglicérides, colesterol hepático e excretado. Estes parâmetros foram investigados em ratos Wistar hipercolesterolêmicos durante 30 e 60 dias de experimento. Ao final de 30 dias, a dieta com 15% de abacate mostrou ser mais efetiva para reduzir os níveis de colesterol total e LDL e aumentar o HDL em comparação ao controle. Foi observado que para o teor de colesterol excretado a melhor dieta foi a de 25% de abacate, pois quanto maior a concentração de abacate, maior a excreção de colesterol. A dieta com 15% e 25% de abacate, foram as que mais influenciaram nos níveis de colesterol hepático.
Hábitos de vida saudáveis e uma dieta balanceada aliados ao alto consumo de frutas e vegetais estão associados à redução do risco de doenças e à manutenção da saúde. O óleo de abacate possui em sua composição substâncias bioativas capazes de prevenir e controlar as dislipidemias. Como existem poucas pesquisas científicas avaliando o potencial deste óleo para o consumo humano, o presente trabalho estudou os processos de extração e refino do óleo de abacate. Para tanto, procedeu-se à separação da polpa das outras partes da fruta. A polpa fresca foi seca em estufa, e posteriormente moída para a obtenção de um farelo. O óleo obtido do farelo foi extraído e caracterizado. Os resultados mostraram que os processos de extração e refino do óleo a partir da variedade Margarida são tecnicamente viáveis, o que o torna excelente matéria-prima para a indústria alimentícia. Além disso, possui um perfil de ácidos graxos e esteróis muito semelhante ao perfil do azeite de oliva, podendo desta forma, substituir o óleo de soja e ser utilizado juntamente com o azeite de oliva nos óleos mistos, oferecendo ao consumidor brasileiro um produto de qualidade superior e com menor custo.
A complet factorial experimental design was applied to determinate the influence of the variable inlet air temperature, feed flow rate, and atomizer speed on the physical properties of the tomato pulp powder. Results showed that these variables had a significant positive effect on the moisture content, apparent density, and particle size and no significant effects on the porosity and true density. The best spray drying conditions to produce lower moisture content and higher apparent density tomato powder were inlet air temperature of 200 °C, feed flow rate of 276 g/min, and atomizer speed of 30000 rpm.
The sorption behavior of dry products is generally affected by the drying method. The sorption isotherms are useful to determine and compare thermodynamic properties of passion fruit pulp powder processed by different drying methods. The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of different drying methods on the sorption properties of passion fruit pulp powder. Passion fruit pulp powder was dehydrated using different dryers: vacuum, spray dryer, vibro-fluidized, and freeze dryer. The moisture equilibrium data of Passion Fruit Pulp (PFP) powders with 55% of maltodextrin (MD) were determined at 20, 30, 40 and 50 ºC. The behavior of the curves was type III, according to Brunauer's classification, and the GAB model was fitted to the experimental equilibrium data. The equilibrium moisture contents of the samples were little affected by temperature variation. The spray dryer provides a dry product with higher adsorption capacity than that of the other methods. The vibro-fluidized bed drying showed higher adsorption capacity than that of vacuum and freeze drying. The vacuum and freeze drying presented the same adsorption capacity. The isosteric heats of sorption were found to decrease with increasing moisture content. Considering the effect of drying methods, the highest isosteric heat of sorption was observed for powders produced by spray drying, whereas powders obtained by vacuum and freeze drying showed the lowest isosteric heats of sorption.
In the present work, a hydroethanolic extract was prepared from the entire seeds of pomegranate [Punica granatum L. (Punicaceae)] with Cachaça, a distilled Brazilian alcoholic beverage, protected from light for an 80-hour period. The desorption curve of the seeds, presented an optimal time extraction of approximately 24 hours. The extract was divided into two samples: protected from light, (Extract 1), or not, (Extract 2). The extracts were characterized by UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy, quantification of total phenolics by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, and the antioxidant activity was determined by the DPPH quenching method. Extract 2 presented 9.8% less total polyphenols than Extract 1. The pomegranate seeds extract lost 79% of its antioxidant activity during light exposure. Extract 1 up to 3% (w/v) showed neither cyto nor phototoxicity in the Hela cells. In conclusion, Punica granatum L. seeds contain a significant total polyphenol and TEAC amount and they can be used in simple extractive process, by direct contact with Cachaça in up to 80 hours in the darkness, which gives it good coloration, taste, and smell. This extract showed neither cytotoxicity nor post-irradiation phototoxicity with solar simulator even though the extract proved photoinstable.
This study evaluated the effect of mixtures of alginate, low methoxy pectin and gelatin on characteristics of P. cincinnata fruit gels, containing pulp with high soluble solids content (50 °Brix). The results of a central composite design showed that the models obtained, except for water activity and pH, were predictive. Gelatin was an important factor affecting firmness and colour parameters since higher concentrations of this hydrocolloid, combined with alginate concentrations greater than 1.3% and pectin quantity up to 1.26%, could be used to obtain clear yellow products with firmness greater that 1.2 kg.
Cajá-manga (Spondias cytherea) is a fruit with intense aroma and a sweet sour taste, thus being very appreciated. Its peel, in spite of being more fibrous, is tender and many times consumed with the pulp. The peel is a part of foods normally discarded, but many times, it is rich in taste and fibers, representing an option at the elaboration of new foods. Since there are no reports in the literature on the use of cajá-manga peel for jelly making, this work had the purpose of developing and evaluating this product. Based on the results, it was noted that the peels presented higher contents of protein, lipids, ashes, food fiber, total carbohydrates and pectin, and lower content of moisture, when compared to the pulp. The peel and the pulp (control) jellies presented the following physical-chemical characteristics: moisture, 29.5 and 34.2%; proteins, 0.19 and 0.27%; lipids, 0.11 and 0.16%; total sugars, 56.5 and 65.5%; and total soluble solids, 69 and 66 ºBrix, respectively. The sensory analysis indicated that the product elaborated from the peel presented satisfactory acceptance for all the assessed attributes: appearance, color, odor, texture, taste and global evaluation. It is concluded that the total substitution of the pulp by the peel in the formulation, results in a product with good nutritional value with no sensory damages.
The volatile compositions from organic and conventional passion fruit pulps produced in Brazil were investigated. The pulps were also physicochemically characterized. The volatile compounds from the headspace of the passion fruit pulp were stripped to a Porapak Q trap for 2 hours; they were eluted with 300 µL of dichloromethane, separated by gas chromatography/flame ionisation detection and identified through gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Both pulps conformed to the requirements of the Brazilian legislation, indicating they were suitable to be industrialized and consumed. A total of 77 compounds were detected in the headspace of the passion fruit pulps - 60 of which were identified, comprising 91% of the total chromatogram area. The major compounds were the following: ethyl butanoate, 52% and 57% of the total relative area of the chromatogram for the organic and conventional passion fruit pulps, respectively; ethyl hexanoate, 22% and 9%, respectively; and hexyl butanoate, 2% and 5%, respectively. The aroma of the organic passion fruit pulp is mainly related to the following volatile compounds: ethyl hexanoate, methyl hexanoate, β-myrcene and D-limonene. The conventional passion fruit pulp presented methyl butanoate, butyl acetate, hexanal, 1-butanol, butyl butanoate, trans-3-hexenyl acetate, cis-3-hexen-1-ol, butyl hexanoate, hexyl butanoate, 3-hexenyl butanoate and 3-hexenyl hexanoate as the main volatile compounds for aroma.
Buriti and patawa are two endemic palm trees from the Amazon region. Their pulps are traditionally consumed by the local population, but are underused and lesser known worldwide. Nutritional composition, fatty acid and tocopherol contents of the two palm pulps were determined by modern analytical methods: Gas Chromatography (CG) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), based on the standards of AOCS (AMERICAN..., 2002) and AOAC (ASSOCIATION..., 1997), respectively. Buriti and patawa fruit pulps are highly nutritive, with respectively, high fat content (38.4% and 29.1% of dry matter (DM)), protein content (7.6% and 7.4% of DM) and dietary fibers (46% and 44.7% of DM). Buriti pulp can be considered healthy food due its high content of vitamin E (1169 µg.g-1 DM). Patawa pulp is highly oleaginous and its fatty acid composition is very similar to the ones of healthy oils, such as olive oil.
Cajá-manga, also known as golden apple and hog-plum, is an exotic fruit native from Îles de la Société (French Polynesia), which was first introduced in Brazil in 1985. The pulp of ripe fruit was treated with the commercial enzymatic pool and its effect was evaluated in terms of yield, as well as the physical properties viscosity, turbidity and color (L* values). Response surface methodology was used and three levels were adopted for the independent variables temperature (30, 40, and 50 ºC), incubation time (30, 60 and 90 minutes) and enzyme concentration (0.01, 0.05, 0.09 v/v%). A central composite statistical design was used to guide the experimental work. The enzyme treatment highly increased both juice yield (up to 56%) and color (up to 8.6%) and strongly decreased viscosity (up to 57.4%), clarity (up to 77%) and turbidity (up to 85.5%). Incubation time was the most interacting facto, whereas temperature was the least one. Optimization analysis was carried out to reduce enzyme concentration to a minimum by superposing the contour plots of the tested properties, and the recommended ranges of the variables enzyme concentration, process temperature and incubation time were, respectively, 0.042-0.068%, 47.0-49.0 ºC and 82-90 minutes.
Caryocar brasiliense (popular name pequi) is widely consumed by the population of Brazilian Savannah. This fruit has a high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids that can influence positively the lipid profile. In addition, pequi also has an important concentration of saturated fatty acids which, in turn, is associated with atherosclerosis risk. This study aimed to investigate the effect of a pequi-supplemented diet on blood lipid and glucose levels and hepatic histology. Female Albino swiss mice were divided into three groups and fed a standard chow diet (control group), chow diet supplemented with 33% pequi nut (nut group), and chow diet supplemented with 33% pequi pulp (pulp group). After 6 weeks, following an overnight fast, blood and liver were collected for posterior analyses. Serum total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol were significantly higher in mice fed pequi-rich diets compared to the control group. Nevertheless, there was no modification in blood triglycerides, atherogenic fraction, and glucose levels. In addition, there was development of liver microvesicular steatosis related to pequi intake. In conclusion, the diets supplemented with pequi nut or pulp reduced the atherogenic risk by increasing the anti-atherogenic lipoproteins without changing the pro-atherogenic fraction in mice.
Umbu pulp is an important product in the economy of the northeastern region of Brazil, and its preservation can be ensured by heat treatment. A complete factorial design with 2 factors (time and temperature) and 3 central points was used to verify the effect of the HTST process on the physicochemical, chemical, physical, microbiological, and sensory qualities of umbu pulps. The results showed that the heat treatments applied resulted in products without significant alterations on the physicochemical, chemical, and microbiological characteristics. With respect to color, the parameters L and a* were altered by increases in temperature indicating by darkening of color. The sensory evaluation indicated that a treatment of 88 °C for 10 seconds was the best processing condition due to the greater similarity of the resulting product to the reference sample (blanched pulp).
Fruits and nuts from the North and Northeast regions of Brazil were collected to determine the fatty acid profile of their oils. The species studied were Brazil (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.), Mucajá (Couma rigida M.), Inajá (Maximiliana maripa D.), Jenipapo (Genipa Americana L.), and Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) nuts. Fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID). Brazil nut major fatty acid was 18:3n-3 (α-linolenic acid), and Buriti nut had approximately 23 times more 18:3n-3 than the pulp. Mucajá nut presented high content of 12:0 (lauric acid) and 16:0 (palmitic acid), and Mucajá pulp showed significant levels of 18:2n-6 (linoleic acid). Considering the PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acid) sum values, almost all fruits and nuts analyzed presented very high levels of these compounds. Regarding n-6/n-3 ratio, only Brazil Nut, Buriti Nut, Inajá pulp, and Jenipapo pulp corresponded to the desired profile. These Brazilian fruits and nuts could be of potential interest due to their high nutritive value and lipid content.