96 resultados para phosphorus use efficiency


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NBPT (N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide), a urease inhibitor, has been reported as one of the most promising compounds to maximize urea nitrogen use in agricultural systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of irrigated wheat fertilized with urea or urea + NBPT as single or split application. The experiment was conducted from June to October 2006 in Viçosa, MG, Brazil. The experimental design followed a 2×2 factorial scheme, in which urea or urea + NBPT were combined with two modes of application: full dose at sowing (60kg ha-1) or split (20kg ha-1 at sowing + 40kg ha-1 as topdressing at tillering), in randomized blocks with ten replications. The split application of nitrogen fertilization does not improve the yield wheat under used conditions. The use of urease inhibitor improves the grain yield of wheat crop when urea is applied in topdressing at tillering, but its use does not promote difference when urea is applied in the furrow at planting.


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The efficiency of four Leptospira biflexa strains (Buenos Aires, Patoc 1, Rufino and São Paulo) as single antigen in the serodiagnosis in guinea-pigs experimentally infected with seven Leptospira interrogans serovars (canicola, grippotyphosa, hardjo, icterohaemorrhagiae, pomona, tarassovi and wolffi) was evaluated by the microscopic agglutination test. The four saprophytic strains were not able to reveal antibody titres in sera of guinea-pigs experimentally infected with Leptospira interrogans. Serological cross-reactions were observed between strains Patoc 1 and São Paulo and between serovars wolffi and hardjo.


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The use ofmonodose (800 mg) per os of Norfloxacin was evaluated in 32 patients with cholera at Salvador Mazza's Hospital, Salta, Argentina. It was considered the celerity in negativization of stool culture (100% of cases: 12 hours post administration), its efficiency along time (24/24 controlled patients were negative at 10th day) and MIC of isolated strains (100% of strains were sensitive: range 0.008 to 0.016 mug/ml). It was included oral administration of sorbitol 70% in peanut oil in order to study patients at 10th day's control. This method could be an alternative one in the study of asymptomatic carrier. Norfloxacin monodose shows good performance in early negativization of stool culture and it was also effective along the whole observation period, suggesting it could prevent carriage.


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INTRODUCTION: Although urine is considered the gold-standard material for the detection of congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, it can be difficult to obtain in newborns. The aim of this study was to compare the efficiency of detection of congenital CMV infection in saliva and urine samples. METHODS: One thousand newborns were included in the study. Congenital cytomegalovirus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RESULTS: Saliva samples were obtained from all the newborns, whereas urine collection was successful in only 333 cases. There was no statistically significant difference between the use of saliva alone or saliva and urine collected simultaneously for the detection of CMV infection. CONCLUSIONS: Saliva samples can be used in large-scale neonatal screening for CMV infection.


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The effectiveness of ecological researches on small mammals strongly depends on trapping techniques to survey communities and populations accurately. The main goal of this study was to assess the efficiency of three types of traps (Sherman, Tomahawk and Pitfall) to capture non-volant small mammals. We installed traps in 22 forest fragments in the southern Brazilian Amazonia. We captured 873 individuals belonging to 21 species; most of the individuals (N = 369) and species (N = 19) were trapped using Pitfalls, followed by Shermans (N = 271 individuals; N = 15 species) and Tomahawks (N = 233 individuals; N = 15 species). Pitfalls trapped a richer community subset of small mammals than the two other types of traps, and a more abundant community subset than Tomahawks. Proechimys sp. was the most abundant species trapped (N = 125) and Tomahawk was the most efficient type of trap to capture this species (N = 97 individuals). Neacomys spinosus and Marmosops bishopi were more trapped in Pitfalls (N = 92 and 100 individuals, respectively) than Shermans and Tomahawks. Monodelphis glirina was more trapped in Shermans and Pitfalls than Tomahawks. Species composition trapped using the three types of traps were distinct. Pitfalls captured a more distinct subset of the small mammal community than the two other live traps. We recommend the association of the three types of traps to reach a more comprehensive sampling of the community of small mammals. Thus, as stated by previous studies, we also recommend the complementary use of Shermans, Tomahawks and Pitfalls to account for a thorough sampling of the whole small mammal community in researches conducted in the tropical forests of Amazonia.


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This study aimed to evaluate the water depth selection during foraging, the efficiency in prey capture, and the food items captured by Casmerodius albus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Egretta thula (Molina, 1782). The work was conducted at an urban lagoon, Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, Rio de Janeiro. Four transects were made each month (two in the morning and two in the afternoon) for six months. When the birds were detected foraging, the water depth and the types of prey captured were recorded. There was no significant relationship between the foraging efficiencies of the two species. However, they differed in relation to the water depth when foraging, and also in the food items captured. Casmerodius albus captured mainly fishes while Egretta thula captured mainly invertebrates. The results suggest that the differences in water depth when foraging and the food items captured allow a differential use of the food resources available by C. albus and E. thula at Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas.


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In order to evaluate the efficiency of different mammalian survey methods, we compared traditional sampling techniques (use of camera-traps on roads and artificial trails, track censuses, and direct field visualization) with an alternative sampling design (camera-traps positioned in natural areas such as natural trails and shelters). We conducted the study in a deciduous Atlantic-Forest park in southern Brazil, and additionally compared our results with a previous intensive study carried out in the same area. Our considerably smaller sampling effort (example: 336 trap.day for our camera-traps versus 2,154 trap.day for the earlier study) registered the presence of 85% of the local known species, with camera-traps being 68% efficient. Moreover, shelter camera-traps revealed a different species composition regarding most of other sampling methods. This sampling strategy involving natural forest sites was therefore able to effectively optimize the chances of evaluating species composition in a shorter period, especially with respect to lower-density and cryptic species, as well as to detect species that avoid open, disturbed sites such as roads and man-made forest trails.


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It was observed in the city of Salvador, State of Bahia, the highest seroprevalence of human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-I) infection in Brazil as demonstrated by national wide blood bank surveys. In this paper, we report results of an investigation of drug use and sexual behavior associated with HTLV-I infection among male and female injecting drug users (IDUs) in Salvador. A cross sectional study was conducted in the Historical District of Salvador from 1994-1996 (Projeto Brasil-Salvador) and 216 asymptomatic IDUs were selected using the snowball contact technique. Blood samples were collected for serological assays. Sera were screened for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1/2) and HTLV-I/II antibodies by ELISA and confirmed by Western blot. The overall prevalence of HTLV-I/II was 35.2% (76/216). The seroprevalence of HTLV-I, HTLV-II and HIV-1 was for males 22%, 11.3% and 44.1% and for females 46.2%, 10.3% and 74.4% respectively. HTLV-I was identified in 72.4% of HTLV positive IDUs. Variables which were significantly associated with HTLV-I infection among males included needle sharing practices, duration of injecting drug use, HIV-1 seropositivity and syphilis. Among women, duration of injecting drug use and syphilis were strongly associated with HTLV-I infection. Multivariate analysis did not change the direction of these associations. Sexual intercourse might play a more important role in HTLV-I infection among women than in men.


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Soil and fertilizer management during cultivation can affect crop productivity and profitability. Long-term experiments are therefore necessary to determine the dynamics of nutrient and root distribution as related to soil profile, as well as the effects on nutrient uptake and crop growth. An 18-year experiment was conducted at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul State (UFRGS), in Eldorado do Sul, Brazil, on Rhodic Paleudult soil. Black oat and vetch were planted in the winter and corn in the summer. The soil management methods were conventional, involving no-tillage and strip tillage techniques and broadcast, row-and strip-applied fertilizer placement (triple superphosphate). Available P (Mehlich-1) and root distribution were determined in soil monoliths during the corn grain filling period. Corn shoot dry matter production and P accumulation during the 2006/2007 growing season were determined and the efficiency of P utilization calculated. Regardless of the degree of soil mobilization, P and roots were accumulated in the fertilized zone with time, mainly in the surface layer (0-10 cm). Root distribution followed P distribution for all tillage systems and fertilizer treatments. Under no-tillage, independent of the fertilizer placement, the corn plants developed more roots than in the other tillage systems. Although soil tillage systems and fertilizer treatments affected P and root distribution throughout the soil profile, as well as P absorption and corn growth, the efficiency of P utilization was not affected.


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Low phosphorus supply markedly limits leaf growth and genotypes able to maintain adequate leaf area at low P could adapt better to limited-P conditions. This work aimed to investigate the relationship between leaf area production of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) genotypes during early pod filling and plant adaptation to limited P supply. Twenty-four genotypes, comprised of the four growth habits in the species and two weedy accessions, were grown at two P level applied to the soil (20 and 80 mg kg-1) in 4 kg pots and harvested at two growth stages (pod setting and early pod filling). High P level markedly increased the leaf number and leaf size (leaf area per leaf), slightly increased specific leaf area but did not affect the net assimilation rate. At low P level most genotypic variation for plant dry mass was associated with leaf size, whereas at high P level this variation was associated primarily with the number of leaves and secondarily with leaf size, specific leaf area playing a minor role at both P level. Determinate bush genotypes presented a smaller leaf area, fewer but larger leaves with higher specific leaf area and lower net assimilation rate. Climbing genotypes showed numerous leaves, smaller and thicker leaves with a higher net assimilation rate. Indeterminate bush and indeterminate prostrate genotypes presented the highest leaf area, achieved through intermediate leaf number, leaf size and specific leaf area. The latter groups were better adapted to limited P. It is concluded that improved growth at low P during early pod filling was associated with common bean genotypes able to maintain leaf expansion through leaves with greater individual leaf area.


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The use of sewage sludge in Brazilian agriculture was regulated by the resolution no. 375 Conama, in 2006. However, there is a lack of research to adequate the mineral N and P fertilizer doses to be applied in agricultural fields treated with this residue. In a field experiment, the effects of application rates of sewage sludge and mineral N and P fertilizers on the productivity and technical characteristics of the cane-plant and first ratoon (residual effect) crops were evaluated. Four doses of sewage sludge (0, 3.6, 7.2 and 10.8 t ha-1, dry base), of N (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1) and of P2O5 (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha-1) were combined in a factorial and laid out on randomized block design, a with two replications. To evaluate the residual effect of the sludge, 120 kg ha-1 N and 140 kg ha-1 of K2O were applied in all plots. Sludge application at cane planting, with or without N and/or P fertilizer increased the stalk yield from 84 up to 118 t ha-1, with no alteration in the sugarcane quality, compared with the application of NPK fertilizer alone, resulting in a stalk yield of 91 t ha-1. The study of the response surface for stalk yield on lowfertility soil was the basis for a recommendation of mineral N and P fertilizer doses for sugarcane implantation as related to sewage sludge application rates. It was also concluded that a sludge application of 10.8 t ha-1, which is the sludge dose established based on the N criterion according to the resolution Conama nº 375, could a) reduce the use of mineral N by 100 % and of P2O5 by 30 %, with increments of 22 % in stalk yield, as a direct effect of sludge application to cane plant crop, and b) increase the stalk yield in the second harvest (first ratoon) by up to 12 % and sugar yield by up to 11 %, by the residual effect of sludge application to sugar cane.


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Considerations on the interactions of P in the soil-plant system have a long history, but are still topical and not yet satisfactorily understood. One concern is the effect of liming before or after application of soluble sources on the crop yield and efficiency of available P under these conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of soil acidity on availability of P from a soluble source, based on plant growth and chemical extractants. Nine soil samples were incubated with a dose of 200 mg kg-1 P in soil with different levels of previously adjusted acidity (pH H2O 4.5; 5.0; 5.5; 6.0 and 6.5) and compared to soils without P application. After 40 days of soil incubation with a P source, each treatment was limed again so that all pH values were adjusted to 6.5 and then sorghum was planted. After the first and second liming the P levels were determined by the extractants Mehlich-1, Bray-1 and Resin, and the fractionated inorganic P forms. In general, the different acidity levels did not influence the P availability measured by plant growth and P uptake at the studied P dose. For some soils however these values increased or decreased according to the initial soil pH (from 4.5 to 6.5). Plant growth, P uptake and P extractable by Mehlich-1 and Bray-1 were significantly correlated, unlike resin-extractable P, at pH values raised to 6.5. These latter correlations were however significant before the second liming. The P contents extracted by Mehlich-1 and Bray-1 were significantly correlated with each other in the entire test range of soil acidity, even after adjusting pH to 6.5, besides depending on the soil buffering capacity for P. Resin was also sensitive to the properties that express the soil buffering capacity for P, but less clearly than Mehlich-1 and Bray-1. The application of triple superphosphate tended to increase the levels of P-Al, P-Fe and P-Ca and the highest P levels extracted by Bray-1 were due to a higher occurrence of P-Al and P-Fe in the soils.


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Although the determination of remaining phosphorus (Prem) is simple, accurate values could also be estimated with a pedotransfer function (PTF) aiming at the additional use of soil analysis data and/or Prem replacement by an even simpler determination. The purpose of this paper was to develop a pedotransfer function to estimate Prem values of soils of the State of São Paulo based on properties with easier or routine laboratory determination. A pedotransfer function was developed by artificial neural networks (ANN) from a database of Prem values, pH values measured in 1 mol L-1 NaF solution (pH NaF) and soil chemical and physical properties of samples collected during soil classification activities carried out in the State of São Paulo by the Agronomic Institute of Campinas (IAC). Furthermore, a pedotransfer function was developed by regressing Prem values against the same predictor variables of the ANN-based PTF. Results showed that Prem values can be calculated more accurately with the ANN-based pedotransfer function with the input variables pH NaF values along with the sum of exchangeable bases (SB) and the exchangeable aluminum (Al3+) soil content. In addition, the accuracy of the Prem estimates by ANN-based PTF were more sensitive to increases in the experimental database size. Although the database used in this study was not comprehensive enough for the establishment of a definitive pedotrasnfer function for Prem estimation, results indicated the inclusion of Prem and pH NaF measurements among the soil testing evaluations as promising ind order to provide a greater database for the development of an ANN-based pedotransfer function for accurate Prem estimates from pH NaF, SB, and Al3+ values.


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Mathematical models have great potential to support land use planning, with the goal of improving water and land quality. Before using a model, however, the model must demonstrate that it can correctly simulate the hydrological and erosive processes of a given site. The SWAT model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) was developed in the United States to evaluate the effects of conservation agriculture on hydrological processes and water quality at the watershed scale. This model was initially proposed for use without calibration, which would eliminate the need for measured hydro-sedimentologic data. In this study, the SWAT model was evaluated in a small rural watershed (1.19 km²) located on the basalt slopes of the state of Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil, where farmers have been using cover crops associated with minimum tillage to control soil erosion. Values simulated by the model were compared with measured hydro-sedimentological data. Results for surface and total runoff on a daily basis were considered unsatisfactory (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient - NSE < 0.5). However simulation results on monthly and annual scales were significantly better. With regard to the erosion process, the simulated sediment yields for all years of the study were unsatisfactory in comparison with the observed values on a daily and monthly basis (NSE values < -6), and overestimated the annual sediment yield by more than 100 %.


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The soil water available to crops is defined by specific values of water potential limits. Underlying the estimation of hydro-physical limits, identified as permanent wilting point (PWP) and field capacity (FC), is the selection of a suitable method based on a multi-criteria analysis that is not always clear and defined. In this kind of analysis, the time required for measurements must be taken into consideration as well as other external measurement factors, e.g., the reliability and suitability of the study area, measurement uncertainty, cost, effort and labour invested. In this paper, the efficiency of different methods for determining hydro-physical limits is evaluated by using indices that allow for the calculation of efficiency in terms of effort and cost. The analysis evaluates both direct determination methods (pressure plate - PP and water activity meter - WAM) and indirect estimation methods (pedotransfer functions - PTFs). The PTFs must be validated for the area of interest before use, but the time and cost associated with this validation are not included in the cost of analysis. Compared to the other methods, the combined use of PP and WAM to determine hydro-physical limits differs significantly in time and cost required and quality of information. For direct methods, increasing sample size significantly reduces cost and time. This paper assesses the effectiveness of combining a general analysis based on efficiency indices and more specific analyses based on the different influencing factors, which were considered separately so as not to mask potential benefits or drawbacks that are not evidenced in efficiency estimation.