73 resultados para partition in micellar phase
Friedelin molecular conformers were obtained by Density Functional Theory (DFT) and by ab initio structure determination from powder X-ray diffraction. Their conformers with the five rings in chair-chair-chair-boat-boat, and with all rings in chair, are energy degenerated in gas-phase according to DFT results. The powder diffraction data reveals that rings A, B and C of friedelin are in chair, and rings D and E in boat-boat, conformation. The high correlation values among powder diffraction data, DFT and reported single-crystal data indicate that the use of conventional X-ray diffractometer can be applied in routine laboratory analysis in the absence of a single-crystal diffractometer.
In this paper, we describe the synthesis of an ion imprinted polymer (IIP) by homogeneous polymerization and its use in solid-phase to extract and preconcentrate zinc ions. Under optimal conditions (pH 5.0, preconcentration flow rate of 12.0 mL min-1, and eluted with 1.0 mol L-1 HNO3) this procedure allows the determination of zinc with an enrichment factor of 10.2, and with limits of detection and quantification of 1.5 and 5.0 µg L-1, respectively. The accuracy of our results was confirmed by analysis of tap water and certified reference materials: NIST 1570a (Spinach leaves) and NIST 1515 (Apple leaves).
Structural and electronic properties of titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin films, in anatase phase, were investigated using periodic 2D calculations at density functional theory (DFT) level with B3LYP hybrid functional. The Grimme dispersion correction (DFT/B3LYP-D*) was included to better reproduce structural features. The electronic properties were discussed based on the band gap energy, and proved dependent on surface termination. Surface energies ranged from 0.80 to 2.07 J/m², with the stability orders: (101) > (100) > (112) > (110) ~ (103) > (001) >> (111), and crystal shape by Wulff construction in accordance with experimental data.
C18 chemically bonded sorbents have been the main materials used in solid phase extraction (SPE). However, due their high hydrophobicity some hydrophobic solutes are strongly retained leading to the consumption of larger quantities of organic solvent for efficient recoveries. This work presents a sorbent with lower hydrophobicity but similar selectivity to the C18 sorbent, prepared by thermal immobilization of poly(dimethylsiloxane-co-alkylmethylsiloxane) (PDAS) on silica. PDAS has organic chains with methyl groups alternating with octadecyl or hexadecyl groups in its monomeric unities. For the Si(PDAS) sorbent presented, the polymeric layer was physically adsorbed on the silica surface with 12% carbon load. Although the coating of silica with the polymeric layer was incomplete, the PDAS provided better protection for the silica surface groups, promoting mostly hydrophobic interactions between analytes and the sorbent. Sorption isotherm studies revealed that the retention of hydrophobic solutes on Si(PDAS) was less intense than on conventional sorbents, confirming the lower hydrophobicity of the lab-made sorbent. Additional advantages of Si(PDAS) include simplicity and low cost of preparation, making this material a potential sorbent for the analysis of highly hydrophobic solutes.
The objective of this work was to establish an efficient protocol for in vitro multiplication and rooting, as well as ex vitroacclimatization of Aegiphila verticillata, a woody species found in Brazilian rocky fields. Aseptic cultures were established by seeds and two multiplication analyses were performed. In the first, we employed 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP – 0, 2.5, 5 and 7.5 μM) + α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA – 0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 μM) and, in the second, were studied adenine sulfate, kinetin and thidiazuron (0, 5, 7.5, 10 and 12.5 μM). After 90 days, we assessed the quantitative and qualitative shoot propagation. There were more than 90% seed germination and low contamination (2%). In multiplication phase, the culture medium that promoted the best quantitative and qualitative culture development was supplemented with 7.5 μM BAP + 0.4 μM NAA. In the rooting assay, were used NAA, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 or 0.4 μM). After 90 days, the root number and rooting quality were evaluated. In this analysis, differences were not found between the control and the other treatments. Rooted plantlets were acclimatized in styrofoam trays for 30 days, after which they were transferred to pots in the greenhouse. Only 3% of the plants subjected to initial acclimatization died and 70% of the plants transferred to the field conditions survived and showed normal development. The results founded in this work are the first involving in vitro propagation and ex vitroacclimatization of Aegiphila verticillata and provide a continuous supply of this medicinal native species, endangered due anthropogenic activities.
This paper sought to evaluate the behavior of an upflow Anaerobic-Aerobic Fixed Bed Reactor (AAFBR) in the treatment of cattle slaughterhouse effluent and determine apparent kinetic constants of the organic matter removal. The AAFBR was operated with no recirculation (Phase I) and with 50% of effluent recirculation (Phase II), with θ of 11h and 8h. In terms of pH, bicarbonate alkalinity and volatile acids, the results indicated the reactor ability to maintain favorable conditions for the biological processes involved in the organic matter removal in both operational phases. The average removal efficiencies of organic matter along the reactor height, expressed in terms of raw COD, were 49% and 68% in Phase I and 54% and 86% in Phase II for θ of 11h and 8h, respectively. The results of the filtered COD indicated removal efficiency of 52% and k = 0.0857h-1 to θ of 11h and 42% and k = 0.0880h-1 to θ of 8h in the Phase I. In Phase II, the removal efficiencies were 59% and 51% to θ of 11h and 8h, with k = 0.1238h-1 and k = 0.1075 h-1, respectively. The first order kinetic model showed good adjustment and described adequately the kinetics of organic matter removal for θ of 11h, with r² equal to 0.9734 and 0.9591 to the Phases I and II, respectively.
Studies are performed in developing techniques/procedures that provide greater reproductive performance in farm animals, including pigs. In this sense, the study of gilts reproductive organs at different oestrus cycle stages for assessing the presence of abnormalities and/or other parameters that may affect the future animal fertility is important. In order to evaluate the morphological, morphometric and histomorphometric features of ovaries, uterus and uterine tubes (UTs) characteristics of prepubertal gilts at different oestrus cycle stages, reproductive tracts from 48 animals immediately after slaughter were obtained. After, the structures were dissected and removed, and the ovaries were used for classification of oestrus cycle stage of each gilt in follicular phase (FP) and luteal phase (FL). Then, morphometric evaluations of ovaries, UTs, uterine horns and uterine body were performed. Besides that, medial segments of UTs and uterus were fixed in Bouin solution, processed and included in paraffin, when histological sections of 5.0 micrometers (µm) were obtained and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin. Histomorphometric analyzes using image capture system and specific software were performed. Afterwards, data were submitted to Student's t test for assessment the statistical differences (P<0.05) between the two different oestrus cycle stages (FP × LP) and between the placement of reproductive structures (right × left antimer). Among the gilts evaluated, 35 were in the FP and 13 in LP. There was no difference (P>0.05) between morphometric parameters of ovaries, UTs and uterus of gilts in FP and LP. Likewise, in respect to the placement of reproductive structures, both in the oestrus cycle stages, as in the general average, there was no difference (P>0.05). Regarding the histomorphometric variables, gilts classified in FP presented a higher (P<0.05) height of glandular and UT epithelium compared to animals in LP. On the other hand, the diameter of endometrial glands was higher (P<0.05) in gilts at LP compared to FP. Furthermore, gilts in LP presented a higher (P<0.05) proportion of endometrium occupied by glands, whereas animals in FP had a higher (P<0.05) proportion of connective tissue and blood vessels. In conclusion, in prepubertal gilts, the histomorphometric parameters as endometrial glands diameter, the height of glandular epithelium and of UT epithelium and the proportion of endometrium occupied by connective tissue, besides the glands and blood vessels varies through the oestrus cycle, possibly under the influence of ovarian steroids.
Chaotic dynamical systems exhibit trajectories in their phase space that converges to a strange attractor. The strangeness of the chaotic attractor is associated with its dimension in which instance it is described by a noninteger dimension. This contribution presents an overview of the main definitions of dimension discussing their evaluation from time series employing the correlation and the generalized dimension. The investigation is applied to the nonlinear pendulum where signals are generated by numerical integration of the mathematical model, selecting a single variable of the system as a time series. In order to simulate experimental data sets, a random noise is introduced in the time series. State space reconstruction and the determination of attractor dimensions are carried out regarding periodic and chaotic signals. Results obtained from time series analyses are compared with a reference value obtained from the analysis of mathematical model, estimating noise sensitivity. This procedure allows one to identify the best techniques to be applied in the analysis of experimental data.
Leaves of Struthanthus vulgaris Mart. (Loranthaceae) exhibit galls induced by a Hymenoptera. These galls pass through five developmental stages. In the first stage, a small brown swelling is observed on the surface of the leaf. Internally, the chlorenchyma cells around the eggs of the gall-makers are divided. In the second stage, the gall enlarges and its surface assumes a wavy appearance with a depressed region in its center. Within this depression, an incompletely divided gall chamber with embryos is observed. Neoformed parenchyma is present around the chamber and the secondary walls of fibers and sclereids are no longer observed. The vascular parenchyma shows hyperplasia. In the third stage, the gall grows larger and adopts an ellipsoidal shape. Fissures appear on the gall epidermis and the neoformed parenchyma is conspicuous, with a cortical and a medullar region. In the medullar region, each gall chamber, with one inducer in larval phase, is lined with 1-2 layers of nutritive tissue. The gall is larger still at the fourth stage of development and a periderm coats most of the gall. New vascular bundles, sclereids, and fibers are formed. The gall-makers are in advanced larval phase and no nutritive tissue cells are observed. In the fifth stage, the gall reaches its definitive size and the inducers are in the pupa phase. At this stage, the cortical region undergoes slight hypertrophy. The senescent gall shows the orifices of the exit channel made by the adult gallmakers. The anatomical studies of the hymenopteran gall enabled to compare this gall with a dipteran one, previously discribed in the same plant host. It is suggested that during the maturation of the gall, specific key processes are triggered, which bring about a specific cecidogenesis.
The stability of penicillin-binding protein 3 (PBP3), a cell septum synthesizing protein, was analyzed at different incubation temperatures in three Escherichia coli K12 strains carrying a PBP3-overproducing plasmid. The stability of PBP3 was significantly reduced in stationary phase cells shifted to 42°C for 4 h, compared to samples incubated at 28 or 37°C. The half-life of PBP3 in the C600 strain was 60 min at 42°C, while samples incubated at 28 or 37°C had PBP3 half-lives greater than 4 h. Analysis of the PBP3 content in mutants deficient in rpoS (coding for the stationary phase sigma factor, sigmaS) and rpoH (coding for the heat shock sigma factor, sigma32) genes after shift to 42°C showed that stability of the protein was controlled by sigmaS but not by sigma32. These results suggest that control of the PBP3 levels in E. coli K12 is through a post-transcriptional mechanism regulated by the stationary phase regulon. We demonstrated that stability of PBP3 in E. coli K12 involves degradation of the protein. Moreover, we observed that incubation of cells at 42°C significantly reduces the stability of PBP3 in early stationary phase cells in a process controlled by sigmaS.
Croton nepetaefolius Baill., is an aromatic plant native to the northeast of Brazil where it is extensively used in folk medicine as a sedative, orexigen and antispasmodic agent. In the present study the antinociceptive effects of the essential oil of C. nepetaefolius (EOCn), administered orally, were evaluated in male Swiss mice (20-25 g). In the acetic acid-induced writhing test, EOCn (100 and 300 mg/kg; N = 14 and N = 12, respectively) was effective at the highest dose. In the hot-plate test, EOCn at 30 and 300 mg/kg, but not at 3 mg/kg, significantly increased the latency at all observation times up to the 180th min (N = 12 for each dose). In the formalin test, EOCn significantly reduced paw licking in the second phase of the test at 100 mg/kg (N = 12), but decreased it in both phases at 300 mg/kg (N = 12). At 30 mg/kg, the effect of EOCn did not differ from control values in either phase of the formalin test (N = 6). Pretreatment with naloxone (5 mg/kg, ip) significantly reversed the analgesic effect of morphine (5 mg/kg, sc) on both phases, but not that of EOCn at 300 mg/kg (N = 6) on both phases of the formalin test. The data show that orally administered EOCn promotes a dose-dependent antinociceptive effect whose mechanisms remain to be elucidated.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants deficient in superoxide dismutase genes (sod1delta, sod2delta and the double mutant) were subjected to H2O2 stress in the stationary phase. The highest sensitivity was observed in the sod2delta mutant, while the sod1deltasod2delta double mutant was not sensitive. Sod mutants had lower catalase activity (44%) than wild-type cells, independent of H2O2 stress. Untreated cells of sod1deltasod2delta double mutants showed increased glutathione peroxidase activity (126%), while sod1delta had lower activity (77%) than the wild type. Glutathione levels in sod1delta were increased (200-260%) after exposure to various H2O2 concentrations. In addition, the highest malondialdehyde levels could be observed without H2O2 treatment in sod1delta (167%) and sod2delta (225%) mutants. In contrast, the level of malondialdehyde in the sod1deltasod2delta double mutant was indistinguishable from that of the wild type. These results suggest that resistance to H2O2 by sod1deltasod2delta cells depends on the induction of glutathione peroxidase and is independent of catalase, and that glutathione is a primary antioxidant in the defense against H2O2 in stationary phase sod1delta mutants.
Inter-individual differences in the phase of the endogenous circadian rhythms have been established. Individuals with early circadian phase are called morning types; those with late circadian phase are evening types. The Horne and Östberg Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) is the most frequently used to assess individual chronotype. The distribution of MEQ scores is likely to be biased by several fact, ors, such as gender, age, genetic background, latitude, and social habits. The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of different social synchronizers on the sleep/wake cycle of persons with different chronotypes. Volunteers were selected from a total of 1232 UFPR undergraduate students who completed the MEQ. Thirty-two subjects completed the study, including 8 morning types, 8 evening types and 16 intermediate types. Sleep schedules were recorded by actigraphy for 1 week on two occasions: during the school term and during vacation. Sleep onset and offset times, sleep duration, and mid-sleep time for each chronotype group were compared by the Mann-Whitney U-test separately for school term and vacation. School term and vacation data were compared by the Wilcoxon matched-pair test. Morning types showed earlier sleep times and longer sleep duration compared with evening types (23:00 ± 44 and 508.9 ± 50.27 vs 01:08 ± 61.95 and 456.44 ± 59.08, for the weekdays during vacation). During vacation, the subjects showed later sleep times, except for the morning types, who did not exhibit differences for sleep onset times. The results support the idea that social schedules have an impact on the expression of circadian rhythmicity but this impact depends on the individual chronotype.