82 resultados para odour and taste properties
This study aimed at assessing the stability of passion fruit juice in glass bottles during a 120-day storage period, regarding its volatile compounds profile and sensory properties (aroma and flavor). Samples were obtained from a Brazilian tropical juice industry (Fortaleza, Brazil) and submitted to sensory and chromatographic analyses. The characteristic aroma and flavor of passion fruit were evaluated by a trained panel with a non-structured scale of 9 cm. The headspace volatile compounds were isolated from the product by suction and trapped in Porapak Q, analyzed through high-resolution gas chromatography and identified through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Twelve odoriferous compounds were monitored: ethyl butanoate, ethyl propanoate, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methyl-2-butenol, (E)-3-hexenol, (Z)-3-hexenol, 3-methylbutyl acetate, benzaldehyde, ethyl hexanoate, hexyl acetate, limonene and furfural. The slight variations observed in the volatile profile were not enough to provoke significant changes in the characteristic aroma and flavor of the passion fruit juice.
In this work, the structural, mechanical, diffractometric, and thermal parameters of chitosan-hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) films plasticized with sorbitol were studied. Solutions of HPMC (2% w/v) in water and chitosan (2% w/v) in 2% acetic acid solution were prepared. The concentration of sorbitol used was 10% (w/w) to both polymers. This solutions were mixed at different proportions (100/0; 70/30; 50/50; 30/70, and 0/100) of chitosan and HPMC, respectively, and 20 mL was cast in Petri dishes for further analysis of dried films. The miscibility of polymers was assessed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). The results obtained indicate that the films are not fully miscible at a dry state despite the weak hydrogen bonding between the polymer functional groups.
Iron is an essential micronutrient in the metabolism of almost all living organisms; however, its deficiency is well documented especially in pregnant women and in children. Iron salts as a dietary supplement have low bioavailability and can cause gastrointestinal discomforts. Iron enriched yeasts can provide a supplementation of this micronutrient to the diet because this mineral has a better bioavailability when bonded to yeast cell macromolecules. These yeasts can be used as feed supplement for human and animals and also as baker's yeast. Baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was cultivated in a reactor employing yeast media supplemented with 497 mg ferrous sulfate.L-1, and the resultant biomass incorporated 8 mg Fe.g-1 dry matter. This biomass maintained its fermenting power regarding both water displace measurement through carbonic dioxide production and bakery characteristics. The bread produced using the yeast obtained by cultivation in yeast media supplemented with iron presented six times more iron than the bread produced using the yeast obtained by cultivation without iron supplementation.
Physicochemical characteristics and functional properties of vitabosa flour (Mucuna deeringiana) and soybean flour (Glycine max) were determined. Oil absorption capacity was higher in vitabosa. Water absorption capacity was higher in soy and it was affected by the change in the ionic strength of the medium. Emulsifying Activity (EA) decreased with increasing concentration of flour, while Emulsifying Stability (ES) showed an increased. EA and ES of flours have more ionic strength in the range between 0.0 and 0.4 M, but it is reduced afterwards with the higher concentration of NaCl. Foaming stability varied with the concentration of flour solution reaching maximum values of 39 and 33% for vitabosa and soybean, respectively at 10% flour concentration.Vitabosa had the best foaming capacity (56% to 0.6 M) compared with soybeans (47% to 0.4 M). Maximum capacity of gelation was observed in vitabosa at 10% flour concentration. Increases in ionic strength of the flour solution, at low salt concentrations (<0.4 M), improved the gelation of flours.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in the structure and some functional properties of biofilms added with modified clays (Cloisite® 15A and Cloisite® 30B) prepared by the casting method. The analysis of the microstructure of the films, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Optical microscopy (MO), and Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) indicated that the addition of clay in the films resulted in the formation of a heterogeneous microstructure, microcomposite or tactoid. Due to the formation of a microcomposite structure, functional properties of the films added with both clays such as opacity, solubility, and permeability to water vapor (PVA), were not better than those of the control film. Thus, it was concluded that although it is possible to produce a film added with modified clays using the casting method, it was not possible to obtain intercalation or exfoliation in a nanocomposite, which would result in improved functional properties.
Several studies have shown the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of turmeric (Curcuma longa), widely used in food industry as a colorant, among other functions. The aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of turmeric essential oil against pathogenic bacteria and to study the influence of the addition of ascorbic acid on the prevention of polyphenols oxidation. The commercial turmeric essential oil alone did not show bactericidal activity against the microorganisms studied, Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella typhimurium, but when combined with ascorbic acid, it showed significant antibacterial activity. The highest antimicrobial activity of turmeric essential oil against Salmonella typhimurium was 15.0 ± 1.41 mm at the concentration of 2.30 mg.mL-1 of essential oil and 2.0 mg.mL-1 of ascorbic acid. With regard to Listeria monocytogenes, the largest zone of inhibition (13.7 ± 0.58 mm) was obtained at the same concentrations. The essential oil showed antioxidant activity of EC50 = 2094.172 µg.mL-1 for the DPPH radical scavenging method and 29% under the concentration of 1.667 mg.mL-1 for the β-carotene bleaching method.
Starches and gums are hydrocolloids frequently used in food systems to provide proper texture, moisture, and water mobility. Starch-gum interaction in food systems can change the starch granule swelling and its gelatinization and rheological properties. In this study, the effect of the addition of xanthan gum (XG), sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (SCMC), and carrageenan (CAR) at the concentrations of the 0.15, 0.25, 0.35 and 0.45% (w/v) on the pasting, thermal, and rheological properties of cassava starch was studied. The swelling power (SP) and the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the starch gels were also evaluated. The results obtained showed that xanthan gum (XG) had a strong interaction with the cassava starch penetrating between starch granules causing increase in pasting viscosities, SP, storage and loss (G', and G", respectively) modulus and reduction in the setback of the starch; sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (SCMC) greatly increased the pasting viscosities, the SP, and the storage and loss (G', and G", respectively) modulus of the starch-mixtures, mainly due to its greater capacity to hold water and not due to the interaction with cassava starch. Carrageenan (CAR) did not change any of the starch properties since there was no interaction between this gum and cassava starch at the concentrations used.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of high hydrostatic pressure (150, 250, 350, 450, and 550 MPa), applied for 5 minutes, on antioxidant capacity, total phenolic content, color, firmness, rehydration ratio, and water holding capacity of aloe vera gel stored for 60 days at 4 °C. The analyzed properties of the pressurized gel showed significant changes after the storage period. The highest value of total phenolic content was found at 550 MPa. However, a decrease in the antioxidant capacity was observed for all pressurized gel samples when compared to the control sample (p < 0.05). The smallest changes in product color were observed at pressure levels between 150 and 250 MP. The application of high hydrostatic pressure resulted in lower gel firmness, and the lowest value was found at 150 MPa (p < 0.05). On the other hand, the untreated sample showed a greater decrease in firmness, indicating that high pressure processing preserves this property. The application of high hydrostatic pressure exhibited modifications in the food matrix, which were evaluated in terms of rehydration ratio and water holding capacity.
Dulce de leche (DL), a dairy dessert highly appreciated in Brazil, is a concentrated product containing about 70% m/m of total solids. Thermophysical and rheological properties of two industrial Brazilian Dulce de leche formulations (classic Dulce de leche and Dulce de leche added with coconut flakes 1.5% m/m) were determined at temperatures comprised between 28.4 and 76.4 °C. In general, no significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed in the presence of coconut flakes in the two formulations. Heat capacity varied from 2633.2 to 3101.8 J/kg.°C; thermal conductivity from 0.383 to 0.452 W/m.°C; specific mass from 1350.7 to 1310.7 kg/m³; and, thermal diffusivity from (1.082 × 10-7 to 1.130 × 10-7) m²/s. The Bingham model was used to properly describe the non-Newtonian behavior of both formulations, with yielding stress values varying from 27.3 to 17.6 Pa and plastic viscosity from 19.9 to 5.9 Pa.s.
Gelatin was extracted from the skin of tilapia (Oreochromis urolepis hornorum) and characterized according to its physical and chemical properties. It had pH 4.66, which is slightly higher than the values reported for gelatins processed by acid solubilization. In general, the ionic content was low, and the average yield of the process was 5.10 g/100 g. The proximal composition of the gelatin was similar to that of the commercial gelatins, with slightly higher moisture content. The tilapia skin gelatin had whitish-yellow color and average turbidity of 67 NTU.
Araça belongs to the Myrtaceae family and is popularly known as araçá-comum, araçá-azedo, or araçá-do-campo. Frozen fruit pulp is of great importance for the food industry, which can produce it at the time of harvest, store it, and use it according to the demand of the consumer market and/or as an ingredient in the formulation of products such as yogurt, candies, and ice creams among others. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical, chemical, and microbiological stability of frozen araça pulp during 12 months of frozen storage. It was observed that the levels of moisture (90.55-88.75%), ash (0.34-0.26%) total soluble sugars (7.11-6.62%), sucrose (3.55-1.39%), soluble pectin (0.24-0.23%), total pectin (0.5-0.46%), pH (3.82-2.31%), organic acids (698.12-122.25 µg.g-1 citric acid), and phenolic compounds (6.22-0.00 mg GAE.100 g-1) decreased during storage, whereas the levels of protein (0.61-0.83%), lipids (0.14-0.38%), total carbohydrates (8.36-9.78%), calorific value (37.14-45.86 kcal.100 g-1), reducing sugars (3.51-5.21%), soluble solids (5.17-6.0%), total antioxidant capacity (6.89-35.13%), and color parameters (L*49.75-50.67; a*0.79-1.82 and b*22.5-25.19) increased over the one-year storage period. According to the chemical and microbiological parameters assessed, the product can be stored for 12 months without loss of quality with addition of citric acid as a preservative.
The effects of boiling, frying, and roasting methods on nutrients and properties some of marine fishes were studies. AOAC official methods were used for the analyses of the samples. Frying reduced the protein content of Nemipterus japonicas, while roasting reduced the protein content of Carangoides malabaricus and Saurida undosquamis. Fresh and fried C. malabaricus had 71.2% and 57.05% protein content, respectively, while N. japonicas had 57.39% and 47.51%, respectively. The highest oil content in C.malabaricus was 16.80%, followed by N.japonicus 12.80%; while the lowest oil content in S.undosquamis was 5.88%. N.japonicusis protein content reduced with frying. Some cooking methods used in the processing can have an effect on of fish nutrient composition. The texture of fried and boiled fish fillets significantly differ from that of the roasted fillets (p<0.05).
Significant initiatives exist within the global food market to search for new, alternative protein sources with better technological, functional, and nutritional properties. Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) protein isolate was hydrolyzed using a sequential pepsin-pancreatin enzymatic system. Hydrolysis was performed to produce limited (LH) and extensive hydrolysate (EH), each with different degrees of hydrolysis (DH). The effects of hydrolysis were evaluated in vitro in both hydrolysates based on structural, functional and bioactive properties. Structural properties analyzed by electrophoretic profile indicated that LH showed residual structures very similar to protein isolate (PI), although composed of mixtures of polypeptides that increased hydrophobic surface and denaturation temperature. Functionality of LH was associated with amino acid composition and hydrophobic/hydrophilic balance, which increased solubility at values close to the isoelectric point. Foaming and emulsifying activity index values were also higher than those of PI. EH showed a structure composed of mixtures of polypeptides and peptides of low molecular weight, whose intrinsic hydrophobicity and amino acid profile values were associated with antioxidant capacity, as well as inhibiting angiotensin-converting enzyme. The results obtained indicated the potential of Phaseolus lunatus hydrolysates to be incorporated into foods to improve techno-functional properties and impart bioactive properties.
Calcium chloride is widely used in industries as a firming agent, and also to extend shelf-life of vegetables. The aim of this study was to determine, the effect of different doses of calcium chloride on biochemical and color properties of fresh-cut green bean. Fresh-cut green beans were dipped for 90 seconds in 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 3% solution of calcium chloride at 25°C. The fresh-cut green bean samples were packaged in polystyrene foam dishes, wrapped with stretch film and stored in a cold room at 5±1°C temperature and 85-90% RH. Calcium chloride treatments did not retain the green color of samples. Whiteness index, browning index and total color difference (ΔE) values of CaCl2 treated samples were high. Saturation index and hue angle were low compared to the control, especially at higher doses of CaCl2. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzyme activity in samples treated with CaCl2 at 3% doses, was low at the 7th days of storage than with other treatments. Fructose and sucrose content of samples increased in all treatment groups whereas glucose level decreased during the first 4th days of storage.
Rice, the seed of Oryza species, is the major cereal crop in most of the developing countries. Nearly 95% of global rice production is done in Asian countries, and about half of the world’s population consumes it. Some speciality rices are not commonly consumed. Colored rice is one of such variety. In these varieties, high amounts of anthocyanin pigment are deposited in the rice coat to form its black (also known as purple), brown and red colors. Minimum studies are there to explain the properties of these rice varieties of Thailand. Thus, the current study was aimed to assess the physicochemical and antioxidative properties of three rice varieties (Chiang Mai Black rice, Mali Red rice and Suphanburi-1 Brown rice) of different cultivars of northern Thailand. Rice bran extracts of these three cultivars were prepared with different solvents (polar and non-polar) for the evaluation of total phytochemical content and anti-oxidant free-radical-scavenging properties. Chiang Mai Black rice contained higher concentration of phenolic acid, flavonoids, and anthocyanins (Cyanidin 3-glucoside, peonidin 3-glucoside, cyanidin chloride). Chiang Mai Black rice is richer in free-radical-scavenging compounds and activities than the other tested varieties. Polar extractions of rice bran are high in anti-oxidative compounds and activities than non-polar extractions.