206 resultados para microbiota ruminal


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The most promising microorganisms for use as starter cultures are those isolated from the native microbiota of traditional fermented products. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of lactic acid bacteria selected from the native microbiota of sausages produced by spontaneous fermentation as starter cultures for the production of sausage. Strains of Lactobacillus plantarum 503 and 341 have the potential for use as starter cultures in the manufacture of Italian sausage type. The population of lactic acid bacteria in sausages was >8 log CFU.g-1 during fermentation, which caused the pH to decrease to <4.5. This decrease in pH and the water activity of < 0.90 of sausages ensures the safety and preservation of this product. Sausages produced with these lactic cultures fulfill the requirements for microbiological quality and composition of Italian sausage type. Our results suggest the possibility of using these starter cultures for the production of sausages with peculiar characteristics that contribute to the identity of the product.


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Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de observar a influência de quatro níveis de substituição (0; 50; 75 ou 100%) do farelo de soja pelo farelo de mamona destoxificado em rações para ovinos mestiços 1/2 Morada Nova x 1/2 SPRD (sem padrão racial definido) sobre o seu comportamento ingestivo. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os ovinos eram machos, inteiros, com peso corporal 18,01 ± 1,41 kg e idade média de 7 meses. Foram avaliadas atividades contínuas (tempo de alimentação, ruminação, outras atividades e ócio) e pontuais (consumo de sal, ingestão de água, micção e defecação), como também a eficiência de alimentação (EAL), eficiência de ruminação (ERU), tempo de alimentação (TAL), tempo de ruminação (TRU), tempo de mastigação total (TMT), número de bolos ruminais (BOL), tempo de mastigações merícicas por bolo ruminal (MMtb) e número de mastigações merícicas por bolo ruminal (MMnb). As variáveis tempo de alimentação, ruminação, outras atividades, ócio, consumo de sal e ingestão de água foram afetadas (P<0,05), especialmente o MMnb, que foi inferior para os animais alimentados com as rações com 100% de substituição, possivelmente pelo seu menor teor de fibra (oriundo da forragem), sendo possível a substituição total do farelo de soja pelo farelo de mamona destoxificado.


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A difusão do uso da tecnologia do resfriamento, como estratégia para manutenção das características microbiológicas e organolépticas do leite, não associada aos cuidados básicos de higiene na obtenção do produto, fez com que os micro-organismos psicrotróficos emergissem como as principais bactérias deteriorantes da indústria láctea. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar como o metabolismo psicrotrófico proteolítico responde a diferentes temperaturas de incubação do leite, delineando um paralelo entre multiplicação de psicrotróficos, quantidade de micro-organismos com capacidade de hidrolisar proteínas e quantidade de GMP (glicomacropeptídeo) liberada. As amostras de leite, coletadas diretamente do tanque de resfriamento, foram submetidas à contagem de micro-organismos psicrotróficos, contagem de micro-organismos proteolíticos e determinação da concentração de GMP, em diferentes tempos (12 h; 24 h; 48 h) e temperaturas (4°C; 8°C; 12°C) de armazenamento. Não houve linearidade entre os parâmetros microbiológicos e o GMP aferido, segundo o binômio tempo/temperatura. A maior concentração de GMP (5,07 µg/mL) foi aferida no binômio 8°C/24 h (T8/M24). Esses dados indicam a necessidade de estudos sobre o metabolismo da microbiota psicrotrófica, de forma a elucidar questões básicas e de profunda relevância sobre seu metabolismo.


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Foi realizada investigação com a finalidade de se conhecer a microbiota aeróbia do suco de laranja ao natural oferecido ao consumo público, através das contagens de bactérias mesófilas e ácido-produtoras, e da determinação do número mais provável (NMP) de bactérias coliformes totais e fecais e de estreptococos fecais.


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Candida guilliermondii is one of the components of human microbiota. This yeast has been infrequently associated with human infections, which may be related to its low pathogenicity. The aim of this study was to provide clinical and epidemiological data for patients infected with C. guilliermondii at Santa Casa Complexo Hospitalar, Brazil. From October 1997 to October 2003, C. guilliermondii was isolated from clinical samples from 11 patients. Three patients were excluded because the isolation of the yeast represented colonisation. Specimens from the eight patients included in the study corresponded to blood (n = 5), ascitis fluid (n = 2), and oesophagus biopsy (n = 1). Three patients (37.5%) had major immunosuppressed conditions, including solid organ transplantation, AIDS, and leukaemia. Previous use of antibiotics occurred in 87.5%. Main invasive medical procedures were central venous catheter (50.0%), abdominal surgery (25.0%), and peritoneal dialysis (50.0%). No susceptibility data was obtained. Although risk factors for candidaemia were similar amongst patients infected by with C. guilliermondii or other Candida species, mortality associated with C. guilliermondii was significantly lower.


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SUMMARYThe dermatophytes, keratinophilic fungi, represent important microorganisms of the soil microbiota, where there are cosmopolitan species and others with restricted geographic distribution. The aim of this study was to broaden the knowledge about the presence of dermatophytes in soils of urban (empty lots, schools, slums, squares, beaches and homes) and rural areas and about the evolution of their prevalence in soils of varying pH in cities of the four mesoregions of Paraiba State, Brazil. Soil samples were collected from 31 cities of Paraiba State. Of 212 samples, 62% showed fungal growth, particularly those from the Mata Paraibana mesoregion (43.5%), which has a tropical climate, hot and humid. Soil pH varied from 4.65 to 9.06, with 71% of the growth of dermatophytes occurring at alkaline pH (7.02 - 9.06) (ρ = 0.000). Of 131 strains isolated, 57.3% were geophilic species, particularly Trichophyton terrestre(31.3%) and Mycrosporum gypseum(21.4%). M. nanum and T. ajelloi were isolated for the first time in Paraiba State. The zoophilic species identified were T. mentagrophytes var.mentagrophytes (31.3 %) and T. verrucosum (7.6 %), and T. tonsurans was isolated as an anthropophilic species. The soils of urban areas including empty lots, schools, slums and squares of cities in the mesoregions of Paraiba State were found to be the most suitable reservoirs for almost all dermatophytes; their growth may have been influenced by environmental factors, soils with residues of human and/or animal keratin and alkaline pH.


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Toxoplasmosis is frequently acquired through the oral route by the ingestion of cysts or oocysts of Toxoplasma gondii. Once ingested, the parasites penetrate the intestinal epithelial cells and rapidly disseminate to all organs in the host. During T. gondii infection, the intestinal microbiota plays an important role in stimulating a protective immune response against the parasite. In this sense the use of probiotics is worthy of note since they are live microorganisms that have beneficial effects on the host through stimulation of the immune response that can be important in the control of T. gondii proliferation and dissemination in the host. In the present study, the action of the probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis was investigated in C57BL/6 mice infected with oocysts of ME49 strain of T. gondii. The probiotic had an immunomodulatory action, inducing CD19 lymphocyte proliferation and consequently increasing anti-T. gondii antibody level.Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactisprovided protection in supplemented mice, compared to the control group. In addition, supplemented animals had milder inflammatory process in the small intestine, indicating that the probiotic protects the intestinal mucosa during infection with T. gondii. It was concluded that the probioticB. animalis subsp. lactis induces humoral immune response capable of providing protection against T. gondii infection.


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Claude Bemard realizou importante contribuição à Ecologia Médica quando propôs o conceito de "meio interior". Além de permitir a compreensão dos processos fisiológicos fundamentais, constituiu o ponto de partida para o estudo da ecologia endógena dos organismos. Como Shelford e Chapman notaram, nesse nível, a ecologia e a fisiologia têm muito em comum. No nível individual, a ecologia médica preocupa-se com o estudo das relações entre o homem e a microbiota endógena. Claude Bemard identificou os fatores abióticos do meio interno, na época em que Pasteur e Koch identificavam e descreviam os componentes bióticos do microecossistema endógeno.


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Visando complementar as informações sobre a qualidade microbiológica do leite comercializado na cidade do Recife, foram analisadas 250 amostras de leite pasteurizado tipo C e 50 amostras de leite cru para a pesquisa de Yersinia enterocolitica e Listeria monocytogenes, bactérias patogênicas capazes de se desenvolverem em temperatura de refrigeração. Y. enterocolitica não foi encontrada em nenhuma das amostras analisadas, entretanto foi detectada a presença de Y. intermedia e Y. frederiksenii, espécies ambientais que se comportam como patógenos oportunistas. L. monocytogenes também não foi encontrada, mas, através da metodologia empregada para seu isolamento foi obtido um isolamento de Salmonella Montevideo em uma amostra de leite pasteurizado e outro em leite cru. Além dessas, várias outras bactérias foram encontradas, supondo-se que a ampla microbiota crescida nos meios empregados pode ter interferido no isolamento da Y. enterocolitica e L. monocytogenes.


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Staphylococcus coagulase negativos tem surgido como importantes agentes em infecções de pacientes hospitalizados. Neste estudo, relatamos o caso de bacteremia associada a cateter venoso central devido a Staphylococcus cohnii spp urealyticus isolado em hemocultura de um paciente do sexo masculino, 53 anos, internado em hospital geral da cidade de São Paulo. Discutimos nesse relato a dificuldade em identificar rotineiramente esse microrganismo no Laboratório de Microbiologia Clínica. Staphylococcus cohnii spp urealyticus é um microrganismo encontrado na pele dos seres humanos como parte da microbiota normal, podendo em algumas situações causar sérias infecções em humanos.


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Acinetobacter spp é um importante patógeno causador de infecções nosocomiais que acomete pacientes imunocomprometidos e capaz de adquirir resistência a antimicrobianos com facilidade. Os esgotos hospitalares são importantes disseminadores de genes de resistência a antimicrobianos para a microbiota ambiental. Neste contexto, 30 cepas de Acinetobacter spp provenientes de efluente de um hospital em Porto Alegre, RS, foram analisados quanto ao perfil de susceptibilidade a β-lactamases, quinolonas e aminoglicosídeos através de antibiograma e testes de triagem para metalo beta-lactamases e β-lactamases de espectro estendido. O perfil encontrado revela cepas multi-resistentes e que mecanismos de resistência como a produção de β-lactamases de espectro estendido e bombas de efluxo podem estar presentes nesses isolados.


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INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to establish the late onset sepsis (LOS) rate of our service, characterize the intestinal microbiota and evaluate a possible association between gut flora and sepsis in surgical infants who were receiving parenteral nutrition (PN). METHODS: Surveillance cultures of the gut were taken at the start of PN and thereafter once a week. Specimens for blood culture were collected based on clinical criteria established by the medical staff. The central venous catheter (CVC) tip was removed under aseptic conditions. Standard laboratory methods were used to identify the microorganisms that grew on cultures of gut, blood and CVC tip. RESULTS: 74 very low birth weight infants were analyzed. All the infants were receiving PN and antibiotics when the gut culture was started. In total, 21 (28.4%) infants experienced 28 episodes of LOS with no identified source. Coagulase negative staphylococci were the most common bacteria identified, both in the intestine (74.2%) and blood (67.8%). All infections occurred in patients who received PN through a central venous catheter. Six infants experienced episodes of microbial translocation. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, LOS was the most frequent episode in neonates receiving parenteral nutrition who had been submitted to surgery; 28.6% of this infection was probably a gut-derived phenomenon and requires novel strategies for prevention.


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INTRODUCTION: The present study aimed to survey the Vibrio microbiota of oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae) obtained from restaurants in Fortaleza, State of Ceará, Brazil, and to identify virulence factors. METHODS: The isolated vibrios were submitted to biochemical identification and were tested for hemolytic and urease activities. RESULTS: The isolated strains belonged to 13 species, with predominance of Vibrio mimicus. Of the strain isolates only from fresh samples, 20.5% and 2.8% showed hemolytic and urease activities, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The findings support the little-publicized claim that Vibrio species other than V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus can represent a health risk to public health.


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Introduction: There are more than 300,000 extractors using the babaçu coconut as a source of income in the States of Maranhão, Pará, Tocantins and Piauí, and this activity is associated with fungal infections. The objective of this study was to examine the occurrence of emergent fungi in the conjunctiva, nails and surface and subcutaneous injuries of female coconut breakers in Esperantinópolis, Maranhão. Additionally, soil samples and palm structures were collected. Methods: The obtained samples were cultured in Petri dishes containing potato-dextrose-agar and chloramphenicol. The etiological agent was confirmed by a direct mycological exam and growth in culture. Results: In total, 150 domiciles were visited, and samples were collected from 80 patients. From the ground, the most frequently isolated fungus was Aspergillus niger (53. 8%). the most frequently detected fungus in babaçu coconut was Aspergillus niger (66.7%). Conjunctival fungal growth occurred in 76.3% of the women. The ocular fungal microbiota consisted of filamentous fungi (80.6%), and yeasts were present in 19.4% of cases. Onychomycosis was diagnosed in 44% (11/25) of the women. Conclusions: The identification of the genera Neosartorya, Rhizopus and Curvularia in onychomycoses shows that emergent filamentous fungi can be isolated. Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp. and Scedosporium sp. were the predominant genera found in the babaçu coconut. From ocular conjunctiva, Candida spp. were the most prevalent species isolated, and Fusarium sp. was present only in one woman. The nearly permanent exposure of coconut breakers to the external environment and to the soil is most likely the reason for the existence of a mycotic flora and fungal infections, varying according to the individual's practices and occupation.


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INTRODUCTION : Bacterial translocation is the invasion of indigenous intestinal bacteria through the gut mucosa to normally sterile tissues and internal organs. Schistosomiasis may cause alterations in the immune system and damage to the intestines, portal system and mesenteric lymph nodes. This study investigated bacterial translocation and alterations in the intestinal microbiota and mucosa in schistosomiasis and splenectomized mice. METHODS : Forty female 35-day-old Swiss Webster mice were divided into the following four groups with 10 animals each: schistosomotic (ESF), splenectomized schistosomotic (ESEF), splenectomized (EF) and control (CF). Infection was achieved by introduction of 50 Schistosoma mansoni (SLM) cercariae through the skin. At 125 days after birth, half of the parasitized and unparasitized mice were subjected to splenectomy. Body weights were recorded for one week after splenectomy; then, the mice were euthanized to study bacterial translocation, microbiota composition and intestinal morphometry. RESULTS : We observed significant reductions in the weight increases in the EF, ESF and ESEF groups. There were increases of at least 1,000 CFU of intestinal microbiota bacteria in these groups compared with the CF. The EF, ESF and ESEF mice showed decreases in the heights and areas of villi and the total villus areas (perimeter). We observed frequent co-infections with various bacterial genera. CONCLUSIONS : The ESEF mice showed a higher degree of sepsis. This finding may be associated with a reduction in the immune response associated with the absence of the spleen and a reduction in nutritional absorption strengthened by both of these factors (Schistosoma infection and splenectomy).