133 resultados para labial gland
PURPOSE: To study quantitatively C cells in the thyroids of non-isogenic rats to determine the possible effects of pinealectomy on the number of these cells, and consequently on the synthesis and secretion of calcitonin. METHODS: Twenty male rats of an outbred strain (200-300 g) were used in the present study. One group of 10 animals was pinealectomized 50 days prior to sacrifice. Thyroid tissue was stained for calcitonin (Dako Corporation) at a 1:1500 dilution. The number of C cells observed was expressed as number of cells/cm². Data were analyzed statistically by Mann-Whitney test. RESULTS: The number of C cells in pinealectomized and normal animals ranged from 489 to 2084 per cm² and 227 to 1584 per cm², respectively, a difference that was statistically significant (P <0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These results showed consistent differences in the number of C cells after pinealectomy when compared to controls. We believe that pinealectomy increases the number of C cells in the rat thyroid.
Relatamos aqui o caso de um menino com 43 dias de vida, apresentando síndrome brânquio-óculo-facial (BOFS) e cardiopatia congênita. Na avaliação clínica, ele possuía retardo de crescimento, pregas epicânticas, fendas palpebrais pequenas, telecanto, base nasal alargada, fenda labial falsa (pseudocleft), micrognatia, orelhas displásicas e rotadas posteriormente, fendas branquiais, pescoço curto e alado, mamilo extranumerário, hipotonia e reflexos tendinosos profundos diminuídos. A ecocardiografia verificou presença de um defeito do septo atrioventricular completo do tipo A e persistência do canal arterial. Essa descrição fortalece a possibilidade de que defeitos cardíacos congênitos possam fazer parte do espectro de anormalidades observado na BOFS.
Seven species of the nematode genus Mononchus Bastian, 1865, were found in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Such are: M. subsimilis Cobb, 1917; M. ibitiensis Carvalho, 1951; M. piracicabae Lordello, 1953; M. risoceiae Carvalho, 1955; M. soutoi Carvalho, 1956; M. coronatus Carvalho, 1956; and M. jairi n. sp. Outside the State, the following species have been found: M. papillatus (Bastian, 1865) Cobb, 1916; M. monhystera Cobb, 1917; M. muscorum (Dujardin, 1845) Cobb, 1916; M. gymnolaimus (Cobb, 1893) Cobb, 1916; M. consimilis Cobb, 1917; M. trichurus Cobb, 1917; M. reversus Cobb, 1917; and M. dentatus Cobb, 1917 (LORDELLO, 1953). This field of investigation has scarcely been touched and additional collections will doubtless add new forms to the number of species known as yet. M. jairi n. sp. most closely resembling species is M. monhystera Cobb, 1917, from which it differs in having: a) labial region more expanded, set off from neck by a broad shallow depression; b) anterior portion of the pharynx-wall rather thinner and directed outward; and, c) smaller dimensions (788.0-924.0: 1,100.0 micros).
This paper deals with anatomical descriptions of some types of nectaries in 27 species of honey plants of Piracicaba, S. P. The material studied was divides in two groups: a) Extra-floral nectaries; b) Floral nectaries. Euphorbia pulcherrima, Willd; showed to belonging to the first group: its nectaries tissue consist of an epidermal layer of cell without stomata and with true gland, with subepidermal cells diferentiated by the thickness of the wall. Among the plants with floral nectaries, the following types has been listed, according the location of the nectary in the flower: 1 - with true glands: a) in sepals, Hibiscus rosa sinensis, L.; Dombeya Wallichii, Bth. e Hk; b) in the stamens tube, Antigonum leptopus, Hook e Arn.; 2 - on the receptacle with nectariferous tissue in the epidermal cell with: a) thickness wall with stomata, Prunus persical, L.; b) thin wall without stomata, Crotalaria paulinia, Shranck; Caesal-pinia sepiaria, Roxb; Aberia caffra; 3 - with a disc located in the receptacle with: epidermal: a) with stomata, Coffea arábica, L. var. semper florens; Citrus aurantifolia, Swing; Cinchona sp.; Pryrostegia ignea, Presl.; b) without stomata and with thin wall, Leojurus sibiricus, L.; Bactocydia unguis, Mart., Ipomoea purpurea, L.; Greviüea Thelemanniana, Hueg.; Dolichos lablab, L.; Vernonia polyanthes, Less., Montanoa bipinatifida, C. Koch., Eruca sativa, L. Brassica Juncea, Co; Eucalyptus tereticomis, Smith.; Eucalyptus rostrata, Schleche; Salvia splendens, Selow.; 4 - in the basal tissues of the ovary, Budleia brasiliensis, Jacq F.; Petrea subserrata, Cham.; 5 - in the base of stamens, Per sea americana, Mill. On the anatomical point of view, most of the types of nectary studied has external nectariferous tissues, located on the epidermal cells with thin periclinal wall and without stomata. The sub-epidermal layer were rich in sugar. Short correlation was found between the structure of the nectary and the amount of nectar secretion. So, in the nectary with true glands, in those with thin wall and without stomata on epidermal cells and in those with stomata, the secretion was higher than in the other types listed.
Caryboca paranaensis n.g., n.sp. (Nemata, Actinolaimidae) was found inhabiting soil around coffee roots sent in from Cornélio Procópio, State of Paraná, Brazil. Definition of the new genus: Actinolaimidae, Actinolaiminae. Lip region distinctly offset by a constriction and showing a cuticularized basket-like structure provided with lateral denticles and two rather strong teeth pointing forwards. Cuticular rod-like thickenings extending back from the basket-like structure to the guiding-ring. Anterior part of oesophagus a non-muscular, narrow tube; posterior part wider and provided with strongly developed radial musculature. Gonads paired and reflexed. Tail attenuated, pointed. Males and food habits unknown. Caryboca n.g. differs from Actinolaimus Cobb, 1913, by having a labial basket-like structure as well as by the non-muscular nature of the anterior part of oesophagus. Caryboca n.g. differs from Carcharolaimus Thome, 1939, by having two strong pharingeal teeth and pointed tail.
A detailed description of the morphology of the digestive organs of Enteroctopus megalocyathus (Gould, 1852) and Loligo sanpaulensis Brakoniecki, 1984 is given. The mandibles, the crop diverticulum, a doubly coiled caecum, the loop of the medium intestine and the appendages of the digestive gland are first described for E. megalocyathus. The most outstanding finding in L. sanpaulensis is the location of the single posterior salivary gland, wholly embedded in the digestive gland.
The sternal glands of the abdomen of Oxaea flavescens (Klug, 1807) consist of class III glandular cells around a reservoir constituted by branched folds of the intersegmental membrane of segments III, IV and V. The gland cells are rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum and produce a secretion with mucous aspect. The treatment with oxidated osmium and ruthenium red showed numerous Golgi regions in the cell and carbohydrates absorption from the haemolymph, respectively. The high degree of development of the glands suggests an important function to the species, although still unknown.
Iguaira gen. nov., type species, I. poranga, sp. nov., based on one nymph from the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, are proposed. The new taxon is distinguished by the labrum with multiple, unorganized setae dorsally; hypopharynx with three-lobed lingua; cleft mandibular incisors; labium with internally curved paraglossae; labial palps with second segment with strong, apically rounded distomedial process and third segment with truncate medial and apical margins; elongate tarsal claws with minute denticles; and absence of scales and scale bases.
A detailed preliminary histological analysis of Helobdella hyalina Ringuelet, 1942 male system from Los Talas, Buenos Aires, Argentina is described. Six pairs of testisacs, located between the crop caeca, form the male reproductive system. Each testisac is clothed by the mesotelium. Inside it, the germinal cells are connected to the citophore and develop functional unit called poliplast. The spermatozoa are released into testisacs after the reabsortion of the citophore. Five stages of spermatogenesis are described taking into account the successive maturation stages of germinal cells and the changes in the citophore size. Lining cells and gland cells were found in the seminal vesicle. Five different types of gland cells are placed inside the ejaculatory ducts, as well as two kinds of cells are found in its distal portion: type 1, which produces eosinophilic granular secretion, type 2, with amorphous and slightly eosinophilic. Three distinct gland cells are located in the proximal portion of the duct: type 3, which produces a strongly eosinophilic granular secretion; type 4, with a negative eosinophilic amorphous secretion and type 5, with a basophilic granular secretion. Type 5 gland cells are described for the ducts of this species only.
The tadpole of Hypsiboas atlanticus (Caramaschi & Velosa, 1996) is described from the municipality of Maceió, State of Alagoas, Brazil. At stage 36 the larvae have an overall elliptical body in lateral and dorsal views, oral disc anteroventral, spiracular tube sinistral, and labial tooth row formula 2(1,2)/3(1). The oral disc is surrounded, almost completely (anterior medial gap present) by a single row of marginal papillae. Described tadpoles of the H. punctatus species group can be differentiated by a combined disc oral features. Additional descriptions of H. punctatus (Schneider, 1799) tadpoles from populations throughout South America may be helpful in determining the status of these populations.
Apesar de machos e fêmeas de serpentes nascerem com o mesmo tamanho, as taxas de crescimento e a idade da maturação sexual podem ser diferentes, determinando dimorfismo sexual em estágios posteriores da vida. Avaliamos a ocorrência de variação morfométrica sexual e ontogenética em Bothropoides jararaca (Wied, 1824), explorando as relações entre tamanho corporal e amadurecimento sexual através de 14 variáveis morfométricas. Foram analisados 142 espécimes provenientes do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil. Os dados morfométricos - comprimento da cabeça, rostro-cloacal, da cauda, comprimento total; largura da cabeça, ocular, nasal, loreal, da cauda; distância ocular-nasal, ocular-loreal, loreal-nasal, ventral-sinfisal e rostral-labial - e comprimento/diâmetro dos folículos ovarianos, foram tomados em milímetros, através de régua simples e paquímetro analógico de precisão 0,05 mm. A determinação sexual foi realizada por inspeção das gônadas. A classificação etária foi associada à maturidade sexual. Para as análises estatísticas foram utilizadas análises de variância (ANOVA) com teste de Tukey post hoc, regressão linear e análise discriminante canônica (ADC). A maioria das medidas indicou dimorfismo sexual (ANOVA, P<0,05) apenas em adultos (Tukey, P<0,05). As análises de regressão mostram que o comprimento rostro-cloacal explica o comportamento das demais variáveis (P<0,001) e que em todas as medidas as fêmeas crescem mais que os machos. A ADC foi exitosa em separar as classes sexuais e etárias, apresentando significado biológico, considerando 79,2% dos casos como corretamente classificados.
É descrito e ilustrado o girino de Scinax nebulosus (Spix, 1824), proveniente do estado de Pernambuco, nordeste do Brasil. O girino apresenta braço labial no disco oral. A presença dessa estrutura associa claramente essa espécie ao grupo de Scinax rostratus. A identificação do girino anteriormente atribuído a Scinax nebulosus é considerada errônea e com base na literatura é feita a comparação com os demais girinos conhecidos do grupo.
The authors summarize the results of former works, based on the technics of parabiosis. After parabiotic union of two infantile rats, normal + castrate, the normal fellow enters into precocious puberty in about 7 days (Kallas). In the case of pairs: castrated male + normal female, the implants of testicles, or injection of maceration or aqueous extracts of testis in the castrated fellow, prevents the induction of early puberty in the normal female. In the case: castrated female + normal female, no inhibiting effect is provoked by that treatment. There is therefore a testicular hormone that regulates the hypophysis. After castration, this gland manifests a hyper-function and shows histological alterations, the chief character of these being the appearing in the anterior lobe, of the so-called castration cells, probably originated from basophile cells. Implants or injections of testis material prevent those alterations. This is a useful test; the effect is controlled by estimating the castration cells in the microscopic field. The testicular hormone that regulates the anterior lobe is probably another one, quite different from that which regulates the accessory genitalia. On account of the facts and experiments, it may be assumed that this new hormone is elaborated by the germinal epithelium of the testicles.
The following is a summary of the studies made on the development of Plasmodium gallinaceum sporozoites inoculated into normal chicks. Initially large numbers of laboratory reared Aëdes aegypti were fed on pullets heavily infected with gametocytes. Following the infectious meal the mosquitoes were kept on a diet of sugar and water syrup until the appearance of the sporozoites in the salivary glands. Normal chicks kept in hematophagous arthropod proof cages were then inoculated either by bite of the infected mosquitoes or by subcutaneous inoculations of salivary gland suspensions. By the first method ten mosquitoes fed to engorgement on each normal chick and were then sacrificed immediately afterwards to determine the sporozoite count. By the second method five pairs of salivary glands were dissected out at room temperature, triturated in physiological saline and inoculated subcutaneously. The epidermis and dermis at the site of inoculation were excised from six hours after inoculation to forty eight hours after appearance of the parasites in the blood stream and stretched out on filter paper with the epithelial surface downward. The dermis was then curretted. Slides were made of the scrapings consisting of connective tissue and epithelial cells of the basal layers which were fixed by metyl alcohol and stained with Giemsa for examination under the oil immersion lens. Skin fragments removed from normal chicks and from regions other than the site of inoculation in the infected chicks were used as controls. In these, only the normal histological aspect was ever encountered. In the biopsy made at the earliest period following inoculation clearly defined elongated forms with eight or more chromatin granules arranged in rosary formation were found. The author believes these to be products of the sporozoite evolution. Search for transition stages between these forms and sporozoites is planned in biopsies to be taken immediately following inoculation and at given intervals up to the six hour period. 1.) 6 and 12 hour periods. The bodies referred to above found in the first period in great abundance, apparently in proportion to the large numbers of sporozoites inoculated, were perceptibly reduced in numbers in the second period. 2.) 18 hour period. Only one biopsy was examined. This presented a binuclear body shown in Fig. 1, having a more or less hyaline protoplasm staining an intense blue and a narrow vacuole delimiting the cell boundaries. The two chromatin grains were quite large presenting a clearly defined nuclear texture. 3.) 24 hour period. A similar body to that above (Fig. 2) was seen in the only preparation examined. 4.) 60 hour period. The exoerythrocytic schizonts were found more frequently from this period onward. Several such were found no longer to contain the previously described vacuoles (Fig. 3). 5.) 84 hour period. Cells bearing eight or more schizonts were frequently encountered here. That these are apparently not bodies in process of division may be seen in Fig. 4. From this time onward small violet granules similar to volutine grains appeared constantly in the schizont nucleus and protoplasm. These are definitely not hemozoin. The above observations fell within the incubation period as repeated examinations of the peripheral and visceral blood were negative. Exoery-throcytic parasites also were never encountered in the viscera at this time. Exoerythrocytic schizonts searched for at site of inoculation 1, 24 and 48 hours after the incubation period were present in large number at all three times with apparent tendency to diminish as the number within the blood stream increased. Many of them presented the violet granules mentioned above. The appearance of the chromatin and the intensity of staining of the protoplasm varied from body to body which doubtless corresponds to the evolutionary stage of each. This diversity of aspect may frequently be seen in the parasites of the same host cell (Fig. 5.). These findings lend substance to the theory that the exoerythrocytic forms are the link between the sporozoites and the pigmented parasites of the red blood corpuscles. The explanation of their continued presence in the organism after infection of the blood stream takes place and their presence in cases infected by the inoculation blood does not come within the scope of this work. Large scale observations shortly to be undertaken will be reported in more detail particularly observations on the first evolutionary phases of the sporozoite within the organism of the vertebrate host.
The A. A. have observed a hemorrhagic cyst-adenocacinoma of the mammary gland of mouse. This malignant tumor shows atipical, it is composed almost entirely of large cuboidal epithelial cells, which possess eosinophilic cytoplasm and generally hyperchromatic nuclei. There is a acinouslike structure. One can find many hemorragic areas, which form cyst-like blood filled spaces.