89 resultados para geometrically growing sequence


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality and the production of biogas and biofertilizer obtained from biodigester supplied with pig feces in the initial, growing and finishing stages, fed with diets formulated based on corn or sorghum. Twenty bench biodigesters were used with hydraulic retention time of 30 days and daily loads that contained 4 to 6% of total solids (TS) and 3.6 to 5.2% of volatile solids (VS). In the effluent of the biodigesters, mean levels of TS were observed ranging between 1.6 and 2.0% and of VS between 1.2 and 1.6%. The mean reductions of TS were 57.7 to 64.7% and of VS from 61.7 to 69.0%, and there was only difference in the finishing phase, in which the major averages reductions were produced by the biodigesters supplied with feces from animals fed with diets based on corn. In biodigesters supplied with feces from animals in the initial and growing stages fed with diets based on corn, were observed higher average productions of biogas and the greatest average potentials of biogas production. The average potentials obtained were 0.033; 0.181; 0.685; 0.788 and 1.132 m³ per kg of affluent, manure, TS added, VS added and VS reduced, respectively. No differences were found on the average content of methane in the biogas between diets and stages. The average concentrations of nutrients N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu in the biodigester affluent and effluent, ranged between diets and stages.


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In most of Brazilian pig farms, the environmental acclimatization systems run manually. For night and early morning periods, this practice isn't appropriate, because, in general, there are not employees available to run these manual systems. This research aimed to compare the bioclimatic profile of two differently constructed facilities to the external environment, considering the period from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. during the spring, in order to show that night and early morning temperatures do not coincides with growing pig's thermoneutral zone. For this reason, acclimatization must be also carried out at these periods. It was analyzed the dry bulb temperature, relative air humidity, temperature-humidity index (THI) and enthalpy data of the sheds and external areas. Under the studied conditions, it was possible to conclude that the constructively appropriate shed appeared to be less influenced by the external environment, allowing better thermal control for growing pigs. Further research must be conducted to verify if automatic cooling systems is needed during night and early morning.


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Three growing systems of Arabica coffee were evaluated under the energy perspective, in the state of Espírito Santo in Brazil. The systems are conventional cultivation (CC), cultivation with good agricultural practices (CGP) and organic farming (OF). It was made a comparison of the energy flows within these three systems to show sustainable levels of each one based on production average data of several family-farming units. Therefore, we analyzed crop yield, total energy efficiency reverse (TEER), energy efficiency of ripe coffee (EERC) and non-renewable energy efficiency (NREE). OF system had values for TEER, EERC and NREE of 3.3 4.7 and 7.9 respectively. Yet CC showed values of 1.8, 1.9 and 1.6 for TEER, EERC and NREE respectively. Furthermore, CGP presented values for TEER, EERC and NREE of 0.7, 1.3 and 1.4 respectively. The highest yield was observed in CGP, reaching an amount of 1794 kg ha-1(17,455 MJ); however, this system expends more energy than it converts. Thus, over those points, OF is the most sustainable system.


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Irrigation plays an important role for grape’s yield as well as on its quality for winemaking. Thus, the effects of deficit irrigation strategies on yield and quality of wine grapes cv. Syrah were evaluated in Petrolina, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Evaluations were carried out throughout the second and third growing seasons, which were from November 2010 to February 2011 (rainy season) and from May to September 2011 (dry season), respectively. Vines were drip irrigated and the experimental design was completely randomized with three treatments and four replications. The treatments were full irrigation (FI), performed according crop evapotranspiration; regulated deficit irrigation (RDI), in which irrigation was interrupted in phenological growth stage of bunch closure, but was occasionally performed according soil water monitoring of the root zone; and deficit irrigation (DI), when irrigation was interrupted from bunch closure to harvesting. Differences on leaf water content among treatments were observed in both growing seasons and RDI and DI treatment plants presented moderate water stress. The number of bunches did not differ among treatments in both growing seasons; however, bunch weight per plant, average bunch weight and soluble solid content were higher in FI treatment during the dry season. Deficit irrigation strategies promoted water saving.


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The clonal relationship among avian Escherichia coli strains and their genetic proximity with human pathogenic E. coli, Salmonela enterica, Yersinia enterocolitica and Proteus mirabilis, was determined by the DNA sequencing of the conserved 5' and 3'regions fliC gene (flagellin encoded gene). Among 30 commensal avian E. coli strains and 49 pathogenic avian E. coli strains (APEC), 24 commensal and 39 APEC strains harbored fliC gene with fragments size varying from 670bp to 1,900bp. The comparative analysis of these regions allowed the construction of a dendrogram of similarity possessing two main clusters: one compounded mainly by APEC strains and by H-antigens from human E. coli, and another one compounded by commensal avian E. coli strains, S. enterica, and by other H-antigens from human E. coli. Overall, this work demonstrated that fliC conserved regions may be associated with pathogenic clones of APEC strains, and also shows a great similarity among APEC and H-antigens of E. coli strains isolated from humans. These data, can add evidence that APEC strains can exhibit a zoonotic risk.


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Biosynthesis and subsequent release of allelochemicals by a plant into the environment is supposed to be influenced by its growing conditions. To ascertain what will be the allelopathic action of plant parts and rhizospheric soils of parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus) growing at various farm locations with varied growing conditions, germination and seedling growth of maize hybrid (DK 6142) were assayed by sowing its seeds in petri plates lined with filter paper and pots filled with soil. Minimum germination percentage (30.0%), germination index (2.01), germination energy (36.3), seedling length (3.3 cm), seedling biomass (10 mg) and seedling vigor index (99.0) of maize were observed in leaf extract followed by fruit and whole plant extracts of parthenium growing near the field border. Rhizospheric soil collected underneath parthenium growing near a water channel caused maximum reductions in germination index (30.8%), germination energy (40.6%), seedling length (32.6%), seedling biomass (35.1%) and seedling vigor index (34.3%) of maize compared with that soil without any vegetation. Phytotoxic inhibitory effects of both parthenium plant and rhizospheric soil were more pronounced on maize root than its shoot growth. The higher suppressive action against germination and seedling growth of maize was probably due to higher total phenolic concentrations (6678.2 and 2549.0 mg L-1) and presence of phenolic compounds viz., gallic, caffeic, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy benzoic, p-coumaric and m-coumaric acids; and ferulic, vanillic, syringic and m-coumaric acids in aqueous leaf extract of parthenium uprooted near the field border and its rhizospheric soil collected near a water channel, respectively.


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Water relations of the tree species Myrsine umbellata Mart. ex A. DC., Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. and Erythroxylum argentinum O. E. Schulz, growing on a rock outcrop in the "Parque Estadual de Itapuã" (RS), were studied. Environmental (precipitation, temperature, soil water) and plant (water potential, vapor pressure deficit, stomatal conductance, transpiration, leaf specific hydraulic conductance, osmotic potential and cell wall elasticity) parameters were collected in five periods and pooled into two sets of data: wet and dry periods. Myrsine umbellata showed great stability of the plant parameters, including the maintenance of high pre-dawn (psiwpd) and mid-day (psiwmd) water potentials in the dry period (-0.48 and -1.12 MPa, respectively), suggesting the presence of a deep root system. Dodonaea viscosa and E. argentinum reached lower psiwpd (-1.41 and -1.97 MPa, respectively) and a greater degree of stomatal closure in the dry period, suggesting a shallower root system. Differential exposure to soil drought was also corroborated by differential drought effects on the whole-plant leaf specific hydraulic conductance (Gt). Correlation analysis pointed to weak correlations between psiwpd and g s. Erythroxylum argentinum was the only species to show osmotic adjustment in response to drought. It is suggested that M. umbellata has low tolerance to water deficits, adopting an avoidance behavior. The much lower values of psiw reached by D. viscosa and E. argentinum suggest a greater tolerance to drought by these species.


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A neurotoxic peptide, granulitoxin (GRX), was isolated from the sea anemone Bunodosoma granulifera. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of GRX is AKTGILDSDGPTVAGNSLSGT and its molecular mass is 4958 Da by electrospray mass spectrometry. This sequence presents a partial degree of homology with other toxins from sea anemones such as Bunodosoma caissarum, Anthopleura fuscoviridis and Anemonia sulcata. However, important differences were found: the first six amino acids of the sequence are different, Arg-14 was replaced by Ala and no cysteine residues were present in the partial sequence, while two cysteine residues were present in the first 21 amino acids of other toxins described above. Purified GRX injected ip (800 µg/kg) into mice produced severe neurotoxic effects such as circular movements, aggressive behavior, dyspnea, tonic-clonic convulsion and death. The 2-h LD50 of GRX was 400 ± 83 µg/kg.


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Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT-EC activity and glutathione (GSH) content were measured in livers of female weanling Wistar rats (N = 5-18), submitted to rice-and-bean diets (13 and 6% w/w protein), both supplemented or not with DL-methionine (0.5 and 0.23 g/100 g dry diet, respectively). After 28 days, the rats on the rice-and-bean diets showed significantly higher levels (four times higher) of liver GGT activity and a concomitant 50% lower concentration of liver GSH in comparison with control groups feeding on casein. The addition of DL-methionine to rice-and-bean diets significantly increased the liver GSH content, which reached levels 50% higher than those found in animals on casein diets. The increase in GSH was accompanied by a decrease in liver GGT activity, which did not reach levels as low as those observed in the control groups. No significant correlation could be established between GGT and GSH changes under the present experimental conditions. Linear correlation analysis only revealed that in animals submitted to unsupplemented rice-and-bean diets GSH concentration was positively associated (P<0.05) with weight gain, food intake and food efficiency. GGT, however, was negatively correlated (P<0.05) with food intake only, and exclusively for supplemented rice-and-bean diets. The high levels of GGT activity observed in the present study for rats receiving a rice-and-bean mixture could be a result of the poor quality of these diets associated with their deficiency in sulfur amino acids. The results also suggest that diet supplementation with methionine could be important in the reduction of the deleterious effects of GSH depletion by restoring the intracellular concentration of this tripeptide.


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The time-course changes of the responsiveness of glycogen breakdown to a- and ß-adrenergic agonists during insulin-induced hypoglycemia (IIH) were investigated. Blood glucose levels were decreased prior to the alteration in the hepatic responsiveness to adrenergic agonists. The activation of hepatic glucose production and glycogenolysis by phenylephrine (2 µM) and isoproterenol (20 µM) was decreased in IIH. The changes in the responsiveness of glycogen catabolism were first observed for isoproterenol and later for phenylephrine. Hepatic ß-adrenergic receptors showed a higher degree of adrenergic desensitization than did a-receptors. Liver glycogen synthase activity, glycogen content and the catabolic effect of dibutyryl cyclic AMP (the ß-receptor second messenger) were not affected by IIH.


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The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of cellulose on intestinal iron absorption in rats during recovery from iron deficiency anemia. Twenty-one-day-old male Wistar-EPM rats were fed an iron-free ration for two weeks to induce anemia. At 5 weeks of age, the rats were divided into two groups (both groups receiving 35 mg of elemental iron per kg diet): cellulose group (N = 12), receiving a diet containing 100 g of cellulose/kg and control (N = 12), receiving a diet containing no cellulose. The fresh weight of the feces collected over a 3-day period between the 15th and 18th day of dietary treatment was 10.7 ± 3.5 g in the group receiving cellulose and 1.9 ± 1.2 g in the control group (P<0.001). Total food intake was higher in the cellulose group (343.4 ± 22.0 g) than in the control (322.1 ± 13.1 g, P = 0.009) during the 3 weeks of dietary treatment. No significant difference was observed in weight gain (cellulose group = 132.8 ± 19.2, control = 128.0 ± 16.3 g), hemoglobin increment (cellulose group = 8.0 ± 0.8, control = 8.0 ± 1.0 g/dl), hemoglobin level (cellulose group = 12.3 ± 1.2, control = 12.1 ± 1.3 g/dl) or in hepatic iron levels (cellulose group = 333.6 ± 112.4, control = 398.4 ± 168.0 µg/g dry tissue). We conclude that cellulose does not adversely affect the regeneration of hemoglobin, hepatic iron level or the growth of rats during recovery from iron deficiency anemia.


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We determined the prevalence of Y chromosome deletions in a population of 60 Brazilian nonobstructive azoospermic and severely oligozoospermic men. PCR-based screening of microdeletions was performed on lymphocyte DNA for the presence of 14 sequence-tagged sites (STS) located in the azoospermic factor (AZF) on the Yq chromosome. All STS were amplified efficiently in samples from 12 fertile men tested, but failed to be amplified in samples from fertile women, indicating the specificity of PCR conditions for Yq screening. Overall, 4 of the 60 infertile patients tested (6.7%) exhibited deletion of the Y chromosome, 2 of them being severely oligozoospermic patients (P10 and P32) and 2 azoospermic men (patients P47 and P57). Patients P47 and P57 presented larger deletions in the AZFa, AZFb and AZFc subregions, with apparent loss of Yq material evidenced by karyotype analysis. Patients P10 and P32 presented deletions confined to the AZFc region, involving the DAZ locus. Male relatives of patients P10 and P32 had no Y chromosome deletions and presented a normal karyotype, suggesting a de novo status of the deletions found. Our data add to the growing literature showing that microdeletions of the Y chromosome can be the cause of male idiopathic infertility.


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Brazil's scientific community is under pressure. Each year there is an increase in its contribution to international science and in the number of students who are trained to do research and teach at an advanced level. Most of these activities are carried out in state and federal universities, but with government funding that has decreased by more than 70% since 1996. Interviews with graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and professors in one university department with a strong research tradition illustrate the level of stress engendered by the conflict between increasing competition and diminishing resources, and serve to underscore the negative effects on creativity and on the tendency to choose science as a career.


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Since the discovery of bovine insulin in plants, much effort has been devoted to the characterization of these proteins and elucidation of their functions. We report here the isolation of a protein with similar molecular mass and same amino acid sequence to bovine insulin from developing fruits of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) genotype Epace 10. Insulin was measured by ELISA using an anti-human insulin antibody and was detected both in empty pods and seed coats but not in the embryo. The highest concentrations (about 0.5 ng/µg of protein) of the protein were detected in seed coats at 16 and 18 days after pollination, and the values were 1.6 to 4.0 times higher than those found for isolated pods tested on any day. N-terminal amino acid sequencing of insulin was performed on the protein purified by C4-HPLC. The significance of the presence of insulin in these plant tissues is not fully understood but we speculate that it may be involved in the transport of carbohydrate to the fruit.


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Measles virus is a highly contagious agent which causes a major health problem in developing countries. The viral genomic RNA is single-stranded, nonsegmented and of negative polarity. Many live attenuated vaccines for measles virus have been developed using either the prototype Edmonston strain or other locally isolated measles strains. Despite the diverse geographic origins of the vaccine viruses and the different attenuation methods used, there was remarkable sequence similarity of H, F and N genes among all vaccine strains. CAM-70 is a Japanese measles attenuated vaccine strain widely used in Brazilian children and produced by Bio-Manguinhos since 1982. Previous studies have characterized this vaccine biologically and genomically. Nevertheless, only the F, H and N genes have been sequenced. In the present study we have sequenced the remaining P, M and L genes (approximately 1.6, 1.4 and 6.5 kb, respectively) to complete the genomic characterization of CAM-70 and to assess the extent of genetic relationship between CAM-70 and other current vaccines. These genes were amplified using long-range or standard RT-PCR techniques, and the cDNA was cloned and automatically sequenced using the dideoxy chain-termination method. The sequence analysis comparing previously sequenced genotype A strains with the CAM-70 Bio-Manguinhos strain showed a low divergence among them. However, the CAM-70 strains (CAM-70 Bio-Manguinhos and a recently sequenced CAM-70 submaster seed strain) were assigned to a specific group by phylogenetic analysis using the neighbor-joining method. Information about our product at the genomic level is important for monitoring vaccination campaigns and for future studies of measles virus attenuation.