100 resultados para Urea Cycle
Losses of productivity of flooded rice in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, may occur in the Coastal Plains and in the Southern region due to the use of saline water from coastal rivers, ponds and the Laguna dos Patos lagoon, and the sensibility of the plants are variable according to its stage of development. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the production of rice grains and its components, spikelet sterility and the phenological development of rice at different levels of salinity in different periods of its cycle. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, in pots filled with 11 dm³ of an Albaqualf. The levels of salinity were 0.3 (control), 0.75, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 dS m-1 kept in the water layer by adding a salt solution of sodium chloride, except for the control, in different periods of rice development: tillering initiation to panicle initiation; tillering initiation to full flowering; tillering initiation to physiological maturity; panicle initiation to full flowering; panicle initiation to physiological maturity and full flowering to physiological maturity. The number of panicles per pot, the number of spikelets per panicle, the 1,000-kernel weight, the spikelet sterility, the grain yield and phenology were evaluated. All characteristics were negatively affected, in a quadratic manner, with increased salinity in all periods of rice development. Among the yield components evaluated, the one most closely related to grain yields of rice was the spikelet sterility.
The great difficulty of incorporation of N fertilizers into the "green sugarcane" system causes concern and since urea is the most commonly used source, there is the risk of loosing NH3 through volatilization. For this reason, a field experiment was undertaken (in a Hapludox Typic) with the objective of evaluating the agronomic efficiency of ammonium chloride on stubble of the second ratoon (SP89 1115), as well as its residual effect on the subsequent cycle (third ratoon). The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications. Treatments consisted of three N rates (60, 120 and 180 kg ha-1 N) in the form of NH4Cl, in addition to a control treatment without the addition of N fertilizer. The ratoon cane of the second cutting was harvested in November 2006 and the treatments were applied in December 2006. The second ratoon was harvested mechanically in November 2007 and in December 2007, 450 kg ha-1 of the NPK mixture 20-05-19 was applied, providing 90, 22 and 86 kg ha-1 N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively, for the purpose of evaluating the effect of residual-N from the treatments implanted in December 2006. An increase in the rates of N-NH4Cl had a positive effect on the leaf concentrations of P, Mg and S. Stalk yield (MSS - Mg ha-1 of sugarcane stalks) and sugar (MSH - Mg ha-1 of sucrose) in the November 2006 harvest responded linearly to the increase of N doses in the form of NH4Cl. In relation to the effect of residual-N in the 2007/2008 harvest, it was observed, in general, that the concentrations of macronutrients in the sugarcane leaf +1 were within the range considered adequate in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The residual-N of the NH4Cl doses resulted in a significant reduction in stalk (MSS) and sugar (MSH) production. It may be concluded that the NH4Cl source at a dose of 120 kg ha-1 N in ratoon fertilization of the second cutting was agronomically efficient, presenting, however, less efficiency of residual-N in the subsequent cycle.
To synchronize nutrient availability with the requirements of eucalyptus during a cultivation cycle, the nutrient flow of this system must be well understood. Essential, for example, is information about nutrient dynamics in eucalyptus plantations throughout a cultivation cycle, as well as impacts on soil nutrient reserves caused by the accumulation and subsequent export of nutrients via biomass. It is also important to quantify the effect of some management practices, such as tree population density (PD) on these fluxes. Some nutrient relations in an experiment with Eucalyptus grandis, grown at different PDs in Santa Barbara, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, were evaluated for one cultivation cycle. At forest ages of 0.25, 2.5, 4.5, and 6.75 years, evaluations were carried out in the stands at seven different PDs (between 500 and 5,000 trees ha-1) which consisted in chemical analyses of plant tissue sampled from components of the aboveground parts of the tree, from the forest floor and the litterfall. Nutrient contents and allocations of the different biomass components were estimated. In general, there were only small and statistically insignificant effects of PD on the nutrient concentration in trees. With increasing forest age, P, K, Ca and Mg concentrations were reduced in the aboveground components and the forest floor. The magnitud of biochemical nutrient cycling followed the sequence: P > K > N > Mg. At the end of the cycle, the quantities of N, P, Ca and Mg immobilized in the forest floor were higher than in the other components.
The quantification of ammonia (NH3) losses from sugarcane straw fertilized with urea can be performed with collectors that recover the NH3 in acid-treated absorbers. Thus, the use of an open NH3 collector with a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-wrapped absorber is an interesting option since its cost is low, handling easy and microclimatic conditions irrelevant. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of an open collector for quantifying NH3-N volatilized from urea applied over the sugarcane straw. The experiment was carried out in a sugarcane field located near Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil. The NH3-N losses were estimated using a semi-open static collector calibrated with 15N (reference method) and an open collector with an absorber wrapped in PTFE film. Urea was applied to the soil surface in treatments corresponding to rates of 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha-1 N. Applying urea-N fertilizer on sugarcane straw resulted in losses NH3-N up to 24 % of the applied rate. The amount of volatile NH3-N measured in the open and the semi-open static collector did not differ. The effectiveness of the collection system varied non-linearly, with an average value of 58.4 % for the range of 100 to 200 kg ha-1 of urea-N. The open collector showed significant potential for use; however, further research is needed to verify the suitability of the proposed method.
Urea is the most consumed nitrogen fertilizer in the world. However, its agronomic and economic efficiency is reduced by the volatilization of NH3, which can reach 78 % of the applied nitrogen. The coating of urea granules with acidic compounds obtained by charcoal oxidation has the potential to reduce the volatilization, due to the acidic character, the high buffering capacity and CEC. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of HNO3-oxidized carbon on the control of NH3 volatilization. These compounds were obtained by oxidation of Eucalyptus grandis charcoal, produced at charring temperatures of 350 and 450 ºC, with 4.5 mol L-1 HNO3. The charcoal was oxidized by solubilization in acidic or alkaline medium, similar to the procedure of soil organic matter fractionation (CHox350 and CHox450). CHox was characterized by C, H, O, N contents and their respective atomic relations, by the ratio E4 (absorbance 465 nm) by E6 (absorbance 665 nm), and by active acidity and total acidity (CEC). The inhibitory effect of CHox on the urease activity of Canavalia ensiformis was assessed in vitro. The NH3 volatilization from urea was evaluated with and without coating of oxidized charcoal (U-CHox350 or U-CHox450) in a closed system with continuous air flow. The pH of both CHox was near 2.0, but the total acidity of CHox350 was higher, 72 % of which was attributed to carboxylic groups. The variation in the ionization constants of CHox350 was also greater. The low E4/E6 ratios characterize the high stability of the compounds in CHox. CHox did not inhibit the urease activity in vitro, although the maximum volatilization peak from U-CHox450 and U-CHox350 occurred 24 h after that observed for uncoated urea. The lowest volatilization rate was observed for U-CHox350 as well as a 43 % lower total amount of NH3 volatilized than from uncoated urea.
In Brazilian agriculture, urea is the most commonly used nitrogen (N) source, in spite of having the disadvantage of losing considerable amounts of N by ammonia-N volatilization. The objectives of this study were to evaluate: N lossby ammonia volatilization from: [urea coated with copper sulfate and boric acid], [urea coated with zeolite], [urea+ammonium sulfate], [urea coated with copper sulfate and boric acid+ammonium sulfate], [common urea] and [ammonium nitrate]; and the effect of these N source son the maize yield in terms of amount and quality. The treatments were applied to the surface of a soil under no-tillage maize, in two growing seasons. The first season (2009/2010) was after a maize crop (maize straw left on the soil surface) and the second cycle (2012/2011) after a soybean crop. Due to the weather conditions during the experiments, the volatilization of ammonia-N was highest in the first four days after application of the N sources. Of all urea sources, under volatilization-favorable conditions, the loss of ammonia from urea coated with copper sulfate and boric acid was lowest, while under high rainfall, the losses from the different urea sources was similar, i.e., an adequate rainfall was favorablet o reduce volatilization. The ammonia volatilization losses were greatest in the first four days after application. Maize grain yield differed due to N application and in the treatments, but this was only observed with cultivation of maize crop residues in 2009/2010. The combination of ammonium+urea coated with copper sulfate and boric acid optimized grain yield compared to the other urea treatments. The crude protein concentration in maize was not influenced by the technologies of urea coating.
Nitrogen fertilization is a major component of the cost of agricultural production, due to the high cost and low efficiency of fertilizers. In the case of urea, the low efficiency is mainly due to losses by volatilization, which are more pronounced in cultivation systems in which plant residues are left on the soil. The objective of this work was to compare the influence of urea coated with sulfur or boric acid and copper sulfate with conventional N fertilizers on N volatilization losses in sugar cane harvested after stubble burning. The sources urea, sulfur-coated urea, urea coated with boric acid and copper sulfate, as well as nitrate and ammonium sulfate, were tested at amounts containing N rates of 120 kg ha-1 N. The integration of new technologies in urea fertilization can reduce N losses by volatilization. These losses were most reduced when using nitrate and ammonium sulfate. The application of a readily acidified substance (boric acid) to urea was more efficient in reducing volatilization losses and nutrient removal by sugar cane than that of a substance with gradual acidification (elemental sulfur).
The cropping system influences the interception of water by plants, water storage in depressions on the soil surface, water infiltration into the soil and runoff. The aim of this study was to quantify some hydrological processes under no tillage cropping systems at the edge of a slope, in 2009 and 2010, in a Humic Dystrudept soil, with the following treatments: corn, soybeans, and common beans alone; and intercropped corn and common bean. Treatments consisted of four simulated rainfall tests at different times, with a planned intensity of 64 mm h-1 and 90 min duration. The first test was applied 18 days after sowing, and the others at 39, 75 and 120 days after the first test. Different times of the simulated rainfall and stages of the crop cycle affected soil water content prior to the rain, and the time runoff began and its peak flow and, thus, the surface hydrological processes. The depth of the runoff and the depth of the water intercepted by the crop + soil infiltration + soil surface storage were affected by the crop systems and the rainfall applied at different times. The corn crop was the most effective treatment for controlling runoff, with a water loss ratio of 0.38, equivalent to 75 % of the water loss ratio exhibited by common bean (0.51), the least effective treatment in relation to the others. Total water loss by runoff decreased linearly with an increase in the time that runoff began, regardless of the treatment; however, soil water content on the gravimetric basis increased linearly from the beginning to the end of the rainfall.
Hygroscopic fertilizers tend to absorb moisture from the air and may have undesirable characteristics such as moistness, clumping and lower fluidity, hampering the application. The increasing use of urea is due to its numerous advantages, although this nitrogen (N) source is highly susceptible to volatilization losses, particularly when applied to the soil surface of management systems with conservation of crop residues. The volatilization losses can be minimized by slow or controlled-release fertilizers, with controlled water solubility of the urea-coating materials; and by stabilized fertilizers, which prolong the period during which N remains in the amide or ammonia forms by urease inhibitors. This study evaluated the hygroscopicity of and ammonia volatilization from urea coated with boric acid and copper sulfate or with sulfur. The hygroscopicity of the sources was evaluated over time after exposure to five levels of relative humidity (RH) and volatilization evaluated after application to the soil surface covered with sugarcane trash. Ammonium nitrate has a low potential for volatilization losses, but is highly hygroscopic. Although coating with boric acid and copper sulfate or elemental sulfur reduced the critical humidity level of urea, the delay in the volatilization process is a potential positive factor.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of heifers fed sugarcane silages produced with and without additives. Thirty-two Holstein heifers were randomly assigned, in a block design, to evaluate rations (46% silage; 54% concentrate; 12% crude protein) containing silages treated with (fresh basis) urea (0.5%), sodium benzoate (0.1%) or Lactobacillus buchneri (3.64x10(5) cfu g-1 ). Inoculation with L. buchneri improved daily gain (1.24 vs. 0.94 kg day-1 ), and the addition of benzoate resulted in better feed conversion (7.6 vs. 9.4 kg of dry matter per kg of live weight), in relation to the untreated silage (control). Treatments did not affect dry matter intake (mean of 2.19% of live weight). Rations containing silages treated with benzoate or L. buchneri showed lower cost per kg of weight gain. Treatment with urea did not improve animal performance, but the cost per kg of weight gain was lower than that of the control ration.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the agroindustrial production of sugarcane (millable stalks and sucrose yield) after successive nitrogen fertilizations of plant cane and ratoons in a reduced tillage system. The experiment was carried out at Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil, on a Rhodic Eutrustox soil, during four consecutive crop cycles (March 2005 to July 2009). Plant cane treatments consisted of N-urea levels (control, 40, 80, and 120 kg ha-1 N + 120 kg ha-1 P2O5 and K2O in furrow application). In the first and second ratoons, the plant cane plots were subdivided in N-ammonium nitrate treatments (control, 50, 100, and 150 kg ha-1 N + 150 kg ha-1 K2O as top dressing over rows). In the third ratoon, N fertilization was leveled to 100 kg ha-1 in all plots, including controls, to detect residual effects of previous fertilizations on the last crop's cycle. Sugarcane ratoon was mechanically harvested. A weighing truck was used to evaluate stalk yield (TCH), and samples were collected in the field for analysis of sugar content (TSH). Increasing N doses and meteorological conditions promote significant responses in TCH and TSH in cane plant and ratoons, in the average and accumulated yield of the consecutive crop cycles.
The objective of this work was to develop and validate a mathematical model to estimate the duration of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. r. latifolium hutch) cycle in the State of Goiás, Brazil, by applying the method of growing degree-days (GD), and considering, simultaneously, its time-space variation. The model was developed as a linear combination of elevation, latitude, longitude, and Fourier series of time variation. The model parameters were adjusted by using multiple-linear regression to the observed GD accumulated with air temperature in the range of 15°C to 40°C. The minimum and maximum temperature records used to calculate the GD were obtained from 21 meteorological stations, considering data varying from 8 to 20 years of observation. The coefficient of determination, resulting from the comparison between the estimated and calculated GD along the year was 0.84. Model validation was done by comparing estimated and measured crop cycle in the period from cotton germination to the stage when 90 percent of bolls were opened in commercial crop fields. Comparative results showed that the model performed very well, as indicated by the Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.90 and Willmott agreement index of 0.94, resulting in a performance index of 0.85.
The Fertigation is the combined application of water and nutrients to a crop. It can be adapted to all types of agricultural crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of urea concentration in irrigation water on electrical conductivity of the soil solution and saturation extract along the first cycle of banana cv. Terra Maranhão. The experiment followed a completely randomized design with six treatments and ten replications. Treatments regarded for using three urea concentrations (1.0; 2.5 and 4.0 g L-1) in irrigation water applied by two micro irrigation systems (microsprinkler and drip). Results showed that there was a linear elevation of electrical conductivity of saturation extract and soil solution with the increase on concentration of urea in the injection solution. Urea should be used under concentrations up to 2.5 g L-1 in irrigation water without causing increase on electric conductivity of soil solution and saturation extract, considering 1.1 dS m-1 as the tolerated value for the crop. Nitrate in the soil solution increased significantly with the increase of urea concentration in the injection solution. The maximum concentration of nitrate in the soil occurred for 4,0 g L-1 concentration of the injection solution.
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of airflow (0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 L.L-1.min-1) and cycle time (10.45 h, 14.25 h and 17.35 h) on a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) performance in promoting nitrification and denitrification of poultry slaughterhouse wastewater. The operational stages included feeding, aerobic and anoxic reactions, sedimentation and discharge. SBR was operated in a laboratory scale with a working volume of 4 L, keeping 25% of biomass retained inside the reactor as inoculum for the next batch. In the anoxic stage, C: N ratio was maintained between 5 and 6 by adding cassava starch wastewater. A factorial design (22) with five repetitions was designed at the central point to evaluate the influence of cycle time and airflow on total inorganic nitrogen removal (N-NH4++N-NO2-+N-NO3-) and in the whole process (nitrification and denitrification). The highest total inorganic nitrogen removal (93.3%) was observed for airflow of 0.25 L.L-1.min‑1 and a cycle time of 14.25 h. At the end of the experiment, the sludge inside the reactor was characterized by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), indicating the presence of ammonia and nitrite oxidizing bacteria.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of medroxy-progesterone acetate (MAP) with or without estradiol benzoate (EB) on follicular growth during the estrous cycle in cattle. In the first experiment, Hereford cows were synchronized with a synthetic analogue of PGF2 alpha and were treated with two different doses of MAP (250 or 500 mg) with or without EB for 7 days starting on day 8 of the estrous cycle. Follicular growth was inhibited (P<0.05) in all cows except controls and those receiving 250mg MAP without EB. Seventy-five percent of the animals (15/20) showed estrus on days 21 and 22 of the cycle rather than at MAP withdrawal, demonstrating that these treatments did not induce estrus. To determine whether the EB treatment altered endometrial sensitivity to oxytocin and thus the luteolytic cascade, multiparous pre-synchronized cows received 5 mg of EB followed 6 hours later with 50 IU of oxytocin (OT; n=9). Eight hours after EB injection, endometrial fragments were collected from the cows on days 4, 13 and 17 of the estrous cycle and COX-2 gene expression was measured by PCR. EB increased COX-2 mRNA levels only on day 17 of the estrous cycle (P<0.05). In conclusion, MAP alone or associated with EB is able to suppress bovine follicular growth. However, EB in the presence of MAP is not efficient to induce luteolysis in cows when injected on day 8 of the estrous cycle.