63 resultados para UV CETI STARS


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Os corantes sintéticos são usualmente adicionados a alimentos industrializados para conferir e restaurar a cor obtendo-se a qualidade estética desejada. Em função destes aspectos e do potencial toxicológico que alguns corantes podem apresentar, o controle de qualidade destes compostos é de fundamental importância. Neste trabalho, foi estudado o potencial das metodologias matemáticas como o princípio da aditividade, espectrofotometria derivativa e técnica multivariada (Regressão por Mínimos Quadrados Parciais - PLSR) na determinação simultânea de dois corantes alimentícios: Amarelo Crepúsculo (AC) e Amarelo Tartrazina (AT), extraídos com lã natural. Estas metodologias foram avaliadas e comparadas em função das suas capacidades de previsão, sendo que o modelo PLSR otimizado (faixa espectral de 305 a 645 nm, empregando-se 1ª derivada como transformação dos dados e 2 componentes principais) apresentou o menor valor de Raiz Quadrada da Soma dos Erros de Previsão (RMSEP) (AT = 0,191 e AC = 0,102). A faixa de concentração estudada foi de 1,0 a 16,0 mg.L-1 para AC e de 2,0 a 22,0 mg.L-1 para AT. O conjunto de validação externa apresentou erros relativos médios de 1,97% para AC e 1,39% para AT. A aplicação desta metodologia em amostras reais mostrou que em todas as amostras analisadas as concentrações destes corantes estavam de acordo com os limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira


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The importance of minimally processed commodities in the retail groceries of most developed countries has been rising continuously during the last decades. Cantaloupe melon is used more than any other fruit in fresh-cut processing. Ultraviolet (UV) light has been extensively used to simulate biological stres in plants and for determining resistance mechanisms of plant tissues. In this study the effect of ultraviolet irradiation on some properties of fresh-cut cantalope melon was determined during storage. Freshly cut cantalope melons cubes treated with ultraviolet irradiation at the doses of 1, 2 or 3 min before storage, and then placed in a cold room at 5±1°C temperature and 85-90% RH. Hue angle values of control group is low compared to UV-C treated samples, whereas L values of is high. EL of UV treated samples higher than those of control group. Total soluble solids of fresh-cut melon samples in UC3 treatment increased during storage. The results indicate that UV-C treatments on fresh-cut cantaloupe melon cubes increased total soluble solids independently from water loss.


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Abstract In the postharvest stage, taste and flavor are the key components of the marketability of tomato. Therefore, greater emphasis is now being placed on improving traits such as sugar content. In this study postharvest ultraviolet-B (UV-B) treatments on sugar, total soluble solids, and color of tomatoes harvested at different stages were investigated. Tomatoes harvested at turning, pink, and red stages were treated with two different doses of UV-B irradiation: UVB4 and UVB8. Color L* and hue angle values of tomatoes treated with UV-B were found to be high, which means the red color of tomatoes was improved. UVB4 treatments increased the color a* and saturation index values of tomatoes at pink and red harvest stage, although it did not affect at the turning stage. Additionally, UV-B irradiation treatments had no effect on sucrose content of the tomatoes. Fructose, glucose, and TSS content of tomatoes treated with UVB8 at red harvest stage were found to be high. Hence, the results obtained from this study are of great importance in terms of providing an increase in the amount of sugar without the need for breeding, and also consumer satisfaction.