803 resultados para Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) peba
Calomys callosus a wild rodent, previously described as harboring Trypanosoma cruzi, has a low susceptibility to infection by this protozoan. Experiments were designed to evaluate the contribution of the immune response to the resistance to T. cruzi infection exhibited by C. calossus. Animals were submitted to injections of high (200 mg/kg body weight) and low (20 mg/kg body weight) doses of cyclophosphamide on days -1 or -1 and +5, and inoculated with 4 x 10³ T. cruzi on day O. Parasitemia, mortality and antibody response as measured by direct agglutination of trypomastigotes were observed. Two hundred mg doses of cyclophosphamide resulted in higher parasitemia and mortality as well as in suppression of the antibody response. A single dose of 20 mg enhanced antibody levels on the 20th day after infection, while an additional dose did not further increase antibody production. Parasitemia levels were not depressed, but rather increased in both these groups as compared to untreated controls. Passive transfer of hyperimmune C. callosus anti-T. cruzi serum to cyclophosphamide immunosuppressed animals resulted in lower parasitemia and mortality rates. These results indicate that the immune response plays an important role in the resistance of C. callossus to T. cruzi.
En una zona endémica de la República Argentina se llevó a cabo un ensayo de campo de la prueba inmunoenzimática ELISA para la detección de antígenos (cAg) y complejos inmunes circulantes (CIC) en sueros de pacientes chagásicos crónicos. Del total de 215 muestras de sangre analizadas, 51 fueron positivas para ELISA-CIC y 45 lo fueron para ELISA-cAg. De los 74 (34,32% de la población) sujetos considerados infectados con dos reacciones serológicas positivas, 49 (66,21%) presentaron CIC en suero, en tanto que en 43 (58,11%) de ellos se encontró cAg por ELISA. Solo en 2 casos serológicamente no reactivos, se detectaron inespecíficamente CIC y cAg. Dentro del grupo considerado no infectado, se observó reactividad inespecífica de bajo título por una de las pruebas serológicas en 16 (11,35%) de 141 individuos. Estos sueros arrojaron resultados consistentemente negativos por ELISA-CIC y cAg demostrando la utilidad de estos métodos de diagnóstico antigénico en casos de serología conflictiva. La determinación de fracciones antigénicas circulantes por ELISA en individuos chagásicos crónicos permite evidenciar la infección por T. cruzi de manera más directa que midiendo la respuesta inmune humoral en el huésped, presentando además mayor sensibilidad que el diagnóstico parasitológico clásico
Alguns pesquisadores demonstraram que o intraconzol, "in vitro" e na infecção aguda de animais, possui atividade antiparasitária referente ao Trypanosoma cruzi. Diante dessas observações, decidimos empreender estudo sobre e etapa crônica da parasitose devida a esse protozoário, considerando que ela é mais proeminente sob o ponto de vista médico-assistencial. A propósito, efetuamos apreciações baseadas em modelo composto por camundongos infectados e, também, relacionadas com indivíduos acometidos de doença de Chagas. Usamos 100 mg/kg/dia, por meio de sonda gástrica, durante três meses, e 100 ou 200 mg/dia, pela via oral, respectivamente, no decurso de igual período, sem evidenciarmos efeitos benéficos, pelo menos conforme a metodologia adotada
The humoral and cellular immune responses as well as the resistance to infection with bloodstream forms of T. cruzi were studied in mice immunized with acidic antigenic fractions from parasite cytosol, F III and F IV, plus Bordetella pertussis as adjuvant. The immunization with F III induced positive ITH and DTH responses to homologous antigens. In mice immunized with F IV, the ITH was negative and four out of six animals presented positive DTH reactions. In both groups of mice the analysis of IgG aginst T. cruzi showed that the major isotype elicited was IgG1. Specific IgE was also detected in sera from F III immunized mice, thus confirming the presence of homocytothropic antibodies. The parasitemias reached by F III and F IV immunized mice after challenge were lower than those of the controls showing in this way a partial protection against the acute infection. The histological studies of heart and skeletal muscle performed two months after the infection revealed variable mononuclear infiltration in all infected mice despite immunization.
The members of the subfamily Triatominae (Hemiptera : Reduviidae) comprise a great number of species of medical importance in the transmission of the T. cruzi (American trypanosomiasis). The aim of this study was to contribute to the knowledge about the chemical composition in proteins, lipids, lipoproteins, and carbohydrates of vectors of Chagas' disease corresponding to twelve members of the subfamily Triatominae. This study was carried out in ninphs of the fifth instar and adult males of the species: T. delpontei, T. dimidiata, T. guasayana, T. infestans, T. mazzotti, T. pallidipennis, T. patagonica, T. platensis, T. rubrovaria, T. sordida of the Triatoma genus, and D. maximus and P. megistus of the Dipatalogaster and Panstrongylus genera respectively. The results show on one hand, qualitative differences in the protein composition, and on the other hand, similarity in the lipoprotein profiles. Lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates did not show significant differences between species or/and stages.
We report the case of a 52-year-old male heterosexual patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and reactivation of Chagas' disease manifested by meningoencephalitis and myocarditis, diagnosed post-mortem. Unexplained reactivation of Chagas' disease should be included among the diagnostic criteria of AIDS in human immunodeficiency virus positive patients. On the other hand, AIDS should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with unexplained reactivation of Chagas' disease.
Las primeras investigaciones realizadas a nivel de bancos de sangre, durante la década 50, indican que la seroprevalencia por infecciones a T. cruzi entre hemodadores fue de 12%. Un estudio posterior, entre 1963-64, efectuado en varios bancos de sangre, así como otros centros, registró una seroprevalencia global de 6.0% (1.1-10.1%). La donación de sangre en Venezuela es gratuita. El control de los bancos de sangre recae en el Departamento de Transfusiones y Bancos de Sangre del Ministerio de Sanidad y Asistencia Social. A partir de 1988, se emplea uniformemente la técnica de ELISA para el diagnóstico de infecciones a T. cruzi en los Bancos de Sangre. La seropositividad promedio interanual, entre 1984-1992, fue de 1.20% (1.09-1.94%). Existen variaciones geográficas entre las localidades de varias entidades federales. Los estados con mayor prevalencia se ubican en las regiones del occidente y centro del país, a saber: Portuguesa, Barinas, Lara, Trujillo, Cojedes y Carabobo. Por las dificultades en obtener tasas de incidencia para el Mal de Chagas, resulta adecuado emplear tasas de prevalencia para uso en salud pública, en función de su mayor estabilidad; y en el caso de Venezuela, dada la severidad menor y una sobrevivencia mayor por esta patologia hoy día. La especificidad, como parámetro de las pruebas serológicas, debería considerarse en función de la baja seroprevalencia detectada a nivel nacional. Convendría emplear varias pruebas diagnósticas en paralelo para buscar un equilibrio entre sensibilidad y especificidad.
A infecção experimental pelo Trypanosoma cruzi foi estudada em nove caprinos jovens. Os animais foram inoculados via intraperitoneal com 10³ tripomastigotas sangüíneos/Kg de peso com as cepas 147 (Grupo 1) e 229 (Grupo 2), isoladas de pacientes chagásicos crônicos de Bambuí, MG. Realizaram-se exames de sangue a fresco, xenodiagnóstico, hemocultura e sorologia (RIFI e ELISA). O período de acompanhamento da infecção variou de 7 a 30 meses. Pôde-se observar uma acentuada diferença no curso da infecção entre os dois grupos. Demonstrou-se pela primeira vez em caprinos experimentalmente inoculados com T. cruzi, o parasita através de exames de sangue a fresco e xenodiagnóstico no período agudo e pela hemocultura e xenodiagnóstico no período crônico da infecção chagásica. Os resultados sugerem que caprinos, em determinadas condições epidemiológicas, podem ser importantes no ciclo de transmissão silvestre e peridoméstico do T. cruzi, especialmente aqueles animais mais jovens.
The alkaline soluble Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigote antigen (ASEA) was assessed in dot-ELISA for the diagnosis of Chagas' disease. Serum samples (355) from chagasic and non-chagasic patients were studied, and IgG antibodies to ASEA were found in all patients with chronic Chagas' disease. In non-chagasic patients 95.6% were negative, except for those with leishmaniasis (visceral and mucocutaneous), and some patients from control group reacted in low titers. The data indicate that dot-ELISA using ASEA is suitable for seroepidemiologic surveys to be employed in endemic areas for Chagas' disease.
The possibility that some virus contaminants could be altering host response to Trypanosoma cruzi experimental infection was investigated. Data obtained showed that CBA/J mice infected with stocks of parasite maintained in mice (Y1UEC) presented higher level of parasitemia and shorter survival times than those infected with a stock (Y1TC) which was also maintained in mice but had been previously passaged in cell culture. Mouse antibody production tests, performed with the filtered plasma of mice infected with Y1UEC, indicated the presence of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) while no virus was detected when testing the plasma of Y1TC infected mice. Filtered plasma of Y1EUC infected mice was shown to contain a factor able to enhance the level of parasitemia and to reduce the mean survival time of mice challenged with 10(5) Y1TC. This factor, that could be serially passaged to naïve mice was shown to be a coronavirus by neutralization tests.
Seventy Swiss mice chronically infected with different strains of Trypanosoma cruzi, with persistently negative parasitemia on routine blood examination were parasitologically investigated to find out whether spontaneous cure occurred. Duration of infection varied from 90 to 250 days in the initial phase of this investigation. Parasitological tests consisted of daily direct blood examination performed during at least 25 days, followed by xenodiagnosis and subinoculation of blood into newborn mice. Mice that persisted negative were treated with Cyclophosphamide with one dose of 250 mg/kg of body weight and then investigated by direct blood examination, xenodiagnosis and subinoculation. A second dose of 250 mg/kg b. w. was given to the persistently negative mice. With one single exception, all mice showed positive parasitological tests in the different stages of the present investigation and we conclude that spontaneous cure did not occur in this group, which is representative of the chronic infection with different strains of T cruzi.
A cepa WSL (Wild São Lorenço) de T. cruzi, isolada de um cobaio proveniente de São Lorenço da Mata (Nordeste do Brasil) foi caracterizada através da análise do seu comportamento morfobiológico e perfil isoenzimático. Para o estudo do comportamento morfobiológico, tripomastigotas sanguíneos (1 x 10 5) da cepa WSL foram inoculados por via intraperitonal em camundongos albinos Swiss. Como controle a cepa Y (Tipo I) foi usada. Durante o curso da infecção os seguintes parâmetros foram analisados: parasitemia, mortalidade, morfologia dos parasitas no sangue periférico e tropismo tissular. O perfil isoenzimático foi analisado em relação às enzimas ALAT, GPI e PGM usando como controle de referência as cepas Peruana (Tipo I), 21SF (Tipo II) e Colombiana (Tipo III). A cepa WSL apresentou as seguintes características biológicas: 1) multiplicação lenta e pico parasitêmico entre 21 - 25 dias pós-infecção; 2) mortalidade de 3,3% 40 dias pós-infecção; 3) predominância de formas largas no sangue periférico e 4) miotropismo com predominante envolvimento cardíaco. A análise isoenzimática mostrou um padrão de zimodema 2 (Z2) que corresponde às cepas biológicas Tipo II. Os resultados mostram que a cepa WSL apresenta baixa virulência e patogenicidade.
The behavior of T. cruzi strains from S. Felipe - BA (19 SF, 21 SF and 22 SF) classified as Type II Zymodeme 2, was investigated after passage through the authoctonous (P. megistus) and foreign vectors (T. infestans and R. prolixus). For each strain Swiss mice were infected: I - with blood forms (control); II - with metacyclic forms (MF) from P. megistus; III - with MF from T. infestans; IV - with MF from R. prolixus. Inocula: MF from the three species of triatomine, 60 to 120 days after feeding in infected mice, adjusted to 10 4. Biological behavior in mice (parasitemia, morphology, mortality, virulence and pathogenicity) after passage through triatomine was compared with data from the same strain in control mice. Isoenzymic electrophoresis (ASAT, ALAT, PGM, GPI) were also performed after culture into Warren medium. The three strains maintained the isoenzyme profiles (zymodeme 2), in the control groups and after passages through different species of triatomine. Biological characterization disclosed Type II strains patterns for all groups. An increased virulence was observed with the 22 SF strain isolated from P. megistus and T. infestans and higher levels of parasitemia and predominance of slender forms in mice inoculated with the 19 SF and 21 SF from these same species. Results indicate that the passage through the two species T. infestans and P. megistus had a positive influence on the virulence of the regional strains of S. Felipe, regardless of being autocthonous (P. megistus) or foreign to the area (T. infestans).
Forty-nine American Trypanosomiasis (Chagas' disease) patients, with xenodiagnosis proven parasitemia were treated by the authors. Forty-one of these patients were given benznidazole, at dosages ranging from 5mg/kg/day to 8mg/kg/day, during a pre-established period of 60 days. In this group, 17 patients had an undetermined form of the disease, whereas 22 had cardiologic disease and 4 had digestive disease (two patients had a mixed form of the disease). Side effects were frequent, and led to the discontinuation of treatment in 17 patients. The follow-up period ranged from 1 to 20 years (mean follow-up period of 6 yrs. 7 mo). 26 (63.4%) of the patients became parasitemia-negative. The other eight patients were treated with nifurtimox, during 120 days, following a variable dose regime of 5mg/kg/day (initial dose) to 17 mg/kg/day (final dose). Six of them had severe side effects, and only one patient remained parasitemia-negative throughout the observation period (ranging from 1 to 18 years). Benznidazole proved to be better tolerated and more effective in the management of parasitemia when compared to nifurtimox, although more effective and less toxic drugs are still desirable.