111 resultados para Thoracic


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We report a case of a 17-year-old man with punctiforms thoracic and abdominal wounds. Clinical examination showed signs of cardiac tamponade. Roentgenogram demonstrated widened mediastinum and thoracotomy confirmed cardiac wound. We analyse the unusual trauma agent and prognostic factors in cardiac trauma. Wounds with "innocent" aspect can cause fatal lesions.


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Pneumopericardium after penetrating wound represents a high suspicion for cardiac wound. Some authors recommend thoracotomy to discharge a cardiac lesion. We present three cases of post-traumatic pneumopericardium one following a gunshot wound and two following a stab wound and discuss about diagnosis and treatment. None showed clinical signs of cardiac tamponade. Diagnosis was made by chest x-ray. Pneumopericardium was identified at the initial evaluation in two patients, who had concomitant hemothorax and underwent chest drainage. The patient with penetrating thoracic wound by gunshot pneumopericardium developed 24h after trauma. Treatment was directed to the associated lesions without specific measurements for pneumopericardium. This aproach was safe in these patients.


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A 54 - year-old male returned 14 years after a gunshot wound to the chest with intermitent hemoptysis that progressed to frank pulmonary hemorrhage. The complications of retained intrapulmonary foreign body are briefly reviewed.


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The authors report a case of thrombosis of the right subclavian artery in its pre-vertebral segment causing subclavian steal syndrome as a result of a blunt thoracic trauma in a 43-year-old woman. Aspects of the diagnosis and surgical treatment of this rare injury are reported and discussed.


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Aortotracheal fistula is a rare condition that is invariably fatal if not diagnosed and surgically treated. Patients usually present with small intermittent hemoptysis. The findings using computerized tomography (CT) are usually diagnostic. CT should be considered in the initial investigation of patients suspected to have such a disease. A 62-year-old woman with a aneurysm of the descending thoracic aorta presented with new-onset back pain and hemoptysis. The hemoptysis was thought to be the result of invasion of the bronchial tree by the aneurysm.


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The Morgagni hernia is the rarest kind of diaphragmatic hernia , occurring in 3% of all cases. It consists of the protrusion of the abdominal content into the thoracic cavity including omentum and transverse colon, among others. It is more common in the right side and appears more frequently after 40 years of age or after a raise in the intra-abdominal pressure. Patients with Morgagni hernia are usually asymptomatic. In the X-ray it appears like an opaque image in the cardiophrenic angle.Surgical correction is the treatment of choice for this conditions. We present one case of Morgagni hernia successfully treated.


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The objective of this report was to describe a variation in the origin of the lateral internal thoracic artery (LITA), a variable large-caliber artery in the thoracic wall. This report presents a case in which a trunk coming from the subclavian artery (SCA) bifurcates and gives origin to the LITA and internal thoracic artery (ITA). This case demonstrates an unusual bilateral origin for the LITA, which emerges together with the ITA rather than directly from the SCA, as could be expected. Although such presentation is uncommon, the possibility that it could be damaged during surgical interventions such as thoracotomy and pleural drainage justifies our report .


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The pectus excavatum treatment has two different approaches: non-surgical techniques (modified dynamic thoracic compressor, exercises and the vacuum bell) or surgical techniques (silastic or solid silicone implant, open surgical repair like sternochondroplasty and minimally invasive repair). The introduction of Nuss procedure improved the pectus excavatum treatment, but its low acceptance was due to the high complication rate (e.g. cardiac perfuration). The thoracoscopy use for bar mediastinal passage reduced the complication rate. In comparison with sternochondroplasty, the Nuss procedure has smaller incision, less blood loss and less operative time. However, it has more reoperations, complications, longer hospital stay and more readmission rates, more time of thoracic epidural catheter for postoperative analgesia and more need for analgesic after being discharged. Although Nuss procedure has been used in children, patients under ten years must be only observed. The Nuss procedure is applicable to moderate or light symmetrical pectus excavatum, without costal protrusion, in young and adolescents patients. Furthermore, the sternochondroplasty is applicable to severe or asymmetric pectus excavatum, with or without inferior costal protrusion. Therefore, Nuss procedure and sternocondroplasty are not antagonistic procedures, and they must be used in accordance with a treatment organogram and the technique choice must be by functional and aesthetic outcome.


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Bochdalek´s hernia is a congenital malformation of the posterolateral diaphragm region. It is more common on the left and more frequently seen in newborns and rare in adults, with over a few 100 reported cases. We present a case of Bochdalek´s hernia in a 49-year-old patient with long term dyspeptic symptoms. The upper endoscopy showed a gastric fundus herniation sliding into the chest through the diaphragmatic defect. The patient also presented with a rare pulmonary malformation diagnosed during surgery. It was corrected through thoracic approach with no other complications.


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This is a case report on Hereditary Multiple Osteochondromatosis (HMO) with rib involvement. The authors present aspects of thoracic surface anatomy, and thoracic images (X-rays, computed tomography, magnetic nuclear resonance), as well as the operating procedure.


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Acquired chest wall defects present a challenging problem for thoracic surgeons. Many of such defects can be repaired with the use of local and regional musculocutaneous flaps, but larger defects compromising skeletal structure require increasingly sophisticated reconstructive techniques. The following discussion will review the options for repair acquired chest wall defects based in literature. The authors searched the Pubmed (www.pubmed.com) and found citations from January 1996 to February 2008. By reading the titles and the abstracts most of the citations were discharged because they focused in congenital chest wall defects or were cases report. However, many papers were found describing the outcome of large series of patients with acquired chest wall deformities. A review of recent literature shows that the repair of chest wall defects with soft tissues, if possible, remains the treatment of choice. Large chest wall defects require skeletal reconstruction to prevent paradoxical respiration. The selection of the most appropriate flap is primary dictated by the location and the size of the defect. It is important to transfer tissue with good vitality, so understanding the vascular supply is imperative. Autogenous grafts have been used in the past for skeletal reconstruction but a combination of synthetic materials with musculocutaneous flaps has been used lately. Based in the literature, the use of prosthetic material in chest wall reconstruction does not significantly increases the risk of wound infection.


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The thoracic esophageal perforations frequently complicate with fistula when submitted to primary suture. The use of autogenous tissues, like pleura, to reinforce the primary suture has proved to be useful in reduce the incidence of fistulas or at least the severity of the leaks in case they occur. The mortality has reduced too, consequently. A case of an extensive esophageal perforation is presented, where the use of pleural wrap to reinforce the esophagorrafy was very important to contain the leak and to permit a good evolution of the patient.


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Traumatic lung herniation is an unusual clinical problem. We present a case of a large left post-traumatic lung hernia on the left, anterior, second intercostal space following blunt chest trauma. An important factor in the etiology of these lesions is the relative lack of muscular support of the anterior part of the chest. This report describes the diagnosis and management of a post-traumatic lung hernia.


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OBJETIVO: Identificar a prevalência de hiperidrose entre os estudantes de Medicina de Manaus/AM. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, transversal, do tipo inquérito que analisou a prevalência de hiperidrose primária entre os alunos de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Amazonas e sua relação com o índice de massa corporal (IMC) e o stress. Os alunos foram pesados e entrevistados. Utilizou-se questionários com perguntas preconizadas pela International Hyperhidrosis Society, para relacionar a hiperidrose com as atividades diárias de cada pessoa. A análise dos resultados se deu com o cálculo da razão de prevalências e do intervalo de confiança. RESULTADOS: Entre os 293 estudantes analisados, verificou-se que um total de 16 (5,5%) estudantes apresentavam sudorese excessiva dificilmente tolerável ou intolerável, interferindo em suas atividades diárias. Nenhum apresentava causas conhecidas de hiperidrose e 50% possuíam história familiar. Em todos o acometimento foi bilateral, sendo os locais mais afetados: mãos (35,7%), pés (21,4%), axila (17,9), rosto (10,7%), costas (7,1%), tórax (3,6%) e abdome (3,6%). Não houve predomínio em relação ao sexo, idade ou IMC. Encontrou-se relação positiva com o IMC evidenciando sobrepeso e obesidade, sendo observado uma razão de prevalências de 2,48 superior em relação aos estudantes com peso normal ou abaixo do peso. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de hiperidrose primária entre os estudantes de Medicina de Manaus/AM foi de 5,5%, existindo uma relação positiva não estatística com o sobrepeso e a obesidade. Foi constatada ainda uma relação observacional com o stress.


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OBJECTIVE: To conduct a critical analysis of thoracotomies performed in the emergency rooms.METHODS: We analyzed mortality rates and survival as outcome variables, mechanism of injury, site of injury and anatomic injury as clinical variables, and gender and age as demographic variables of patients undergoing thoracotomy in the emergency room after traumatic injury.RESULTS: Of the 105 patients, 89.5% were male. The average age was 29.2 years. Penetrating trauma accounted for 81% of cases. The most common mechanism of trauma was wound by a firearm projectile (gunshot), in 64.7% of cases. Patients with stab wounds (SW) accounted for 16.2% of cases. Overall survival was 4.7%. Survival by gunshot was 1.4%, and by SW, 23.5%. The ERT following blunt trauma showed a 100%mortality.CONCLUSION: The results obtained in the Emergency Hospital of Porto Alegre POA-HPS are similar to those reported in the world literature.