OBJECTIVE: To conduct a critical analysis of thoracotomies performed in the emergency rooms.METHODS: We analyzed mortality rates and survival as outcome variables, mechanism of injury, site of injury and anatomic injury as clinical variables, and gender and age as demographic variables of patients undergoing thoracotomy in the emergency room after traumatic injury.RESULTS: Of the 105 patients, 89.5% were male. The average age was 29.2 years. Penetrating trauma accounted for 81% of cases. The most common mechanism of trauma was wound by a firearm projectile (gunshot), in 64.7% of cases. Patients with stab wounds (SW) accounted for 16.2% of cases. Overall survival was 4.7%. Survival by gunshot was 1.4%, and by SW, 23.5%. The ERT following blunt trauma showed a 100%mortality.CONCLUSION: The results obtained in the Emergency Hospital of Porto Alegre POA-HPS are similar to those reported in the world literature.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the lesions diagnosed in victims of falls, comparing them with those diagnosed in other mechanisms of blunt trauma.METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study of trauma protocol charts (prospectively collected) from 2008 to 2010, including victims of trauma over 13 years of age admitted to the emergency room. The severity of injuries was stratified by the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) and Injury Severity Score (ISS). Variables were compared between the group of victims of falls from height (Group 1) and the other victims of blunt trauma (Group 2). We used the Student t, chi-square and Fisher tests for comparison between groups, considering the value of p <0.05 as significant.RESULTS: The series comprised 4,532 cases of blunt trauma, of which 555 (12.2%) were victims of falls from height. Severe lesions (AISe"3) were observed in the extremities (17.5%), in the cephalic segment (8.4%), chest (5.5%) and the abdomen (2.9%). Victims of Group 1 had significantly higher mean age, AIS in extremities / pelvis, AIS in the thoracic segment and ISS (p <0.05). The group 1 had significantly (p <0.05) higher incidence of tracheal intubation on admission, pneumothorax, hemothorax, rib fractures, chest drainage, spinal trauma, pelvic fractures, complex pelvic fractures and fractures to the upper limbs.CONCLUSION: Victims of fall from height had greater anatomic injury severity, greater frequency and severity of lesions in the thoracic segment and extremities.
OBJECTIVE:to identify predictors of death in blunt trauma patients sustaining pelvic fractures and, posteriorly, compare them to a previously reported series from the same center.METHOD: Retrospective analysis of trauma registry data, including blunt trauma patients older than 14 y.o. sustaining pelvic fractures admitted from 2008 to 2010. Patients were assigned into group 1 (dead) or 2 (survivors). We used Student's t, qui square and Fisher's tests for statistical analysis, considering p<0.05 as significant. Posteriorly, we compared predictors of death between both periods.RESULTS: Seventy-nine cases were included. Mean RTS, ISS and TRISS were, respectively, 6.44 + 2.22, 28.0 + 15.2 e 0.74 + 0.33. Nineteen patients died (24,0%). Main cause of death was hemorrhage (42,1%). Group 1 was characterized by (p<0.05) lower systolic blood pressure and Glasgow coma scale means on admission, higher heart rate, head AIS, extremity AIS and ISS means, as well as, higher frequency of severe head injuries and complex pelvic fractures. Comparing both periods, we notice that the anatomic and physiologic severity of injury increased (RTS and ISS means). Furthermore, there was a decrease in the impact of associated thoracic and abdominal injuries on the prognosis and an association of lethality with the presence of complex pelvic fractures.CONCLUSION: There were significant changes in the predictors of death between these two periods. The impact of thoracic and abdominal associated injures decreased while the importance of severe retroperitoneal hemorrhage increased. There was also an increase in trauma severity, which accounted for high lethality.
ABSTRACTObjective:to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of non-operative management (NOM) of liver injury, being the only abdominal injury, from gunshot wounds to the abdomen.Methods:patients who had liver damage diagnosed as single abdominal injury caused by PAF in the right thoracoabdominal region, hemodynamically stable were studied. All underwent examination with computed tomography. Were analyzed: age, gender, levels of trauma, hemodynamic condition and the abdominal examination on admission, the results of the CT scan, the extra-abdominal lesions found, the serum levels of hemoglobin, clinical course, complications, length of hospital stay, outpatient treatment and death.Results:during the study period 169 patients, treated non-operatively, presented liver gunshot wounds. Of these, only 28 patients (16.6%) had liver injury as the only abdominal injury and consequently met the inclusion criteria for this study. The average age was 27.7 years and 25 patients (89.2%) were male. The overall average of verified trauma scores were: RTS 7.45, ISS 10.9, and TRISS 98.7%. The most frequent injuries were grade II and grade III (85.7%). Complications occurred in only one patient who presented a progressive decline in hemoglobin. He underwent a CT scan which showed blush in the liver parenchyma. An arteriography was performed, which showed a successfully embolized arteriovenous fistula. There were no deaths in the patient sample. The average hospital stay was 5.3 days.Conclusion:isolated hepatic injury in gunshot abdominal trauma is uncommon. However, the NOM protocol for this type of injury is safe and has low morbidity. This approach should only be followed in institutions with adequate infrastructure, where an experienced and cohesive team is able to follow a specific protocol, with rigorous periodic evaluation of its results.
Trauma is one of the world's leading causes of death within the first 40 years of life and thus a significant health problem. Trauma accounts for nearly a third of the lost years of productive life before 65 years of age and is associated with infection, hemorrhagic shock, reperfusion syndrome, and inflammation. The control of hemorrhage, coagulopathy, optimal use of blood products, balancing hypo and hyperperfusion, and hemostatic resuscitation improve survival in cases of trauma with massive hemorrhage. This review discusses inflammation in the context of trauma-associated hemorrhagic shock. When one considers the known immunomodulatory effects of traumatic injury, allogeneic blood transfusion, and the overlap between patient populations, it is surprising that so few studies have assessed their combined effects on immune function. We also discuss the relative benefits of curbing inflammation rather than attempting to prevent it.
Objective: To evaluate patients with chest trauma submitted to videothoracoscopy during hospitalization. In 2007, the Trauma Surgery Group was created in the General Surgery Department of the Hospital Municipal Lourenço Jorge of Rio de Janeiro-RJ, and started following all trauma victims who were admitted to the Hospital. Methods : We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients submitted to thoracoscopy from July 2007 to May 2015, based on a database started at the beginning of this period and on data collection from patients who underwent thoracoscopy. We evaluated the following parameters: procedure effectiveness, indication of the procedure, conversion rate, complications and mortality. We included patients who presented post-traumatic pleural collections, such as retained hemothorax and pleural empyema, and penetrating injury in the thoracoabdominal transition. All patients were hemodynamic stable and signed an informed consent. Results: In the analyzed period 53 patients were submitted to videothoracoscopy; 24 had penetrating trauma (45.3%) and 29, blunt (54.7%), with a predominance of males (75.5%). The procedure was performed in 26 cases of retained hemothorax (49%), 14 cases of empyema (26.5%) and in 13 patients for evaluation of injury in the thoracoabdominal transition (24.5%). The thoracoscopy was effective in resolution of 36 cases (80%), without need for further procedure. There was a conversion rate of 15.5% and 3 procedure complications related (6.6%). Mortality was nil. Conclusion: In this series, videothoracoscopy proved that this diagnostic and therapeutic procedure is safe and effective, if performed by a surgeon with appropriate training, especially when it is indicated in cases of retained hemothorax and evaluation of penetrating thoracoabdominal trauma.
Objective: to assess predictors of intra-abdominal injuries in blunt trauma patients admitted without abdominal pain or abnormalities on the abdomen physical examination. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of trauma registry data, including adult blunt trauma patients admitted from 2008 to 2010 who sustained no abdominal pain or abnormalities on physical examination of the abdomen at admission and were submitted to computed tomography of the abdomen and/or exploratory laparotomy. Patients were assigned into: Group 1 (with intra-abdominal injuries) or Group 2 (without intra-abdominal injuries). Variables were compared between groups to identify those significantly associated with the presence of intra-abdominal injuries, adopting p<0.05 as significant. Subsequently, the variables with p<0.20 on bivariate analysis were selected to create a logistic regression model using the forward stepwise method. Results: A total of 268 cases met the inclusion criteria. Patients in Group I were characterized as having significantly (p<0.05) lower mean AIS score for the head segment (1.0±1.4 vs. 1.8±1.9), as well as higher mean AIS thorax score (1.6±1.7 vs. 0.9±1.5) and ISS (25.7±14.5 vs. 17,1±13,1). The rate of abdominal injuries was significantly higher in run-over pedestrians (37.3%) and in motorcyclists (36.0%) (p<0.001). The resultant logistic regression model provided 73.5% accuracy for identifying abdominal injuries. The variables included were: motorcyclist accident as trauma mechanism (p<0.001 - OR 5.51; 95%CI 2.40-12.64), presence of rib fractures (p<0.003 - OR 3.00; 95%CI 1.47-6.14), run-over pedestrian as trauma mechanism (p=0.008 - OR 2.85; 95%CI 1.13-6.22) and abnormal neurological physical exam at admission (p=0.015 - OR 0.44; 95%CI 0.22-0.85). Conclusion Intra-abdominal injuries were predominantly associated with trauma mechanism and presence of chest injuries.
Objective: To analyze the characteristics of trauma patients with renal lesions treated at a university hospital in Curitiba. Methods: We conducted a retrospective, cross-sectional study guided by review of medical records of trauma victims who underwent surgical treatment. The variables analyzed were age, gender, mechanism of injury, degree of kidney damage, conduct individualized according to the degree of renal injury, associated injuries, complications and deaths. We classified lesions according to the American Association of Trauma Surgery (TSAA). Results: We analyzed 794 records and found renal lesions in 33 patients, with mean age 29.8 years, most (87.8%) being male. Penetrating trauma accounted for 84.8% of cases. The most common renal injuries were grade II (33.3%), followed by grade I (18.1%), III, IV and V. Nephrectomy treated 45.4% of injuries, 73.3% being total nephrectomy, and 45.4% by nephrorraphy. In 9% treatment was non-surgical. Only 12.1% of patients had isolated renal lesions. Complications ensued in 15.1% and mortality was 6.06%. Conclusion: The surgical approach was preferred due to penetrating trauma mechanism. We achieved low rates of complications and deaths, and neither case could be directly related to kidney damage, and there were patients with multiple lesions. In this sample, we could not observe a direct relationship between kidney damage and complications, deaths or the type of conduct employed.
PURPOSE: It was to analyse the most critical areas in Obstetrics and to suggest measures to reduce or avoid the situations most often involved in these disputes. METHODS: Obstetrics cases submitted to the Medico-legal Council since the creation of the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in 2001 until 2011 were evaluated. A comprehensive characterization, determination of absolute/relative frequencies, hypothesis of a linear trend over the years and the association between each parameter was done. RESULTS: The analysis has shown no significantly linear trend. The most common reasons for disputes were perinatal asphyxia (50%), traumatic injuries of the newborn (24%), maternal sequelae (19%) and issues related to prenatal diagnosis and/or obstetric ultrasound (5.4%). Perinatal asphyxia showed no significantly linear trend (p=0.58) and was usually related to perinatal deaths or permanent neurologic sequelae in newborn children. Traumatic injuries of the newborn, mostly related to instrumented deliveries, shoulder dystocia or vaginal delivery in breech presentation, has shown a significantly increased linear trend (p<0.001), especially related to instrumented deliveries. The delay/absence of cesarean section was the clinical procedure questioned in a significantly higher number of cases of perinatal asphyxia (68.7%) and of traumatic lesions of the newborn due to instrumented deliveries (20.5%). CONCLUSION: It is important to improve and correct theoretical/practical daily clinical performance in these highlighted areas, in order to reduce or even avoid situations that could end up in medico-legal litigations.
Objetivou-se neste trabalho fazer levantamento sobre a troca de dentição decídua por permanente, notadamente dos dentes caninos e a prevalência de maloclusão em pumas (Puma concolor) manejados nas instituições visitadas no Estado de São Paulo. Para os estudos utilizou-se amostra constituída de 36 pumas, provenientes de 18 instituições mantenedoras de tais espécies em cativeiro no Estado de São Paulo, sendo que três animais com idade de oito meses, irmãos de ninhada, apresentaram retenção dos dentes caninos decíduos e foram acompanha dos por 2 anos e 8 meses. Todos os animais foram examinados, observando se a oclusão estava de acordo com o normal para a espécie. Os dentes foram identificados um a um, examinados diretamente por meio de explorador odontológico. Os animais que apresentaram retenção dos dentes caninos decíduos não foram tratados, pois a maloclusões aparentemente não comprometia a preensão ou mastigação de alimentos, embora apresentassem acúmulo de alimentos ou indutos moles na região dos dentes com espaço interproximal mais reduzido.
Abstract: The study aimed to isolate, expand, differentiate and characterize progenitor cells existent in the dental pulp of agouti. The material was washed with PBS solution and dissociated mechanically with the aid of a scalpel blade on plates containing culture medium D-MEM/F-12, and incubated at 5% CO2-37⁰C. The growth curve, CFU assay, osteogenic/adipogenic differentiation and characterization were obtained from the isolation. The cells began to be released from the explant tissue around the 7th day of culture. By day 22 of culture, cells reached 80% confluence. At the UFC test, 81 colonies were counted with 12 days of cultivation. The growth curves before and after freezing showed a regular growth with intense proliferation and clonogenic potential. The cell differentiation showed formation of osteoblasts and fat in culture, starting at 15 days of culture in a specific medium. Flow cytometry (FACs) was as follows: CD34 (positive), CD14 (negative), CD45 (negative), CD73 (positive), CD79 (negative), CD90 (positive), CD105 (positive), demonstrating high specificity and commitment of isolated cells with mesenchymal stem cells strains. These results suggest the existence of a cell population of stem cells with mesenchymal features from the isolated tissue in the explants of agouti dental pulp, a potential model for study of stem cell strains obtained from the pulp tissue.
Biglycan and decorin are small leucine-rich proteoglycans that play several biological and structural roles in different tissues and organs. Several reports have indicated that biglycan participates in odontoblast and ameloblast differentiation and in the calcification process. In the present study we show that the expression of biglycan changes from within the ameloblasts and odontoblasts to the extracellular space according to the stage of animal development. In predentin and in the pulp space, however, biglycan was continually expressed throughout the period of investigation. In contrast, decorin was absent in odontoblasts and in ameloblasts and was exclusively expressed in predentin throughout the period of observation. In young rats, however, decorin was expressed in the extracellular spaces of the pulp, where it was concentrated mainly in the peripheral pulp.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between salivary oxidative stress and dental-oral health. Healthy young adults, matched for gender and age, with (N = 21, 10 men, mean age: 20.3 ± 1 years) and without (N = 16, 8 men, mean age: 21.2 ± 1.8 years) caries were included in this study. The World Health Organization (WHO) caries diagnostic criteria were used for determining the decayed, missing, filled teeth (DMFT) index. The oral hygiene and gingival status were assessed using the simplified oral hygiene index and gingival index, respectively. Unstimulated salivary total protein, glutathione (GSH), lipid peroxidation and total sialic acid levels, carbonic anhydrase activity, and salivary buffering capacity were determined by standard methods. Furthermore, salivary pH was measured with pH paper and salivary flow rate was calculated. Simplified oral hygiene index and gingival index were not significantly different between groups but DMFT scores were significant (P < 0.01). Only, GSH values were significantly different (P < 0.05) between groups (2.2 and 1.6 mg/g protein in young adults without caries and with caries, respectively). There was a significant negative correlation between DMFT and GSH (r = -0.391; P < 0.05; Pearson's correlation coefficient). Our results suggest that there is an association between caries history and salivary GSH levels.
Lipopolysaccharide exerts many effects on many cell lines, including cytokine secretion, and cell apoptosis and necrosis. We investigated the in vitro effects of lipopolysaccharide on apoptosis of cultured human dental pulp cells and the expression of Bcl-2 and Bax. Dental pulp cells showed morphologies typical of apoptosis after exposure to lipopolysaccharide. Flow cytometry showed that the rate of apoptosis of human dental pulp cells increased with increasing lipopolysaccharide concentration. Compared with controls, lipopolysaccharide promoted pulp cell apoptosis (P < 0.05) from 0.1 to 100 μg/mL but not at 0.01 μg/mL. Cell apoptosis was statistically higher after exposure to lipopolysaccharide for 3 days compared with 1 day, but no difference was observed between 3 and 5 days. Immunohistochemistry showed that expression of Bax and Bcl-2 was enhanced by lipopolysaccharide at high concentrations, but no evident expression was observed at low concentrations (0.01 and 0.1 μg/mL) or in the control groups. In conclusion, lipopolysaccharide induced dental pulp cell apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner, but apoptosis did not increase with treatment duration. The expression of the apoptosis regulatory proteins Bax and Bcl-2 was also up-regulated in pulp cells after exposure to a high concentration of lipopolysaccharide.