93 resultados para Sub Saharan Africa


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The present work is part of the studies realized under the authority of the National Service of Malaria (Brazil), with the collaboration of scientists of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, in some forests of the southern part of Brazil.This is the first of a series and its subject is the development of the Anopheles mosquitoes of the kerteszia in water collected in Bromeliaceae leaves. The ecology of Bromeliaceae was studied in a previous work. The botanical material was classified by specialists from several botanical institutions from Europe and the United States of America. The most important ecological relations of the “bromeliad-kerteszia” problem were presented through four indices: 1st Positivity index – Relative frequency of bromeliad with watery forms in the bromeliad examined. 2nd Larval index – Mean number of watery forms in the positive bromeliad. 3rd Ovoposition index – Product of the Positivy index by the Larval index. 4th MK index – Product of the Ovoposition index by the total number of bromeliad, positive or not, in a unity of area (1.000 m²). The capture of flying forms in relation to the relative humidity was also studied. From the several forests of the Brusque region we have selected one community of each type, which were the most representative forests in Southern Brazil. Conclusions on the “bromeliad-kerteszia” problem – From a general point of view only a few factors are really important and these are listed below: 1°) The volum of water on the bromeliad. 2°) The level where the bromeliad is fixed. 3°) The number of bromeliad in unity of area. The distribution of microclimas in the forest through the considered levels has a direct influence on the species of subgenus Kerteszia (qualitative influence) and an indirect influence through the ecological distribution of the more frequent bromeliad with best qualities as biotope for the watery forms (qualitative influence). The MK index is roughly proportional to the square of half the total number of Bromeliaceae in a certain type of forest. Then the MK index would be a certain function of the ecological type of the forest and of the total number of bromeliad in a unity of area. MK approximately α x (x/10)² . x = n° of bromeliad in a unity of área (1.000 m²); α = qualitative factor. It would be interesting to see if this proportion is maintained when we have examined a greater number of forests of different types.


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Os autores, examinando a distribuição, pelas várias alturas, do teôr do matéria orgânica das águas armazenadas no imbricamento das fôlhas de certas bromeliáceas, verificaram: 1.º) O têor de matéria orgãnica contido na água das bromeliáceas depende da cobertura vegetal. 2.º) As curvas da sua distribuição são semelhantes ás encontradas para o índice MK dos anofelíneos do sub-gênero Kerteszia.


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Die vorliegende Arbiet koennen wir, entsprechend den obigen Erklaerungen, wie folgt, zusammenfassen: 1. Es bestehen im vertikalen Sinne besondere oekologische Bedingungen bezueglich der Eiablage fuer Anopheles (Kerteszia) homunculus und bellator, waehrend A. (K.) cruzii eine grosse Indifferenz bezueglich des Mikroklimas zeigt. 2. Die Anophelinen zeigen keine besondere Bevorzugung irgendeiner Bromelienart in Bezug auf die Eiablage. Es laesst sich feststellen, dass gewisse Bedingungen eines Biotops erfuelt sein muessen, damit dieses in begrenztem Wohnbezirk zu ienem ausgesprochenen Brutplatz wird. Aus diesem Grunde wurden einige Bromelienarten zu Hauptbrutstaetten der Anopheleslarven des Gebietes. 3. Bezueglich der Wassermenge finden wir in der gesamten Region die Anopheleslarven weitaus am haeufigsten in Bromelien mit grosser Kapazitaet. Die Arten mit geringem Fassungsvermoegen, die wesentlich zahlreicher als die erstgenannten sind, sind nur gute Brutstaetten, ween sie auf dem Boden wachsen oder Talsohle in huegeligem Gelaende, dort wo der Wald ausreichend dicht ist. Hier halten die mikroklimatischen Bedingungen die Verdunstung hintan, wodurch den Anopheleslarven in diesen Bromelien das Leben ermoeglicht wird. 4. Es besteht eine Beziehung zwischen der Periodizitaet der Larven und der gefluegelten Formen der Anophelinen, die in einem Waldstueck gefangen wurden. Die letzteren zeigen im vertikalen Sinne keine ausgesprochenen Variationen bezueglich der prozentualen Haeufigkeit, waehrend die Larven in ieder Hoehe ausgesprochene Haeufigkeitsschwankungen aufweisen, die immer von der von Art bevorzugten Habitat in einer bestimmten Hoehenlage abhaengen. Bezueglich einer moeglichst vollstaendigen Erklaerung des Problems "Bromelien-Malaria" dieser Region, koennen wir folgendes feststellen: 5. Die definitive Loesung des Problems wird wesentlich erleichtert durch den Nachweis, dass nur eine geringe Anzahl von Bromelien (12 Arten) - und gerate die weniger haeufigen...


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O aparelho respiratório de Triatoma infestans, na fase adulta, consta de 9 pares de estígmas, traquéias e traquéolas. Os estígmas dispõem-se em 2 pares torácicos e 7 pares abdominais. É estudado o mecanismo responsável pela abertura e fechamento dos mesmos. A forma, estrutura e situação de todos os espiráculos constituem fatos novos e interessantes, no estudo dêste grupo. Os estígmas torácicos apresentam forma semelhante, diferenciando-se, porém, outros detalhes, o possuir ou não uma zona reforçada de exocutícula, que serve de ponto de implantação aos músculos. O 1º par torácico fica situado na zona látero-ventral da região anterior do mesotórax; enquanto que 2.º par dispõe-se na linha lateral, na região anterior do metatórax. Ambos ficam encobertos por escleritos do tórax, sendo que no 1.º par, o pronoto é o responsável, e no 2.º par, os epiméron e méron do mesotórax e metatórax. Os estígmas abdominais são em número de 7, sendo que o 1.º par, até o presente, não havia sido mencionado na literatura, e não segue a mesma linha de orientação que os demais. Êste encontra-se na região látero-dorsal, da zona intersegmental do tórax com o abdômen. Os demais espiráculos, estão situados na região látero-ventral. Êste 1.º par de estígma abdominal parece ter importância como caráter filogenético, uma vez que se repete em alguns Triatomíneos, como por exemplo: T. sordida, T. maculata, T. vitticeps, P. megistus e R. prolixus. A explicação que encontramos para a sua localização está ligada diretamente ao desaparecimento do 1.º esternito abdominal e atrofia do 1.º tergito abdominal. Nossos estudos encontram apôio na II parte dêste trabalho, quando nos referimos à disposição do sistema traqueal. Todos os estígmas, torácicos ou abdominais,, apresentam modificações que servem para protegê-los contra estranhos em suspensão no ar. Os espiráculos torácicos apresentam apenas um dispositivo de proteção; o 1.º abdominal dois, e, finalmente, os abdominais ventrais, três. Êstes elementos são estudados com precisão no presente trabalho.


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O presente trabalho consta de um estudo sõbre a topografia do sistema traqueal em Triatoma infestans. Com esta finalidade empregaram-se diversas técnicas de coloração por infiltração, além de introduzir-se uma modificação no método de Gäbler. Foram usados vários fixadores e feitas muitas Lâminas histológicas para a comprovação dos resultados. É apresentado, na parte referente a considerações gerais sôbre o sistema, uma citação de alguns autores que mais se dedicaram ao estudo do aparelho respiratório nos insetos. O estudo sôbre a distribuição do sistema traqueal abrange ambos os sexos, porém, é limitado a exemplares adultos. O assunto é abordado em 3 seções: 1) traquéias da região cefálica; 2) traquéias da região torácica; e 3) traquéias da região abdominal. O percurso das traquéias da região cefálica é acompanhado e estudado em todo o trajeto, o mesmo acontecendo com as do tórax e do abdômen. A disposição do sistema em estudo, na região torácica, apresenta-se bem amis complexa e com inúmeras ramificações, que se destinam aos diversos órgãos desta região. É estudada, também, a distribuição dos ramos traqueais nas pernas e nas asas do inseto. É evidenciado um rompimento na continuidade do sistema traqueal, na altura do 1º para o 2º estígmas abdominais. Supõe-se que êste fato esteja ligado ao desaparecimento do 1º esternito e a migração do esclerito contendo o 1º estígma abdominal, para a região dorsal do inseto. Devido a êste fenômeno, o sistema traqueal do Triatoma infestans apresenta-se diferente, funcionando como se fôsse dos sistemas independentes entre si. As diferenças, o número e a disposição das traquéias na região abdominal é abordado amplamente, assim como, realçada a formação e função dos citados sacos traqueais.


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É feito um estudo comparado sôbre a estrutura e o mecanismo dos estigmas de Triatoma vitticeps, Triatoma maculata, Triatoma sórdida, Triatoma brasiliensis, Rhodnius prolines e Panstrongyius megistus com os de Triatoma infestans, anteriormente já tratados. É, assim, elaborada uma tabela comparativa sôbre o tamanho e localização, dos espiráculos torácicos e abdominais, nas espécies citadas. Os estigmas mesotorácicos nas espécies do gênero Triatoma apresentam-se com várias modificações morfológicas, porém, não tão significantes como as encontradas em Panstrongyius megistus e Rhodnius prolixus. Seu mecanismo mostra acentuadas diferenças morfológicas. De um modo geral, os estigmas mesotorácicos possuem uma zona dorsal e outra ventral, que se diferenciam nas diferentes espécies e gêneros. A abertura do átrio para o exterior faz-se, perpendicularmente ao eixo maior do corpo do inseto. Nota-se uma região onde a cutícula é mais espêssa e que serve de base para a implantação dos músculos destinados ao seu funcionamento. O côndilo, que varia quanto à forma, nos diversos Triatomíneos, não é evidenciado nos estigmas metatorácicos. Os espiráculos metatorácicos encontram-se ocultos, totalmente, pelos escleritos do mesotórax e metatórax. O aspecto morfológico do mesmo é semelhante ao do mesotorácico, porém, apresenta algumas diferenças. Os espiraculos abdominais são em número de 8 pares. O 1.º par está situado na região látero-dorsal da membrana intersegmental, entre o tórax e o abdômen. Em Rhodnius prolixus o estigma apresenta-se circundado por zonas esclerosadas, em forma de listas. Nos demais Triatomíneos os escleritos estigmatíferos são semelhantes e menos reforçados. A forma e a estrutura e o mecanismo dêstes estigmas variam em todas as espécies citadas, Encontram-se 3 elementos de proteção à traquéia que se limita com o átrio. São eles: 1) rêde protetora que recobre parcialmente a entrada do estigma, semelhante a um peritrema; 2) côndilo interno que comanda a entrada e saída do ar das traquéias; e 3) falsos espinhos, situados no átrio e que variam de tamanho e espessura nos diferentes Triatomíneos. Finalmente, observa-se o VIII par de estigmas abdominais, cuja forma, mecanismo e localização o diferenciam dos demais. Êste par encontra-se citado por alguns autores, porém, na realidade, sua estrutura só é apresentada no presente trabalho.


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São estudadas 4 espécies de nematódeos encontradas em 21 peixes que foram coletados no Oceâno Atlântico na Costa Continental Portuguesa e na Costa Norte da África. Foram encontados 6 peixes dos 21 necropsiados parasitados por nematódeos. Os hospedeiros e os nematódeos encontrados são os seguintes: 3 exemplares de Solea solea, sendo um parasitado por Contraceaecum magnum; 3 exemplares de Batrachoides didactylus, sendo um parasitado por Contracaecum magnum e também por cucullanus hians; 7 exemplares de Pagellus bogaraveo, sendo 2 parasitados por Contracaecum bidentalum; 7 exemplares de Beryx decadactylus, sendo 2 parasitados por Contracaecum seriolae. Soela solea e Batrachoides didacylus são referidos pela primeira vez como hospedeiros de Contracaecum magnum. Contracaecum seriolae é referido pela primeira vez em Beryx decadactylus e no Oceano Atlântico. Batrachoides didactylus é referido pela primeira vez como hospedeiro de Cucullanus hians e Contracaecum bidentatum como parasito de Pagellus gobaraveo.


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The Kilombero Malaria Project (KMP) attemps to define opperationally useful indicators of levels of transmission and disease and health system relevant monitoring indicators to evaluate the impact of disease control at the community or health facility level. The KMP is longitudinal community based study (N = 1024) in rural Southern Tanzania, investigating risk factors for malarial morbidity and developing household based malaria control strategies. Biweekly morbidity and bimonthly serological, parasitological and drug consumption surveys are carried out in all study households. Mosquito densities are measured biweekly in 50 sentinel houses by timed light traps. Determinants of transmission and indicators of exposure were not strongly aggregated within households. Subjective morbidity (recalled fever), objective morbidity (elevated body temperature and high parasitaemia) and chloroquine consumption were strongly aggregated within a few households. Nested analysis of anti-NANP40 antibody suggest that only approximately 30% of the titer variance can explained by household clustering and that the largest proportion of antibody titer variability must be explained by non-measured behavioral determinants relating to an individual's level of exposure within a household. Indicators for evaluation and monitoring and outcome measures are described within the context of health service management to describe control measure output in terms of community effectiveness.


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The transmission and prevalence of Babesia equi and B. caballi are being studied. Rhipicephalus evertsi mimeticus an ixodid tick from Namibia was identified as a new vector of B. equi, however, R. turanicus, previously reported to be a vector, failed to transmit both B. equi and B. caballi in the laboratory. The accurate diagnosis of B. caballi is being investigated because the nature of its low level parasitaemia does not allow easy detection in thin blood smears, routinely used for diagnosis, by clinicians. Consequently its role as a pathogen remains obscure. The importance of identifying infected horses, destined for export to Babesia-free coutries, is also stressed. Thock and thin blood smears, serology (IFAT) and DNA probes are currently employed to study disease prevalence. To date 293 healthy, adult, throughbred horses have been screened by all three methods. The percentage positives are as follows: B. equi 4.4%, 70.6%, 13% and B. caballi 0.7%, 37%, 18.4% respectively. The DNA probes were more sensitive than blood smear examination for diagnosing carrier infections but are probably not sensitive enough to identify all carrier infections. A poor correlation was found between detection of the parasites' DNA and seropositivity. However, polymerase chain reaction could be used to amplify parasite DNA in a particular sample and its could result in more accurate diagnosis.


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Genetic and environmental components of factors contributing in malaria transmission are reviewed. Particular attention is given to density dependent regulation of vector populations in relation to the survival rate anophelines. The expectation of vector activities are different according to the epidemiological characteristics of malaria, mainly its stability. In areas with perennial and high transmission (stable malaria) vector control could reduce malaria related morbidity and mortality, whithout any effect on the endemicity. However this need further investigations. In areas where the transmission period is very short (unstable malaria), vector control will have an important impact on the disease and the endemicity. Control projects using indoor spraying with insecticide and impregnated bed nets are discussed.


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Experiences with population-based chemotherapy and other methods for the control of schistosomiasis mansoni in two subsaharan foci are described. In the forest area of Maniema (Zaire), intense transmission of Schistosoma mansoni, high prevalences and intensities of infection, and important morbidity have been documental. Taking into account the limited financial means and the poor logistic conditions, the control strategy has been based mainly on targeted chemotherapy of heavily infected people (>600 epg). After ten years of intervention, prevalences and intensities have hardly been affected, but the initial severe hepatosplenic morbidity has almost disappeared. In Burundi, a national research and control programme has been initiated in 1982. Prevalences, intensities and morbidity were moderate, transmission was focal and erratic in time and space. A more structural control strategy was developed, based on screening and selective therapy, health education, sanitation and domestic water supply. Prevalences and intensities have been considerably reduced, though the results show focal and unpredicatable variations. Transmission and reinfection were not signifcantly affected by chemotherapy alone, and eventual outcome of repeated selective treatment appears to be limited by the sensitivity of the screening method. Intestinal morbidity was strongly reduced by community-based selective treatment, but hepatosplenic enlargement was hardly affected; this is possibly due to the confounding impact of increasing malaria morbidity. The experiences show the importance of local structures and conditions for the development of an adapted control strategy. It is further concluded that population-based chemotherapy is a highly valid tool for the rapid control of morbidity, but should in most operational conditions not be considered as a tool for transmission control. Integration of planning, execution and surveillance in regular health services...


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Approximately 50 publications have become available in the international literature on ultrasonography in schistosomiasis in Africa. Geographically these cover Congo, Egypt, Kenya, Mali, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania and East African Islands as well as Zimbabwe. Further studies are ongoing in many countries, such as Burundi, Ghana, Madagaskar and Uganda. It was shown that ultrasonography is useful in the detection of morbidity induced by schistosomiasis on an individual basis and on the community level. There is indication for varying morbidity patterns in different African foci. Post-treatment monitoring has provided evidence for reversibility of pathological lesions induced by Schistosoma (S.) haematobium and S. mansoni, even though evidence for reversibility of periportal fibrosis in adults is not yet satisfactorily substantiated. A standardized set of criteria for ultrasonographical observations has been worked out and is presently in the process of being refined. It is thus hoped that standardization will contribute to render studies in different endemic settings comparable on a global basis.


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Polyomavirus JC (JCV) is ubiquitous in humans and causes a chronic demyelinating disease of the central nervous system , progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy which is common in AIDS. JCV is excreted in urine of 30-70% of adults worldwide. Based on sequence analysis of JCV complete genomes or fragments thereof, JCV can be classified into geographically derived genotypes. Types 1 and 2 are of European and Asian origin respectively while Types 3 and 6 are African in origin. Type 4, a possible recombinant of European and African genotypes (1 and 3) is common in the USA. To delineate the JCV genotypes in an aboriginal African population, random urine samples were collected from the Biaka Pygmies and Bantu from the Central African Republic. There were 43 males and 25 females aged 4-55 years, with an average age of 26 years. After PCR amplification of JCV in urine, products were directly cycle sequenced. Five of 23 Pygmy adults (22%) and four of 20 Bantu adults (20%) were positive for JC viruria. DNA sequence analysis revealed JCV Type 3 (two), Type 6 (two) and one Type 1 variant in Biaka Pygmies. All the Bantu strains were Type 6. Type 3 and 6 strains of JCV are the predominant strains in central Africa. The presence of multiple subtypes of JCV in Biaka Pygmies may be a result of extensive interactions of Pygmies with their African tribal neighbors during their itinerant movements in the equatorial forest.