157 resultados para Stress (Psicologia) - Prevenção


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A tripanossomíase por Trypanosoma cruzi na Região Amazônica tem sido motivo de preocupação ao longo dos tempos, dada a grande dispersão de vetores infectados e crescentes migrações humanas. Um seminário internacional da ECLAT em julho/2002 analisou a situação e perspectivas quanto à dispersão da doença humana concluindo ser a mesma ainda esporádica e com potencial de ampliação na área, requerendo objetivo e integrado esforço de vigilância, compartido por todos os Países da Região.


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O Estado do Rio de Janeiro viveu uma grande epidemia de dengue com um número expressivo de casos de Febre de Dengue Hemorrágica durante o primeiro trimestre do ano de 2002. Na ocasião, o poder público conclamou a participação da população nas ações de combate aos focos domésticos do vetor, na tentativa de controlar a situação. Para essa mobilização, uma grande gama de informações sobre a doença foi veiculada com intuito de esclarecer e orientar a sociedade. Neste trabalho, buscou-se analisar os conteúdos informativos dos materiais produzidos pelas campanhas de esclarecimento, focando a atenção nos três folhetos maciçamente distribuídos à época no município do Rio de Janeiro, considerando que essas informações contribuem para a construção da representação social da doença e sua prevenção. Pôde-se concluir que mesmo já tão repetidamente divulgadas essas informações precisam ser repensadas.


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Desde os anos cinqüenta uma doença similar a febre amarela, porém considerada como nova doença, ocorre em áreas dos vales dos Rios Juruá, Purus e Madeira. Temida pelos residentes locais pela alta letalidade, sendo clinicamente uma hepato-encefalopatia de evolução fulminante (média de 5 a 6 dias). Dos que apresentam manifestações neurológicas 90% evoluem a óbito. A doença é popularmente conhecida como febre negra de Lábrea e pelos patologistas como hepatite de Lábrea pela histopatologia hepática mostrar o aspecto vacuolar dos hepatócitos, daí considerarem-na uma nova doença. Incide principalmente em crianças e adolescentes do sexo masculino. O achado do HBsAg e de marcadores de vírus da hepatite D no soro e fígado dos pacientes, levaram os pesquisadores a considerarem a febre negra de Lábrea como uma superinfecção ou coinfecção do HDV. Na falta de vacina específica contra o HDV, a vacinação contra hepatite B aplicada após o nascimento é a prevenção recomendada.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Com o avanço no controle da transmissão vetorial e por transfusão sanguínea da doença de Chagas, as formas alternativas de transmissão ganharam relevância. Este artigo de opinião discute a importância de cada uma dessas modalidades e as medidas para sua prevenção. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os mecanismos de transmissão do Trypanosoma cruzi através de modalidades alternativas, vigentes no Brasil, e as possibilidades de sua prevenção. Foram consultadas as bases de dados PubMed e BVS. RESULTADOS: Foram identificadas 25 publicações que discutiam as modalidades alternativas de transmissão da doença de Chagas. CONCLUSÕES: A transmissão oral, pela ingestão de alimentos contaminados, tem sido o modo de transmissão predominante no Brasil nos últimos anos. Os demais modos alternativos de transmissão são de ocorrência menos frequente. É importante conhecer essas ocorrências, sobretudo agora que a veiculação vetorial do parasita está controlada. Conforme os conhecimentos atuais foram apresentadas medidas preventivas, de acordo com cada uma das situações consideradas.


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Consideram-se habituais em doença de Chagas humana os mecanismos vetorial, transfusional e congênito de transmissão. Acidental, oral e por transplantes são ditos alternativos. Possibilidades como por outros vetores, sexual, criminal e por secreção de marsupiais são consideradas excepcionais. A prevenção dos mecanismos alternativos, incluindo o congênito, está hoje consensuada: TRANSMISSÃO CONGÊNITA: detecção precoce do caso e seu tratamento específico. Se possível começar, no pré-natal com sorologia de gestantes. Quando viável, pesquisar parasitologicamente o RN de mães reagentes, tratando-se imediatamente os que resultarem positivos. Sendo negativos, sorologia convencional aos 8 meses de vida, tratando imediatamente os que estiverem reagentes. TRANSMISSÃO ACIDENTAL: Usar treinamento e equipamentos de proteção. Se acidente, desinfecção local, sorologia convencional e inicio de tratamento específico por dez dias. Revisão da sorologia em 30 dias, seguindo-se o tratamento até a dose total, no caso de reação positiva. TRANSPLANTES DE ÓRGÃOS: sorologia prévia no doador e receptor. Sendo o primeiro positivo e o segundo negativo, evitar o transplante ou tratar especificamente o doador por 10 dias antes da cirurgia e o receptor nos dez dias subsequentes à mesma. TRANSMISSÃO ORAL: de modo geral, higiene alimentar e cozimento de carnes de possíveis reservatórios. Hoje se recomenda a detecção precoce e tratamento imediato do caso, com intensa busca ativa entre os circunstantes mais próximos do paciente.


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INTRODUCTION: The capacity to overcome the oxidative stress imposed by phagocytes seems to be critical for Candida species to cause invasive candidiasis. METHODS: To better characterize the oxidative stress response (OSR) of 8 clinically relevant Candida sp., glutathione, a vital component of the intracellular redox balance, was measured using the 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid (DTNB)-glutathione disulfide (GSSG) reductase reconversion method; the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was measured using a modified method based on the decolorization of the 2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic) acid radical cation (ABTS*+). Both methods were used with cellular Candida sp. extracts treated or not with hydrogen peroxide (0.5 mM). RESULTS: Oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide clearly reduced intracellular glutathione levels. This depletion was stronger in Candida albicans and the levels of glutathione in untreated cells were also higher in this species. The TAC demonstrated intra-specific variation. CONCLUSIONS: Glutathione levels did not correlate with the measured TAC values, despite this being the most important non-enzymatic intracellular antioxidant molecule. The results indicate that the isolated measurement of TAC does not give a clear picture of the ability of a given Candida sp. to respond to oxidative stress.


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INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated the intracellular profile of interleukin-2 (IL-2), interleukin-4 (IL-4), interleukin-10 (IL-10) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from leprosy patients based on oral infections presence to determine whether these coinfections could be associated with pro-inflammatory activity in leprosy. METHODS: Leprosy patients regardless of clinical form and specific leprosy treatment (n=38) were divided into two groups: Group I - leprosy patients with oral infections (n=19), and Group II - leprosy patients without oral infections (n=19). Non-leprosy patients presenting oral infections were assigned to the control Group (n=10). Intracellular IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-γ production was evaluated by flow cytometry (FACS) before and 7 days after controlling the oral infection in the Group I, before and 7 days after dental prophylaxis in the Group II, and during oral infection process in control Group. RESULTS: Low percentages of CD3+ lymphocytes bearing IL-2, IL-10 and IFN-γ were observed in the Group I and Group II at baseline and 7 days after therapy or prophylaxis compared to controls. Group I showed reduced percentages of IL-4 at baseline and 7 days after therapy compared to controls, or at baseline of Group II, and the Group II showed reduced percentages of CD3+ cells bearing IL-4 compared to control. An increase of the percentages of CD3+cells bearing IL-4 was observed in the Group I after the oral infections treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence of oral infections favors the intracellular cytokines expression and, probably, the inflammatory reaction operating as a stimulatory signal triggering the leprosy reactions.


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A cross-sectional study of 120 subjects was performed with the purpose of evaluating stress hormones and emotional stress (anxiety) in outpatient and hospitalized subjects. The aims were to determine the degree of objective stress, as well as to correlate this finding with subjective findings, estimated using Beck's Anxiety Inventory.. METHOD: Three populations were investigated, namely outpatient clinical cases (Group I, n = 30), hospitalized clinical individuals (Group II, n = 30), and hospitalized surgical candidates (Group III, n = 30). Controls (Group IV, n = 30) were healthy volunteers who were health-care professionals and students. To avoid hormone interactions, only men were enrolled in all groups. All hospitalized subjects were tested on admission and before therapeutic interventions. Fasting epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol were measured in the morning, and Beck's Anxiety Inventory was adminstered by a trained psychologist. RESULTS: The 3 patient groups displayed higher anxiety levels than the controls. Hormone concentrations did not present remarkable changes and did not correlate with subjective stress (anxiety). CONCLUSIONS: 1) Subjective disorders (as determined with Beck's Anxiety Inventory ) were a common finding in both outpatient and hospitalized populations, without differences between the various groups; 2) Objective stress (as determined by elevated hormone levels) was more difficult to confirm-findings rarely exceeded the reference range; 3) Correlation between the two variables could not be demonstrated; 4) Further studies are necessary to define stress quantification and interpretation in patient populations, especially in relationship with nutritional diagnosis and dietetic prescription.


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Stressed plants are generally more attacked by galling insects. In this study we investigated the relationship between population abundance and species richness of galling insects on the tree Alchornea castaneaefolia A. JUSS. (Euphorbiaceae), submited to stress induced by the hemiparasite Psittacanthus sp. (Loranthaceae) in the Amazon, Brazil. Branches of A. castaneaefolia attacked by the hemiparasite were more heavily infested by galling insects than non-attacked branches. The field observations partially corroborate the hypothesis that there would be an optimal level of host-plant stress for galling insect establishment.


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Fish transport is one of the most stressful procedures in aquaculture facilities. The present work evaluated the stress response of matrinxã to transportation procedures, and the use of clove oil as an alternative to reduce the stress response to transport in matrinxã (Brycon cephalus). Clove oil solutions were tested in concentrations of 0, 1, 5 and 10 mg/L during matrinxã transportation in plastic bags, supplied with water and oxygen as the usual field procedures in Brazil. Clove oil reduced some of the physiological stress responses (plasma cortisol, glucose and ions) that we measured. The high energetic cost to matrinxã cope with the transport stress was clear by the decrease of liver glycogen after transport. Our results suggest that clove oil (5 mg/l) can mitigate the stress response in matrinxã subjected to transport.


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Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) is an obligatory air-breathing fish from the Amazon basin. Previous study showed that pirarucu juveniles present a latency period in their response to moderate stress (transportation). Therefore the objective of this study was to verify the effects of a prolonged air exposure stress in lactate, glucose, cortisol, haematocrit, haemoglobin, and liver glycogen in pirarucu. Thirty-six fish were handled by netting and subjected to air exposure for 75-min. Six fish were sampled before handling and at 0, 6, 24, 48, and 96h after handling. Fish cortisol, lactate and haematocrit rose after handling, returning to previous unstressed values on the following sampling (6h after handling). Glucose increased significantly after handling and that was maintained for 24 h. There were no changes in haemoglobin and liver glycogen as a consequence of handling. The results demonstrate a quick response when exposed to an acute stressor and a fast recovery, suggesting that pirarucu does not use their glycogen reserves during an acute stress. The results suggest that pirarucu exhibit physiological stress responses to handling similar in magnitude to those previously documented for many teleostean fishes, including salmonids.


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The present work evaluated several aspects of the generalized stress response [endocrine (cortisol), metabolic (glucose), hematologic (hematocrit and hemoglobin) and cellular (HSP70)] in the Amazonian warm-water fish matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus ) subjected to an acute cold shock. This species farming has been done in South America, and growth and feed conversion rates have been interesting. However, in subtropical areas of Brazil, where the water temperature can rapidly change, high rates of matrinxã mortality have been associated with abrupt decrease in the water temperature. Thus, we subjected matrinxã to a sudden cold shock by transferring the fish directly to tanks in which the water temperature was 10ºC below the initial conditions (cold shock from 28ºC to 18ºC). After 1h the fish were returned to the original tanks (28ºC). The handling associated with tank transfer was also imposed on control groups (not exposed to cold shock). While exposure to cold shock did not alter the measured physiological conditions within 1h, fish returned to the ambient condition (water at 28º C) significantly increased plasma cortisol and glucose levels. Exposure to cold shock and return to the warm water did not affect HSP70 levels. The increased plasma cortisol and glucose levels after returning the fish to warm water suggest that matrinxã requires cortisol and glucose for adaptation to increased temperature.