76 resultados para Soto, Domingo de


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The efficiency of the Mosquito Magnet Liberty PlusTM (MMLP) trap was evaluated in comparison to human-landing catches (HLCs) to sample anopheline populations in Jabillal, state of Bolivar, southern Venezuela. The village comprised 37 houses and a population of 101; malaria in this village is primarily due to Plasmodium vivax and the Annual Parasite Index is 316.8 per 1,000 population. A longitudinal study was conducted between June 2008-January 2009 for three nights per month every two months between 17:30 pm-21:30 pm, a time when biting mosquitoes are most active. Anopheles darlingi and Anopheles nuneztovari were the most common species collected by both methods, whereas Anopheles marajoara was more abundant according to the HLC method. The MMLP trap was more efficient for collecting An. nuneztovari [63%, confidence interval (CI): 2.53] than for collecting An. darlingi (31%, CI: 1.57). There were significant correlations (p < 0.01) between the two methods for An. darlingi [Pearson correlation (R²) = 0.65] and An. nuneztovari (R² = 0.48). These preliminary results are encouraging for further investigations of the use of the MMLP trap for monitoring anopheline populations in remote malaria-endemic areas in the Amazon Basin.


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Orally transmitted Chagas disease (ChD), which is a well-known entity in the Brazilian Amazon Region, was first documented in Venezuela in December 2007, when 103 people attending an urban public school in Caracas became infected by ingesting juice that was contaminated with Trypanosoma cruzi. The infection occurred 45-50 days prior to the initiation of the sampling performed in the current study. Parasitological methods were used to diagnose the first nine symptomatic patients; T. cruzi was found in all of them. However, because this outbreak was managed as a sudden emergency during Christmas time, we needed to rapidly evaluate 1,000 people at risk, so we decided to use conventional serology to detect specific IgM and IgG antibodies via ELISA as well as indirect haemagglutination, which produced positive test results for 9.1%, 11.9% and 9.9% of the individuals tested, respectively. In other more restricted patient groups, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) provided more sensitive results (80.4%) than blood cultures (16.2%) and animal inoculations (11.6%). Although the classical diagnosis of acute ChD is mainly based on parasitological findings, highly sensitive and specific serological techniques can provide rapid results during large and severe outbreaks, as described herein. The use of these serological techniques allows prompt treatment of all individuals suspected of being infected, resulting in reduced rates of morbidity and mortality.


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To explore the effects of deforestation and resulting differences in vegetation and land cover on entomological parameters, such as anopheline species composition, abundance, biting rate, parity and entomological inoculation rate (EIR), three villages were selected in the Lower Caura River Basin, state of Bolívar, Venezuela. All-night mosquito collections were conducted between March 2008-January 2009 using CDC light traps and Mosquito Magnet(r) Liberty Plus. Human landing catches were performed between 06:00 pm-10:00 pm, when anophelines were most active. Four types of vegetation were identified. The Annual Parasite Index was not correlated with the type of vegetation. The least abundantly forested village had the highest anopheline abundance, biting rate and species diversity. Anopheles darlingi and Anopheles nuneztovari were the most abundant species and were collected in all three villages. Both species showed unique biting cycles. The more abundantly forested village of El Palmar reported the highest EIR. The results confirmed previous observations that the impacts of deforestation and resulting changes in vegetation cover on malaria transmission are complex and vary locally.


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Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV) is a member of the Japanese-encephalitis virus serocomplex of the genus Flavivirus. SLEV is broadly distributed in the Americas and the Caribbean Islands, where it is usually transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Culex and primarily to birds and mammalian-hosts. Humans are occasionally infected by the virus and are dead-end hosts. SLEV causes encephalitis in temperate regions, while in tropical regions of the Americas, several human cases and a wide biological diversity of SLEV-strains have been reported. The phylogenetic analysis of the envelope (E) protein genes indicated eight-genotypes of SLEV with geographic overlap. The present paper describes the genotyping of two SLEV viruses detected in mosquito-pools collected in northern Colombia (department of Cordoba). We used reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction to amplify a fragment of theE-gene to confirm the virus identity and completeE-gene sequencing for phylogenetic analysis and genotyping of the two-SLEV viruses found circulating in Córdoba. This is the first report of SLEV genotype IV in Colombia (Córdoba) in mosquitoes from a region of human inhabitation, implicating the risk of human disease due to SLEV infection. Physicians should consider SLEV as a possible aetiology for undiagnosed febrile and neurologic syndromes among their patients who report exposure to mosquito-bites.


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O trauma por acidentes motociclísticos atinge um grande número de vítimas e se constitui um grave problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo documental com abordagem quantitativa que objetivou levantar dados epidemiológicos de 554 vítimas de acidentes motociclísticos atendidos nos meses de setembro e outubro de 2006 em um centro de referência ao trauma de Sergipe. As análises dos resultados evidenciaram predominância de homens (82,7%) com idade média de 27,78 anos que deram entrada no turno da noite (45,9%), domingo (27,3%), que tiveram como lesão as escoriações (n=169), nas regiões da cabeça, face e pescoço. Permaneceram no hospital até 12 horas (76%), evoluindo para alta. Dos casos registrados, 14,6% tinham suspeita de ingestão alcoólica e 19,3% não utilizavam capacete durante o acidente.


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Se objetivó conocer el significado de la histerectomía para un grupo de hombres chilenos, parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas (HPMH). Estudio cualitativo, con entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a 15 hombres, parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas, entre Mayo y Septiembre del 2010, previa aprobación de dos Comités de Ética. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó la perspectiva fenomenológica descrita por Giorgi, y se realizó el análisis de contenido según Krippendorff. Los criterios de Creswell fueron utilizados para evaluar la credibilidad del análisis y asegurar la validez descriptiva. Emergieron cinco dimensiones que representan aspectos únicos del significado de la histerectomía para los hombres parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas: síntomas, comentarios, atributos del útero, preocupaciones, y cambios en la sexualidad. Educar los hombres parejas de mujeres histerectomizadas es una acción fundamental para apoyar a las mujeres que serán sometidas a una histerectomía, siendo necesaria su incorporación en el plan de cuidados de ellas.


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The objective of this study was to describe the Supplemental Nursing Staff´s experiences at different hospital units. A qualitative phenomenological approach was conducted; a purposeful and theoretical sampling was implemented with supplemental nursing staff at Santa Barbara Hospital of Soria (Spain), to gain a more in-depth understanding of the Supplemental Nursing Staff ´s experience. Data were collected by in-depth interviews and through a field notebook. Data were analyzed using the Giorgi proposal. Twenty-one nurses with a mean age of 46 years were included. Three main topics emerged from the data analysis: building the first contact, carving out a niche and establishing interprofessional/interpersonal relationships. We conclude that the experience of hosting the supplemental nursing staff in changing clinical environments is conditioned by various factors. It is necessary for nurses and hospital managers to establish clear objectives with regard to the supplemental nursing staff´s role in the units.


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Map units directly related to properties of soil-landscape are generated by local soil classes. Therefore to take into consideration the knowledge of farmers is essential to automate the procedure. The aim of this study was to map local soil classes by computer-assisted cartography (CAC), using several combinations of topographic properties produced by GIS (digital elevation model, aspect, slope, and profile curvature). A decision tree was used to find the number of topographic properties required for digital cartography of the local soil classes. The maps produced were evaluated based on the attributes of map quality defined as precision and accuracy of the CAC-based maps. The evaluation was carried out in Central Mexico using three maps of local soil classes with contrasting landscape and climatic conditions (desert, temperate, and tropical). In the three areas the precision (56 %) of the CAC maps based on elevation as topographical feature was higher than when based on slope, aspect and profile curvature. The accuracy of the maps (boundary locations) was however low (33 %), in other words, further research is required to improve this indicator.


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The objective of this work was to determine soybean resistance inheritance to Heterodera glycines Ichinohe (soybean cyst nematode - SCN) races 3 and 9, as well as to evaluate the efficiency of direct and indirect selection in a soybean population of 112 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) derived from the resistant cultivar Hartwig. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design, in Londrina, PR, Brazil. The estimated narrow-sense heritabilities for resistance to races 3 and 9 were 80.67 and 77.97%. The genetic correlation coefficient (r g = 0.17; p<0.01) shows that some genetic components of resistance to these two races are inherited together. The greatest genetic gain by indirect selection was obtained to race 9, selecting to race 3 due to simpler inheritance of resistance to race 9 and not because these two races share common resistance genes. The resistance of cultivar Hartwig to races 3 and 9 is determined by 4 and 2 genes, respectively. One of these genes confers resistance to both races, explaining a fraction of the significant genetic correlation found between resistance to these SCN races. The inheritance pattern described indicates that selection for resistance to SCN must be performed for each race individually.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the soybean inheritance of resistance to cyst nematode races 3 and 14. The following populations where evaluated: one population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) [Hartwig (resistant) x Y23 (susceptible line)] for races 3, 14 and 9; one population of families F2:3 [M-SOY 8001 (resistant) x MB/BR 46 - Conquista (susceptible)] for race 3; and one population of families F2:3 [(S5995 (resistant) x BRSMG Renascença (susceptible)] for race 14. In RIL populations, four epistatic genes were identified which conditioned resistance to race 14, and three epistatic ones for resistance to races 3 and 9. The lack of one gene provided moderate resistance under all situations. The highest number of genes for resistance to race 14 points out that genes responsible for lower effects might be involved. In population F2:3 from M-SOY 8001 x MB/BR 46 - Conquista, one recessive gene for moderate resistance and two recessive genes complete resistance to race 3 were identified. Two recessive genes conditioning moderate resistance to race 14 were identified in population F2:3 from the crossing S5995 x BRSMG Renascença. These results will be useful in designing crossings, involving these parentals, with higher possibility to accumulating genes that provide resistance to several SCN races.


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El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer el efecto de factores ambientales y genotípicos sobre los parámetros de calidad industrial y sobre la cantidad y relación de proteínas monoméricas y poliméricas del gluten en 24 líneas recombinantes de trigos harineros de temporal. El cultivo se desarrolló en cinco condiciones ambientales generadas por manejo agronómico, ciclo otoño-invierno 2006/2007, en Roque, Guanajuato, México. Se evaluaron el tiempo de amasado (TMA), fuerza (ALVW), extensibilidad (ALVPL) de la masa, fracción rica en gliadina (50PS) y en glutenina (50PI), y su relación (50PS/50PI). Las mejores combinaciones de gluteninas de alto y bajo peso molecular para TMA y ALVW fueron los genotipos con 1, 17+18, 5+10/Glu-A3c, Glu-B3g, Glu-D3b; 1, 17+18, 5+10/Glu-A3c, Glu-B3h, Glu-D3b, y 2*, 17+18, 5+10/Glu-A3c, Glu-B3g, Glu-D3b; para ALVPL, 2*, 17+18, 2+12/Glu-A3e, Glu-B3h, Glu-D3b; para 50PS, 2*, 17+18, 2+12/Glu-A3e, Glu-B3h, Glu-D3b; y 1, 17+18, 5+10/Glu-A3e, Glu-B3h, Glu-D3b. La relación 50PS/50PI fue mayor en genotipos con 2*, 17+18, 2+12/Glu-A3e, Glu-B3g, Glu-D3b. El TMA es mayor cuando aumenta la temperatura y la mejor ALVPL se obtiene en el ambiente bajo condiciones normales. La fracción 50PS y la relación 50PS/50PI son mayores cuando se realiza la fertilización con azufre, y se obtiene incremento de 50PI con riego limitado y aumento de temperaturas durante el llenado de grano.


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The objective of this work was to identify major and minor-effect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to races 3, 9, and 14 of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) in Hartwig cultivar; to map new resistance QTLs for these races; and to check for the existence of epistatic interactions between QTLs. Cultivar Hartwig is an important resistance source to SCN. Recombinant inbred lines (RIL) obtained from a cross between 'Hartwig' (resistant) and Y23 (susceptible) were evaluated regarding resistance to the three races. New genomic regions for resistance to SCN were identified by microsatellites. Four QTLs, which explained between 12 and 34% of phenotypic variance, were detected for resistance to race 3 in linkage groups (LG) A2, G, J, and M. The QTL in LG G is also important for resistance to race 9. Epistatic interactions were detected between loci, which indicate resistance to races 9 and 14. There are high and low-effect resistance QTLs to SCN.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the toxicity of organic farming‑compatible products to the coffee leaf miner Leucoptera coffeella. Lime sulphur, enriched Bordeaux mixture (Viça Café Plus), and the "supermagro" biofertilizer were first tested in laboratory. The most promising product was tested afterwards under field conditions. In laboratory, different concentrations of each product were applied on L. coffeella eggs and on infested coffee‑mined leaves. Only lime sulphur had ovicidal effects at an acceptable concentration (1.6%) for field applications, but no significant effect on larvae mortality was found. Enriched Bordeaux mixture and the "supermagro" biofertilizer had no effect on L. coffeella eggs and larvae. In the field trial, biweekly or monthly sprayings of lime sulphur at different concentrations caused population decrease after 30 days; however, this effect was not significant after 60 or 90 days.


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No Brasil têm-se usado densidades de plantio relativamente baixas para a obtenção de frutos grandes, com reflexos negativos na produtividade da cultura do abacaxi. No entanto, frutos cada vez menores têm sido comercializados no mercado internacional, o que poderá também ocorrer no mercado nacional. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de altas densidades em sistemas de plantio em filas duplas sobre a produção quantitativa e qualitativa de abacaxi cv. Smooth Cayenne, sob condições de sequeiro. Densidades de plantio, variando de 51.280 plantas/ha a 100.000 plantas/ha, foram estudadas em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com cinco repetições e doze tratamentos, distribuídos em esquema fatorial 4 x 3, correspondendo a quatro combinações de espaçamentos entre linhas duplas e entre linhas simples na fila dupla (90cm x 40 cm, 90 cm x 30 cm, 80 cm x 30 cm , 70 cm x 30 cm) e três espaçamentos entre plantas nas linhas de plantio (30 cm, 25 cm, 20 cm). A análise de variância determinou diferença estatística apenas para a produtividade, em função do espaçamento entre plantas na linha de plantio, sendo mais elevada para o espaçamento de 20 cm. O peso do fruto, as suas dimensões e a sua qualidade (açucares, acidez, teor de suco, relação açúcares/acidez) não foram significativamente influenciados pelas densidades de plantio estudadas, mantendo-se dentro dos padrões da cultivar. Para cada aumento de 10.000 plantas por hectare, a produtividade cresceu em 8,27 t/ha e o peso médio do fruto caiu 102 g. Nas condições ambientais dos Tabuleiros Costeiros do Norte da Bahia, a cultura do abacaxi cv. Smooth Cayenne apresenta potencial para uso em altas densidades de plantio, mesmo em cultivo de sequeiro, podendo-se atingir produtividade acima de 80t/ha e peso médio do fruto superior a 1,0 kg.


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O abacaxizeiro Pérola tem como uma das suas principais características a geração de elevado número de mudas tipo filhote, formando um cacho na parte superior do pedúnculo. Os filhotes desenvolvem-se no mesmo período da formação do fruto. Em plantio comercial na região do litoral Norte da Bahia, foi desenvolvido este estudo com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do desbaste de mudas tipo filhote sobre aspectos vegetativos e produtivos do abacaxi cv. Pérola, cultivado sob condições de sequeiro. Nesta primeira parte, serão apresentados os efeitos sobre a produção e a qualidade do fruto. Em delineamento em blocos completos ao acaso, com sete repetições, foram estudados seis tratamentos, sendo a testemunha, sem desbaste, e os seguintes cinco níveis de desbaste de mudas tipo filhote: 1 - todas as mudas desbastadas; 2 -mantidas duas mudas do lado do sol poente; 3 - mantidas quatro mudas, com desbaste, de cima para baixo; 4 - mantidas quatro mudas, com desbaste, de baixo para cima; 5 - mantidas seis mudas. Por meio da análise de variância e teste de comparação entre as médias, foram avaliados aspectos da qualidade química e física dos frutos, tais como sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez total titulável (ATT), relação SST/ATT, peso do fruto com coroa, comprimento do fruto, peso e comprimento da coroa, produtividade, número e o peso médio dos frutos. O desbaste não determinou diferenças estatísticas para a produtividade da cultura e o peso do fruto, observando-se, no entanto, tendência consistente para a elevação dos valores deste último. O desbaste de mudas não afetou a qualidade do fruto, que apresentou características químicas, físicas e físico-químicas dentro dos padrões da cultivar Pérola.