92 resultados para Shelby County v. Holder
A case of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis produced by Naegleria fowleri was diagnosed in the Independencia county of Anzoategui State, Venezuela. This case motivated the realization of the present epidemiological study with the aim of identifying free-living amoebae in this area. Representative water samples were taken and physicochemical and microbiologic analyses were carried out. Trophozoites and cysts of Naegleria spp, were detected in 44.4% (n=4). An excellent concordance was found among the observations of free-living amoebae in smears and those of monoxenic cultures in non nourishing agar with Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kappa=1; p= 0.003). A variable load of aerobic mesophils was obtained. Moulds and yeast averages presented 3.0 CFU/ml (SD± 2.0) and 102.9 CFU/ml (SD± 32.2), respectively. One hundred per cent of the samples presented a most probable number of total and fecal coliforms of 240,000 NMP/100mL. Naegleria spp was present in waters of the Independence county of Anzoategui state, which constitutes a risk for people that use these sources.
O diagnóstico da malária é realizado rotineiramente pelo exame da gota espessa, entretanto, esta técnica requer o treinamento de microscopistas e pode consumir muito tempo. Foi realizado um estudo de concordância de dois testes rápidos (Optimal-IT® e ICT P.f./P.v.®) com a gota espessa, na atenção básica de saúde, em Manaus.
INTRODUCTION: Rodent-borne hantaviruses cause severe human diseases. We completed a serological survey of hantavirus infection in rural inhabitants of Turvo County, in the southern State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, in which seropositivity for hantavirus was correlated to previous disease in the participants. METHODS: The levels of IgG antibodies to hantavirus Araraquara in the sera of 257 individuals were determined using an immunoenzymatic assay. RESULTS: IgG antibodies to hantavirus were found in 2.3% of the participants. All seropositive participants reported previous disease with symptoms suggestive of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome. CONCLUSIONS: Human infections causing unreported cardiopulmonary syndrome probably occur in the southern State of Santa Catarina.
INTRODUCTION: This study sought to describe the profile and geographic distribution of reported cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the City of Campo Grande, State of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Brazil, from 2002 to 2009. METHODS: Human data were collected from the Brazilian National Information System for Notifiable Diseases. Canine cases and entomological data were obtained from the Information Service for Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis Control/Campo Grande, MS. RESULTS: A total of 951 records from 2002 to 2009 were investigated. The number of reported cases of VL in males was significantly higher (p < 0.0001) than that in females. The higher frequency observed among males was associated with age (p < 0.0001), which increased in individuals aged 40 years and older. The overall fatality rate was 7.4%. Entomological surveys conducted in 2006, 2007, and 2009 showed the insect vector Lutzomyia longipalpis to be present in all urban regions of the county. CONCLUSIONS: VL cases in humans and dogs, as well as in vectors, occurs in all urban regions of Campo Grande. Despite not observing tendencies of increase or reduction in the incidence of the disease due to aging, the major incidence in men is higher in those aged 40 years or above.
INTRODUCTION: Hantavirus is a genus of ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses included in the family Bunyaviridae. Hantaviruses are rodent-borne zoonoses that, in the last 18 years, became an emergent public health problem in the Americas, causing a severe cardiopulmonary syndrome. This disease has no specific treatment and has a high case fatality. The transmission of hantavirus to man occurs by inhaling aerosols of rodent excreta. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of antibodies to hantavirus in the population of the rural settlement of Tupã in the county of Marcelândia, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. METHODS: The participants of the serologic survey were visited at their homes and selected randomly among the settlement population. Blood samples of the participants were collected by venopuncture. The serum samples were tested by an IgG-ELISA using an N recombinant protein of Araraquara hantavirus as antigen, using the protocol previously established by Figueiredo et al. RESULTS: IgG antibodies to hantavirus were detected in 7 (13%) of the 54 participants. The positivity was higher among men. It was observed that there was an association of seropositivity to hantavirus within the participants born in the south of Brazil. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that, in this rural area, everyone is exposed to the same risk of becoming infected with hantavirus, and, therefore, there is a need to intensify surveillance activities and education of the local people to prevent this viral infection.
Introduction A few older publications describe leprosy associated with pregnancy, a situation that has been linked to leprosy exacerbation. This study aimed to describe the detection rate of this association in the State of Pará by county and Integration Region (IR) from 2007 to 2009 via an analysis of sociodemographic, epidemiological and operational indices. Methods This was a descriptive study using information generated by the SINAN. The Detection Coefficient of the Leprosy and Pregnancy Association (DCLP) epidemiological index was constructed to help interpret the endemicity parameters. The disease was considered hyperendemic when greater than two cases per 10,000 inhabitants were identified. Results During the study period, 149 associations were detected, with 14 hyperendemic counties: seven in 2007, five in 2008 and two in 2009. The Carajás Integrated Region displayed the highest DCLP index in the period. Eldorado dos Carajás had the single highest DCLP index (5.7/10,000 inhabitants, 2008), whereas the DCLP index in Conceição do Araguaia was very high in all three years. However, most counties displayed low or medium DCLP indices. The annual averages were 0.31 DCLP (2007), bass; 0.30 (2008), bass and 0.19 (2009), bass. The average DCLP index was 0.26, which is considered low. Three clusters of medium endemicity were identified by the average DCLP in the study period. Conclusions The analyses indicated that the surveillance program is still unsatisfactory in Pará. The interpretation of the endemicity parameters enabled qualitative and quantitative analyses to determine the epidemiological panorama of this association. The identification of high endemicity requires further clarification.
Introduction The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge of toxoplasmosis among professionals and pregnant women in the public health services in Paraná, Brazil. Methods A cross-sectional observational and transversal study of 80 health professionals (44 nurses and 36 physicians) and 330 pregnant women [111 immunoglobulin M (IgM)- and IgG-non-reactive and 219 IgG-reactive] was conducted in 2010. An epidemiological data questionnaire was administered to the professionals and to the pregnant women, and a questionnaire about the clinical aspects and laboratory diagnosis of toxoplasmosis was administered to the professionals. Results The participants frequently provided correct responses about prophylactic measures. Regarding the clinical and laboratory aspects, the physicians provided more correct responses and discussed toxoplasmosis with the pregnant women. The professionals had difficulty interpreting the avidity test results, and the physicians stated that they referred pregnant women with high-risk pregnancies to a county reference center. Of the professionals, 53 (91.4%) reported that they instructed women during prenatal care, but only 54 (48.6%) at-risk pregnant women and 99 (45.2%) women who were not at risk reported receiving information about preventive measures. The physicians provided verbal instructions to 120 (78.4%) women, although instructional materials were available in the county. The pregnant women generally lacked knowledge about preventive measures for congenital toxoplasmosis, but the at-risk pregnant women tended to respond correctly. Conclusions This study provides data to direct public health policies regarding the importance of updating the knowledge of primary care professionals. Mechanisms should be developed to increase public knowledge because prophylactic strategies are important for preventing congenital toxoplasmosis.
The taxonomic histort of the genus Capirona is presented. Complete synonymies, descriptions, common names, distributions and discussions are given for Capirona and its two species C. descorticans and C. leiophloea. The generic distribution is the Amazon valley and eastern Guianas and coincides with that of the genus Hevea. C. descorticans is know from the western and southeastern Amazon valley; C. leiophloea is reported from the eastern Guianas and the northeastern Amazon valley. The zone of contact between the two species is along the southern edge oh the Amazon River and the lower drainage of the Rio Tapajoz in Pará, Brazil.
Larval development of the freshwater palaemonid shrip Pseudopalaemon chryseus Kensley & Walker, 1982 was studied in the laboratory from the offspring oof females collected in a lake of the lower Negro River system. Females carry few (14 to 43), large (1.86 + 0.13 x 1.29 + 0.06 mm), yolk-rich eggs. The species goes throught three larval stages without feeding and the main feature of its larval development is the presence of functional walking legs on hatching. Descriptions and illustrations of the three larval and first juvenile stages are presented.
O nosso trabalho é mais uma etapa, a quinta, do estudo sobre as plantas medicinais, ocorrentes no Estado de Alagoas. Várias excursões foram feitas, a fim de coletar espécies, utilizadas na medicina caseira. Os espécimens coletados foram preparados, identificados e incorporados ao Herbario "Professor Honorio Monteiro" (MUFAL) da Universidade Federal de Alagoas. O estudo das plantas medicinais, abrangendo famÃlias, nomes cientÃficos e vulgares e a descrição sucinta para cada espécie, bem como o uso medicinal e a posologia, foi feito com auxÃlio de bibliografias especializadas no assunto. Foram estudadas as seguintes espécies, consideradas medicinais: Allium ascalonicum L. (cebola-branca); Astronium urundeuva (Fr. All.) Engl. (aroeira-do-sertão); Cecropia sp. (imbáuba); Coix lacryma-jobi L. (capim-de-contas); Daucus carota L. (cenoura); Eucalyptus citriodora Hook. (eucalÃpto); Eugenia jambosa L. (jambo-rosa); Eugenia malaccensis L. (jambo-roxo); Genipa americana L. (genipapo); Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. (mutamba); Helianthus annuusL. (girassol); Hedychium coronarium Koening (lÃrio-do-brejo); Imperata brasiliensis Trin. (capim-sapê); Jatropha curcas L. (pinhão-manso) Melocactus bahiensis (Brit. et Rose) Luetzelb. (coroa-de-frade), Monniera trifolia L. (alfavaca-de-cobra), Pithecollobium avaremotemo Mart. (bordão-de-velho); Polygonum persicaria L. (erva-de-bicho); Solidago microglossa DC. (erva-lanceta) e Syzygium jambolana DC. (azeitona).
Entre as espécies que produzem tubérculos amiláceos nas condições tropicais, encontra-se Pachyrrhizus tuberosus, leguminosa conhecida popularmente como feijão macuco ou jacatupé. Propôs-se estudar alguns aspectos fisiológicos do desenvolvimento dessa espécie em uma area de várzea. Foi estudado o comportamento de três introduções (2.2, 1.2 e 1.1.6) da coleção do programa de melhoramento de hortaliças do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA (definidas como 1, 2 e 3), submetidas a duas formas de manejo: com e sem tutoramento das plantas e com e sem poda das inflorescências. A poda das inflorescências resultou em um aumento nos teores de xilose, glicose, açúcares redutores, proteínas e aminoácidos ao longo do desenvolvimento. Foram observadas variações nos teores de xilose, açúcares redutores e proteínas entre as introduções estudadas. O teor de amido nas raízes tuberosas não mostrou variação ao longo do desenvolvimento, em nenhum dos tratamentos estudados.
Foi amostrada fítossociologicamente 1 ha. de floresta tropical densa de terra-firme, em um trecho da Estrada da Várzea, que liga Manaus aos municípios de Silves c Itapiranga, no estado do Amazonas. O trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a composição florística e os parâmetros fitossociológicos, necessários para a determinação do índice de valor de importância ecológica das espécies (IVI), bem como a estrutura da vegetação. A distribuição da amostra foi efetuada mediante a análise da imagem de satélite. A amostragem foi na forma de transecto de 10 x 1 .000m dividida em 20 subparcelas de 10 x 50m, totalizando 10.000rn2. Foram abordados todos os indivíduos arbóreos, palmeiras, cipós e ervas terrestres com CAP ≥ 30cm, dos quais obteve-se amostras botânicas para posterior identificação, a qual obedeceu ao sistema de classificação de Cronquist. Como resultado foram registrados 527 indivíduos, que estão distribuídos em 47 famílias, 118 gêneros e 196 espécies. As famílias que apresentaram maior diversidade foram Lecythidaceae (20), Lauraceae (19), Sapotaceae (17), Chrysobalanaceae, Burscraceae (12) c Annonaceae (9) representando 47% da diversidade familiar, demonstrando que a diversidade local está concentrada em poucas famílias. As espécies com maior valor de importância (IVI) foram Goupia glabra Aubl. (9,34), Ocotea rubra(Meiss.) Allen (8,71), influenciados pela exuberância dos seus diâmetros, representados na dominância relativa. Contudo, quando da comparação de densidade local com as obtidas em outros trabalhos, sob os mesmos critérios amostrais, concluiu-se que o local é menos abundante quanto ao número de indivíduos por hectare. Todavia, a diversidade por família c espécies não difere dos resultados alcançados em outras áreas da Amazônia, para florestas de terra-firme.
Neste trabalho foi avaliada a preferência por altura de vôo de nove espécies da família Scolytidae, capturadas com armadilhas Escolitídeo/Curitiba e Marques/Carrano/Abreu, instaladas a 1; 3; 5; 7,5 e 10m de altura na Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke, no km 22 da rodovia AM-010 (Manaus, AM). Para isto foi feita uma análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. O resultado das análises mostraram que, independente da armadilha utilizada, Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff, Xyleborus sp. 1 e Monarthrum sp. 1 apresentaram preferência de vôo por alturas inferiores a 3m; Cryptocarenus heveae (Hagedorn) mostrou preferência por alturas superiores a 5m; e Hypothenemus obscurus Fabricius acima de 7,5m; Xylosandrus compactus Eichhoff não apresentou preferência por qualquer altura de vôo. Cryptocarenus diadematus Eggers, Hypothenemus eruditus Westwood e Premnobius cavipennis Eichhoff apresentaram divergência quanto à tendência de vôo, em relação às armadilhas utilizadas.
Paspalum fasciculatum é uma robusta gramínea C4, perene, de ocorrência nas várzeas da Amazônia Central. Para estabelecer a ecologia e o ciclo de vida da espécie em relação as flutuações anuais do nível do rio, vinte plantas foram marcadas ao acaso e acompanhadas mensalmente, de setembro/95 a agosto /96, em duas áreas entre 23 e 27 m (s.n.m.). Registrou-se o comprimento do talo, o número de folhas verdes e mortas, brotos, e a presença de inflorescências. Paspalum fasciculatum sincroniza seu crescimento com a fase terrestre do ciclo hidrológico, tendo atingido no período de estudo o comprimento máximo de 4,53 m. A dormência e grande tolerância dos talos a anos subsequentes de inundação e a capacidade de suportar mudanças bruscas do ambiente físico, permitem classificar a espécie como estrategista "r", altamente adaptada e representativa dos primeiros estágios de colonização das margens sedimentares de rios e lagos de várzea.