167 resultados para Saliva Cortisol
El presente trabajo es una revisión histórica del tratamiento utilizado contra la rabia humana, desde la antigüedad hasta el momento actual. Pretende hacer una analogía entre el concepto de causa predominante en la época y el tipo de tratamiento utilizado. Los griegos antiguos tenían la diosa Artemisa como sanadora de la rabia y ya utilizaban la cauterización de la herida. Los pueblos del siglo I conocían la capacidad infecciosa en la saliva de perros rabiosos, llamando a ese material de veneno virus (en latín). En la Edad Media, cuando prevalecía un concepto mágico y religioso de la salud, el gran protector era San Humberto. Con el Renacimiento surgen nuevamente muchos experimentos y avances en el conocimiento de la enfermedad, que sentaron las bases para los importantes hallazgos en el futuro próximo. En esa época predominaba la teoría miasmática y del contagio. Pasteur fue un grande opositor de la espontaneidad de la rabia. A finales del siglo XIX, con los descubrimientos microbianos, Pasteur hizo la gran revolución científica en relación al tratamiento contra la rabia, que es la vacuna. Las vacunas pueden actualmente ser de tipo nervioso o no, variando también el numero de dosis recomendadas. Se han desarrollado muchos estudios sobre vacunas, siendo la más utilizada en América Latina del tipo Fuenzalida y Palacios, y la recomendada actualmente por la OMS es la de cultivo celular.
OBJETIVO: Descrever as impressões, experiências, conhecimentos, crenças e a receptividade de usuários de drogas injetáveis para participar das estratégias de testagem rápida para HIV. MÉTODOS: Estudo qualitativo exploratório foi conduzido entre usuários de drogas injetáveis, de dezembro de 2003 a fevereiro de 2004, em cinco cidades brasileiras, localizadas em quatro regiões do País. Um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturado contendo questões fechadas e abertas foi usado para avaliar percepções desses usuários sobre procedimentos e formas alternativas de acesso e testagem. Foram realizadas 106 entrevistas, aproximadamente 26 por região. RESULTADOS: Características da população estudada, opiniões sobre o teste rápido e preferências por usar amostras de sangue ou saliva foram apresentadas junto com as vantagens e desvantagens associadas a cada opção. Os resultados mostraram a viabilidade do uso de testes rápidos entre usuários de drogas injetáveis e o interesse deles quanto à utilização destes métodos, especialmente se puderem ser equacionadas questões relacionadas à confidencialidade e confiabilidade dos testes. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados indicam que os testes rápidos para HIV seriam bem recebidos por essa população. Esses testes podem ser considerados uma ferramenta valiosa, ao permitir que mais usuários de drogas injetáveis conheçam sua sorologia para o HIV e possam ser referidos para tratamento, como subsidiar a melhoria das estratégias de testagem entre usuários de drogas injetáveis.
OBJETIVO: Evaluar la asociación de la saliva y la prevalencia de caries. MÉTODOS: Estudio longitudinal de dos años, en una población de niños escolares rural de Cruz del Eje, Córdoba-Argentina, entre los años 2000 y 2002. La población de estudio comprendió la totalidad de escolares asistentes (N=196) a ocho escuelas rurales de 5 a 14 años de edad, ambos sexos. Se estudiaron tres momentos (N=46): base, 12 y 24 meses. Se evaluaron los componentes salivales y los índices CPOD y ceod. Se crearon las variables nominales, "caries" y "caries nueva" para evaluar riesgo de caries en el estudio base y en los tiempos 12 y 24 meses, respectivamente. Se aplicó el análisis de componentes principales para seleccionar factores salivales relacionados con la presencia de caries que a posterior se categorizaron según valor de la mediana como punto de corte. RESULTADOS: Se observó alta prevalencia de caries (50%-90%) en los tres momentos de estudio. El incremento de caries fue significativamente mayor a los 12 meses (p=0.000), comparado con el observado a los 24 meses. En el estudio base se observó concentración baja y homogénea de los iones fosfato y calcio, y asociación significativa (p<0.050) entre calcio y fósforo y relación Ca/P con la presencia de caries. CONCLUSIONES: Las concentraciones de iones fosfato y de la relación molar calcio/fósforo podrían ser considerados como factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de caries en poblaciones con características particulares como la estudiada.
Com o objetivo de determinar a prevalência da infecção pelo Citomegalovírus (CMV) em pacientes com AIDS, bem como relacionar os achados clínico-virológicos decorrentes desta infecção com as repercussões anatomopatológicas, estudamos 50 pacientes adultos atendidos entre abril de 1986 a junho de 1987, em dois hospitais públicos de São Paulo (HSP e HSPE). Estes pacientes foram acompanhados clínica e laboratorialmente, por período médio de 2 meses com coletas seriadas de sangue, urina e saliva. Foram realizados isolamento do CMV em monocamadas de fibroblastos humanos e testes sorológicos de Imunofluorescência Indireta (IFI-IgG/IgM) e Reação Imunoenzimática (ELISA-IgG). No momento da admissão no estudo 20% (10/50) dos pacientes apresentavam anticorpos IgM CMV específicos e 100% (50/50) deles anticorpos IgG (IFI). Durante o acompanhamento, 5 pacientes inicialmente IgM negativos tornaram-se IgM positivos, sugerindo reativação ou reinfecção pelo CMV. O CMV foi isolado de sangue periférico em 12,5%, da urina em 23,2%, da saliva em 21,9% dos pacientes. Exames anatomopatológicos foram realizados em 24 pacientes, correspondendo a 60% dos pacientes que evoluiram para óbito durante o período de estudo. Corpúsculos de inclusão citomegálica característicos foram observados em 50% das necrópsias, sendo o aparelho digestivo, pulmões e supra-renais os sítios mais acometidos. Não se observou uma relação estatisticamente significante entre os achados clínicos e os achados virológicos e anatomopatológicos.
The prevalence of antibodies against cytomegalovirus (CMV) and the incidence of CMV infection were tested in 98 children aged 5 to 36 months who attended the day-care center of a University hospital in São Paulo. At the beginning of the study the overall prevalence of anti-CMV IgG antibodies was 44% (43/98). Saliva and/or urine samples were obtained from 38 of the 43 children that were seropositive at the beginning of the study for isolation of the virus, and 52.6% of these children were found to excrete CMV in one of the two materials. Among the 37 children that were initially seronegative from whom it was possible to obtain a new blood sample 6 to 12 months later, 22 (59.5%) presented seroconversion. The rate of viral excretion through urine or saliva from the children that seroconverted was 50%. These results indicate that CMV infection is frequent and occurs early among the children who attend this day-care center. However, controlled studies using molecular epidemiology techniques are needed to define more precisely the role of day-care centers in CMV dissemination.
A 39-year old male patient was admitted to the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto with signs and symptoms of sudden dyspnea, generalized myalgia and behavioral disorders. The initial suspicion was alcohol abstinence syndrome and the patient was referred for psychiatric and neurologic care. The evolution of the patient with a worsening of signs and symptoms, presence of crises of tachypnea, agitation, difficulty to swallow, irritability and hydrophobia, and his report of having been bitten by a suspected dog raised the hypothesis of rabies. The diagnosis was confirmed by examination of a corneal impression, biological tests in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and saliva and visualization of Negri bodies in nervous tissue (direct immunofluorescence). The patient evolved with agitation, aggressiveness, and worsening tachypnea intercalating with apnea, and died on the 4th day after admission
This study evaluates the transmission of CMV infection in 120 children aged 1 to 15 years with Down syndrome who attended a day-care center for handicapped children in São Paulo, Brazil. A blood sample was obtained from each children at the beginning of the study for detection of IgG and IgM cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibodies by an immunofluorescence assay. Samples of saliva and urine were obtained every 3 months from the children with CMV antibodies to detect shedding of the virus by culture in human foreskin fibroblasts, by detection of pp65 CMV-antigen and by a nested PCR assay. The prevalence of anti CMV-IgG antibodies was 76.6% (92/120), and IgM anti-CMV antibodies were detected in 13% (12/92) of the seropositive children. During the first viral evaluation, CMV was detected in the urine and/or saliva in 39/90 (43.3%) of the seropositive children. In the second and third evaluations, CMV was detected in 41/89 (46%) and in 35/89 (39.3%) children, respectively. Detection of CMV was shown both in urine and saliva in 28/39 (71.8%), 19/41(46.3%) and 20/35 (57.1%) of the children excreting the virus, respectively. Additionally, in 33/49 (67.4%) of the excreters CMV could be demonstrated in urine or saliva in at least two out of the three virological evaluations carried out sequentially in a six month period. Of the 28 initially seronegative children, 26 were re-examined for anti-CMV IgG antibodies about 18 months after the negative sample; seroconversion was found in 10/26 (38.5%). Taking all 536 samples of urine or saliva examined by virus culture and pp65 antigen detection during the study into account, 159 (29.6%) were positive by virus culture and 59 (11%) gave a positive result with the pp65 assay. These data demonstrate the high prevalence of CMV shedding and the high risk of CMV infection in children with Down syndrome attending a day-care center for mentally handicapped patients. The virus culture was more sensitive than the pp65 CMV antigen assay for CMV detection in both urine and saliva samples.
Adrenal involvement by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis was described at necropsies and in many clinical studies, but only in adults. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate adrenal function in children with paracoccidioidomycosis. Twenty-three children with the systemic form of paracoccidioidomycosis were evaluated and divided in two Groups: Group A (n = 8) included children before treatment and Group B (n = 15) children after the end of treatment. Plasma cortisol (basal and after ACTH test), ACTH, renin activity, aldosterone, sodium and potassium were measured. They were within normal range in all cases, except for renin activity and aldosterone, which were elevated in some cases. Group A patients showed basal and post-ACTH cortisol levels significantly greater than Group B patients. The results showed that adrenal function was not compromised in these children with paracoccidioidomycosis.
The authors report two cases of adrenal insufficiency secondary to infiltration of the adrenal glands by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. The first patient had been treated for a chronic multifocal form of paracoccidiodomycosis 11 years ago. The diagnosis of the mycosis was done simultaneous with that of the adrenal insufficiency in the second patient. In both patients the diagnosis was done by direct visualization of fungus in adrenal biopsies. They were treated with hormonal supplements and itraconazol by 12 and six months, without relapses during the follow-up period.
The Ministry of Health's National Human Rabies Control Program advocates pre-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for professionals involved with animals that are at risk of contracting rabies. We report an antemortem and postmortem diagnosis of rabies in a veterinarian who became infected when handling herbivores with rabies. The antemortem diagnosis was carried out with a saliva sample and a biopsy of hair follicles using molecular biology techniques, while the postmortem diagnosis used a brain sample and conventional techniques. The veterinarian had collected samples to diagnose rabies in suspect herbivores (bovines and caprines) that were subsequently confirmed to be positive in laboratory tests. After onset of classic rabies symptoms, saliva and hair follicles were collected and used for antemortem diagnostic tests and found to be positive by RT-PCR. Genetic sequencing showed that the infection was caused by variant 3 (Desmodus rotundus), a finding confirmed by tests on the brain sample. It is essential that professionals who are at risk of infection by the rabies virus undergo pre-exposure prophylaxis. This study also confirms that molecular biology techniques were used successfully for antemortem diagnosis and therefore not only allow therapeutic methods to be developed, but also enable the source of infection in human rabies cases to be identified accurately and quickly.
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) is transmitted commonly by saliva, but it has been found in genital secretions, which suggests sexual transmission and led researchers to connect EBV and cervical neoplasia. People living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are reported to be at high risk of acquiring genital infections and cervical lesions. To verify the presence of EBV in the genital tract and/or it could affect cervical changes, we analyzed cervical smears from 85 HIV seropositive women for EBV DNA determination. EBV was only detected in two (2.3%) samples. The present study provides neither evidence for EBV as sexually transmitted infection nor discards this possibility.
INTRODUCTION: In HIV-infected patients, colonization of the oral cavity by potential pathogenic yeast may lead to development of systemic fungemia. We evaluated the prevalence of yeast in the oral cavity of Brazilian HIV-positive patients and verified whether or not the species characterized were enzymatically active. Furthermore, the species identified were tested for their susceptibility to antifungal treatment. METHODS: Patient saliva and oropharyngeal candidiasis samples were collected from 60 seropositive HIV patients and identified by the API20C system. Enzymatic activity was evaluated by the production of proteinase and phospholipase. Susceptibility to antifungal treatments were determined using the broth microdilution method. RESULTS: the most commonly isolated species were C. albicans (51.56%) followed by non-albicans Candida species (43.73%), Trichosporon mucoides (3.12%) and Kodamaea ohmeri (1.56%). Oral colonization by association of different species was observed in 42% of the patients. Enzymatic activity was verified in most of species isolated, except for C. glabrata, C. lusitaniae and C. guilliermondii. Resistance to Fluconazole and Amphotericin B was observed in isolates of C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, and K. ohmeri. CONCLUSION: HIV-positive patients are orally colonized by single or multiple species of yeast that are occasionally resistant to Fluconazole or Amphotericin B.
Leishmaniasis remains a major public health problem worldwide and is classified as Category I by the TDR/WHO, mainly due to the absence of control. Many experimental models like rodents, dogs and monkeys have been developed, each with specific features, in order to characterize the immune response to Leishmania species, but none reproduces the pathology observed in human disease. Conflicting data may arise in part because different parasite strains or species are being examined, different tissue targets (mice footpad, ear, or base of tail) are being infected, and different numbers (“low” 1×102 and “high” 1×106) of metacyclic promastigotes have been inoculated. Recently, new approaches have been proposed to provide more meaningful data regarding the host response and pathogenesis that parallels human disease. The use of sand fly saliva and low numbers of parasites in experimental infections has led to mimic natural transmission and find new molecules and immune mechanisms which should be considered when designing vaccines and control strategies. Moreover, the use of wild rodents as experimental models has been proposed as a good alternative for studying the host-pathogen relationships and for testing candidate vaccines. To date, using natural reservoirs to study Leishmania infection has been challenging because immunologic reagents for use in wild rodents are lacking. This review discusses the principal immunological findings against Leishmania infection in different animal models highlighting the importance of using experimental conditions similar to natural transmission and reservoir species as experimental models to study the immunopathology of the disease.
The evaluation of workers as potential reservoirs and disseminators of pathogenic bacteria has been described as a strategy for the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of Enterobacteriaceae in the oral cavity of workers at an oncology hospital in the Midwest region of Brazil, as well as to characterize the phenotypic profile of the isolates. Saliva samples of 294 workers from the hospital’s healthcare and support teams were collected. Microbiological procedures were performed according to standard techniques. Among the participants, 55 (18.7%) were colonized by Enterobacteriaceae in the oral cavity. A total of 64 bacteria were isolated, including potentially pathogenic species. The most prevalent species was Enterobacter gergoviae (17.2%). The highest rates of resistance were observed for β-lactams, and 48.4% of the isolates were considered multiresistant. Regarding the enterobacteria isolated, the production of ESBL and KPC was negative. Nevertheless, among the 43 isolates of the CESP group, 51.2% were considered AmpC β-lactamase producers by induction, and 48.8% were hyper-producing mutants. The significant prevalence of carriers of Enterobacteriaceae and the phenotypic profile of the isolates represents a concern, especially due to the multiresistance and production of AmpC β-lactamases.
The colonization of the oral cavity is a prerequisite to the development of oropharyngeal candidiasis. Aims: The aims of this study were: to evaluate colonization and quantify Candida spp. in the oral cavity; to determine the predisposing factors for colonization; and to correlate the levels of CD4+ cells and viral load with the yeast count of colony forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL) in HIV-positive individuals treated at a University Hospital. Saliva samples were collected from 147 HIV patients and were plated on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) and chromogenic agar, and incubated at 30 ºC for 72 h. Colonies with similar morphology in both media were counted and the result expressed in CFU/mL. Results: Of the 147 HIV patients, 89 had positive cultures for Candida spp., with a total of 111 isolates, of which C. albicans was the most frequent species (67.6%), and the mean of colonies counted was 8.8 × 10³ CFU/mL. The main predisposing factors for oral colonization by Candida spp. were the use of antibiotics and oral prostheses. The use of reverse transcriptase inhibitors appears to have a greater protective effect for colonization. A low CD4+ T lymphocyte count is associated with a higher density of yeast in the saliva of HIV patients.