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Ultrasonography of the lens and posterior segment is an indispensable step in the preoperative evaluation of dogs with cataracts, since ophthalmoscopy is not feasible when there is opacification of the lens. This study evaluated the echographic conditions of cataractous lens and fundus of the eye in dogs affected by cataracts. The study was conducted in 30 dogs (56 eyes), 10 males and 20 females, with different types of cataracts at different stages of development. Echography in A and B modes, simultaneously, was carried out for the examination of the lens and posterior segment. The examinations revealed anterior cortical, posterior cortical and nuclear cataract in 12 eyes (21.4%), anterior cortical, posterior cortical, nuclear and posterior capsular in 23 eyes (41%), anterior cortical, posterior cortical and posterior capsular cataract in one eye (1.7%), anterior cortical and nuclear cataract in one eye (1.7%), anterior cortical, nuclear and posterior capsular cataract in five eyes (8.9%), and anterior cortical cataract in seven eyes (12.5%). Abnormal ultrasonographic alterations were observed in the posterior segment in 26 eyes evaluated (46.4%). Vitreal degeneration was detected in 12 eyes (21.4%), images of vitreal exudate or hemorrhage in seven eyes (12.5%), persistence of hyaloid artery in four eyes (7.1%) and lens subluxation in three eyes (5.3%). The results obtained reiterate the importance of ultrasonography in canine patients presented for cataract surgery given that alterations of the posterior segment are difficult to identify in a clinical examination when the lens is opacified.


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In August 2007 an outbreak of neurological disease and sudden death in Arabian horses occurred in a farm located in Coronel Rosales County, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The animals were on a pasture of native grasses and supplemented ad libitum with corn kernels and wheat bran. Three horses were observed having acute neurologic signs including blindness, four leg ataxia, hyperexcitability, aimless walking and circling, followed by death in two of them. Four other horses were found dead overnight without a history of neurologic signs. The morbidity, mortality and lethality rates were 11.6%, 10% and 85.7%, respectively. Grossly, the brain showed focal areas of hemorrhage, brown-yellow discoloration and softening of the sub-cortical white matter. The microscopic brain lesions consisted of extensive areas of malacia within the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres, brainstem and cerebellum, characterized by rarefaction of the white matter with cavitations filled with proteinaceous edema, multifocal hemorrhages and mild infiltration by neutrophils, and rare eosinophils. Swollen glial cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, distinct cell borders, intracytoplasmic deeply eosinophilic globules and eccentric, hyperchromatic, occasionally pyknotic nucleus were present throughout the areas of rarefaction hemorrhage, edema and necrosis. The feed supplements contained 12,490µg/kg of fumonisin B1 and 5,251µg/ kg of fumonisin B2. This is the first reported outbreak of ELEM associated with consumption of feed supplements containing high concentrations of fumonisins in Argentina.


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Samples of different organs from intensively-reared Piaractus mesopotamicus were collected and processed using routine histological techniques in order to produce thin sections for staining with hematoxylin-eosin and with the Ziehl-Neelsen method. Through examination under an optical microscope, myxosporidians of the genera Henneguya sp. and Myxobolus sp. were identified, respectivelyin the gills and kidneys of P. mesopotamicus. Plasmodia with immature spores of Henneguya sp. were located along the secondary lamellae, with total length of 30.45±4.84µm and width of 3.52±0.33µm. Spores of Myxobolus sp. were located in the kidneys, with total length of 8.94±0.82µm and width of 5.59±0.39µm. Histopathological analysis of the gills showed plasmodia containing spores of Henneguya sp., at intralamellar and intravascular localities, at different stages of development. Spores of Myxobolus sp. were identified in the kidneys, in the peritubular region and in the interstices and glomerulus, surrounded by melanomacrophages. Focal hemorrhage was recorded in a few cases. Ziehl-Neelsen staining allowed to identify particular features of the spores and facilitated biometry and enabled classification in comparison with hematoxylin-eosin, thus demonstrating its usefulness for histopathological diagnosis of the parasitosis.


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Molecular findings that confirmed the participation of ovine herpesvirus 2 (OVH-2) in the lesions that were consistent with those observed in malignant catarrhal fever of cattle are described. Three mixed-breed cattle from Rio Grande do Norte state demonstrated clinical manifestations that included mucopurulent nasal discharge, corneal opacity and motor incoordination. Routine necropsy examination demonstrated ulcerations and hemorrhage of the oral cavity, corneal opacity, and lymph node enlargement. Significant histopathological findings included widespread necrotizing vasculitis, non-suppurative meningoencephalitis, lymphocytic interstitial nephritis and hepatitis, and thrombosis. PCR assay performed on DNA extracted from kidney and mesenteric lymph node of one animal amplified a product of 423 base pairs corresponding to a target sequence within the ovine herpesvirus 2 (OVH-2) tegument protein gene. Direct sequencing of the PCR products, from extracted DNA of the kidney and mesenteric lymph node of one cow, amplified the partial nucleotide sequences (423 base pairs) of OVH-2 tegument protein gene. Blast analysis confirmed that these sequences have 98-100% identity with similar OVH-2 sequences deposited in GenBank. Phylogenetic analyses, based on the deduced amino acid sequences, demonstrated that the strain of OVH-2 circulating in ruminants from the Brazilian states of Rio Grande do Norte and Minas Gerais are similar to that identified in other geographical locations. These findings confirmed the active participation of OVH-2 in the classical manifestations of sheep associated malignant catarrhal fever.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate histological changes in dairy cows' hooves with or without injuries from naturally acquired laminitis. Cull cows with no clinical signs of hoof abnormalities (G1, n=9) and those with macroscopic lesions associated with laminitis without (G2, n=23) or with lameness (G3, n=7) were used in the study. After slaughter, samples of dermo-epidermal junctions of sole, axial and dorsal regions of the hoof were obtained and histologically processed using HE and PAS staining. Congestion, hemorrhage and inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis of sole, axial and dorsal regions were blindly and semiquantitatively evaluated by the same researcher. Inflammatory infiltrate was evaluated in the dermal laminae of axial and dorsal regions. The morphology of epidermal cells and the presence of irregularities in three regions of the basement membrane (BM) length were examined using PAS staining. Scores of lesions in different regions of the hoof in the same group and in different groups for each region of the hoof were compared using non-parametric analyses. Inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis of all regions of the hoof was detected in all groups with no significant statistical difference. Cows with no clinical signs of hoof abnormalities secondary to laminitis (G1) have inflammation scores and epidermal cell changes similar to those of groups with laminitis injuries, suggesting the existence of a prodromal phase for this disease in bovines. BM had irregularities with a variable intensity along its length, however, with no difference among groups. The pattern of BM irregularities found has not been reported so far and does not resemble the BM collapse described in horses and cattle with induced acute laminitis. Is it concluded that even in the absence of macroscopic hoof signs associated to laminitis, dairy cows have histological injuries compatible with inflammation of the dermo-epidermal junction as in affected animals. Basement membrane of cows with or without laminitis associated lesions had irregularities with an irregular distribution along its length which need to be further studied.


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Hyphema (hemorrhage within the anterior chamber of the eye) can be caused by several mechanisms and can easily be detected in routine ophthalmic or necroscopic examination as discolored red eye(s). The purpose of this study is to report the cause of hyphema diagnosed as a postmortem finding in dogs and cats. Twenty cases, 14 dogs and six cats of several ages and breeds and of both sexes were included in the study. Hyphema presented as a unilateral (14 cases out of 20) or bilateral (6/20) disorder in dogs and cats and extension of hemorrhage varied from minimal to diffuse. Hyphema was secondary to systemic disease (15/20) or occurred as a primary ocular lesion (5/20) in four dogs and one cat. Primary hyphema was always unilateral. In four of these cases, the cause of hyphema was trauma and remaining case was caused by phacoclastic uveitis in a dog with bilateral hypermature cataract. Various causes of bleeding disorders were found related to secondary hyphema: in decreasing order of frequency, they included vasculitis (8/15), systemic hypertension (5/15), and acquired coagulopathies (2/15). Vasculitis due to feline infectious peritonitis accounted for half of the cases (n=3) of systemic hyphema in cats. The various pathological aspects and pathogenesis of hyphema in dogs and cats are described and discussed.


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Infections by free-living amoebae can cause systemic disease in animals and humans. We describe the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of disseminated acanthamoebiasis associated with canine distemper in three dogs of the semiarid region of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil. Affected dogs developed progressive neurological and respiratory signs that progressed to death within in two to 20 days. Gross lesions were irregular and with yellow-reddish nodules randomly distributed in the lungs, heart, kidneys, spleen, lymph nodes, adrenals, and intestine. One dog had foci of malacia in the parietal cortex and another one in nucleus of brain basis. Histologically, pyogranulomas with areas of necrosis and hemorrhage in all organs affected were observed, associated with myriads of intralesional amoebic trophozoites. All three cases were concomitant canine distemper, that possibly triggered immunosuppression in the dogs. The diagnosis was performed through microscopic findings of infection by free-living amoebae and confirmed Acanthamoeba sp. by immunohistochemistry


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Abstract: This study aimed to investigate a possible relationship between alveolar type II cells and the inflammatory response to infection with Leptospira spp., and thus comprise a further element that can be involved in the pathogenesis of lung injury in naturally infected pigs. The study group consisted of 73 adult pigs that were extensively reared and slaughtered in Teresina, Piauí state, and Timon, Maranhão state, Brazil. The diagnosis of leptospirosis was made using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) aided by immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction. The MAT registered the occurrence of anti-Leptospira antibodies in 10.96% (8/73) of the pigs. Immunohistochemistry allowed for the visualization of the Leptospira spp. antigen in the lungs of 87.67% (64/73) of the pigs. There was hyperplasia of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue and circulatory changes, such as congestion of alveolar septa, parenchymal hemorrhage and edema within the alveoli. Lung inflammation was more intense (p = 0.0312) in infected animals, which also showed increased thickening of the alveolar septa (p = 0.0006). Evaluation of alveolar type II (ATII) cells using an anti-TTF-1 (Thyroid Transcription Factor-1) antibody showed that there were more immunostained cells in the non-infected pigs (53.8%) than in the infected animals (46.2%) and that there was an inverse correlation between TTF-1 positive cells and the inflammatory infiltrate. There was no amplification of Leptospira DNA in the lung samples, but leptospiral DNA amplification was observed in the kidneys. The results of this study showed that a relationship exists between a decrease in alveolar type II cells and a leptospire infection. Thus, this work points to the importance of studying the ATII cells as a potential marker of the level of lung innate immune response during leptospirosis in pigs.


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We determined the effect of acute extracellular fluid volume changes on saline flow through 4 gut segments (ileocolonic, ileal, ileocolonic sphincter and proximal colon), perfused at constant pressure in anesthetized dogs. Two different experimental protocols were used: hypervolemia (iv saline infusion, 0.9% NaCl, 20 ml/min, volume up to 5% body weight) and controlled hemorrhage (up to a 50% drop in mean arterial pressure). Mean ileocolonic flow (N = 6) was gradually and significantly decreased during the expansion (17.1%, P<0.05) and expanded (44.9%, P<0.05) periods while mean ileal flow (N = 7) was significantly decreased only during the expanded period (38%, P<0.05). Mean colonic flow (N = 7) was decreased during expansion (12%, P<0.05) but returned to control levels during the expanded period. Mean ileocolonic sphincter flow (N = 6) was not significantly modified. Mean ileocolonic flow (N = 10) was also decreased after hemorrhage (retracted period) by 17% (P<0.05), but saline flow was not modified in the other separate circuits (N = 6, 5 and 4 for ileal, ileocolonic sphincter and colonic groups, respectively). The expansion effect was blocked by atropine (0.5 mg/kg, iv) both on the ileocolonic (N = 6) and ileal (N = 5) circuits. Acute extracellular fluid volume retraction and expansion increased the lower gastrointestinal resistances to saline flow. These effects, which could physiologically decrease the liquid volume being supplied to the colon, are possible mechanisms activated to acutely balance liquid volume deficit and excess.


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We determined the effect of the antioxidants superoxide dismutase, desferrioxamine and allopurinol on the survival of male CBA mice infected intranasally with 2-5 LD50 lung influenza virus A/Aichi/2/68. Survival for at least 20 days was observed for 45% of the mice that received 1000 U/day superoxide dismutase prepared from red blood cells on days 5, 6, 7 and 8 after infection, and 75% survival was observed for mice that received the same dose on days 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Desferrioxamine, 25 mg/kg per day and 100 mg/kg per day injected subcutaneously, resulted in survival rates of 5 and 0%, respectively, compared to 10% survival observed for saline-injected controls. Allopurinol at doses of 5 to 50 mg/kg per day had no effect on mouse survival. These data demonstrate the efficacy of superoxide dismutase for the protection of mice against hemorrhagic lung edema. The ineffectiveness of allopurinol suggests that the xanthine oxidase system does not play a major role in hemorrhage or lung edema and that caution is necessary when desferrioxamine is administered during an acute inflammatory process accompanied by erythrocyte lysis


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The severe bleeding diathesis produced by intoxication with the venom of Lonomia achelous caterpillars is characterized by prolonged bleeding from superficial skin wounds as well as massive hemorrhage into body cavities. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the crude venom and its fibrinolytic fractions on in vitro lysis of whole blood clots. Venom fractions with fibrinolytic activity were obtained by gel filtration chromatography on Sephadex G75 using imidazole buffer, pH 7.4, at a flow rate of 24 ml/h. Four peaks with fibrinolytic activity were obtained by this method. The highest activity was found in the first two peaks (both peaks were used for the experiments). The results show that the caterpillar venom degraded the preformed clots at a slower rate than plasmin. In addition, plasma protease inhibitors of the fibrinolytic system (a2-antiplasmin, a2-macroglobulin, PAI, etc.) only weakly inhibited the lytic effect of the caterpillar venom. These characteristics, as well as the pattern of fibrinogen degradation products, the delay period on fibrin plate lysis and amidolytic activity on chromogenic substrate, reported previously, indicate that the caterpillar enzymes are different from plasmin and trypsin.


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We have observed that acute blood volume expansion increases the gastroduodenal resistance to the flow of liquid in anesthetized dogs, while retraction decreases it (Santos et al. (1991) Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 143: 261-269). This study evaluates the effect of blood volume expansion and retraction on the gastric emptying of liquid in awake rats using a modification of the technique of Scarpignato (1980) (Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 246: 286-294). Male Wistar rats (180-200 g) were fasted for 16 h with water ad libitum and 1.5 ml of the test meal (0.5 mg/ml phenol red solution in 5% glucose) was delivered to the stomach immediately after random submission to one of the following protocols: 1) normovolemic control (N = 22), 2) expansion (N = 72) by intravenous infusion (1 ml/min) of Ringer-bicarbonate solution, volumes of 1, 2, 3 or 5% body weight, or 3) retraction (N = 22) by controlled bleeding (1.5 ml/100 g). Gastric emptying of liquid was inhibited by 19-51.2% (P<0.05) after blood volume expansion (volumes of 1, 2, 3 or 5% body weight). Blood volume expansion produced a sustained increase in central venous pressure while mean arterial pressure was transiently increased during expansion (P<0.05). Blood volume retraction increased gastric emptying by 28.5-49.9% (P<0.05) and decreased central venous pressure and mean arterial pressure (P<0.05). Infusion of the shed blood 10 min after bleeding reversed the effect of retraction on gastric emptying. These findings suggest that gastric emptying of liquid is subject to modulation by the blood volume.


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We have shown that the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is involved in glucose homeostasis during acute hemorrhage. Since almost all of the physiological actions described for angiotensin II were mediated by AT1 receptors, the present experiments were designed to determine the participation of AT1 receptors in the hyperglycemic action of angiotensin II in freely moving rats. The animals were divided into two experimental groups: 1) animals submitted to intravenous administration of angiotensin II (0.96 nmol/100 g body weight) which caused a rapid increase in plasma glucose reaching the highest values at 5 min after the injection (33% of the initial values, P<0.01), and 2) animals submitted to intravenous administration of DuP-753 (losartan), a non-peptide antagonist of angiotensin II with AT1-receptor type specificity (1.63 µmol/100 g body weight as a bolus, iv, plus a 30-min infusion of 0.018 µmol 100 g body weight-1 min-1 before the injection of angiotensin II), which completely blocked the hyperglycemic response to angiotensin II (P<0.01). This inhibitory effect on glycemia was already demonstrable 5 min (8.9 ± 0.28 mM, angiotensin II, N = 9 vs 6.4 ± 0.22 mM, losartan plus angiotensin II, N = 11) after angiotensin II injection and persisted throughout the 30-min experiment. Controls were treated with the same volume of saline solution (0.15 M NaCl). These data demonstrate that the angiotensin II receptors involved in the direct and indirect hyperglycemic actions of angiotensin II are mainly of the AT1-type.


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Thirty-seven patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) were treated with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). Patients received 45 mg m-2 day-1 po of ATRA until complete remission (CR) was achieved, defined as: a) presence of less than 5% blasts in the bone marrow, with b) white blood cells >103/mm3, c) platelets >105/mm3 and d) hemoglobin concentration >8 g/dl, with no blood or platelet transfusions. Thirty-one (83.7%) patients achieved CR by day 50, and 75% of these before day 30. Correction of the coagulopathy, achieved between days 2 and 10 (mean, 3 days), was the first evidence of response to treatment. Only one patient had been previously treated with chemotherapy and three had the microgranular variant M3 form. Dryness of skin and mucosae was the most common side effect observed in 82% of the patients. Thrombosis, hepatotoxicity and retinoid acid syndrome (RAS) were observed in 7 (19%), 6 (16%) and 4 (11%) patients, respectively. Thirteen (35%) patients had to be submitted to chemotherapy due to hyperleukocytosis (above 40 x 103/mm3) and six of these presented with new signs of coagulopathy after chemotherapy. Four (11%) patients died secondarily to intracerebral hemorrhage (IH) and two (5.4%) dropped out of the protocol due to severe ATRA side effects (one RAS and one hepatotoxicity). RAS and IH were related strictly to hyperleukocytosis. The reduced use of platelets and fresh frozen plasma probably lowered the total cost of treatment. We conclude that ATRA is an effective agent for inducing complete remission in APL patients.


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Chemotherapy with oxazaphosphorines, such as cyclophosphamide (CYP), is often limited by unacceptable urotoxicity. Without uroprotection, hemorrhagic cystitis (HC) becomes dose-limiting. To compare the uroprotective efficacy of classical 2-mercaptoethanesulfonic acid (Mesna) treatment with dexamethasone in CYP-induced HC, male Wistar rats (150-200 g; N = 6 in each group) were treated with saline or Mesna (40 mg/kg, ip) immediately and 4 and 8 h after ip administration of CYP (200 mg/kg). One, 2 or 3 doses of Mesna were replaced with dexamethasone (1 mg/kg, ip). The animals were sacrificed 24 h later. Cystitis was evaluated by determining the changes in bladder wet weight (BWW) and by macroscopic and microscopic analysis. CYP treatment induced a marked increased in BWW (162%, P<0.05), which was significantly inhibited by treatment with 3 doses of Mesna (P<0.05; 80%). The replacement of 1 or 2 doses of Mesna with dexamethasone reduced the increase in BWW by 83.3 and 95%, respectively. Macroscopic analysis of the bladder of rats with CYP-induced HC showed severe edema and hemorrhage, confirmed by microscopic analysis, that also showed mucosal erosion, inflammatory cell infiltration and ulcerations. The replacement of 1 or 2 doses of Mesna with dexamethasone inhibited the CYP-induced increase in BWW and almost abolished the macroscopic and microscopic alterations, with no significant difference between the effects of Mesna and dexamethasone, indicating that both drugs were efficient in blocking HC. However, although the replacement of all Mesna doses with dexamethasone reduced the edema, it did not prevent HC, suggesting that Mesna is necessary for the initial uroprotection.