70 resultados para São Luis


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O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os custos do curso de graduação em Medicina da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Foi realizado um estudo de caso, prospectivo, com levantamento das horas de dedicação dos professores às atividades acadêmicas e de gerenciamento do curso e número de docentes equivalentes a regime de tempo integral. No levantamento das informações utilizou-se o Cost Construction Model, e a coleta dos dados foi realizada por meio de análise documental e entrevistas. Esta metodologia permite separar custos instrucionais e custos compartilhados, de maneira a deixar claras eventuais diferenças de custo relacionadas ao desenho curricular. Foi realizada a identificação das despesas totais, alocação nas atividades-base, apoio efins, e distribuição das despesas diretas e indiretas por meio do sistema de absorção. Participaram das atividades do curso 222,2 equivalentes a professores de regime de 40 horas. O total de "horas contato" foi de 52.284. As atividades da primeira à quarta série implicaram um custo geral de R$ 855.586,74 e de R$ 1.629,025.93 para os dois anos de internato. Incluindo-se o custo compartilhado equivalente ao curso de Medicina do hospital universitário, o custo total do curso foi estimado em R$ 15.643.660,89, e o custo aluno/ano foi de R$ 31.162,67, o equivalente a US$ 10,633.86. Este valor, apesar de cenários diversos e metodologias de apuração diferentes, está aquém dos custos estimados em universidades estrangeiras ou mesmo brasileiras.


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O tempo de vida pós-colheita de frutas e hortaliças está diretamente relacionado à temperatura de armazenamento do produto. Em condições controladas de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar, as reações metabólicas podem ser retardadas, proporcionando melhor conservação do produto. Foram realizadas avaliações das câmaras frias destinadas à estocagem de frutas e hortaliças na Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo, CEAGESP - São Paulo - SP, com o objetivo de identificar a situação das câmaras frias utilizadas nesse entreposto. As condições de estocagem dos produtos foram avaliadas por meio dos parâmetros: temperatura do ar, umidade relativa, isolamento, equipamento frigorífico (condensador, compressor, evaporador), piso, dimensões da câmara e da porta. Avaliou-se a eficiência de uso por meio do cálculo para a determinação da carga térmica. Observou-se que maçã e pêra possuem os maiores volumes comercializados, utilizando-se de estocagem pelo frio (63,25%), seguido pela banana (24,10%). Baseando-se no volume médio de comercialização dos permissionários, constatou-se que 73,91% possuem motores superdimensionados a sua capacidade calorífica de uso.


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Objetivos: estabelecer uma lista das doenças que provocaram óbito materno por ordem de freqüência. Métodos: no ano de 1996 foram registrados 65.406 óbitos no Município de São Paulo, sendo que 26.778 foram mulheres. Destas, 4.591 se encontravam na faixa entre 10 e 49 anos. Realizamos uma análise deste último grupo, tendo por crivo o campo "Causa da Morte" da Declaração de Óbito, onde tentamos estabelecer alguma correlação entre a patologia ali descrita e o ciclo gravídico-puerperal. Separamos para um estudo mais aprofundado 293 Declarações de Óbito, das quais selecionamos, após pesquisa hospitalar e/ou visita domiciliar, um total de 119 casos positivos para morte materna. Os casos positivos para morte materna foram então tabulados, agrupados e analisados por idade e patologia, utilizando-se os grandes grupos de assistência. Resultados: dos 119 casos positivos para morte materna não havia referência ao estado gravídico-puerperal em 53 deles, ou seja, 40,54% de subnotificação. Os casos foram agrupados por patologia, sendo que encontramos um predomínio de casos de eclâmpsia/pré-eclâmpsia (18,02%), seguidos pelos casos decorrentes de complicações hemorrágicas de terceiro trimestre e puerpério (12,61%), complicações de aborto (12,61%), infecção puerperal (9,91%) e cardiopatias (9,91%). Conclusões: pela primeira vez estamos divulgando o Coeficiente de Mortalidade Materna Tardio para o Município de São Paulo, que foi de 51,33/100.000 nascidos vivos. Utilizamos para divulgação oficial, porém, o Coeficiente de Mortalidade Materna para óbitos até 42 dias de puerpério, que para o Município de São Paulo foi de 48,03/100.000 nascidos vivos. Lembramos que a este valor não se deve aplicar nenhum fator de correção, tendo em vista termos feito uma busca ativa de casos.


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Abstract: Taenia solium is a zoonotic tapeworm of great importance in developing countries, due to the occurrence of human taeniasis and cysticercosis. Pigs have an important role in the biological cycle of the parasite as intermediate hosts. The scientific literature has been describing risk factors associated with the occurrence of this disease that must be avoided in countries with poor sanitation, in order to reduce the exposure of swine to the parasite eggs. This research focused on testing pigs of non-technified rearing farms for serum antibodies against Taenia solium in the region of Jaboticabal municipality, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The found prevalence was 6.82% (CI 95% 4.18 - 9.45) at animal level and 28.87% (CI 95% 16.74 - 40.40) at herd level. These figures are probably associated with low technification adoption during animal rearing in the studied area, which increased the exposure of the animals to risk factors associated with the occurrence of Taenia solium complex. The results found based on serological evidences of swine cysticercosis in the studied region serves as a warning to public sanitary authorities to improve public health and control T. solium.


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A hundred seventy two stream reaches from six distinct natural regions (parts of biomes or geological areas) in São Paulo State (Atlantic Rainforest, Cerrado, Hard Water regions, Northwest region, Subtropical Rainforest, and Tropical Rainforest) were searched for the most representative macroscopic Cyanophyceae of phytobenthic communities. Selected ecological parameters were analyzed in each stream segment: conductance, current velocity, oxygen saturation, pH, turbidity, and water temperature. Algal abundance was evaluated as percentage cover. Thirthy four cyanophyte taxa were identified and Phormidium retzii was the most widespread species throughout the State, occurring in all studied regions, except in hard water areas, and was negatively correlated to conductance. The subtropical Rainforest region presented the highest mean species richness per site, whereas the tropical Rainforest region had the highest abundance (percentage cover) of blue-green algae. Correlation tests revealed that conductance was significantly and negatively related to variations in abundance and richness of cyanophyte in streams of São Paulo State. This relationship probably reflects the ability of blue-green algae to grow at medium to low ion content and to take advantage under nutrient stress conditions.


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The succession dynamics of a macroalgal community in a tropical stream (20º58' S and 49º25' W) was investigated after disturbance by a sequence of intensive rains. High precipitation levels caused almost complete loss of the macroalgal community attached to the substratum and provided a strong pressure against its immediate re-establishment. After this disturbance, a weekly sampling program from May 1999 to January 2000 was established to investigate macroalgal recolonization. The community changed greatly throughout the succession process. The number of species varied from one to seven per sampling. Global abundance of macroalgal community did not reveal a consistent temporal pattern of variation. In early succession stages, the morphological form of tufts dominated, followed by unbranched filaments. Latter succession stages showed the almost exclusive occurrence of gelatinous forms, including filaments and colonies. The succession trajectory was mediated by phosphorus availability in which community composition followed a scheme of changes in growth forms. However, we believe that deterministic and stochastic processes occur in lotic ecosystems, but they are dependent on the length of time considered in the succession analyses.


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The algae inhabit a wide variety of terrestrial environments and substrates; however the taxonomic knowledge for tropical regions is still scarce. This survey was conducted in ten forest remnants in São Paulo State where visible growths of algae and bryophytes were collected and studied for the main algal components of the communities. Results reveal the occurrence of nine species of green algae, distributed through the class Trebouxiophyceae (one species), Charophyceae (one species) and Ulvophyceae (seven species). Desmococcus olivaceus (Persoon ex Archerson) J. R. Laundon and Printzina effusa (Krempelhüber) Thompson & Wujek are new records for Brazil. The most frequent organisms found in the areas pertain to Trentepohliales that is mainly represented by Trentepohlia species. On the basis of results found, it is recommended that such communities receive more attention in future investigations to improve the knowledge about this important group of primary producers.


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Cyanobacteria are common in aquatic environments but are also well-adapted to terrestrial habitats where they are represented by a diversified flora. The present study aimed to contribute to our taxonomic knowledge of terrestrial cyanobacteria by way of a floristic survey of the main components of corticolous communities found in seasonal semideciduous forest fragments. Samples of visible growths of Cyanobacteria, algae, and bryophytes found on tree bark were randomly collected and their taxonomies examined. Eighteen species of Cyanobacteria were found belonging to the genera Aphanothece, Chroococcus, Lyngbya, Phormidium, Porphyrosiphon, Hapalosiphon, Hassalia, Nostoc, Scytonema, and Stigonema. Many genera and species observed in the present work have been reported in previous surveys of the aerophytic flora in several regions of the world, although six species were described only on the basis of populations found in the forest fragments studied, which highlights the importance of taxonomic studies of cyanobacteria in these habitats.


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The 10-HDA content in Brazilian samples (São Paulo State) of royal jelly (RJ) was analyzed using an HPLC method based on the work by BLOODWORTH et al. [2]. The chromatographic conditions were: isocratic system, reversed phase C18-H column, auto sampler, diode array UV-VIS detector adjusted to 225nm, mobile phase composed by methanol/water (45:55) at pH= 2.5 adjusted with phosphoric acid; a-naphtol was used as internal standard, and the running time was 30min. By statistical analysis of the results, the 10-HDA contents of the samples analyzed seem to have two ranges: 1.8% and 3% (w/w), that would be useful to qualify the RJ. This is the first data regarding 10-HDA content of Brazilian RJ.


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Prunus mume is widely studied due to its health benefits regarding increase of blood fluidity and consequent improvement of the cardiovascular system and the prevention or even the fight against different types of cancer. However, in Brazil this culture is found only among oriental descendants. The present study aimed to characterize mume fruit collected from three different locations in the State of São Paulo regarding general aspects such as pH, total titratable acidity (TTA), total soluble solids (TTS), pectin content and yield of pulp and chemical characteristics: total phenolic compounds (TPC) and antioxidant capacity. Mume fruit were collected unripe and analyzed until maturation about 88 days after flowering. Fruit collected in Botucatu came from a commercial mume fruit producer and had average weight of 16.9 g, while in fruit from other locations weight varied from 5.7-6.9 g. TSS ranged from 9.5 to 10.0 Brix, total solids was 10.2-12.2% and pH showed values between 2.5 and 2.7 for all locations. TTA expressed in citric acid decreased from 4.0-5.7 g (100g- 1) at unripe stage to 2.0-3.8 g (100g- 1) in mature-stage fruit. Pectin content decreased from 11.2 to 10.8% during fruit maturation, TPC content was 147-226 mg catechin (g- 1) on a dry matter basis and the antioxidant capacity was 96-169 µMol Trolox (g- 1) on a dry matter basis or 21-34 µMol Trolox (g- 1) on a wet matter basis.