151 resultados para Remoção de Sombra
Several problems are involved the treatment plants of textile effluents, mainly the low efficiency of color removal. This paper presents an alternative of post-treatment by UV/H2O2 process, for color removal in biologically treated textile effluents. The tests were performed in a photochemical reactor and samples were taken at different times to perform analyses. Using 250 mgH2O2.L-1, 96% removal of color was verified, indicating the dyes degradation. A reduction of 84% of aromatics compounds, 90% of TSS removal, and a further reduction of the organic fraction were observed, demonstrating that the process is effective as a post-treatment of effluents from textile industries.
The present research aimed to study the parameters that affect the determination of estrogens in sewage upon the use of SPE and determination by using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The study evaluated the stabilization pond technology with regard to estrogens removal. The results showed that the methodology was able to identify and quantify the estrogens E1, E2, E2-17A and EE2 in sewage. Moreover, the estrogens sometimes were not removed in the stabilization pond, showing that even the high hydraulic retention time (HRT) and high sunlight intensity were not enough to degrade these compounds completely during load peaks.
Remoção de íons Pb2+ de solução de bateria automotiva por caulinita modificada com óxido de manganês
Nine absorbents were prepared using a mixture of Amazonian kaolinite and MnO2 at three temperatures (600, 700 and 900 ºC) in order to retain Pb2+ ions contained in the battery solutions. The batch experiments carried out with the batteries used water for 3 h and the kinetic isotherm was fitted with the pseudo-second order Lagergren equation. Findings show that synthesized adsorbents AD4, AD5 and AD7 performed well in reducing the Pb2+ ion content from 0.36 to 0.00 mg g-1. The better performance for removing the Pb2+ ions occurred for adsorbents synthesized in the temperature range from 600 to 700 ºC.
This work used green coconut mesocarp as a bioadsorbent to remove Reactive Gray BF-2R dye. A 2³ factorial design was used to evaluate the influence of the variables adsorbent mass, particle size and stirring speed on the adsorptive process. Kinetic and adsorption equilibrium studies were performed. Results showed that the kinetic equilibrium was reached after 150 min. Using the Langmuir model, a q max of 21.9 mg g-1 and k of 0.30 L g-1 was obtained. The mesocarp of coconut, a residue of agribusiness, proved to be an effective alternative technique for the removal of dye in this study.
In this work, hydrotalcite, a layered double hydroxide, had its ion exchange properties combined with the magnetic properties of iron oxide to produce a magnetic adsorbent, HT-Fe 500. These magnetic composites can be used as adsorbents for anionic contaminants in water and subsequently removed from the medium by a simple magnetic process. Removal of chromium (VI) from aqueous solutions using HT-Fe 500 was achieved using batch adsorption experiments. The adsorption capacity, calculated with the Langmuir-Freundlich model showed to be dependent on temperature, reaching values of 25.93 and 48.31 mg g-1, respectively, for temperatures of 25 and 30 ºC.
Shadow masks are used in manufacturing processes for electro-optic devices to transfer patterns with different shapes and dimensions. For fabrication of organic based devices, shadow masks should be made of materials stable against organic solvents, high temperature, and robust, remaining unchanged after multiple cycles of use and fixation. Thus, stainless steel is suitable for shadow masks. A simple, cheap and quick method of obtaining shadow masks by electrochemical corrosion of stainless steel is reported. The shadow mask was used to evaporate cathode material to obtain an organic light emitting diode with active area of 9 mm². This device exhibited a turn-on voltage of 5 V and luminance of 14 cd/m².
Activated carbon was produced from the water hyacinth (CAA) by impregnation with ZnCl2 (1:2), followed by pyrolysis at 700 ºC, under N2. CAA was used for the adsorption of phenol, m-cresol and o-cresol from aqueous solutions, using batch adsorption. The effects of contact time, pH, temperature and concentration on sorption were investigated. Adsorption capacity, calculated using the Langmuir model proved to be dependent on temperature, reaching values of 163.7, 130.2 and 142.3 mg g-1 for phenol, m-cresol and o-cresol, respectively, at 45 ºC. Thermodynamic data at the solid-liquid interface suggests an endothermic, spontaneous and environmentally-friendly process.
Biomass gasification is a technology that has attracted great interest in synthesis of biofuels and oxo alcohols. However, this gas contains several contaminants, including tar, which need to be removed. Removal of tar is particularly critical because it can lead to operational problems. This review discusses the major pathways to remove tar, with a particular focus on the catalytic steam reforming of tar. Few catalysts have shown promising results; however, long-term studies in the context of real biomass gasification streams are required to realize their potential.
Elephant grass ash (EGA) was produced at 700 °C, with two different treatments: hot water (EGAhw) or acid solution (EGAas). The efficiency of the treatments at removing the potassium oxide was evaluated with the aim of using the EGA as a pozzolanic mineral addition for cement-based composites. Characterizations were carried out by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), pozzolanic activity by electric conductivity and application of the kinetic-diffusive model. The analysis evidenced that the chemical treatment was more efficient for removing potassium oxide. The pozzolanic activity test and the kinetic parameters for the EGAas indicated that this ash is suitable for cement-based composites.
In this work, the efficiency of clarification treatment (coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation) with polyaluminum chloride (PAC) and aluminum sulfate (SA) as coagulants was evaluated in the removal of 7 microcontaminants (diclofenac - DCF, sulfamethoxazole - SMX, ethinylestradiol - EE2, bisphenol-A - BPA, estradiol - E2, estrone - E1 and estriol - E3) in water of low and high turbidity. The clarification treatment led to poor removal rates (40% at most) for all microcontaminants except SMX which exhibited intermediate removal efficiency (67 to 70%). Overall, PAC application yielded better performance compared to SA.
The use of activated carbon powder (ACP), red mud and oxidation with chlorine to remove mefenamic acid in water are described, aimed at their application as a complement to sewage treatment processes in Brazil. A study on the behavior of mefenamic acid in water was performed by evaluating its dissolution for different concentrations and times. Subsequently, the optimal conditions for removal of mefenamic acid were investigated using ACP adsorption at different pH and concentrations, and red mud adsorption using different pH. The utilization of different pH and times was also investigated to establish the ideal conditions for chemical oxidation of the drug. Among the different conditions studied, the best condition for drug removal by ACP and red mud were 100% and 96%, respectively, while the best condition for chemical oxidation occurred using solutions with pH 6 and 7 and reaction times of 30 and 60 minutes.
New techniques for treating wastewater, particularly the removal or degradation of organic pollutants and heavy metals, among other pollutants, have been extensively studied. The use of nanostructured iron oxides as adsorbent and photocatalyst for the removal of these contaminants has proved a promising approach, not only because of their high treatment efficiency, but also for their cost-effectiveness, having the flexibility for in situ and ex situ applications. In this review, we briefly introduced the most used kinds of iron oxide nanoparticles, some synthesis techniques for iron oxide nanostructure formation, their potential benefits in environmental clean-up, and their recent advances and applications in wastewater treatment. These advances range from the direct applications of synthesized nanoparticles as adsorbents for removing toxic contaminants or as catalysts to oxidize and break down noxious contaminants (including bacteria and viruses) in wastewater, to integrating nanoparticles into conventional treatment technologies, such as composite photocatalytic filters (membranes, sand and ceramic) that combine separation technology with photocatalytic activity. Finally, the impact of nanoparticles on the environment and human health is briefly discussed.
Foi investigada a remoção dos íons Al3+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2 +, em solução aquosa, por apatitas sintéticas usando o método de coluna. Sob as mesmas condições, hidroxiapatitas foram mais seletivas para a remoção de cátions que carboapatitas. Usando hidroxiapatita, a capacidades de troca aumentaram na seguinte ordem: Mn2+ < Zn2+ < Cu2+ < Cd2+ < Al3+ < Pb2+. A seqüência acima é similar a obtida em trabalhos prévios, usando o método de batelada. Análises de DRX e IV indicaram a formação de uma fase única atribuída a uma Pb-apatita.
Os óxidos de nitrogênio e a amônia são os mais importantes compostos gasosos nitrogenados emitidos para a atmosfera e possuem grande interesse ambiental. Na atmosfera, esses compostos podem sofrer diversas reações resultando em mudanças nas propriedades químicas e físicas da atmosfera. Atividades humanas, principalmente relacionadas com produção de alimentos, energia e uso de fertilizantes têm aumentado as emissões dessas espécies nitrogenadas para o ambiente, causando distúrbios no seu ciclo natural. Com o objetivo de avaliar as variações dos níveis de concentração e inferir sobre os processos de remoção de compostos de nitrogênio da atmosfera na região de Araraquara, foram feitas determinações em paralelo de amônia (NH3) e dióxido de nitrogênio (NO2). Os resultados de concentração mostraram a estreita correlação entre esses compostos na atmosfera, que sugerem diferentes processos de remoção em diferentes épocas do ano.
Efluentes aquosos industriais são a principal causa de contaminação das águas com metais pesados. Diante de uma legislação cada vez mais rígida para o descarte desses metais, o desenvolvimento de procedimentos eficientes e de baixo custo para o tratamento de efluentes contendo metais pesados torna-se de grande interesse. Um estudo sobre a capacidade de retenção de metais pesados pela zeólita natural escolecita foi realizado, de modo a se avaliar a viabilidade desta aplicação. Os cátions utilizados foram Mn(II), Cd(II), Ni(II) e Cr(III). Nesta etapa do trabalho, foi avaliado o comportamento da zeólita na adsorção seletiva de cátions presentes nos pares Cd/Mn, Cr/Ni, Cr/Cd e Ni/Mn, bem como a possibilidade de dessorção dos cátions metálicos adsorvidos em sua estrutura. A escolecita apresentou uma seletividade que pode ser relacionada, na maioria dos casos, à valência e ao raio iônico das espécies hidratadas. Os cátions Cr(III) e Ni(II) foram fortemente adsorvidos, não podendo ser substancialmente removidos por troca com cátions sódio ou cálcio. Dos cátions testados, apenas o Cd(II) apresentou comportamento de adsorção e de dessorção atípicos, demonstrando uma elevada labilidade no processo de troca iônica.